#there's definitely some important life advice and mottos in here - 'I just believe fish shouldn't make people rich'
I finally compiled my masterlist of mmni quotes
It's pretty long so it's below the cut
Lasers and Quasars
“I really think they shouldn't have a thing for brooms. I think it's unfortunate that our movie hinges on them having a broom fetish”
I Found it in the Bushes
“Sean, I'm Keith. Sean. Sean. Sean.”
“The actor playing the vampire is now openly laughing at the guy playing igor.”
“Yes dad.”
 “I'm reminding myself. Sean.”
“Dad, Keith.”
“Yes. Thats me I'm Keith you're Sean.”
“I'm Sean you're Keith.”
“You're the fireman.”
“I've come to the conclusion that it is infact a fire and you should put it out. Good day.”
“The firemen in Versailles don't put out the fires themselves?”
“I'm just Piecing together to story of petunia. So she was a woman who did not believe in vampires but died at the hands of a vampire which meant that Keith delivered his life to try to kill a vampire but seconds before she died - of a vampire - he divorced her.”
“Nope, they're not allowed to.”
Who Bun It
“Are you alright? Your beak fell off your face. Must you possibly see a doctor.”
Flat Pack Attack
“May I have a moment alone with the boy?”
“What I like about Steve is only 2 seconds ago he was called ben.”
“No need to be angry, no need to grieve. Hello, Steve.”
“Of course I'll be upstairs preparing my finger.”
“It's Ben.”
“You look like you could use some advice well I'll tell you something extra special nice.”
“You have a feeling like the tightening of a sphincter. well that's probably just the feeling of amygdala”
“Theres a jar of preserves inside me. That's right I must get it out as fast as I can the only way I know how. I'm gonna use some of these things at the IKEA store to get it out of myself.”
“That was Delta Von Tassle: The Man With No Name (Self-managed).
From Russia with Gloves 
“You've surely got a family koala. You could go away with them. You're such a good friend of mine.”
“Koalas are polygamous y'know... Polyamorous”
“You want to drive a speedboat to the amazon?”
“I love the full body glove, makes you're whole body look like hand and I like big hand.”
“I do”
“It'll take all bloody week”
“Sometimes I've wondered about slipping a hand in your pouch but then I've thought no, don't - resist”
“You are a useless man but you're damn fast on Expedia and I appreciate that.”
“Yes I've thought the same thing about you.”
“Im so sorry Georgina. You said they would all be adopted and looked after but instead they've been stuffed full of drugs and slit ear to ear. I don't know what to say really.”
“Together we got rid of the glove and now I'm ready for some interspecies love”
“It doesn't bother you that I'm all skin and no fluff....or a bit of fluff.”
A Cat in the Habit 
“No, you don't have horses in america do you?”
“I love the moment where sister Penelope really thinks this scene has ended and the camera will cut away from me but then she is answered by God.”
“I've seen you up at that convent, riding around on your horse with your top off, all oiled up.”
“No no only camels”
“She's teaching me about how to be a person in the world. How to love somebody else. No matter who you are.”
“You know I like to be smooth dad.”
“How to do erotic drawings of men.”
“God can do all of that son.”
“Yes, God not massively known for his eroticism in his artwork”
“Celeste is it? I can smell you a mile off. Named after the sky but stinking of hell.”
“Perhaps instead of the harpoons, we could read scriptures from the ok! Magazine and pray for her.”
“You may try your harpoons but it will not work if you've a rogue nun on your hands.”
“Katie Price breaks up with her latest boyfriend”
“Victoria Beckham redecorates her kitchen”
Careless Whisper 
“Well you know often these things first time round are tricky. Maybe you just need to give it another go. You know what they say, give things another go.”
“Listen I know you're my special special special boy”
“That's what they always say.”
“I'm 4 specials and nothing more.”
Dressed for Danger 
“I must be alone with each and every one of you.”
“Do you need thin translucent cloth that is almost completely pointless? Well then you need muslin cloth”
“And if you must do that then you've gotta find us first cause we do that via the game of hide and seek.”
“OK 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1″
“Tony I see you behind the umbrella”
“Damn it you're good!”
“I know. I am French.”
“Yes you are moist and sad from crying”
“I am afraid you are in the midst of a murderer”
“This is not case closed. This is case wide open, like a clam.”
“I'm in the midst of a murder?!”
