#the movie is beautifully made and Tom and Kirsten at least try to do justice by their characters' renditions
fayevalcntine · 8 months
Seeing any kind of Brad Pitt defense over his portrayal of Louis in the 1994 movie is actually insane to me because that man did not emote a single time in any proper way throughout the film. Making a sad face while barely trying to bring any shred of emotion in your line delivery when your character is literally narrating the story to someone (and in doing so needs to be able to pull that person in with their storytelling) while at the same time blatantly showing his own hypocrisy in what he believes in vs what he does is not actually "being the perfect Louis".
Book Louis is a hypocrite and an insane man who thinks himself exempt from the judgement he places onto Lestat for doing outlandish killings or throwing out his anger onto the mortal world. He tentatively agrees to referring to himself as his slave while also having been a literal slave owner. The fact that he controls the money, the investments and even owns the house where the entire unholy family live is what further drives that point home. But book Louis is also supposed to be charming in his own way. He pulls in Lestat, Armand, even Daniel with his own contradictory behavior. He's not just a pretty face who got targeted by a vampire, he's a man who was never morally pure to begin with, and that allows him to even survive as a vampire, despite his moral dilemmas over feeding off of humans and the purpose of his own existence when he questions it against the backdrop of his Catholic faith. Brad Pitt didn't even try to understand this basic reading of his character, let alone emote it.
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