#these lesbians are both gonna save me and ruin me simultaneously
kob131 · 4 years
Well anon, the issue is a lot more complicated than that.
It’s really how the narrative treats the traumas of the characters that upsets people. Salem was traumatized and mistreated by her father and the gods, but we’re supposed to side against her because of her reaction to it.
She wasn’t mistreated by the gods: they literally treated her like everyone else. She was demanding special treatment.
And her reaction was ‘ruin innumerable lives’. That kind of removes any justification.
In another sense, it’s also the main reason why I rag on Taiyang so much and am more defensive/neutral about Raven. It’s about how they’re treated. Taiyang shut down on his kids, but according to his defenders, “It’s okay if he shut down, because he’s trying!” Opposed to Raven who would likely have to go through the “Redemption Equals Death” trope to get people to forgive her.
Taiyang shut down once and made amends and made a joke Yang laughed at.,
Raven abandoned her daughter and left her with emotional scarring, watched her but never helped her aside from once, ditched her again, used her brother/Yang’s uncle to say ‘I don’t love you, fuck off’, never tried talking to her daughter about her depression or severed arm despite having an instant teleport to her AND you people insisting she’s always around, tried manipulating her in their first encounter, tried gaslighting her into joining her, insulted her family, threatened her life, used her as bait, dared to call Yang out on the issues SHE caused and then left her for the THIRD TIME.
The narrative treats these differently because they are different situations. You treat them different because sexism.
It’s all about the narrative in this situation. Yang’s trauma is met with “She needs to get over it!” while Tai’s was met with “He lost people closest to him! Cut him some slack!”
Taiyang already got over his drama.
Saying the same thing would be redundant.
As for the whole “shipping” thing, it’s primarily the way the writers framed it. They promised same-sex couples and a lot of LGBT+ Representation. So when the writers shoveled hetero couples at a mile a minute, it’s understandable that people would be a little miffed that they were baited into watching when the first rep that was gotten was a bitter lesbian that was ready and willing to drag Blake back to her abuser and was complicit in the attempted murder of her parents, that they would only want to focus on positive and healthy same-sex couples. With Emerald x Cinder being more like a “Harley and Joker” vibe (Admittedly, it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine).
Except that Illa was also a victim, saved them all and you have directly called out people for calling her a psycho lesbian.
As for the whole “Men are trash” thing… Well, look at the track record. Ironwood’s army was hijacked into attacking Vale, Ozpin has been throwing bodies at an immortal opponent with no real plan of how to stop Salem, the gods started Salem’s start of darkness with their insensitivity, and Adam is Adam. Pyrrha’s character revolved around Jaune until her death, and there are a lot more scenarios that II could bring up that highlights the double standards that the narrative is willing to let slide that the fndm is less willing to (Example: Yang charges in on her emotions ad gets belittlement and a lost arm, Jaune does the same thing for far more selfish reasons and gets to unlock his semblance).
Meanwhile we have: bitchy teacher (Glynda), Mass Murderer (Raven), Terrorist (CInder) and Attempting Mass Genocide (Salem).
Yep, looks like the woman are worse. Kind of what happens when you focus a show on one gender.
TL;DR: It’s because the narrative won’t give them any slack when the other characters have been given every bit of it.
Hold on you misspelled somethings
TL;DR: It’s because the narrative won’t give them any slack even though they do far more harm with either no regret or meaningless regret than their male counterparts who try to right their wrongs and regret their actions because I’m sexist.
Fixed it for you.
You know what anon …no
Time to prove my point.
Salem’s story starts with being locked in a tower, is saved for like five minutes and then loses her savior before she tries to get him back and is punished FAR more severely than what was warranted  
She directly tricked and lied to gods, the show literally said they had a life together and she still kept doing it.
Ozpin had some semblance of a life, he had his large chunks of freedom through several lifetimes as he threw bodies at the wife he was all too eager to betray. Oh no ! He’s sad for a few lifetimes ? Did he get   cursed to become an immortal monster because he got too mouthy for the gods liking ? No ?  Fuck Ozpin
Same semblance of a life as Salem since they SHARED that life, Ozpin literally hesitated to betray Salem and had kids with her during that time, they were all willing participants as Jinn said and Ozpin was tricked into this scenario whereas Salem knew she was gonna get punished because she kept doing the same shit. Funny how context changes things huh?
The male characters are given an annoying amount of leeway from the fandom, to the point where people could see someone like Sun, stalk Blake across the world  in a creeper cloak, and not see why a girl would have an issue with being stalked. But god forbid a girl show the slightest amount of emotion in the face of trusted  authority figures throwing them into   harms way for no reason at all
Except the majority of the fanbase criticized them and no one calls any of the female character’s angst ‘womanpain.’
And please excuse me if I’m not up for the “My het ship is abused by the fandom “ spiel again. Ya’ll are doing fine. You’ve all been perfectly content with shipping Jaune with every woman that breathes, or pushing Ruby X OzpinJr  or still clinging desperately to Blacksun while simultaneously harassing Bumbleby shippers  and trying to deny any connection between the two characters past friendship
Meanwhile you and Dudeblade will make DIRECT THREATS to the creators and spread slander about them due to being born the wrong gender.
This fandom spots a male character and latches onto it from the second they’re introduced, desperate to support or idenitfy with any male character, even if they have to cling to winners like Adam or Mercury. And the second they do, they can never do any wrong. Then when  they decide to turn their attention to lets say…Yang, they see her yelling at Ozpin, and deciding she’s being abusive to Oscar, because of course she is
Or Ozpin killing his kids, killing every single human on the planet and planning to it again. Or Taiyang destroying entire villages for his own selfish desires while repeatedly abusing his kids.
Oh wait, that’s Salem and Raven, the people you both defended. Who we know wouldn’t get away with it if they had dicks.
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