#there is just so much potential in this storyline and I really hope the writers go through with it
quibbs126 · 2 years
Stupid idea I just had:
what if Sherl was Kyle Azan, turned into dog form?
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fleet-of-fiction · 3 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female Narrator
Part Six
After a blinding light eradicates mankind, you're left in a desolate and empty world. A year of solitude eliminates all belief that anyone else was left behind. Until a chance encounter on the side of the road. Jake is injured and fighting for his life, but his presence brings a renewed sense of hope. Touch starved and lonely, you need him. And undoubtedly, he needs you too.
A/N: This particular chapter includes themes of extremely dark thoughts. Including thoughts of ending life. This is integral for the storyline. Does not reflect the writers personal thoughts or feelings towards triggering potential readers as it is not their intention to do so. So please, proceed with caution, as always. And if you don't wish to read such themes please do not read this chapter.
"It would be the last man on earth that would end up being mine..."
Explicit sexual content Sex (penetrative & oral) /Foreplay /Blood / Injury / Hunting. / Intense emotions / Death.
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Day 470 ~ Jake
She looked so peaceful. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were rolling around behind closed lids. And even though I wondered what she was dreaming about, I didn't dare wake her. There was just something unsettling about trying to sleep in other people's houses and I had never slept well a single night until I found her.
I saw no reason to wake her just to tell her I was going back to the music room. I figured she would hear me as soon as dawn broke and come looking for me. Now that I'd picked up a guitar again, it was like I was being called to arms. The need to play was a welcome and not a melancholy reminder anymore.
In the early hours of morning it still felt as if the world was asleep. That everyone was still tucked up in their beds, just a few hours away from alarm clocks going off and coffee pots being switched on. It was easy to forget at this time, easy to pretend that we were the only ones left. I sometimes liked to wake up early just to catch that feeling.
It was still dark outside as I set myself up on one of the amps. I turned the volume right down and closed the door. Strumming a few notes but not playing anything in particular. I couldn't set myself to something I'd already played, and was still figuring out how to create something now on my own. It still felt strange not having Josh stood there telling me it needed to be a little faster or slower. Or Sam picking which one of us he was going to agree with that day, my heart sinking if he'd chosen Josh. Our mediator sitting behind his drums diligently tapping away if the conversation got a little too heated. I hadn't really given much thought to how much I missed Danny. But now that I was staring at the old drum kit by the window, I realised that I did miss him.
I wasn't really paying attention to the window behind. Or the pair of eyes watching me. My mind was stepping back in time, trying to think of old riffs that I'd abandoned. It wasn't until they moved that I almost dropped the guitar straight onto my foot. Something I'd never done before.
"Holy shit!!!" I cursed, reeling back as the eyes reflected in the light from inside the house.
I couldn't see much, other than a pair of roving circles peering in. I could feel my breath catch in my chest, panic begin to rise. I knew it wasn't human by the way it moved, only a foot or so off the ground and far too prowl- like to belong to any man or woman.
"What the fuck are you?" I wondered aloud, slowly inching towards the glass as if it could somehow reach me through it.
My heart was pumping blood so quickly around my body that I dizzied as I stood. Terrified that whatever it was could somehow get inside and get to Amelia before I could. As I drew closer I could hear the sound of a pitiful whine over the roar of the breeze. And although it was dark, and the reflection of the room was all I could see, the sound reminded me of something I'd heard before.
"Are you hurt?" I asked, switching off the lamp so that I could better see through the dark, the eyes which watched me immediately fading into the morning pitch black.
How many times had I been foolish in my life? When I thought about it, I could raise a nostalgic smile at the boy who had gone into dive bars before he was old enough to drink in them and played guitar while fights broke out around him. And I could consider all the times I'd cliff jumped into abandoned quarries and somehow crawled back out with my life intact. All the times I'd made myself look stupid in front of girls I liked. Done something or said something to make them think I was an idiot. Or not said something at all, the most foolish thing I could do.
Perhaps none of it was quite as thoughtless as what I did that morning. I checked on Amelia before I grabbed my jacket and went outside. She was still right where I left her, unmoved. I had thought that I might take a walk around the perimeter of the house. See if the creature was still out there.
I didn't think what would happen, could happen. Of all the risks I'd taken in my life, I never envisioned that I'd end up where I did. It was still a little cold as I buttoned up. I could see my breath as the light began to creep in from behind clouds. The wind was enough to move my hair, but moved only gently through the tree's above. A soft white noise soundtracked my steps as I traversed around the heavy woodland surrounding the house.
Until I found myself at the back yard. Staring at the window to the room where I'd just been playing guitar. Not a soul in sight.
"I'll be damned." I whispered to myself, certain that I'd find something.
I knew that what I'd seen I couldn't have imagined. I'd tripped so many times before, I knew the difference between what was real and imagined. I started moving towards the glass, watching my own reflection approach until I could clearly see the guitar right where I had almost dropped it onto my foot.
Dumbfounded. A little spooked, even. I could feel the hairs on my forearms prickle.
"I know there's something out here." I told myself.
Almost as if I was inviting it, I could feel something at my back. I slowly turned. Fear and foolishness gripping me by the throat. I backed up against the window pane. Not one set of eyes, but several stepped out from behind the trees. And I knew I was cornered.
"Clever." I remarked under my breath. "You weren't hurt at all, were you?"
I wondered if they smelled my fear. If they could hear the rush of blood through my veins as my heart pumped faster. There was nowhere for me to run. I scanned across every possible route and all of them were guarded closely by snarling teeth and renegade desires to feed.
If this was how I met my end all I could think of was Amelia. Sleeping soundly, lost in dreams only to wake to find that I was no longer there. I could feel the raging heart in my chest break as I imagined her finding them gnawing away at my corpse. Terrified that I wouldn't be enough to fill their bellies, and that they'd lure her out to die too.
Once they'd been loyal pets. Wearing collars and leashes. They would come when their masters called and chase balls when they were thrown. Settle in front of warm fireplaces and have their bellies rubbed if they rolled over. I could see it in their eyes. The pack mentality that had been suppressed for generations, the wolves in their blood howling to return to their most basic of natures. They were evolving. Growing tactful in their hunt. Luring out their prey under false pretences.
"Easy, now." I said, holding flat palms in front of me, wondering if they would respond to hearing commands they might have forgotten. "Good dogs. Sit...Stay..."
The dog that had appeared to me first cocked his head to the side a little. He was a big, imposing Shepherd breed. With a long nose and a set of sharp teeth on display. His hair was all matted underneath, an old wound still healing on his front leg. None of the dogs sat at my command. I had no control.
"No!" I warned bluntly, "There's a good boy now, Sit!"
It was as if they knew the words but couldn't recall what they meant. Standing in a semi-circle against me. I could see the smaller dogs behind, a counter-pack of terriers and spaniels. It was as if they knew the bigger dogs would have the most impact and had chosen their place in the flanks. To my left was a jet black Dobermann, clipped ears pinned back as it waited for instruction. To my right was a blue eyed Husky with the fairest white mane. Beautiful, if it weren't threatening to tear me limb from limb. And directly in front was my adversary. The Shepherd.
"I know you're hungry." I reasoned, some irrational part of my brain convinced somehow that they would understand. "I can help you, we can find food together. Just don't hurt me."
I wondered why they hesitated. If their hunger was so absolute why didn't they attack on sight? What were they waiting for? They knew I couldn't run. Were they enjoying this? Taking delight in their hunt? What could have possibly made them approach like this, without taking me down in one mass attack?
"Oh my god."
I felt my stomach turn as the penny dropped. I had been lured out there. I was just a pawn in their attempts to lure more food out. There wasn't enough meat on my bones to feed them all. And they knew that.
"You can't have her." I promised, "So, you're just going to have to feast on me."
I'd barely considered what had happened to the dogs that were left behind. I'd crossed paths with a few of them during my time on the road. Some of them would regard me, but rarely approach. Lost in their own wondering of where their beloved people had gone. Some would approach me cautiously, in the endless pursuit of food. But not like this. This was calculated. Organised.
Her voice called out from the distance. I could see their ears turn. Saliva dripping from their jowls.
