#the premise could also suit Feysand but Lucien just gives me more 'handy guy next door' vibes
the-lonelybarricade · 1 month
Modern AU where Elain comes in from her garden one evening. The temperature dropped when the sun set, which was hours ago. She's freezing and doesn't hesitate to throw on one of Graysen's hoodies she finds strewn over the back of a chair.
The scent strikes her, it's different—better than usual. Did he get a new cologne? She presses the fabric to her nose, takes a deep breath, and wanders into the kitchen to ask him what the brand is.
Only to pause when she sees him chatting to a man ducked in the cabinet below their kitchen sink. He withdraws, wrench in hand, and she assumes he's there to fix the leak Graysen swore he could handle himself. He lifts his body up. The light hits his red hair first, then his handsome face.
There's a brutal scar slashed across his left eye, but that's not what makes her gasp. Its his full lips, the most perfect pair she's ever seen, stretching into a grin as his eyes scrape over her, lingering on the hoodie she's wearing.
And she knows, if not from his smug smile then from the way he arches a brow, that it doesn't belong to Graysen.
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