#the one i'm going to raise lil frog babies with and live in a cottagehouse with πŸ˜Œβœ¨πŸ’–
lovelytarou Β· 3 years
This doesn't really apply any more since you changed your blog theme...but back when we first met, you had your muted pastel blue theme, and around the same time, I was given an oversized hoodie of the exact same colour. It's now my fav hoodie, and I wear it all the time, and I call it my Franz Hoodie (I'm wearing it now β‚α΅”β€’β›β€’α΅”β‚Ž )
I will now go and hide in my blanket (⁄ ⁄‒⁄ω⁄‒⁄ ⁄)
IMOOO AFSHSJD idk if it's bcs of my period or bcs life's been a lil rough lately, but you HAVE NO IDEA how touching that is. like, literally it made my heart really really soft i love you sm AAAAA and you named it your FRANZ HOODIE??? brb im gonna die in happiness ( ⚈Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯́⌒⚈Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ€)
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