"Please, Jake!!!" She screamed, tortured by my unexplained absence.
Every instinct in me had to fight not to call back. Her begging cries called out to me like a beacon alighted on the mountainside. It was my duty to respond, to let her know that I was still here.
"You keep your eyes on me, you hear?"
I'd never wanted anything more than to see her turn that corner and know that I would never willingly choose to leave her. But if she did, she courted death. Did I want her to live in a world without me? Better to have thought I had vanished than died.
Somehow I found the courage to run. And to my utter horror and relief, they followed.
Day 473 ~ Amelia
I could hear the bird song in the morning light. Another day to exist in a place where once he had. It didn't feel like it had the first time, when everyone else had disappeared. This was more crucifying than anything I could have ever endured before. This wasn't just figuring out how to live on my own, this was figuring out how to do it knowing that I had loved someone else so deeply I wanted only to die.
I walked back to the cabin without him. The acoustic guitar he had played Broken Bells on for me tucked beneath my arm as I made the journey alone. What had begun as such a wholesome idea, ended with me losing him. And I regretted the choice to take him up to that forsaken house. Never had I regretted anything more.
I looked at the spaces where once he'd dwelled. Felt his presence like a ghost that haunted me. Echoes of his voice calling out on the wind, keeping me from sleep in the night and my mind elsewhere during the day. I was keeping the animals fed, but barely functioning. And on the third day without him, I began to consider that I did not want this life.
Day 475 ~ Amelia
The rot had set in. The chickens clucked in their coop. The horses whined in their stables. And I laid in the same sheets that still carried his scent as I stared out of the window. Watching clouds pass over the canopy of trees. Wishing that I could just float away. There was no meaning to any of it anymore. I longed for that same end which had come to everyone, save me.
With Jake, it had been easy to forget that I'd been forsaken. Forgotten. Left behind, or spared. Whichever was the truth, none of it mattered whilst I had him by my side. It was him and it was me, this was ours. A solitary place for us to live out our days until we were old and had forgotten that once we'd live in a world where other people had.
I couldn't do this without him. And so I kept myself wrapped in bed sheets where he'd made love to me before and the fabric still carried the memory of his body. If only me and this bed sheet remembered him it meant that once he'd been real. And I could die knowing that wherever he was, perhaps I'd reach him in death.
Day 477 ~ Amelia
I kicked the corpse of the chicken I had starved to death. Moving it's lifeless body with the edge of my foot as I threw down some feed for the ones who had made it through my grief. I had long since brushed my hair or my teeth. The heavy weight of losing Jake mirrored in the depth of the dark circles beneath my eyes, my pallor was grey. I had not eaten in days and the thought of plucking the dead chicken for meat turned my stomach, so I threw it out into the woods and hoped some creature would find it a tasty meal.
I wasn't living. And the concept of no longer being here began to feel like a gift that I would be giving myself. I didn't want any of this anymore without Jake. Where once there'd been hope that I could do this alone, in it's place was just memories of him that hurt so badly I could scarcely go a day without clutching my belly and falling to my knees. Wailing into the ether where none could hear me.
This wasn't life. It was purgatory. Just a gateway between life and death. My heart was still inexplicably beating. But without purpose. And I was tired of it. For seven days I had tried and failed to carry on without him and for seven days I had carried a strength I could no longer bear. If I was weak, then I'd walk into that weakness willingly and with the knowledge that I had tried. And the only hope that I had left was that which told me that Jake waited for me on the other side.
The version of him that I had imagined was all that I had left. I had loved him so much that I had known that losing him would completely eradicate all my desire to live. There was no amount of time that I could have had with him that would have ever been enough. And the moments which we had shared now felt like only one or two stitches on what could have been a rich tapestry. If I didn't live, there would be nobody left to remember him. But if I lived, I would remember him. And that in itself was the most cruel of fates.
Day 478 ~ Amelia
Today. I had considered it enough. Today was going to be my final day on earth. And although the manner within which I would unravel from my mortal coil had not been determined, I knew that by the time the sun began to set that I'd be set within my death.
I woke early. There were signs of spring in the air as I showered and dressed. The air a little warmer. The sun rising a little earlier. And I finally brushed my hair and teeth. Making sure that I went to my end with a little dignity. I tended to the animals and although I wasn't quite sure why, knowing their end would be as bitter as mine, it felt good to be doing something useful again.
I ate a small breakfast of scrambled eggs and drank a cup of hot coffee. I took a blanket out onto the porch swing and read a few chapters of a book that I'd neglected. All things which I would have done on any other uneventful day. And as I looked up from my pages, I tried to imagine Jake chopping wood on the block opposite the porch.
His wide swing circling back, the axe in both hands. His hair blowing in the breeze, and a look of absolute satisfaction on his lips as the axe blew the wood apart. The back of his hand rested against his forehead as he began to sweat, even though the temperatures outside were far too cool.
I stared into the brush, the green and the brown and the bark of the tree's all lining up to create the forest floor beyond. Listening to the soft bird call and wind through the leaves. I put my book down and decided to just sit there a while and take it all in while I could.
Everything was perfectly still. As if it had paused itself in the wake of my decision to leave it all behind. I almost felt as if I couldn't have picked a more perfect day. I was calm, perhaps too calm.
"I really wish you were here." I said, my eyes roving around the beauty of the forest for one last time.
That was when I saw it. Emerging from beyond what my eye could see. I squinted into it. Not certain at first, convinced that I was imagining it. I slid off the porch swing and advanced down the steps. Something moved between the tree's. Something that wasn't swaying in the breeze or part of the natural order of things. It was dark at first, just a spectre that I couldn't clearly define.
"Jake?!" I said his name before I even knew that it was him.
His name on the breeze called to him. He moved more swiftly, moving aside the shrubbery with his bare hands as he began to run. And I, too, began to run on bare feet into the woods.
"Jake!!!" I screamed it, aching to reach him before I would be torn from this sweetest of dreams.
I purged myself of the love I had for him. Roaring in sobs that came to me unbound as I reached him in a small clearing just beyond the cabin boundary. Over those biting sobs, there was no sound. I buried my face into the curve of his hollow neck. Whatever had been locked inside me, spilling out against his flesh. I cried without thought or regard. I had no control over it, the days of struggle all seemed to converge until I cried hopelessly and fiercely into him.
He clutched me tightly. Refusing to let him see my face, I forced myself to stay against his chest. This dream I would not wake from. If I looked into his eyes I would know it wasn't real and I was not ready to give it up. I would let him hold me for as long as I could hold on to him. And I would cherish the sweetness of such a vivid untruth. It was all but a dream, just a dream...
"Amelia..." He uttered.
"No..." I hushed. "Don't speak, don't wake me."
Birds stirred in the distance. Somewhere the breeze picked up, and I could hear the slither of it through leaves that had fallen onto the ground. Picking them up in a vain attempt to return them to the air.
"Amelia, my love...open your eyes." He urged, that familiar touch of his hand coming to rest on my cheek.
I had cried enough. There were no tears left. But when I opened my eyes, they continued regardless. Not sobs of grief, but quiet droplets of something which I had no name for.
"Jake." I repeated in whisper, although he wasn't the Jake of my memory.
He was changed. The hair which used to flow down over his beautiful face had been chopped just above his shoulders. Rough stubble pebbled his upper lip and chin. But the eyes which bore down into me were the same. I would have known those eyes even if he had changed beyond all recognition. His arms felt the same, too. A mixture of desire and urgency and restraint. And for one still moment I took in the sight of him, before venomous anger took over.
I struck him once. Cold and hard across his jawline. He turned his face away but did not buckle with the blow. I had probably not struck him hard enough, or perhaps he had been expecting it. He didn't release me, and I was glad. And when he turned back, his face had not changed. As if he'd felt nothing. Or perhaps, he'd felt worse and this was nothing in comparison.
"I deserved that." He breathed, the sound of his voice filling me such relief I almost died right there just as I had planned to.
If I had known in that moment what it was within his mind, perhaps I would have prepared myself better. As much as anyone can be prepared for a kiss that they never thought they would have again.
