#the sand sib's parents lmao
bakapandy · 2 months
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Karura was the best thing to ever happen to Rasa but for the power he sought, he lost her and with her, his own humanity
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I posted 45 times in 2022
35 posts created (78%)
10 posts reblogged (22%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#warrior cats - 24 posts
#burning thistles - 24 posts
#burning thistles au - 22 posts
#warriors - 16 posts
#warriors au - 14 posts
#warriors generations - 12 posts
#warrior cats au - 12 posts
#fireheart - 9 posts
#lgbtq+ character - 9 posts
#lgbtq+ - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#honestly fire is always so supportive of his sibs. oh ur dating a kittypet? cool. oh you left for shadowclan? cool. oh u want to commit murd
My Top Posts in 2022:
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bi power couple
Firestar and Sandstorm are both bisexual in Burning Thistles! and in canon probably lol
their relationship in BT is slightly different - not filled with as much initial hatred since Firekit was clanborn, but that doesn’t mean there’s not any tension between them in the early days, considering Auntie Frostfur liked to fill Sandpaw’s ears with whispers of Firepaw’s parentage
they’re very much in that “oh my StarClan you guys are basically already mates just ask each other out!!” phase in BT currently lol
also i think it’s funny that Sandstorm is friends with Creekflower (mostly bcus she’s friends with Fireheart and Cherryfur) even tho she thinks Creek is a traitor/stupid for getting with a kittypet (also think it’s funny if Sand had a brief crush on Creek too lmao)
16 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
did anyone ask for Evil Frostfur? No? Well take it bcus I’m obsessed with her.
Yes this is from @firealder2005​ and I’s Burning Thistles AU once more (I’m also obsessed with it). well, technically this event doesn’t exactly happen as seen in the video (it’s more exaggerated here, also the collar is more symbolic than a real object Frostfur got her paws on)
Thumbnail under cut
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18 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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gay gay homosexual gay
gosh ngl Feathercloud from @firealder2005 and I’s fic Burning Thistles is by far my favorite character to not only write but to just... his personality, his story, his hardships, his family, his lovelife... I love it all sm i swear, and he’s not even a main character even vsjfsdkfjs but my love for him makes him one <3
Featherkit is one of Runningwind and Dappletail’s canonical kits- the deaf tom-kit who ‘wandered away’, but in BT he is Runningwind and Redtail’s son with Dappletail being his surrogate mother, born alongside his sister Crickekit :)
the amount of angst and fluff i can shove into this boy is incomprehensible
20 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MQvzd65jKY&ab_channel=LollingCatto
24 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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 why did i do this to myself
yep its a Burning Thistles Friendship Map as of Chapter 101! ...well, and a few spoilers, technically, but shhhhh. they’re minor anyway lol. i made sure not to do the big spoilery ones ;)
betcha cant identify every character here lol (i feel any avid BT fan could name 31/32 of them, bcus that 32nd one is a curveball whose only been important in like... 1/101 chapters. and prob only mentioned in.... 5/101?)
anyway here’s all the names, have fun putting them to faces: Fireheart, Sandstorm, Cherryfur, Creekflower, Oliver, Airleap, Morningflower, Onewhisker, Copperleaf, Dawncloud, Grasswhisker, Silverstream, Lightningfur, Mousefur, Runningwind, Darkstripe, Longtail, Dustpelt, Ravenpaw, Barley, Runningbrook, Ashheart, Cinderfur, Tallpoppy, Mistyfoot, Graystripe, Gremlin, Brackenfur, Feathercloud, Cricketheart, Scraps.