“In the - you are - as in -”
“I'm in the midst of a murderer?”
“No you are like-you are standing in the same room as a murderer.”
“There's a murderer in the midst?!”
“I am going to do scene 2 of the show. Celia opens the show and now you will show me what came next. And by showing me what came next, you will show me what went before.”
“Yes. Your midst! In our midst!”
A Cop in the Ocean 
“I never stopped being dastardly in general did I?”
“Oh my god, a clown with a Squeegee”
“I guess not boss”
“No I just continued to be moist and dastardly but what I wanna do is get a whole crew of girlscouts fiddlin' cookies all over the good part of town.”
“Do a blood test on them and a urine test and you'll find blood in their system. Blood and- and drugs.”
“I can whip up some girl scouts for fiddling if you want that boss.”
High Tide School
“Kids have the spirit of a thousand... Enlightened Buddhists”
Suicide Squid 
“I just believe fish shouldn't make people rich”
“Their horrid squid outward is my horrid squid inward.”
“Some people wanna be rich. Some people want fame. But others just wanna kill fish.”
“You were hurt, you were lost, so you killed all the fish. We've all been there.”
“It’s too late for us we are outward squid”
Now Museum Now You Don’t
“Don't try anything boys. My teeth are faster than a nun’s nugget”
“My teeth are definitely faster. Your nugget is essentially stationary.”
“Never try to take revenge on a small bitter man when its gone past his bedtime cause he will just make you go ‘shlum’ for 15 minutes”
“I'm not who I was and you are who you were”
Light Over the Rocks 
“You know what they say, you know what I say your father he just-he just rubbed the rock and roll right out of me he ruined rock and roll for me forever when he ran off and left you and I and you and I, you”
“Us that's the word I was looking for, us.”
“Y’know what they say about Oranges... They never stop being juicy. And that's why my hair is orange so I'm always juicy y'know what I mean. I've always been like this. Y'know what they say about lights... They're bright and they burn”
“Ooh dear oh dear oh dear. That's how it always goes down at the open mic night. Some people get recognised. Some people get left behind. But what do I know, I'm just Chesney Hawkes.”
The Quest for Escape a Lot 
“How did you know my one weakness was nets Arthur?”
“Everyone's weakness is nets, tim. That's why they're called nets. It stands for not easily traversible.”
“What about the s?”
“System. Not easily traversible system.”
Look Out 
“I only ever picked up sticks because I loved you. But now I'm scared. I'm scared, without any sticks, I'll have nothing. I won't be the same man I was before”
“Paul there is always a stick. The stick within Paul. Don't you know about it? Think about it, it runs all the way from your head to the bottom bit of the spine thing”
Enter the Elephant 
“Well you know what they say about cockneys. Fly pluckers, the lot of em.”
“The Young one is foolish. Only a rash man snatches ovaries at a fight."
Love Behind Bars 
“Yes you did your tax things and I did that thing where I stole... Hair... From the hairdressers... The floor...i took all the hair no one even wants that y'know”
“I know and here we are on the maximum security wing in prison”
“In what way is good mental health like a walnut latte? Like that-no! You can't just have a song and jig enough that it all makes sense. The next verse explains from a scientific point of view. How a walnut latte and mental health are in any way alike.”
“You know what, I always find walnuts so romantic. The way they look like a tiny brain. It makes me think of my brain connecting with your brain.”
“Well it makes perfect sense because, which camera are we on, okay you know I'm gonna explain this scientifically cause if you get a walnut and you like the taste of the walnut and it gives you endorphins which actually improves your mental health so if you're eating the walnut then you make your mental health better that's how a walnut oat milk latte improves your mental health”
Temple of the Red Giraffe
“I’m giving you the jewels”
“I thought you were burning my breasts off”
“No its a common mistake but I wasn't”
Nightmare on Bone Street
“You taught your dog to laugh?”
“pride comes before a fall remember”
“Yes he understands the rhythm of comedy very well.”
“yes but I don't believe in gravity”
“A wardrobe a wardrobe my kingdom for a wardrobe.”
“The lead less dog stops licking out the cream from that dead man. For God's sake get off the floor.”
Wishing for Wishy Washy
“I know most girls want ponies not a horrible sick old horse like me”
“Look at that horrible horse!”
“I've got an udder and I don't know why.”
