#the one that alliterates when they are tea thirsty'
i need a cuppa
it's times like these that i'm at my most british
i need a cuppa and i dont have any teabags
maybe my sister will make me tea if im polite .
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artificialqueens · 5 years
The Ballerina and the B-girl (Branjie)
a/n: hey there kids this is my first fic on here. Hope you enjoy! A new chapter will be out as soon as I can write it if you guys want a continuation
Vanessa Mateo, simply “Vanjie” to her friends, was never one to be on time for anything. She was usually that girl rolling up 20 minutes late, coffee in hand and complaining about the earliness of the time, no matter how late in the day. However here she was at the small studio attached to her gym, 15 whole minutes early for her breakdance team rehearsal. Now you may assume Vanjie had simply gotten the time wrong, or God forbid actually been early for practice by her own good will. It was in fact, neither of those reasons. Vanjie had come early specifically so she could watch her…her being the blonde haired, bitchy faced ballet dancer who had the time slot directly before the team.
The way that the blonde ballet dancer’s body moved fascinated Vanessa. The pure technical accuracy and precise movements were mesmerising. Vanjie tried her hardest not to stare, sure didn’t help that she also looked sexy as hell in her sports bra and tiny shorts. The way her strong leg muscles flexed. Her toned yet graceful arms. Her washboard abs, tendons forming a mouth watering V that disappeared below the waistband of her little shorts, prompting all kinds of fantasies that Vanessa probably shouldn’t be having about a stranger at the studio. She chuckled to herself under her breath, feeling like peeping Tom Tease standing in the doorway shamelessly admiring the other girl.
Vanjie had first caught a glimpse of her when she had been given a lift to the studio with her teammate Silky, hence had been on time to see the blonde leaving. Immediately taking an interest, Vanjie had been on time every week since but this was the first time she had been early and experienced the full on ballet fantasy that hot blonde was giving. Fuck, Vanessa could feel that she was definitely getting a situation down south and that just spiked her interest more.
“Who are you kidding girl?” she berated herself mentally with a duck of her head, “This girl is so far outta your league that you’d need a fucking spaceship”. Vanjie looked back up, and was unexpectedly greeted with bitchy blonde’s blue green eyes staring into hers. The girl tilted her head to the side and opened her mouth slightly in a confused yet still incredibly bitchy expression, and oh Gay God did it do things to Vanessa.
“Ehhh, hi” Vanjie managed to stammer out, trying to gain her composure to act as cool as possible. Blonde raised a single perfect brow and Vanjie realised that she looked like a bit of a creeper.
“I’m sorry for intruding and that, I’m just early for my breakdance practice and I just couldn’t not watch, damn you’re good at that thing where you’re up on ya toes n stuff” she tried again to seem cool, and more importantly not creepy.
Blondie rolled her eyes playfully, however the bitchy demeanour remained as she replied in a distinctly Canadian accent, “I know that I am, there’s a lot of mirrors in here”, before turning on her heel and sashaying over to where her bag was. ‘Fuck’ Vanjie thought, ‘Hot, bitchy and with an accent’ Blondie sat down and began to untie the ribbons on her pointe shoes, so Vanjie took this as her opportunity to try to continue the conversation before her friends arrived.
“Well you sure as hell put on a good show, how long you been doing that?” She asked, trying to walk over and place her bag on a chair as casually as possible. Blondie looked over to her with surprise that she was still wanting to talk, and Vanjie could have sworn she saw the ballerina’s eyes do a quick elevator scan of her body. Vanjie smirked, she knew she looked good as hell in her crop top and sweatpants, she’d even been bothered to brush her dark hair and put small braids into one side.
“A while”, blondie returned her smirk “why, you interested?”
Vanessa almost choked on her own tongue, before realising she had meant interested in ballet. “Nah girl, not the tea for me. Y’all too graceful and precise and shit, I like to go with the flow and get down”, she immediately regretted her words, worried the ballerina would get offended. She was relieved to hear the blonde let out a chuckle at her words.
“I see” the blonde stated, standing up with some gym shoes now on her feet. She took a couple of graceful strides towards Vanessa, and the small Latino girl felt her heart in her throat. “Although it sounds like you have some incorrect presumptions about ballet dancers, I for one am very into getting down”.
Vanjie couldn’t help the physical reaction that overcame her at the innuendo of those words, she let out a small splutter that seemed to greatly please the blonde. ‘Damnit Vanessa you useless lesbian’ she berated herself.
Bitchy blonde held out her hand to Vanjie, coming across as even more sexy and confident, “Brooklyn” Took Vanjie a couple of seconds to compute what was happening, after which she gasped Brooklyn’s hand and spluttered out “Vanjie…no shit Vanessa, my name’s Vanessa but my friends call me Vanjie”. She felt herself starting to ramble, thankfully stopping herself there but glad to see amusement and interest dance in Brooklyn’s eyes. The blonde withdrew her hand and shamelessly looked her up and down with a devilish smirk. Vanjie felt like a gazelle Under a predator’s gaze, and her instinct was practically confirmed that this bitchy blonde was just the kind of dominant top that a big ole bottom like Vanjie loved to fuck with. Loved to get fucked by, to be technical about the matter. Just as it looked as though Brooklyn might say something else, loud voices shattered the mood with the arrival of her teammates. Brooklyn let out a sigh, not taking her eyes off Vanjie.
“Well Vanessa, I assume these are the friends you’ve been waiting for”, she moved to stride past Vanjie with her bag, stopping right next to her and whispering in her ear, “See you next week I guess”
A shiver ran down Vanjie’s spine and into her centre as she watched Brooklyn’s perfect ass stride it’s way out the door as though she was walking a runway.
“Vanjie girl? You finally talk to that blonde bitch you been drooling over the past few weeks?” Silky questioned, taking Vanjie outta her Brooklyn induced haze.
“Her name’s Brooklyn” Vanjie mused, Silky chucking and shaking her head.
“Brooklyn the blonde ballet bitch, gotta love some good alliteration! Girl, you see the way she was looking at you like you were a snack she wanted to eat up?” Silky shouted.
“Girl, she can come get these cookies any day” Vanjie replied with a laugh. She began to stretch to warm up, her mind on how flexible Brooklyn was and how that might come in handy during certain activities. God she felt so thirsty, but hell Brooklyn was her type down to her fucking perfect eyebrows. Vanjie couldn’t wait to be early again for practice next week, that was for damn sure.
Tags: #branjie #brooke x Vanessa #lesbian au #opposites attract
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