so there are also a lot more characters in this “friend group” but i tried to only hit the major ones. but just to have the full scope here, I’m gonna list every main-main character’s friend group. this means NOT including kin, so no sibs/parents/niblings
Fireheart’s: Runningwind (BFF), Darkstripe (ex-BFF/brother-figure, still wants to be friends w/), Sandstorm (crush), Cherryfur (friend through his sis Creekflower), Graystripe (apprentice), Cinderpelt (apprentice), Brackenfur (apprentice), Oliver (through Creekflower), Mistyfoot (apprenticehood friends), Stonefur (apphood friends, not as strong as Misty’s), Cinderfur (apphood friends), Onewhisker (apphood friends)
Creekflower’s: Cherryfur (BFF), Sandstorm (frenemies through Cherryfur/Fireheart, who are both friends w/ her), Brindleface (queen friends), Runningwind (through Fireheart), Longtail (mutual hatred; through Cherryfur) Mousefur (through Sandstorm), Oliver (mates), Oliver’s kittypet friends (through Oliver)
Lightningfur’s: Silverstream (BFF), Mousefur (ex-BFF, no longer friends), Rippleclaw (supporter), Sedgecreek (Sedge has a crush on her; she hates Sedge), Beetlenose (supporter), Mallowtail (supporter), Grasswhisker (thinks Grass is annoying but also Grass is her step-mom technically), Vixenleap (supporter/through Grasswhisker), Shadepelt (supporter), Greenflower (supporter), Mistyfoot (through Silverstream) .... (really Lightningfur has no friends at this point since Silverstream’s death)
Airleap’s: Morningflower (platonically raised kits together; his first WC friend), Onewhisker (friend; One probably thinks of Airleap as his closest friend), Ashfoot (friend), Deadfoot (friend), Runningbrook (friend), Whitetail (friend), Ravenpaw (mentorly towards him), Barley (through Ravenpaw), Sandstorm (from the mission/through Fireheart; he doesn’t think they’re friends but Sand feels defensive over him bcus of what happened), Tallpoppy (same reason as Sandstorm), Cinderfur (same reason as Sand and Tall but less so)
Copperleaf’s: Dawncloud (QPR mate/BFF), Cinderfur (BFF), Ashheart (friend), Tallpoppy (friend/Dawn’s BFF), Whitethroat (through Tallpoppy), Wetfoot (through Tallpoppy), Badgerfang (son-in-law/mutual respect), Flintfang (mutual respect), Fernshade (mutual respect)
Darkstripe’s: Fireheart (ex-BFF/brother-figure, still wants to be friends w/), Runningwind (ex-friends/kinda still friends but distant), Cherryfur (mutual hatred), Longtail (apprentice), Dustpelt (apprentice), Tigerclaw (idol), Onewhisker (apphood friends that grew apart)
Feathercloud’s: Graystripe (kithood friends that grew apart), Ravenpaw (ex-mate/crush), Brackenfur (BFF/crush), Gremlin (from mission), Scraps (from mission), Barley (through Ravenpaw), other WC cats (through Ravenpaw)
Spottedleaf’s: Yellowfang (most trusted), Mudfur (sympathetic to her), Bluestar (admirance; now weakening), Brindleface (rekindling friendship), Frostfur (formerly; crush), Tigerclaw (only slightly; formerly), Whitestorm (kinda awkward friends now)
Frostfur’s: Willowpelt (formerly), Spottedleaf (formerly), Redtail (formerly), Whitestorm (formerly/strained politeness on Whitestorm’s end), Tigerclaw (reluctantly/formerly), Speckletail (BFF; starting to strain)
also everyone hates Grasswhisker and its... kinda sad. like, hello, she’s a victim... yeah she’s been really mean, but truly it’s been out of fear and desperation for Thistlestar to love her and only her just like she loveslovesloves him (why can’t he just love her? why isnt she good enough? her mind cries). like Airleap was the only one who was like “Hey wait a minute-” (and now everyone hates her bcus she was mean to Airleap... by blaming him for murder)
42 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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ghoste-catte · 2 years
Lmao, I originally worded my ask as "Who do you think was the Sand Sibs' best guardian/parents, not counting Temari" bc. Yeah. I agree, but I desperatelly wanted the resident Suna Lore Guardian to pull an actual responsible adult from some side novel or canon I've forgotten about.
Lol, valid.
Though I should dissuade you from any misapprehension that I'm a lore expert. I haven't even read/watched the War Arc lol. My knowledge of canon is cobbled together from my 15 year old memories, the Naruto wiki, occasional single episode rewatches, and Tumblr posts. So maybe there is some responsible Sunan adult floating around out there! But they never starred in a shitpost so I don't know them, lol.
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ironcrwned-archive · 4 years
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hi friends ! it’s me ur resident clown, bonnie, & i’m stoked to be in this rp with all of you ! i’m 20, located in the est, and i use she/her pronouns ! i’m currently procrastinating all my school work so ! there’s that. below the cut are my babies’ intros, so like this and i’ll hit u up for plotting ! i got out of hand and this is super long so if this is overwhelming, there’s a tl;dr at the bottom !
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒙𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒖𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒛𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 –– THE ARTIST
alex fitzalan. twenty-three. cismale. he/him. one sib. ––– hey , there’s XAVIER FITZHERBERT from AURADON walking past the castle. they’re the OLDEST child of RAPUNZEL AND EUGENE ‘FLYNN’ FITZHERBERT , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - NAIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + BENEVOLENT too. say , don’t you think they remind you of DANCING WITH YOUR FRIENDS UNTIL YOU CAN’T BREATHE, WARM HUGS FROM THE PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU, NOT WANTING TO GROW UP JUST YET & BOYISH SMILES, or is that just me ? 
𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the oldest child born to rapunzel & flynn, and it is obvious that he took after rapunzel with his temperament
a soft soul, his smiles always reach his eyes, dimples and cheekbones are his trademarks honestly
growing up, he was always outside, playing with his mother & father & sister ( though he is more of a momma’s boy tbh )
probably made ( and currently makes ) flower crowns for himself and friends
and his strong connection to rapunzel , it’s obvious young xavier got his artistic talent from her
he constantly has paint on his fingers and hands, a sketchbook in his bag with pastels and paints and oils from all over the place
most likely has drawn everyone he’s ever met in his sketchbook and then given it to them for their birthday and/or a holiday
his parents both loved him very very much growing up, and it’s obvious in how he acts. he never hesitated to come to them if there were problems or issues with anything in his life ( friends, relationships, schooling )
xavier is ~kind of~ a partier in the sense he is ALWAYS down to go out and have fun and dance with his friends , but he rarely ever gets out of control due to substances or anything
is currently having a Crisis about his sexuality because he’s really only ever been with females but now he’s just like ... seeing a cute guy and is like wait a min.. 
he hopes to become some type of royal painter or something one day because art is truly his passion 
okay so obviously, this boy is a big old softie 
he will ALWAYS drop everything he is doing to help someone out, it never matters with him
can be a little ( a lot ) on the awkward side & tries really really hard to not be but it really is just how he is and sometimes it’s endearing and sometimes it’s...like watching aladdin ( 2019 ) scene where aladdin meets jasmine the first time as prince ali .. it’s pretty bad
he is ESPECIALLY cringey when he is talking to someone attractive ( and they’re male/nb and he’s having a Crisis ) and they’re flirting with him...phew just kno that his ears ? are as red as merida’s hair
most likely will never know if someone’s taking advantage of him/using him
hi i just like making playlists for my characters so ppl know the Vibe™️
i. talk too much // coin – ii. supercut // lorde. – iii. boy’s dont cry // the cure. – iv. made of light // mikky ekko – v. chicago // sufjan stevens – vi. eyes shut // years & years
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can check out his tag right here ! so if u see anything u fancy, just lmk !!
but also!! friends!! probably people that he grew up around a lot bc of who his parents were
mayb someone who is the opposite of him ( maybe a villain kid ) who he tries to like ... encourage idk , i just rly like unlikely friendships !
someone who watches out for him , esp because he’s always taking care of others and most likely forgets to take care of himself ( taken by: giselle desroches )
maybe some exes?? most likely females for rn bc he’s discovering his sexuality but these were probably like ... friendly break ups
literally anything i’m pretty easy going !
okay now onto my trash child
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 –– THE SPITFIRE
olivia holt. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her. two sibs. ––– hey , there’s CASSANDRA ‘CASSIE’ EVANS from THE ISLE walking past the castle. they’re the YOUNGEST child of CLAYTON , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - MANIPULATIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + RESOURCEFUL too. say , don’t you think they remind you of HAIR TIED INTO PONYTAILS WITH RIBBONS, KNOWING YOU CAN DO NO WRONG IN YOUR FATHER’S EYES, AN ARROGANT SMILE AFTER YOU GOT YOUR WAY, & THE FEELING OF BARE FEET IN THE SAND , or is that just me ?  
𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the youngest child of clayton ( the bad guy from tarzan )
and when i tell you she is SPOILED omg
growing up she knew she was cute , mostly because clayton was SURE to tell her that and spoil his little girl ( xavier is a momma’s boy & cassie is for sure daddy’s little girl yikes )
so from a young age, she had a little mischievous side to her. 
it started with lil pranks on her siblings and then her dad and most of them weren’t harmful , just annoying but eventually as she went to school at the isle...she became a monster
she knew she had the innocent face so her friends ( !! wanted plot btw ) would pull pranks on other students and even some teachers
and whenever the other students would try to tell the teachers, cassie would put on a little smile and flip the narrative so she looked good and the other person didn’t. i literally can’t stand her
now in auradon, u know she’s gonna be making sh*t hit the fan whenever she gets the chance
big big disaster Bi that flirts with everyone with NO shame
so obviously cassie is somewhat of a lil monster ( not somewhat, she is a big one )
can be pretty darn manipulative depending on the situation and whether or not she will benefit from it or not
but ! she does have some redeeming qualities ! 
she is super resourceful meaning that her mind is super quick to find the easiest and most time efficient solution to a problem 
and she’s a pretty good smooth talker in bad situations, she’s known to get her friends out of a lot of sticky situations before
very very flirty okay but hates commitment lol
is pretty adventurous as well, loves the outdoors and hiking and swimming especially
i. dead weight // pvris. – ii. bad memory // k. flay. – iii. simmer // hayley williams – iv. west coast // lana del rey – v. teach me how to pray // spelles. – vi. don’t hurt yourself // beyonce. 
