#the sheer naked id of it all! can't believe some of these scenes exist!
neuxue · 4 months
'Sweet to be taken up, as you say, as medicine is by the lip. Such a creature I enjoy, thin-skinned, tender and delicate, light of flesh and goodly in make, impulsive in walk and beautiful in the justness of stature. Communing thus, shall not our dreaming souls melt?' For a moment, Lymond did not reply. Then he said, in the same level voice, 'It is written before God, that after this hour we depart all four, in good health to Djerba?' The Aga Morat had risen. Looking down, his heavy face creased in a smile. 'It is written,' he said. Slowly, Lymond rose also. He looked neither at Jerott nor at Marthe, but stepped straight out from under the awning and confronted the Aga. In the blinding white light, the fine lines of his skin were all suddenly visible, and his eyes by contrast quite dark. But his hair, uncut since Marseilles, shone mint-gold in the sun. 'If it is so agreed,' Lymond said, 'I am solicitous for thee, as thou art for me.' And without pausing, he followed the Aga Morat into the house.
Pawn in Frankincense, ch9
I mean okay sure I suppose it is something of a time-honoured method of securing accommodation whilst backpacking your way across the continent but also.
Dorothy Dunnett what the fuck.
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