#the irony of Madalena's section being the shortest here is that I have the most thoughts about her as a character
warthogreporter · 2 months
Watched Galavant recently and enjoyed it a lot. Have some thoughts about it, like how the characters we're introduced to in the first song begin the series vs how they end it.
Galavant: Starts out being rejected in favor of social advancement and abandoning questing out of heartbreak, ends marrying someone above his station and retiring from adventuring to live a quiet life together.
Richard: First and last episode both have him marry a commoner (well implied and off-screen in the last), except with Madalena it was by force and she only agreed for status, while Bobby was willing and stuck by him even when he lost his royal status.
Madalena: Both begins and ends the story choosing power over love, but now the choice is one that hurts her.
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