He clasped me harder, his hands crushing my arms as he pulled me into him. He turned his head slightly, too swiftly for me to consider it. As if he had never been in any doubt that this would be how we would reunite. He brushed his lips against mine. Softly at first, those eyes probing me for the briefest moment for permission of sorts. And then he kissed me harder, deeper and with fierce conviction. Whatever small part I had in this kiss, I knew it was my place to submit to it. He pushed his body against mine, his mouth opening and showing me that nothing else mattered.
I fought against his tongue. Wanting it so badly, but too full of wondering to let him have too much of it. I let him have a moment of it. And not a second more.
"Jake, please..." I pulled back, holding his face between my palms as I studied the sunken cheekbones beneath his dark eyes. "You've been gone for eight days."
"I know." He replied, "And for eight days I've been trying to get back to you."
I didn't understand, couldn't fathom what he had been through. Somehow it was etched there in his emaciated face. A struggle I would never be able to share the depth of with him. And he, in return, would never be able to follow me into mine.
"I don't understand." I muttered, turning his face this way and that to try and see a hint of what it had cost him to return to me. "I thought you had....vanished."
"You think that I would choose to leave you?" He simpered, taking another kiss as we began to rise. "That's not a choice I ever thought I'd have to make. But I did. And I would do it again a thousand times to keep you safe."
There would be time enough for explanations. He was weary. Dishevelled and somehow traumatised. And so I silently led him back to the cabin, my arm around his waist. The outline of his ribs against my hand. And any thought of my own death somehow completely gone from me.
Day 479 ~ Jake
She was a sight for sore eyes. Resting her little head on my chest. Hair fanned out across my arm, the scent of it like pine and moss. I was showered and she'd made food for me. Silently eating it as she sat beside me at the kitchen table, stroking my hair and looking at me as if she'd never seen anything more precious to her.
No sooner had I pushed my empty plate aside, she'd taken my hand and told me to get in bed. And I'd insisted that she crawl in beside me. Folding herself up into my side like she'd always belonged there. And for the first time in eight days I felt rested.
"You haven't asked me what happened out there." I mentioned, resting my cheek against her crown.
"You'll tell me when you're ready." She replied, sighing deeply as she swept her fingertips across my stomach.
I could see a madness in her that hadn't been there before. I tried to imagine what it had been like for her, but my thoughts always fell short. She was quiet. I kept catching her gazing at me as if she couldn't quite believe that I was there. She'd even sat with me as I showered, handing me the soap and watching the dirt slide off my back.
"You wouldn't believe me, even if I did tell you." I surmised, running my hand down her spine, feeling her body shift as she turned to look at me.
"Try me." She answered, calm and collected, as if we were talking about a T.V show we'd watched. "I've considered everything. Driven myself mad with it."
"I know." I replied softly, "You didn't deserve that. But what's happening out there... it's unlike anything that we could have been prepared for."
Her interest piqued, she raised herself up onto an elbow and furrowed her brow.
"What do you mean? Out there?" She said, "How far did you go?"
I didn't have a distance that I could tell her in numbers. Only that I'd gone beyond where my scent could be traced back. Days and nights of running, being hunted. The pack were smart. Even when I'd climbed tree's to avoid their eye line, they'd lingered on the forest floor picking up the scent of me and waiting for me to make my next move.
I knew that if I went back to the cabin they'd follow me there. I had to get them far enough away and lose them so that I could circle back without bringing them with me. On the fourth day I lost them, their senses distracted, and it had taken another four days to get back.
"We need to secure the perimeters of the cabin. Make sure the livestock is safe. That nothing can get in." I told her, my voice unintentionally rising to panic.
"Why?!" She asked, "What happened, Jake? You're scaring me."
There would be time enough to tell her. That the creatures we'd once held so dear had gone back to their most basic bloodlines. That the wild animals were welcoming their domestic kin back into the fold. That the wolves had descended, but not as we remembered them. They were just regular dogs. Like the one my brother had loved and kept. Her name was Rose and she had slept on my bunk in the tour bus, sniffling in my guitar cases for treats. The softest, most loving creature I had ever known. And I just couldn't picture her a snarling, starving mess with dripping fangs and a taste for blood.
But somehow I knew she was out there, trying to survive if she hadn't already died.
"I'll tell you, baby." I promised, pulling her back onto my chest, not certain I could look her in the eye as I spoke.
All I wanted to do was hold her. Remind myself why I'd risked everything. She listened to me and hummed in agreeance to everything I said. Gasping in disbelief at my tale of pursuit. She would circle her fingers over my navel as she listened, drawing little intakes of breath from me as I tried to paint her a vivid picture until I had to give in to her.
No more talking. No more desperately trying to cling on to the fact that I'd made it back home to her. What was any of it for if not for the sweetness of her body? Her kiss? I wanted to reunite with her in the only way that I could. Pushing her onto her back, striking my thumb across her cheek as I swept her hair away from her face.
"Why'd you chop your beautiful hair off, Jake?" She asked, picking up a tendril of what used to sit on my collar bone.
"That's how I managed to fool them." I replied, nodding into a smiling kiss. "I cut my hair and scattered it for them to confuse my scent. Once they were distracted, I managed to put a few miles between us."
The way she looked at me made my heart rush. Every empty space without her filled with a warmth that felt like home. She looked at me as if I held the world in my hands for her. I was the one who made it turn.
"Don't you ever disappear on me like that again, Jacob."
She meant it. Stoic and steadfast, she didn't miss a beat.
"No Ma'am." I replied, sinking into a kiss that made my cock start to awaken to the possibility of that proper reunion.
She wasted no time. Climbing on top of me, letting her hair fall. Her perfect breasts pushed up against my chest as she kissed me. Blood pumped harder in my veins. My body somehow awakening the strength to wrap my arms around her and spin her onto her back. She squealed with joy. Her laughter filling my senses like music I'd never heard before.
And I forgot everything that had happened before that sweet moment.
Day 479 ~ Amelia
My man. My quick thinking silent protector. He was mine. And as he laid me down beneath him I'd never felt more safe. The scent of his freshly washed body, the lines of bones that now protruded signalled his struggle and I held them close to me as he parted my legs.
The nightmares we'd had could wait. I welcomed him between my thighs and let him push his hard cock into my desperately wet pussy that had pined for him just as much as my heart had. Soon he was writhing above me, panting for breath and sealing his lips to my nipples as he thrusted against me. And I forgot that I'd wanted to die. The invisible thread which kept me tethered to this life had returned to me. And I could never tell him what I'd intended to do.
"Fuck, I missed you...I missed this." He breathed the words against my chest, sliding his tongue across the valley of my breasts.
There was nothing more erotic than the sweet reunion of lovers who had never known that they would ever meet again. In the world we'd once lived in, a call or a text would have eased our worried minds. But without so much as a letter to be delivered, I'd lived in a state of unknowing. It felt almost unreal to have him bared to me, making love to me in a bed he'd been wholly absent from.
I couldn’t get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. To feel the bitterness that had kept us apart dissipate in the feral moans that rang out from that bedroom of ours.
"Never again Jake..." I made him swear. "Don't you ever leave me again... Don't leave me alone in this world."
He was breathless and covered in sweat. His and mine. Pussy juice and the cum which had leaked from his tip smeared across our bodies. The gentle rhythm of our love making turning into fierce sex that would bring us to completion.
The depth of his despair was in the way he looked at me then. He took my hair in his fist, holding me still. My legs spread wide for him, his hips grinding into me as if he couldn't bear it.
"I'll die before I ever leave you alone, my love." He whispered solemnly, pressing his mouth against my ear.
"Now hush." He ordered, "And take what I have to give you..."
I could only submit to the violent way he fucked me. Screaming his name into the night. And somewhere in the distance, under the light of the full moon, a wolf howled into the wind...
To be Continued...
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon y @char289 @dancingcarbon @gvfpal @violetstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @jazzyfigz @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire
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eagleeyecherrypie · 13 days
Dickkory fans were robbed and malnourished: a rant
Being a fan of Richonne and watching how The Ones Who Live played out really makes me see how absolutely starved we were as Dickkory fans. I finished TOWL with mixed emotions. On the one hand I was over the moon with happiness. On the other, I was sad and jealous…of myself. What I mean is, the part of me that is a Dickkory fan was savagely jealous of the Richonne fan in me. One was over here fat and happy while the other was counting her ribs again. Both shows had the same potential with the chemistry between their two leads being off the charts. TOWL showed us what could have been while Titans left me wanting and there is no excuse for it.
