#these gays have me down so badddddd
ditttiii · 4 years
This is a declaration to let you all know that if I say I love you, I do. I absolutely do. But I love noose else more than @btsismybiass aka wifey for lifey. You have nothing and no one to be even the slightest bit jealous of. 
I am straight but if I turn gay, it’d be for her.
My Wifey,
She is stunning.
She is gorgeous.
She is Kind.
She lifts me up when everyone else brings me down.
She is the only person I have talked to since the start of this year almost every single day and it has never once felt like a chore.
Her sense of humour killlssss
I hate calls but I have talked to this woman for like 4 hours and not felt a single second of it.
I am a moron but she still loves me anyway.
I am also emotionally constipated and struggle with trying to open myself up to people I care about, but she never complains. she takes my iciness in stride and never pushes me to be more than I am/or can be.
She fights for me when I don’t. Stands up for me when I don’t. Calls their bullshit out, when I don’t.
She loves me enough to put me over almost everyone, and that’s something not many would do.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this woman, but she is a literal gods gift. 
Getting personal details out of me is like ripping teeth out and yet she knows things about me noone else does. 
She has seen my closet and not run for the hills and that counts for something on it’s own. (it’s badddddd)
we share stupid pictures, and talk about random shit and send each other voice messages that are as incoherent as they can be and talk for hours about literallyyy nothing worth talking about and have more inside jokes than I can count and i love how her mom calls me a sweetheart (coz yes i m dat hard of a simp) and i love how i know the most insignificant details about her and—
i love her.
This is just a love letter because I can’t believe for even a second that @btsismybiass would think I’d love anybody more than her. 
Wifey, my future husband ain’t getting more love. (and u know me so you knowww that’s true, lol)
With nothing but LOADS and literal BARRELS of love
Rosey  ♡
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