#there's a lot of shit i probably need to blacklist here but i'm too dumb right now
loxxxlay · 5 years
@summon-daze replied to your post “lukewarm take but idk... nobody (at least not this century) says shit...”
Great post but whats the game mentioned? I'm curious
Thank you! I was super nervous to make it so that’s reassuring. <3
The game I mentioned is Rimworld! 
The premise of the game is that you’ve crash-landed on a foreign planet and must build a colony, survive raiders, and prosper long enough to build a ship to get back off-planet. All this time, there are events that have a mathematical risk of happening (such as volcanic winters, cold snaps, flashstorms, and so much more) to make it a sort of storytelling game for your colony!
But honestly the beauty of this game is in the details and the lore! It’s like a dark scifi-esque galaxy of planets outside of the planet you crashed on. Imagine Le Guin’s Hainish Cycle but less literary and more bent towards the portrayal of tropes in fanfiction/pop culture, like prostitution, space pirates, and human traffickers. The darkness of the lore is exactly what appeals to me and what makes this game more intriguing than any other sandbox/colony-building game I’ve ever seen or played.
For example: with the base game, you can capture the raiders who periodically come to attack you, and you can either recruit them, release them, execute them, or harvest their organs for profit lmao. Sometimes factions will come by to trade and you can sell your prisoners to them, too. When things get tough and you don’t have food, you can also butcher human corpses and cook them into meals. Another example: mental breaks! If your colonists become unhappy enough, they can do anything from hiding in their room to digging up a corpse and displaying it on the dinner table (depending on how severe their mental break is). So yeah it’s clearly very dark and morbid gaming that isn’t often done and doesn’t appeal to everyone. (Hint: It definitely appeals to me. XD)
Another thing I really like about Rimworld is it’s blend between strategy games and more Sims-like games. You can control every single colonist individually, which makes it like Sims, but you can also set up the colony’s work priorities in a way that makes them act optimally without you having to guide them!
If you are the person that liked to drown your Sims in the swimming pool or light houses on fire, I highly, highly recommend this game to you!
Of course, Rimworld is not a perfect game and I will never claim it is such! It’s very heteronormative (honestly pushing lgbt-phobic). The game (which was an early access steam game) was made by what feels like the exact stereotype of a reddit dudebro-nerd coding from his momma’s basement because it’s the feeling of progressiveness (or the lack of) that his game gives me lmao. (No offense to such people, I have a severely mentally ill family member who is one of them. My family member knows bisexual ppl exist though lmao.)
The other problem with Rimworld is how boring it gets after playing it enough. There’s only so many events, so much mystery, before it kinda starts to lose its thrill.
However, this is where mods come in. And I’m telling you, this is literally where the game shines the hardest - the modding community. If you play Rimworld without Mods, then you’re not really enjoying the full experience lmao. The Psychology Mod for example adds in a lot of shit, including more sexualities, social interactions, and mental illness that the base game doesn’t have. There’s the Prison Labour mod where you can make your prisoners do work for your colony (haha, perfect for my Grandmaster-led colony). There are mods that add children/pregnancy, gladiator arenas, and the need for showers&water. That honestly doesn’t even begin to explain how many mods I use and how much they enhance the enjoyability of the game! I use like 50 mods and I’ve logged almost 500 hours in gameplay now soooo yeah, haha. Playing without mods is like playing Sims without expansions.
Anyway this finally brings me to the point of the original post, sigh. There is a mod called Rimjob World that I have found recently that adds noncon and sexual slavery (and even prostitution game play) to Rimworld. This mod was created by people who... equally fit the reddit dudebro-nerd coding from their momma’s basement stereotype. T_T I don’t agree with a lot of the language that the mod uses (i.e. adding trans characters but calling them “traps” or “futas” -_-) or a lot of the systems that the mod has set up (i.e. the default settings categorize women in a way that implies only certain women rape and only certain women get raped). 
I’m very frustrated with this! I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find another mod that puts the lack of noncon into this barbaric and violent world of Rimworld in a less problematic way. But when I look for it, there is nothing. And instead I’m always hit with comments (especially on reddit) like the one I mentioned in the post.
It always comes down to people thinking it’s okay to have games/mods with slavery, cannibalism, and organ harvesting, but making those games include rape is a step too far. -_-
It’s disgusting and just as rape culture-ish as the opposite expression imo.
Anyway sorry to ramble about this, I know I’ve complained about a lot of these things a few times, but it never ceases to infuriate me lmao so I figured I’d just consolidate all my thoughts (along with the positive ones) about Rimworld into one post! So thanks for the opportunity and I hope this was helpful! Have fun if you play and also:
Anyone feel free to hit me up for my recommended mod list lmao because this game can get so boring without it.
Also if you’re not sure about the game and wanna see some gameplay, I do play rimworld on stream sometimes lmao, but I’m a lame newbie streamer so feel free to find... other sources to watch let’s play videos too XD
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