Exhibit A:
I’ve lost count of how many times Rick declared his undying love for Michonne both in actions AND (very importantly) in words. I mean, I’m so full I’m about to pop.
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It literally got to a point like “Dude we get it. She’s the air you breathe and you can’t imagine your life without her. Okay, okay.”
We. Were. FED!!
Exhibit B (or as a lesser man might say, Number 2):
Meanwhile Dickkory fans (me included) are/were over here living off crumbs and trying to find meaning in anything and everything. We all became experts in body language and read into everything we could just to add substance to their story:
“See, every time she touches him he short circuits. Dude is down bad”
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Or “When he paused and sighed while mentioning her boyfriend that one time, that means he’s so in love with her that it pains him to imagine her with someone else”
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Even the actual “love confession” was weak in my opinion. Far too passive.
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I know Titans was not a love story but the man couldn’t have just said the words one time? Or at least used his actual words to discuss how he felt about seeing their baby from the future.
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Don’t get me wrong, we got the occasional full bites instead of crumbs, but I would argue that this made the situation even worse. They got our hopes up. We got a glimpse of what could have been.
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The show should have just kept all of that instead of teasing us with a love story so RICH with potential only to let us down again and again. They basically either completely ignored it or just keep dangling it in our faces until the final credits rolled. Not to mention the absolute travesty of the wasted chemistry between two actors. Brenton and Anna did the best they could with what they were given. I believe the few crumbs we got were mostly coming from them trying to drive the story along. We all loved the build up in season 1 (the GOAT) but they (the writers) completely lost momentum.
I could even forgive some of this if they just ran out of time to tell the story (again, I get it, Titans wasn’t a love story), but the truth is that they wasted so much time on unnecessary and frankly boring storylines:
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🙄Why? What were the writers actually trying to accomplish here? Who or what was holding them back from greatness?
In conclusion:
Fan fiction is the only thing that got me through with Titans. (Shout out to the ones who held it down with those BTW. I’ve pretty much read them all.) Meanwhile, I personally haven’t read even one story about Rick and Michonne because there is zero need. I left fully satisfied with zero notes. Their story is complete.
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Le sigh 😔
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loveyourownsmiilee · 5 days
If I’m not mistaken (it’s a long interview and I could have missed something) he didn’t really say anything about where Buck and Tommy could be heading. He talk more about the mechanics of it all. Figuring out how they were gonna bring them together so a kiss was possible and making sure Oliver and Lou were on the same page beforehand. Not really anything about Buck’s feelings for Tommy or whether or not the relationship has any longevity.
The Buddie question on the other hand, he reiterated that he’s all for it if that’s the path they go down. He made a remark on their chemistry (before in the same interview also mentioned that while he was playing bi Buck in earlier seasons he’d acknowledge the chemistry he had with other male characters, but of course didn’t give any names then, lol). Then he gives us the hurdle that the writers would have to overcome to make sure bi representation respectful and avoid stereotypes. Now we already see in the show how the writers are trying to work through that.
Hello!! Yes I agree with you in terms of what he discussed when he was talking about Tommy. He was speaking openly about things we very much are aware of. Both in the interview with Zach and the interview that came out yesterday I’m not getting much of a longevity for their relationship. Maybe that’s just how I’m interpreting things. Bc again I just find it strange that Oliver himself isn’t really promoting this new relationship himself. He’s shared many articles and brought attention to his characters storyline but it seems to lack the Tommy portion of it. And him saying he hopes that Tommy sticks around as a friend and somewhat mentor was strange TO ME bc why wouldn’t he talk about hopes of them furthering their relationship to some extent? Idk I’m on the same page as you.
In terms of him already playing into it regardless of Tim mentioning something before this season, I’m sorry but who was he going to play into with??? He didn’t even know Lou was going to be on the show until Tim told him. So who on the show was he planning on leaning it into with? But also who in the show was he having chemistry with in prior seasons that if you went back and rewatched, you’d see bi Buck??? Hmmm the only logical answer to both of those questions is Eddie lol. He even confirmed that both he and Ryan have that chemistry and he knows it comes off across to everyone watching. So again, why would he be playing into that aspect of Buck when he didn’t even know a potential new love interest was being introduced??? And everyone else on the show is already paired off so like…he basically gave us an answer without really giving us an answer. And I’m still choosing to focus on how much the topic of Buddie is being brought up everywhere. In every interview and all the comments and even the official pages constantly posting Buddie. It’s all Buddie and if we’re meant to stop giving that ship any attention and really focus on him and Tommy, like why isn’t there more hype for it? And I’m speaking in terms of Oliver, Tim and stuff. I just idk, to me this all seems like it’s eventually being set up for Buddie and we’re obviously taking the slow route there but yeah lol.
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chaifootsteps · 15 days
was there a particular point you gave up on HB?
first episode I hated as a whole was The Circus. it did get some backlash but I remember fans still defended it - Diregentleman's vid got some pushback where fans nitpicked small details to defend the writing without really engaging with the critique as a whole
personally I hoped it was a weird fluke - sure, we have an unnatural childhood friends plot shoved in and the divorce storyline now functionally sucks, but as long as it doesn't bleed into the rest of the show...
by western energy I realized all enthusiasm I had for new episodes coming out had totally gone and I was basically just watching to see how bad it would get/when the writers would address the one big hanging plot point the show actually has (the full moon deal; I don't count all the unresolved villain storylines because there's no real emotional investment in them from the show itself)
I'm thinking of dipping totally soon. HB is increasingly feeling like a waste of time, whereas I've had a much better time with other indie shows. I do get some catharsis out of seeing the critical community collectively pick apart all the lost potential (especially for Blitzo, he's so well characterized he deserved a better show), but I feel worse & worse for the animators having to work on a project that I don't think is gonna be remembered that fondly, even on the internet where most of the existing fanbase is
For me it was a combination of The Circus and Seeing Stars. The moment season 1 began I had a feeling where it was going, and when Stolas started singing about what a poor baby he was and how Blitz led him on, I pretty much gave up all hope. Whatever shreds of optimism were left, Stolas pawing and sexualizing Blitz in Seeing Stars killed.
It's never going to get better. I genuinely don't think you're missing anything by dipping.
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nanistar · 1 year
may i ask why you hate mapleshade? like is it more of a fandom thing/author thing or do you just not like her character? sorry if thats a weird question lol
i think the idea behind her character is cool but the erins are the erins and they fucked it up imo. also the way the fandom treats any discussion about her and other characters in her book is so annoying i cannot stand going into the mapleshade tag on tumblr
which is a shame cause like i said, i really like the concept of her character and i feel like it had alot of potentional
not a weird question, i get it. i gotta start by saying i have no ill will against people who like mapleshade or even like the points i'm about to say. btw! sorry this is long i got really into it
starting chronologically (according to canon, not publication)(publication order is: all ivypool darkforest books (2011 and prev) crookeds promise (2011), great battle (last hope 2012, she permadies here) and maples vengeance (2015)
i actually really liked mapleshade's vengeance, all things considered. it comes last in the mapleshade storyline according to publication date, and up until then we really didn't know much about her, and i believe this is where she gets a personality other than "random DF lady" and "rude ghost villain". the erins are not good writers by any means, but i felt that mapleshade's internal monologue and the way she saw the world was genuinely pretty decent. they portrayed her as obsessive and manipulative and as an unreliable narrator. it was one of the first books i read upon returning to the fandom in 2018 and it was a thrill to read, because i hadn't been spoiled on it.