When the narrative gets tough everyone else deserts Harry Kershaw to allow him to carry on on his own
“Congratulations on your womb”
Fraud of the Blings
“I've made the rope sentient.. Hello!?”
“You've given us our sense of purpose back. You've made us make sense again.” [just something Jonathan said that made me emotional]
“Help me I am a sentient rope. I have knowledge. For the first time I have knowledge. HELP ME! WHAT AM I WHAT AM I WHAT AM I WHY MUST THE ROPE EXIST. WHY DO I DANGLE SO?”
Over the Henge 
“Yes, I remember our young days, days where we were young, young before we were old but after we were very young. We were young men not knowkng where to go. But we went there, then we came back from there. We were just young of course. Not old, young. Soon to be young - old. Soon to be old.”
“You do speak a tremendous amount of bollocks sir”
“As all kings must”
The Hound of the Wensleydales 
“I was stuffed with a cheese puffed”
“Did cheese Radio just call him a ball bag? I think cheese radio needs to remember that this is a family show.”
“Yeah she's dead and it would appear The method of murder was cheese puffed”
Popes on the Ropes 
“Vampires v popes that's how it's always been in the WWE.”
“Always and forever since BC”
“It's an old, old profession.”
“Popes were around BC?”
“That's right.”
“Yeah we were real forward thinking then.”
“All dinosaurs work for the catholic church”
“We knew it was coming.”
“We've got 8 minutes left and we've got story strands everywhere! We've got the elephant with a bomb on about to be dropped onto the earth, they’ve become gangsters about to kill people and our lead characters are frozen still.”
“Who's the tortoise pervert”
Singing in the Aisles 
“Asda is a wizard it would seem”
A Dice with Death 
“It is an unusual form of ventriloqy to begin with your mouth wider than when you were speaking yourself”
“It was all building nicely but now all of a sudden we found out that one of them is a cloud.”
“I’ve got my own show. I disappear into another man's box every night, I get confused, I don't know where I am, and then bang I'm in a curtain call”
“I am dissipating. Someone sprayed me with silver nitrate.”
“I am an elemental creature we cannot be together. Our children would be half human half vapour they would not survive.”
“No, I don't even know what that means!”
“It dissipates clouds.”
“you need to know more advanced chemistry.”
“He's still putting his trust in the mass proposing ventriloquist”
“I don't think I do.”
Star Paws
“Of course the world needs intelligence but I'll tell you what else it needs, balls.”
“Which you come with many”
“I bring balls in spades not literally”
“Sir you can't keep your balls in the cupboard anymore you'll have to take them back”
“There we are”
“Did he just put his balls back on? So he's literally a man who has lots of testicles that's what's going on there.”
“You make sure that this ship is ship shape ready.”
“Ribena shareth? Yee.”
“I was gonna touch your hand but then I thought it would be horrible cause they're so sweaty.”
“It's always in the shape of a ship.”
“Mine are like pickled clams.”
If it Wasn't for Those Pesky Kids 
“It's unusual to blackmail someone during a press conference”
Abandoned Love
“I don't know what's weirder, that they didnt book or that the hats belonged to the premises”
“That's jazz.”
Good Guys Finish Last 
“I convinced Dec that he should actually do the double act with a real ant but um...he said no. And that was a good call.”
“I am the sea! Deeper than a thousand lakes, wider than 10 lakes, sideways greater in measurement Than 40 lakes. I am the sea.”
“He ain't no friend of yours. He's been using you like toothpaste. Well it's time the toothpaste became the toothpastee”
Ipswitch it up 
“These people with their newfangled things, internet, cars! I tell you what, I was very happy with the flip phone and a horse.”
“That man-ladybird has been the only thing that I've had in my life the last 5 years that has made me feel again. It's why I'm so competitive with my daughter about love.”
“That doesn't seem healthy. Bringing a 6 foot ladybird into the family home.”
“I suppose it's about a 1 all right now.”
Back to the Tutor 
“Nana you don't think my old friends will think it's weird or strange that my date is my grandma do you?”
“Before we went out to do this with a new team the one thing we said was let's keep it simple at the start. Already we have a half car assembled by a woman who is also the radio. Hold on tight everyone.”
“It's not weird or strange at all to have your - such a lovely busty lady as your date”
“No you're right. It's wasn't so much the busty as the grandma that I was worried about.”
Pier Today Gone Tomorrow 
“You take a grudge and you nurture it like a small cat.”
