#the light situation wasn't the greatest for all angles
robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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little details on the quen ships
in appreciation for hfw’s 1st anniversary i think i’ll reblog my other little details posts today :D the gameplay and characters are amazing of course but the details are what i’ve personally racked up so many hours exploring, especially in photomode. thank u guerrilla games for creating such a beautiful world for me to escape to!
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laptopsmedia · 2 years
How to Set up Lighting for Video Conferencing ?
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You begin your video conference. On the screen, a mysterious, shadowy figure appears. It's difficult to tell who they are.
"Yikes, sorry, gotta fix my lighting," you say to your colleagues as you fumble to turn on another lamp and adjust the angle of your webcam.
Is this scenario familiar to you?
We've all been in situations where our lighting wasn't ideal.
A few too many shadows, a little too harsh light, or that bothersome backlighting from your otherwise wonderful window in your home office.
Even if you're generally happy with your lighting setup when working from home, there may be one or two tricks you could try to look more polished and professional.
We scoured the internet and spoke with our own creative director, who has worked on hundreds of professional video shoots, to bring you the ultimate guide to upgrading your Lightning for video conferencing .
We'll go over quick tips for easily optimising your space on a budget, as well as suggestions for those who want to get really technical and invest in all the gear.
Let's get started—or use the table of contents above to skip to the sections that interest you the most.
What type of lighting is best for video conferencing?
The greatest lighting for video meetings is determined by your objectives. If you're a news anchor channel from home, a professional YouTuber, or someone who gives a lot of high-profile presentations, a glossier, studio-quality lighting setup might make sense.
Most professionals, on the other hand, simply require a setup that will help them look good on calls and enhance, rather than distract from, what they're saying.
Where should the light be for a video call?
Consider the lighting in your home workspace, whether it's a desk in a corner of the living room or a dedicated home office.
If the room has a window or another source of natural light, make sure it is not directly behind your desk.
"Avoid bright rear lights," Gillick advised, noting that they will either lower the quality of your image or blow out your background.
As a result, as much as you want that big, beautiful window in the background of your video meetings, resist placing your desk directly in front of it.
"Open your shades and let the natural light in, but don't let all that light hit your back," Becca Farsace, Video Director at The Verge, advised in her excellent piece on the subject.
"The first rule of natural light is don't have it behind you," says Michael Hession, Wirecutter's head of photography and video. If you're backlit like this, your face will appear too dark or your background will appear too bright.
Place the brightest light source directly in front of you
Experts advise placing your main light source directly in front of you or at a 45-degree angle to you.
"It's wonderful if you have a large window in front of you where you work. "The majority of the work is done for you," Hession explained. "You have this lovely large, lovely light source that will brighten your face right up."
Hession suggests turning at a 45-degree angle to the window to add interest to the frame. "This will cast a shadow on one side of your face." It's a little bit more flattering, de-emphasizes your blemishes, and has a cinematic feel to it."
And what if you don't have a window or it's dark outside?
Locate the most powerful light source in your room—perhaps a lampand position it optimally, following the same guidelines as for the window.
If you don't want to fuss with angles, remember TechCrunch editor Darrell Etherington's lighting guide's simple rule of thumb:
"Ideally, you should position yourself so that the brightest source of light is behind your camera."
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god-tier-aesthetics · 5 years
I don't wanna rush but I sent this in and I wasn't sure if it was received or not bc my Wi-Fi was bad. Did it go through? If so I am so sorry for resending i just wasn't sure Session analysis for Knight of Breath, Mage of Blood, Maid of Space, Heir of Doom, Witch of Light, Seer of Heart, Prince of Rage, Bard of Time
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Time and Space player are here. Good. Let’s just... do this. So the BARD OF TIME is a really dangerous class to have here - the sheer amount of unstable loops and paradoxes they create though unstable time travel would create dozens of dead timelines in their wake to the point it could be hard to tell what`s the alpha anymore, though this could be just as detrimental to the enemy side as their passage of time would be screwy too. The PRINCE OF RAGE can destroy rage and negative emotion. Doing this would allow them to remain calm and without any passion no matter what they do, making them incredible at hiding their emotions and thus hard to predict…or stop when they’re going too far. They can also destroy the rage of others, making their battle fury fade and weakening them for the next power (the standard berserk fury of any Rage player). They could also focus their destruction of rage on dangerous allies, calming them down and allowing them to think more clearly which could aid in the Bard’s ability and role here. The SEER OF HEART will be the one to understand passion, romance, and individuality, as well as the ability to share that knowledge with teammates. They would make a wonderful ally, and would be well suited to a strategist’s position within the group.  They have complete and thorough understanding of their allies’ personalities, mannerisms, and emotions, more-so than even the ally understands of themselves. The WITCH OF LIGHT can be an extremely useful tool of knowledge. They can turn the odds in their favour to cause the downfall of others, combining information and inferences to quickly derive a conclusion and manipulating the importance of others to get what they want. They would also be masters of manipulating information to get all possible views on it, seeing things from different angles and bringing fresh perspective to the situation. Our HEIR OF DOOM here might be dangerous if too-well acquainted with the Prince or Bard, so keep this team stable. The Heir can embody doom and death and fate, letting them alter fate, shoo away Doom by their presence and intervention. They’d be like a bad luck ward. Things can still get bad when the Heir is around, but never too bad. They could be the teams protector this way... the KNIGHT OF BREATH could exploit their powers to propel themselves and their foes around the battlefield, flying away from attacks or pushing foes into their weapon. They could also use the wind to defend themselves, creating a shield of wind, or use the wind to slice into foes directly. Their knack for adaptability and movement would make them hard to lock down. Using this, they could easily help the MAID OF SPACE locate the Genesis Frog. All the while, the Maid will be able to preserve and create the fabric of the universe itself, making the frog-breeding a breeze for her. She could also create objects with the greatest ease of any class, using a storm of creation to preserve the universe. Finally, the MAGE OF BLOOD will be the glue to hold the team together through their friendship. They would have a great deal of knowledge of how people bind themselves to each other, making them brilliant shippers, but also ones who would make sure that their ship became canon through pieces of advice here and there. 
Overall, a lot of dangerous potential with the Bard, Prince and Heir. But if you somehow keep it all under wraps and have the Mage keep you guys a good bonded team, things will go pretty well. 85% success rate.
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