the erins have a habit of writing surprise/accidental pregnancies as plot points, which has the implication of like… flings/one night stands. it's best not to think about it. it's pretty obvious upfront that appledusk is not as in to her as she is in to him, but she doesn't see it. she talks about him in her narrations as a sweet and loving man and talks about their family and future together, but when we the readers finally see him, he's calloused and doesn't really care about her. i think she even sees him with reedshine at a gathering and gets mad before she thinks "oh he's just doing that so no one gets suspicious" (not quoting or anything, i havent read the novel since 2018) girl. their relationship was obviously just a fling to him, but to her they were in love. i liked the way this was written as opposed to all the other times in warriors weve seen a man have a hissy fit because a girl rejected him. (ashfur is the glaring example but also crowfeather, brambleclaw) her denial and refusal to accept what she was seeing (that she was the side piece) was the interesting part.
she has her children and then ravenwing spills the beans. why on earth would he do that? why would it benefit the clan or anyone? from a logistical standpoint, thunderclan lost 3 potential new warriors and mapleshade never implied she was going to riverclan. anyway, he didn't even have proof. he just assumed. i think he rightfully got what was coming for him, since if he would have kept his mouth shut, 7 cats including himself wouldn't have died. sorry mini rant i don't like him. anyway we know the rest of the story. kits die, maple kills ravenwing for telling her secret, she kills frecklewish for not helping (no, she couldn't have jumped in to save the kits without probably dying herself but she COULD have stood up for maple in thunderclan, and she was upstream so she could have yelled out and warned maple of the flood but im NOT getting into that and i dont care) and then she goes to kill reedshine but kills appledusk instead. did he deserve it? he was kinda a dick but mapleshade was like stalker-obsessed with him (i think she uses the phrase "my appledusk" in her narration but i might be wrong) after what was ostensibly a one night stand. perchpaw wounds mapleshade to the point where once she flees the scene, she dies of blood loss. cool
the story of a mothers love (and a mother's loss) is an age-old tale. in a franchise where all female characters are doomed to become boring cookie-cutter mothers, this loss and violent rage was awesome.
everyone told me to read crookedstar's promise, because it was the best super edition. i.. do not agree with that. tbh i thought it was long and boring and went nowhere. crookedstar suffered many tragedies in his life, and he lost everyone he loved, and then the book suddenly ends with him going "im ok (:" and dying. (i was reading a pdf and not a physical copy so it was VERY abrupt for me. i legit sat there like.. so that's it? i read 500+ pages for that?) i can't really blame mapleshade for this (since shes not real) but it does factor in. her idea of revenge against appledusk was to torture an injured baby? who then grew up and had no idea who the fuck appledusk was? why not raise him and give him the love he craved so that when the time came, he would be more likely to do her bidding?? her motives here make no sense. not super important. anyway.
and then she's seen occasionally in the dark forest and she tries to drown ivypaw for no reason once. idk she was obviously just a background character in these scenes (since they came first) but the fans saw a female in the dark forest and were like. thank god a woman. can you blame them. then the erins built her up from that.
anyway mapleshade has this generations long story of manipulating younger cats, and a POV book where she's obviously obsessive, controlling, stalkerish and chooses brutally uncommon violence as a way to get back at those who wrong her. (she unburies ravenwing's body so crows can eat it, and she uses adders to kill frecklewish, despite the fact the snakes could easily go for her.) she puts HERSELF in danger to do these things because she's impulsive, she justifies all her actions to herself by saying its revenge for her children and in the end, she pushes the last remnants of the kittens she thinks she's fighting for away. this is a cool story about a woman who's pushed to the edge and takes everyone down with her. for ONCE its not a man with deadwifepain.
and what does the fandom do
they girlbossify her. they fight over if she's in the wrong or not (she is. she killed people.) they take everything about her that made her compelling and turn her into "grr my husband cheated on me and me kids are dead. sad." she gets turned into the most basic, boring, cookie cutter "evil" lady. she kills people for fun and not because she had a reason to or a goal (in her mind). she suffers the most tragic kind of loss that there is and gets no time to grieve before she is run out of her home, and her reaction to this is pure RAGE, and the fandom turns her into this boring, slay QUEEN!!! (not the pregnant cat kind), always been evil, always been hardcore, ~So CrAzY~, "my eyeliner is sharp to stab men" girlboss. where's the nuance. where's the passion!!? she's a miserable, impulsive, manipulating failure. she blames others for her mistakes and bad judgment and punishes others for her shortfallings. she can't be vulnerable and broken, she can only cry because dead kids and then kill evil husband and evil husbands wife. she's even sometimes portrayed as like "boss" of the dark forest, wrangling all the men. barf.
so to answer your question, it's the general fandom* portrayal that i hate, but i honestly wouldn't trust the erins with her at this point. (the erins are influenced by their fans, for example (old person voice) back in my day, firestar and scourge being brothers was just a fan theory.) i'm glad they permakilled her in the great battle so they cant bring her back to ruin anything. actually thinking about her to write this out and reflect on why i don't like her made me sympathize for her. i like text mapleshade with a little bit of fanon sprinkled in for flavor.
and hey. usually when the fandom adopts a character, they're right. the fandom likes to get really in to random bg/side characters and give them lives they would never have in canon. but sadly (or not, depending on your opinion), when those get popular and breach containment, they spread everywhere and suddenly people think this IS canon. look at how many of us thought that brambleclaw killed hawkfrost directly after he killed hollyleaf, because that was the easy way to portray the great battle in MAPs, only to have someone point out, years after this has become the common sequence of events, that brambleclaw actually hunts him down, brings him back to camp, and then murders him POW style!!!
*btw. im in no way saying that all mapleshade-based projects or aus or whatever are bad, even if she is sexy girlboss in them. some of my favorite maps portray her like that.
anyway. TLDR:
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everyone say "i'm sorry mapleshade"
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shoepolishpolice · 1 year
Part 1
I have thought this through and you know what..I think we can all get what we want. I’m going to breakdown how they can work with the storyline they’ve made and give justice to the crows.
(This is my jumbled non stop thoughts btw I’m not referring to the books really so I expect I’ll miss a few things)
To start here’s some basics:
• We won’t be seeing Per Haskell again, the Dregs and Crow club belong to Kaz and in the new season I expect we will see a much younger crew including Kesh and Anika compared to the random old dudes Kaz beat up in s2. Also the Crow and the Cup tattoos.
• There will be a much bigger focus on family and particularly parents - every single crow has major shit w parents. I think something that is never given much thought even in the books is how young children are taken from the family’s to train as grisha and they don’t return- this happened to nina and it really wasn’t discussed much and should be.
• The eight episodes have actually already been written and we know there is an Inej centric episode and a Wylan one too. I expect Inej’s episode will be a standout as we’ve seen pretty much nothing about her past- definitely the hardest to watch but one that very much deserves telling and Amita is an incredible actress and I completely trust her w Inej
• We’ve already had an article saying sab3 is king of scars based plus the new Alina and mal!sturmhond story but the soc story would happen simultaneously. There’s a chance the last scene we see is s2 actually happens after the crows have already been to the ice court and they call for Nikolai around this time- meaning it can be dealt w before having Alina exposed to Parem which I don’t care for and they said they waited for the story as they didn’t want the darkling to use it
• also people seem to think inej is not coming back- obviously she is. Pretty sure they r sending her away to get a taste of what she could do and will return w a sense of purpose and revenge - I’ll explain why later. Also the writers have said she only goes for a few weeks so it’s cool
• we will see a lot of flashbacks for each crow- we’ve seen about two mins worth of Kaz’s and I want them to explore his rise through the barrel as a kid and show his life in lij to prove truly how cruel the world was to him. Obviously Wylan’s past is a major focus of this story but I expect we will get that in a Crooked Kingdom based series two which is also thr first time we got a wylan pov chapter. Hopefully we will get to see more of Jespers childhood but again probably a bigger focus for later when colm arrives. As for Matthias I hope we see how he was raised in a militant, angry cultish way after the death of his family. I don’t expect we will get much on nina but I hope we do as i always felt we missed out slightly on the effects of her past. And ofcourse Inej who I hope they take the most care with in their retelling.
