#their comic..... it'll come one day mayhaps.... . . .
choraa · 8 months
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wanted to post OCs too, here are mine and @nicktoonsunite 's boys! their ship name is RockCandy now (realization came late only by 7 years)
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transsexualhamlet · 1 year
🌈 for the writer ask!
i live in fucking shame because i forgot to answer this one despite getting it like eighty years ago but now im finally free and have somehow managed to dig up a screenshot of the post that told me what the rainbow was.
🌈- is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
um. god. theres a lot of fics that i just like. I have SO MUCH WRITTEN for them but I just gave up at a point because I stopped hyperfixating or the plotline or theme wasn't working well and it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to be and like...
I most mourn for the killjoys fic I wrote like at least 25k words on already but havent published a bit of it because it's supposed to be 15 chapters and I'm only on chapter 5. I don't wanna publish it unfinished and I honestly really wanna start working on it again (I wrote four pages during school in a fit of inspiration a couple of days ago) but im in the middle of eighty billion things and I doubt it'll ever get finished unless things really change for me hyperfixation-wise.
I literally have a whole planning document for it and it's LENGTHY and IN DEPTH. Since the killjoys canon is literally four timelines (music videos, album, california comic, and national anthem) of utterly disconnected unexplained mutually exclusive bullshit it's honestly even harder to write understandable worldbuilding fic for killjoys than to just invent a new world on your own from scratch. I was WRINGING MY HEAD over creating a canon for this and it's basically my idea of the Whole Fucking Thing since its literally all speculation. I had to basically invent and explore the actual personalities of all the characters (since well. u only ever really get a taste of party poison and a taste utterly without context at that) as well as inventing a story that would believably fit the album chronologically as well as create a zillion ocs and everything. Mayhaps I am taking it a bit too seriously but god I miss it i miss it i miss it I need to work on it again (it is fighting in my mind with the big mairon fic which I have gotten a lot done on but is also on. chapter four of eight i promise lol)
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