No. No I don't think she's the strange one in this. It was the parrot, the sleeping bag man and the medieval princess in a tiktok office interviewing for the role of 'friend' they are the strange things! A woman trying to turn over a new leaf - that's pretty regular I'd say.
“What has happened. It was all going really well, I thought this was going to be a quick scene where we saw it was really hard for Mirabel to turn over a new leaf, but she puts some glasses on, suddenly everything changed and now she's meeting the mayor, the princess and a small gentleman in a sleeping bag.”
The Man Who Came in from the Cold Storage 
“As we are in east London I got you some olives served on a bin lid with turmeric as requested.”
“You double killed Samson”
“Right,it's very very important - never thought I'd say this one - it's very important we don't shoot an unborn baby during the matinee. I think that's like, a theatre rule. If it isn't, it should be.”
“I don't care about Samson. His pool was tiny and not chlorinated.”
“But his heart was big and also not chlorinated.”
Fielding of Dreams
“Enjoying the fact that this is our life! There ain't no ups but there sure as heck ain't no downs. And that's fine with me.”
“I said one domesticated sheep. There's a flock of them. Ones a policeperson, ones a miserable old woman called Mabel and one appears to be smoking.”
“This really is the story of a child called felix who settled.”
Fire In the Hole
“A woman with independence is as strong as an oxen full of iron and a fire full of oxygen is as strong as that woman”
It's up to you, Newark Newark 
“Here's a newark hotdog. It's made entirely of meat. Meat bun, meat dog, meat onions.”
“Here are the 4 horsemen. You are the apocalypse.”
“Dog meat?”
“Your old 15 year old hips can't handle it anymore.
“No no comma, meat, dog”
Ah I take olive oil every day.
Cause you have to. We just produce it naturally.”
“They see! We don't see. We don't see the pooing. I'm sorry I forgot about I forgot about the pooing. Pooing? Outrageous. That stops. That stops now and she goes somewhere private. But it's awful. And of course jiminys dad, is David really going to be proud of them now?”
“The books have gone away. How awful. They threw a family of books into the famous Newark River. He knows what it's like to have his mum kicked into outer space. That's how dark this gets, that's how dark sports get man.”
“Gillian wait - wooahhh”
“Susan quickly-”
“We gotta help we need to just- wooahha”
[general screaming and shouting]
“Gillian Gillian come on inside the medical tent.”
“And these were these were the highlights from day one at the games I mean I think it's fair to say that the Olympic games have been well and truly soiled in reputation. What an awful thing to happen”
Ashopocalypse Now
“My names Jack I'm a car mechanic and I've lost my companion”
“Control yourself Sybill Peacock Penis”
“Thank you for that précis”
“Who are you? Can you give me a précis of you?”
“I'm Jolene my husband is a slightly crazed military man who seems to have lost perspective on real human connection. Then there's a man whose actually a woman. There's a happy birthday prophecy. They're searching for me but I've lost them but mostly I'm looking for my daughter who loves Jane Austen and she got lost in a Waterstones I think she may also be somewhere else so that's who looking for.”
“It's time! For... Other characters.”
“We come from quite different worlds.”
Ashopocalypse Next 
“Remembering when morrisons wasn't boarded up. People could go inside and-”
“Look at the fresh vegetables.”
“This sample isn't going to be enough to create an antidote. We're going to need all of your blood.”
“Moderately fresh yes.”
“All the brilliant characters we had and all we're left with is a guy who can't remember which character he is unless his peacock penis is out. I don't care anymore. Family friendly? I don't care anymore. We stop tomorrow. We stop tomorrow that's it. In for a penny in for a pound. Get your peacock penis out as much as you want. If you're not gonna try and stop it I'm not either. [...] what are you all applauding? Are you that culture starved that an umbrella penis gives you that much joy? What has happened to civilisation??”
“One second we'll - we'll need to get authorisation from the local council for that.”
Ashopocalypse Then 
“You're one of those weird people aren't you?”
“Nothing weird about us. I'm simply a man who gets involuntary erections and this is Andrew Garfield”
“I'm a pigeon”
“Dressed as a Pigeon.”
The Day Harry Got Cut in Half 
[Not a quote just a note that Lauren does a Scottish accent for 90% of her characters in mmni but the one time the film is actually set in Scotland she ends up doing a welsh accent.]
“Pray don't be fickle. Pray she won't be no pickle.”
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