Now getting the plot back on track is actual quite simple and people r freaking out for no reason.. so here it is
I expect the show will start w Kaz agreeing to Van Ecks offer w all that came along in his first book chapter and a longer version of the crows last scenes w just saw in s2
Next inej will return - kaz will call for her but I think what will also bring her back is the return of Tante Heleen. We didn’t see a body and we know pekka ‘killed’ her to frame kaz so who’s to say he bothered killing her and just paid her off but now serves as his way out of hellgate
With Tante Heleen alive, pekka is no longer guilty of murder and will be released from Hellgate. This is potentially how pekka and Van Eck connect- pekka will want retribution for wrongly being imprisoned and will receive a lot of money from the merchant council as compensation
This will set off kaz and inej and THIS will now be the CK ending where we get full closure with their pasts. The books kept Heleen and pekka alive so I think the show will see it through to the end. People felt we got Kaz’s revenge too soon so I expect them to find an even bigger, badder and more horrific way to fuck them over
The kanej reunion upon Inej’s return from sea is going to set the tone. Either kaz has begun to make progress in her absence or he’s closed himself off tenfold
Now helnik is pretty much unchanged, their scenes were basically word for word in s1 and I think it can carry on for soc. They’re most likely to be the most book accurate ship now and i hope there will be a lot more emotional depth and background to Matthias who I think is completely underrated and overlooked. He has an incredibly big character arc and I think we will see a lot more of what is costs him
So they break Matthias out of Hellgate most likely in a very similar way to the books.
Now we get the Wylan identity reveal. Wesper is already established so it’s going to be an even bigger shock. However I think jespers gambling addiction will have gotten a lot worse in a very short space of time and this has already been causing a problem + I think they gleamed over him coming to terms w being grisha too fast so they will back track a bit when Colm gets involved which reminds Jesper why he hid for so long
Now I think we could get the ck last chapter here w inej threatening pekka and Alby before they depart. However it will backfire a bit. He will actually get spurred on to take down kaz and he’ll realise there’s something between kaz and inej. He can team up w heleen and use it against them
Now the next part can actually carry on faithfully to the books - if Jesper is back in debt his slip up will get back to pekka and result in the harbour ambush and Kaz’s distrust of Jesper. Also perhaps they use the hummingbird rather than the ferolind
Notorious kaz boyfriend of ripping eyes out will ensue
Now here’s something new. Kaz won’t stay away from inej now, it would completely eradicate everything that just happened in s2. So I expect we will get another bandage scene here or simply see kaz watching over inej as she heals
Now this is where I think the inej episode will fit (within the first 4 eps) it will delve into her past in ravka, her abduction, time at the menagerie and meeting kaz/being trained by him (that last one may happen throughout the series tho and perhaps more from Kaz’s perspective like in the books). And here’s where we see what inej has been doing whilst away briefly and how she felt bringing down slavers and her new purpose to track down those who hurt her and take down heleen
Now pretty much everything from this point onwards to the end of the Six of Crows books can remain the same. The differences are: established wesper, most likely pekka isn’t hired for this job, a more open kanej and a slightly more powerful kaz as a baby barrel boss
I’m not going to re explain the story here as they have used very little SOC plot so far
They have done a version of the prison wagon scene but I think they will do the book one too as inej will be there, kaz faints this time and ultimately it’s worse then the s2 one (which made me feel physically sick for kaz all within the first 15 mins of the show)
That’s the end of part 1! I’m feeling very positive thinking of all this. You stay for the characters in soc they are so wonderfully different and clever, a story of these kids who are expected of nothing but achieve everything. I expect the series will have a rather different tone compared to Sab and will truly show the significance of these six characters finding each other.
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Wonder if we ever will get a Silver game? He's a pretty popular character within the fanbase, but isn't that well known outside of it unlike Shadow, who got his own game and will get his own Generations story in a few months. Silver's character isn't explored that deeply- all we really know about his past is the bit of info we got in 06, which was 18 years ago.
IDW is bringing him back into the spotlight, but it's more like the light hit him when he stood next to the Diamond Cutters, who objectively get more spotlight in the comic's storyline than he is. I think the last time we got an exploration of his character excluding his past was 2022 with the IDW annual, where he vented his fears and stress to Espio. Personally I think the only reason he was able to save the world from the Metal Virus with Sonic by going super was just because Shadow had already been infected, so the writers couldn't use him instead.
Silver is a very deep character, but Sega is refusing to explore it. I hope he gets a game, or at least some story more focused on him. More backstory, more exploration of his character. Somehow we're getting essentially Shadow the Hedgehog 2 BEFORE a Silver game. I love Shadow too, but there's so much untapped potential with Silver that Sega could be using.
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druidonity2 · 22 days
OH May I ask what your headcanon dragon species are for each playable race? Or do you feel they differ? :0
Oooh okay uhh I have a few thoughts...
Considering my goal with this AU is mostly just to have fun and practice drawing/designing dragons, I havn’t really thought tooo hard about any serious headcanons for a dragon au, buuttt so far I do think i’ve realized a few things.
I’ve been approaching this less race by race and more individual character, where i take into account what flight the character has story with, what flight closely matches their powers, and just what colors that character shares design wise. (and then there are the two sen’dorei dragons based solely on mobs related to the race)
Wrynns, and stormwindians in general, i think of more as onyxian black dragons, because of their story being tied so closely. (it also makes it easy to flip their story, in that Onyxia is a cultist human who kills Varian’s mate and eggs and attempts to corrupt the only surviving whelp. Ive thought alot about this.)
Kal’dorei are very often green dragons, and for some reason I picture them all with long thin faces like alligators or crocodiles. 
Thrall is easily the black dragon aspect, but I had to ask a lot of people what they thought Baine was and I decided hes half black half green, but i’ve seen people go for red. Its funny how some characters are obvious (Jaina, blue) while others everyone says something different. Vol’jin is also one i’ve seen lots of differing answers on. 
Valeera i suppose is a red dragon with fel influence, but i didn't decide that until AFTER i drew her. I try to keep them recognizable, so I try not to switch their colors up to fit a certain flight if it doesn’t work. Im thinking about characters like Velen and I saw someone say a bronze dragon, and i can’t help but picture this old wise Crystalline-infused bronze with purple accents and like….ooh he’d look so cool. But he’d also be majority bronze in color? Maybe he should be stone drake…or like netherwing dragons just match dreanei so well. 
I’ve noticed of all flights the Bronze are the hardest to match characters too. I also want to draw someone as a fey dragon but I can't think of who would work well as one. 
Also something I think is interesting about this au is how it changes family dynamics. Like…Thrall, Baine, and Anduin are all black dragons. Do they have a closer relationship than canon, in which they view each other more akin to brothers? Looking at the Maw storyline again but this time Thrall and Baine have to rescue their brother, not just a friend. This time they're part of a flight known to be easily corruptable, how does that change things?
I feel like this dragon au is a gold mine and I hope other artists and writers join me in it cuz like....there is so much potential.
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elliot-olivia · 4 days
Thoughts on SVU25? It's been touch and go for me and now I'm losing hope there's going to be any payoff for sticking it out.
imo there have been some hits and some (frankly astonishing) misses but the liv character work does occasionally go crazy so, like. i’m not a hater. i will continue to be seated.
also idk what “payoff” means for you but (& i’ve said this on main) it does kind of feel like dgraz is building up to a potentially incredibly cathartic endgame with all these lewis parallels. i know some people really hated that they didn’t do anything with the courthouse stuff last episode but i’m not mad about it? at least not yet. graz seems to enjoy a long game (see: the velasco storyline) & there are just…. too many signs something is coming? of course if it all goes to shit and they trudge all this up for nothing i might just lose my mind and hunt the writers room for sport, but rn i am still very much 👀👀👀👀👀
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purpleheartskies · 3 months
Some of my thoughts about Robby for s6...
First, I wonder if Robby will start out the season having quit karate again. At the beginning of s4, he had told Kreese that he didn't care about a stupid trophy after everything that had happened. He didn't want to be part of the dojo war, but he ended up joining Cobra Kai and eventually fighting in the avt. At the end of s4, he was more upset about what he'd done during his match with Kenny and about his struggle with his trauma/"hate" than about his loss in the tournament. He quit karate again. He didn't want to be a part of Cobra Kai, and there was no indication that he wanted to rejoin Miyagi-Do if it were open. In s5e6, he re-joined Miyagi-Do and the fight against Cobra Kai, along with the Miyagi Fangs, but he clearly told Daniel that there are people he cared about in Cobra Kai and that they (Miyagi Fang) all needed to take down Silver.
