#the shawdowhunters chronicles
polin-erospsyche · 4 years
I love book Matthew Fairchild so much but Tumblr Matthew Fairchild is on another level. He is depicted as such a random chaotic emo mess and I’m just laughing so hard, I’m wheezing 😂
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notourlasthunt · 6 years
Shadowhunters Cancelled: Why Was Shadowhunters Cancelled? Can It Be Saved?
Express. Neela Debnath. June 13, 2018. 
Why was Shadowhunters cancelled?
US network Freeform, which is also behind Marvel show Cloak & Dagger and The Bold Type, announced last week that Shadowhunters would be ending after its current run.
Season three of Shadowhunters is on a mid-season break with the second half of the final cycle set to be airing next year.
In a statement, Freeform said: "We are very proud of Shadowhunters, a series that broke new ground in the genre world and became a fan favourite.
"However, along with our partners at Constantin, we reached the very difficult decision not to renew the show for a fourth season.
"But, as big supporters and fans ourselves, Freeform insisted on and championed the filming of a special two-part finale that would give devoted fans a proper ending. The 12-episodes will air in spring of 2019.”
"We want to thank our talented creators, producers, cast and crew along with our colleagues at Constantin for their hard work and dedication and to Cassie Clare for her incredible book series.”
The statement concluded: “We look forward to the final chapter of this breakthrough drama."
There was also a message posted on the official Shadowhunters Twitter page, which read: “Join us for the final hunt. #Shadowhunters returns in Spring 2019 for its final season concluding with a special two-part series finale event."
Freeform executive Karey Burke told Deadline that the cancellation was “purely economic” and the decision came after the broadcaster’s shift in strategy.
The change led to the end of a deal with Netflix and Freeform’s co-production partner Constantin Film.
Burke said: “We went back and forth with them but ultimately we just couldn’t make the economics work. We were very happy creatively with it.”
Speaking about the two-part finale, Shadowhunters showrunner Todd Slavkin posted on Twitter in response to fan: “It's not rushed. Not at all. It's beautiful. Thanks to the brilliant @ShadowhuntersWR if has to end like this, you all will be deeply satisfied #malec #clace #sizzy #shadowhunters.”
Lead star Katherine McNamara - better known as Clary Fray - shared her sentiments following the news and posted a lengthy message to her followers about the cancellation.
She described it as “an honour” to portray Clary and thanked the cast and crew, ending with: “By the angel, will make you the most rock solid, bad a**, magical finale you could imagine. All my love, Angels.”
Dominic Sherwood, who plays Jace Herondale in the drama, posted on Twitter: “All good things come to an end. It has been my privelidge [sic] to be a part of this world. @ShadowhuntersTV team have been so close to my heart for three years.
“You. The fans. Make us happy and strong and proud. Thank you. For everything. We say goodbye with a heavy heart but our heads…”
The show is based on The Shadowhunter Chronicles, a series of Young Adult novels by Cassandra Clare and spawned a short-lived film franchise before its small screen reboot.
Season three is based on the fourth and fifth books from the series, while the two-part finale will be wrapping up and serve as an adaptation of the sixth and final novel.
Can Shadowhunters be saved?
Fans have launched a social media campaign and are tweeting using the hashtag #SaveShadowhunters which has been gaining momentum steadily.
The stars of the show have also been tweeting out in support of saving Shadowhunters with Slavkin recently posting: “I am never resigned. It's not in my nature. Always fight for your ideals. Never feel hopeless. Never underestimate the power of the #shadowhunters fandom #signingoffinspired.”
While McNamara has pinned a tweet urging Shadowhunters to be saved and Magnus Bane actor Harry Shum Jr. simply saying: “One Love #SAVESHADOWHUNTERS.”
There’s also a Chage.org petition which has received 110,000 signatures so far.
Shawdowhunters season 3 will return to Netflix in spring 2019
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