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can look in her tag right here ! same thing with xavier , if u see something u wanna do just let me know !!
girl squad !!! probably from the isle too and probably f*cked sh*t up over there and now? they’ll most likely do the same thing over in auradon 
probably has lotsssss of exes because she tends to self-sabotage and leave before things get serious. we love some angst in this household 
people that genuinely dislike her lmao 
people she probably flirts with on the daily basis lol 
𝚝𝚕 ; 𝚍𝚛 ( seriously i need to chill )
ik this was A LOT so i’m just gonna summarize them below lol
xavier fitzherbert : son of rapunzel & flynn, art heaux, discovering his sexuality, a whole awkward mess but just wants to help people!
cassandra ‘cassie’ evans : youngest daughter of clayton from tarzan, a little spitfire that manipulates mostly everyone, disaster bi afraid of commitment, and causes too much trouble all the time 
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sunagakubae · 6 years
sjadhkfg this is.. so late but i was tagged by @narutoslittlefox for this tag thing so thank you!
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people
Star Sign: libra
Height: 5′2″
Gender: female
Birthday: october 19
Relationship status: single
Who is your crush: temari cdsvndkjzldb
Song that is stuck in your head: The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
Last movie: the nightmare before christmas iirc
Last TV show: naruto....
Why did you create this blog: i have a lot of feelings so i just made a sideblog dedicated solely for nart since i didnt wanna spam naruto on my main because im a coward
What do you post / reblog: this is mainly a sand sibs blog but i also post a lot about other things i like such as my fav minor characters & rarepairs rip
Last thing you googled:
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Favorite song lyric:  (Control - Halsey)
I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds And I couldn't stand the person inside me I turned all the mirrors around
What are you wearing: my pajamas which are just sweatpants + my fav alien t-shirt
Dream job: cyber security expert
Currently reading: my AP bio textbook..
Top 3 universes: naruto, mp100, drrr!!
Last time I cried and why: like a month ago about something personal
A picture of me: sure man here ya go
Ideas of a perfect date: go sky diving and then watch naruto together afterwards or smth like that
A fact about my life: i have a pet cactus i water every 2 weeks
What’s one thing you regret: back in middle school when i didnt cut off toxic ““friendships”“ sooner
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: sorry i dont find real ppl attractive ://
Have you ever taken a picture naked: no
Have you ever had a crush: not really... more like a really strong admiration
Have you ever been in a fist fight: nah
Have you ever snuck out of your house: nope
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: nuh uh
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: maybe like a couple times back in middle school
Have you ever been on a plane: yep
Have you ever kissed a picture: ........yeah lmao
Have you ever touched a snake: no
Have you ever felt like dying: again just a few times during middle school
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: always
Phobia: thanatophobia
Middle name: danger is my middle name
Are you a virgin: yes
What’s your sexual orientation: asexual
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: no
Someone you miss: my uncle who died a lil over a year ago :(
Favorite ice cream: cookies n cream!!
One insecurity: my academic failures
What my last text message says: kk
Have you ever painted your room: ya i painted it light purple
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex: no
Have you ever slept naked: no
Have you ever been dumped: no
Have you ever stole money from a friend: noo
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: no
Have you ever been arrested: all of these are just no tbh
Have you ever made out with a stranger: really?? no
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere: nah
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents: no
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex: no
Have you ever seen someone die: not personally
Favorite Harry Potter spell: harry potter?? is that like british naruto?
Have you ever hated the way you look: yup
Have you ever witnessed a crime: just minor misdemeanors here & there nothing too crazy
Have you ever pole danced: lol no
Have you ever been lost: 24/7
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: no but maybe halfway across the country
i cant tag 20 people so im just gonna tag @whattadragg @sunagakures @sakurasdivorcelawyer @dechartjpg @jojotaros @bleedingrose152 @jaxyjellyfish @goomykins @kakashifromaccounting @shikamarubase and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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