At the start of s6, maybe he'll be focusing on himself and his future, without karate in the mix. Although Robby is really talented, karate has brought him nothing but more trauma. I also don't see Johnny paying much attention to him or encouraging him as the Sekai Taikai champion as much as Johnny will focus on Miguel and his future. Robby was just staying with Johnny for the summer. s6 picks up after the start of the school year. Shannon should have returned by then, which means that Robby could be back living with her. Robby may not even be in Johnny's vicinity at the start of s6, and that would be good for him as his situation with Johnny is toxic. This would also open up storyline potentials for Robby. He has no real family (I assume Shannon is more like a roommate), no real friends except for Tory (and maybe Kenny), and no school, so Robby also being away from Johnny gives the writers a more open canvas to work with for Robby. Of course, at one point something would happen and Robby would re-join Miyagi-Do and continue with karate and training for the Sekai Taikai.
Next, in a recent q&a, Hayden said that the dojo will have to select team leaders from each dojo. Johnny would no doubt back Miguel for the boys and Daniel would back Sam for the girls, regardless if more girls joined. Daniel may show some support for Robby to lead the boys, but that remains to be seen. Hawk is in Miyagi-Do and won the avt. If anything, Miguel and Hawk would be supported by the senseis over Robby, and Hawk would definitely step aside for Miguel to lead.
So, most likely Miguel would be the leader for the boys, at least starting out. But, would Robby actually follow his lead completely? In s5e9, Robby went on his own to the CK dojo without the Miyagi Fangs knowing. It shows that Robby would still operate independently if he needs to. Also, in the brawl, when Miguel yelled protect the egg, everyone gathered around Anthony. But when Miguel yelled "Ais!", no one moved. Then Robby yelled it and everyone got into defensive stance. When I saw Hayden's tweet, I realized that my Robby as a leader post actually has some relevance after all. Narratively, Robby has been built out as a leader compared to all the other kids.
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Of course, if my first thought above about Robby is true, then at the start of the season, Robby wouldn't even be in the dojo, so Miguel starting out as the leader for the boys would be a given anyway. However, eventually Robby would become the leader at some point because narratively he's been built out to be.
Finally, there's a certain payoff that I'm hoping we'll see. In s3e3, Bobby encouraged Johnny to be there for both boys. Bobby then arranged a visit for Johnny with Robby in juvie. Johnny missed the visit. In s3e4, Johnny was on the phone with Bobby and told him to tell Robby that he's going to make things right with Robby. Bobby obviously refused to do that for Johnny, so Johnny said he'd tell Robby himself.
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Since this scene, Bobby hasn't come back. But I think it stands out that Robby specifically met Bobby. Bobby had done a pure act of kindness for Robby and for Johnny. In turn, Bobby himself experienced first hand that Johnny chooses Miguel over Robby. This was after Bobby had told Johnny to be there for both boys. Fans like to quote Bobby saying this, but they always leave out the phone call that followed after Johnny blew off the visit. After this, Bobby doesn't know that Johnny continued to choose Miguel over Robby, abandoned Robby for months, and eventually left Robby with Kreese after Johnny had a violent confrontations with both of them and Kreese tried to kill Johnny. In s2e6, Bobby was not happy with Johnny's decision to let Kreese back into his life. So, Bobby definitely wouldn't approve of Johnny leaving Robby with Kreese.
I don't think Bobby would approve of how Johnny treats Robby overall. And I think Bobby having this first hand experience may influence Bobby to be on Robby's side if Bobby were to learn more details. I've seen fans say that they want Bobby to return to officiate a Johnny-Carmen wedding, but fans ignore that Bobby wasn't happy with Johnny for blowing him and Robby off. Silver can see the Johnny-Robby situation for what it is: that Johnny screwed up Robby. Kreese even told Johnny that he should have been with his "real" son. Bobby would definitely not blindly support Johnny's behavior as is. Bobby also didn't approve of drunk Johnny disrupting his sermon. He wouldn't have approved of Johnny's dumbass drunk move at the end of s5. Bobby would encourage Johnny to work on himself and his behavior with Robby. In s3, Bobby had Johnny promise himself that he would do positive things, be a better person, and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Johnny didn't keep that promise. Johnny at the end of s5 is worse than at the end of s3.
Robby needs at least one consistent supportive adult, and so far, none of the adults have been that. Bobby would be a great support system for Robby. Bobby has a history with Johnny, but would still put Johnny in his place. Bobby did this act of kindness for Robby, so Robby knows of him now and knows his kindness. Bobby is also not involved in the dojo war. For Robby's story and the story overall to be complete, Robby's side of the story has to be told, which Bobby can also help do.
It's the last season, and it would be thoroughly disappointing if Bobby didn't make an appearance again. If Bobby is in s6, I would like to think that Rob Thomas himself wouldn't want Bobby to just overlook everything that is wrong with the Johnny-Robby situation and cheer on a wedding for a man who clearly needs help and who continues to traumatize his son. (Besides, in an interview, Hayden was dismissive of the idea of Johnny and Carmen getting married. Makes sense, cause nothing in the story indicates that the baby plotline (aka the "Johnny screwing up another kid" plotline) or the toxic blended "family" are part of Johnny's endgame. Johnny and Robby's story has to conclude now, and the baby plot device was obviously used to place Johnny at the top with everything to lose and Robby at the bottom with nothing to lose, including himself (which he gave up to appease Johnny after hearing the baby news). s6 will be Act 3, the final stretch of Johnny's redemption story. Robby is the person that Johnny has wronged the most overall and throughout the series. Now is the point in the story that Johnny gets the wake-up call he needs (and should have gotten a long time ago, honestly). Johnny's redemption will only come if he make things right with and for Robby.)
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the-daily-dreamer · 1 year
I keep seeing people in the Sara Snow tag freaking out about her and Jace. I'm sorry to Team Black stans but Jace potentially fucking a hot Stark girl in the Winterfell godwood is the only interesting thing I've heard about his character. Not to mention, his relationship with Sara could actually give him a personality! But no! She's not his cousin so they hate her. Total BS
I really hope the writers do Sara justice and make it a compelling storyline that adds depth to Jace’s character and Rhaenyra’s relationship with her presumed heir.
Firstly, I am a Stark stan through and through, and I want the Starks in this show to be adequately represented.
Secondly, Jace is a very dull character and has nothing to him. I don’t understand how black stans can look at Jace and think he’s a compelling character when half the fandom can’t even tell him apart from his younger brother. Having us care even the tiniest bit about him through a relationship will make his death actually matter. As opposed to Luc who got like five mins of forced character development so people would care.
Thirdly, and most importantly of all, the situation with Jace and Sara will challenge Rhaenyra in new and interesting ways. With Viserys gone, Rhaenyra is directly responsible for anything that goes wrong now. She no longer has her father to defend her or make sure any mistakes she or her family makes are fixed. Now, Rhaenyra will have to deal with the political implications of her son breaking his betrothal with their greatest allies. She will have to look in the mirror and see she never disciplined her children or prepared them for the responsibility they would have to bare. Rhaenyra will be met with the same insolence and trouble she used to bring as a teen.
I think Sara could be the best thing that could happen to Jace’s storyline and the team black storyline. She could add romance, drama, a strong female character, and interesting and complex conflicts between many characters. I guess that’s just what happens when Starks are included in a plot, everything gets much more interesting. The power they hold is unmatched.
And yeah. Let people ship a Jace and Sara. She could actually give him some sort of character. Because clearly incest didn’t give him anything noteworthy lol.
(And this is just an aside, but showrunners please let Jace’s actor use his real curly hair. It looks so much better than that awful wig, and his curls make him look more like his father Harwin. Please. I can’t take anymore “Criston is Jace’s father” takes. Just let him have his natural brown curls. I beg.)
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lunar-years · 5 months
the ted lasso writers could probably write a bisexual jamie storyline really well, like i could see it playing out similar to how keeley’s bisexuality was confirmed (as in, well duh, obviously she’s been bi the whole time!) and while i despise some of the writing decisions, colin’s s3 storyline was one of the best queer character arcs i’ve seen. there’s just so much potential there, or maybe i’m just delusional
I think it would probably be like just about any other Ted Lasso storyline in that there'd be stuff I really like about it and stuff I Loathe about it lmao. Also idk if I have the mental fortitude to go back into the mid-season trenches 😭 A new season is equal parts so wanted and yet so dreaded by me.
Like, personally I also really enjoyed how Keeley being bi was "confirmed" (as in, it's literally always been there since season one episode one if you had eyes and ears that were paying any amount of attention to the screen and therefore it didn't actually require overt confirmation) but man let's not forget the backlash and controversy that was generating 😭 in s2 people were knives to throat on here for weeks about the hot dogwalker scene LIKE?! we were going through it. and then of course the Jack of it all....
For me, Colin's storyline had its ups and downs tbh. Like there were parts I really enjoyed (the Colin & Trent stuff!) and there were parts I didn't really enjoy (i know this is very controversial but i didn't like the coming out episode 🙈).
Which is all to say I don't really trust them with it but at the same time I'll definitely be seated should there ever be a season 4 and I hope they do Jamie justice with it.
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 year
oh so im actually mad and im gonna talk about it because what?
1. the couch theory. it’s been two seasons now that the couch has been an important factor in bucks life and the ideals of his relationship. they have built it up and it has been one of the more interesting metaphors that they have had on this show to date. it has been an excellent choice of writing, and has gone so far in the story. and yet they are trying to finalize it with a one dimensional character and a chemistry-lacking relationship; and acting as if it’s meant to be this way. i personally cannot imagine that all of this buildup had led us here.
2. last time eddie tried to date, chris ran away from home and was extremely upset about him dating. and now, with zero indication of any moving forward, or talks with chris, and he has not only asked someone out on a date with chris’s knowledge, but chris was actively encouraging it. i wouldn’t mind but it’s the fact that they completely threw it out there and didn’t show any active change when that was a plot line for his last relationship that should be significant due to how key of a point it was in eddies dating life.
3. people are going to try and say that this is all about buddie, and its not. its just that they consistently have given buck and eddie less intricate love interests, and storylines when it comes to relationships. eddie and mariaol seem very sweet together and i think that they have potential, but 911 has given us nothing. the writers have given us nothing. they keep acting like these characters have deep meaningful relationships because they want them to, but won’t put in the work to write the message and prove it to their audience.
it’s especially frustrating when we see them do great storylines with maddie, chim, bobby, athen, and hen & karen. 
im consistently disappointed in the show runners and kristen. i really hope that this will be changed when we move to ABC and that there will be improvements that are much needed because 911 has been so good in the past, and they get so close to being great sometimes, but they really do fumble it in the important moments.
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hamofjustice · 28 days
Okay, so, I said I was working on Pokemon Scarlet / Violet fanfic and that's still kiiiinda true? But for the most part the past few months I've instead been working on...
HamOfJustice's League Club Expansion Pack
... which is a text-file-based imaginary mod of the game (but a blueprint for a real one if someone is able to make it, I guess) that massively expands the DLC postgame to include like a hundred things for characters to talk about, adds new friendship storylines, expands their team rosters and battle AIs, and lets them follow you anywhere in the world, making it not really a League Club thing at all except in spirit.
I'm aiming to do the following:
1. Give the players the living-happily-ever-after postgame that they deserve, and that Pokemon SV basegame really seemed like it was leading up to after Area Zero and all those friendship strengthening storylines
2. Prove I know this gamedev thing isn't easy and do all the work myself to see how viable it really could've been for SV and Pokemon games in general to have more meat on its bones, inspired by what we did get from it so far. I'm not asking for much of anything that requires new models, code, or animations, just text, menus, and repurposed features. Even the AI is pseudocoded by myself
3. Live up to the characters' potential more and leave less up to speculation and fanfic to really explore, explain, heal, capitalize on, and have fun with (okay, this is basically fanfic formatted as a fake datamine, but still) while still being consistent with the tone of the game and leaving plenty of subtext and small details to have fun discussing with other readers rather than stating everything outright
Basically, I wanted this so bad I just did it myself instead of complaining some more, and I want everyone who feels the same way to get to have that experience through me. I've been steadily working on this thing for months (the scope got a little out of hand as you can imagine) and I'm pretty close to releasing Nemona's files, which are the parts I'm most passionate about, but I'm hoping to keep at it after that if I can (Nemona, Penny, Arven, and maybe Kieran and Carmine, at least)
Reviews from people who've seen early previews of my project on Twitter or in DMs:
"You legitimately know more about [Nemona and Penny] than Game Freak, there's really no question about that at this point"
"OH MY GOD IM OBSESSED WITH THIS. it amazes me all the time how your characterisation and voice is PERFECT"
"Holy shit this is so cute... This dialogue is stellar"
"Oh wait this is ur fanmade dialogue? DAMN I THOUGHT IT WAS REAL"
"Goddamn, you went HARD. Congrats on writing more and better story in one day than was put into the DLC"
"AKJCJAJFHQBXBXB nemonas dialogue is so perfect like its EXACTLY her 😭😭😭😭 so is everyone's like Penny's too??? you must be some kind of secret game freak writer…. THIS IS AMAZING 💓💓💓💓💓💓"
There's a big ol' batch of old and new samples I've picked out for you today under the cut if you wanna look. Either way, expect the Nemona part of the actual project to be posted for real soon-ish and her friends one at a time after that, once I get past a bit of writer's block on one part and stop trying to make the angsty cathartic bits perfect
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batfam-big-bang · 26 days
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Meet the Mods: Bri!
Pronouns: they/them
Introduce yourself!
hello, I'm Bri! I've been on the team for three years now, and I'm excited we're back for our 5th anniversary!
Your favorite meme from a previous bbb?
ohhhh it's probably also peach god, just like jess? it's just a classic
Your favorite part of big bangs?
i've said before how i love the beginning of the bang, when everyone stumbles in and looks for their friends... but i also love the middle of it, when we get to release the claiming document and everyone is all over it and ooh-ing and aww-ing over the ideas! it's such a lovely atmosphere and, as a writer myself, it also shows you the part you usually don't see - the excitement someone else gets out of your fic (idea)!
How long have you been into dc/batfam?
funnily enough, it will also be five years in summer! i really went down the rabbit hole and stayed there :D
Do you regret getting into batfam/dc?
i mean, sometimes??? like all good hyperfixations, this has consumed too much of my time and energy >:(
but I've met a ton of lovely people in the fandom! some of my best friends I've met here, and i wouldn't trade them for the world (not even when dc releases another sucky batman comic) <3
What's a storyline you would love to see adapted for a movie, tv show, or something else?
you know what. i ranted about it on the weekend to a friend, so i'm going to say it: literally any storyline with a batman villain that is not the joker. there, i said it.
Who is your favorite batfam member? Why?
this is maybe an out-there answer, but i love carrie kelley and i wish we had more of her... because she's so cool and I think she has a lot of unused potential :0
Which batfam member do you think you’d get along/be good friends with?
i think i could get along with dick well! he's smart, capable, likes to micro-manage, and would fucking love my kpop serotonin spotify playlist.
Do you have any favorite fanworks?
oh I've not been consuming much batfam fics lately (i have another hyperfixation burning at higher flame rn), but let me recommend the one i am reading:
@eventualtoast has an ongoing no lazarus pit au series that is absolutely fantastic! it's a canon rewrite that imagines jason coming back without being put in the lazarus pit.
toast pays so much attention to how the same thing can differently affect people and relationships, and i personally love the dual perspectives from bruce and jason on the same events throughout the series!
please heed the content warnings (graphic depictions of violence, permanent injuries/traumatic brain injury, discussions of ableism), but it's at 73k and i know for a fact they have more planned!!
Do you know what you want to do for this year's big bang, if you're participating as a writer/artist?
I might participate as a beta this year because my next semester in college looks like it will be somewhat busy! also, this way I can read some of the fics beforehand :D
Anything you’d like to add?
i hope to see many of you back for this year, and if you're new to the fandom/unsure if you want to participate, please do! we love new people and everyone is really sweet :D
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