#the guts. the balls. the gall to message your friend's mother to complain about her son to her
f1uffy-turtle · 3 years
Soul Bound Chapter 3: Scrying of the Soul
Amity squinted at the blinding light of the chandelier above her head as she woke up. Her head was foggy and she couldn’t make out anything at all around her. She took a moment to rub her eyes before taking a moment again to bring everything into focus. She was in her room again, exactly the way she left it.
The green-haired witch took a second to mull through her head. She tried to pull out memories, but the fog was too dense to even walk through, let alone see any of what was in front of her. She took in another breath and relaxed her shoulders. She unclenched her jaw as her mind started to clear just enough to where she could see the memories; her mother, her head, the note. She knows about Luz. She didn’t know what her mother would do to her, but Amity knew it wasn’t good.
She opened her eyes again and immediately rushed over to her door. Locked. Amity cursed under her breath. She knew that the door itself only locked from the inside, so if she couldn’t use her key to get the door open, then the door had to be magically sealed. She drew a magic circle and a key appeared in her hand. She took the key to the lock and it didn’t budge.
Amity dispelled the key and looked out her window which hung over a 2 story drop. She practically almost vomited in her throat as she looked down the edge of the windowsill and into the courtyard that was now overcast with the shadow of night. Amity summoned her scroll and looked for the only name she could think to call at the moment.
Luz woke up groggily as the scroll buzzed in her pocket. She felt a sharp pain stinging in her side. She was sure that she broke something, or at least something was broken before. She shouldered through the pain as she went to pull out the laminated glyph. She was relieved that now she was able to contact her friends in a way other than raven or crystal ball now, considering that Amity helped her figure out how to summon a scroll via glyph. If someone wanted to talk to her, it would rumble in her pocket, waiting for her to answer. It worked just like a smart phone back on Earth and she wouldn’t be happier for it. It activated in her hand as she moved it up to her face. She noted the time; 10pm. She had been asleep for almost eight hours.
Luz grimaced through the sharp pang in her lung as she shifted her weight on the couch and rolled over on her other side. She looked at the message that popped up on her notifications first. It was from Amity.
Hey, Luz? Do you want to meet me at the library so we can help each other on the whole song writing thing? I think I want to give it a shot.
The human looked at the scroll with a mix of excitement and confusion. She shot a message back to her. The rapid thumping of the “keyboard” shot through her arm and into her side and she winced in pain. That didn’t exactly stop her.
I would love to, but isn’t the library closed at this time?
I can take care of that. I just need to be somewhere other than here at the moment if that’s okay?
I gotcha. I’ll meet you when I can. I’ve had quite a rough day myself.
Amity read the last message once she was done changing into her everyday outfit and hoped to the half-deceased body that made up the Boiling Isles that everything would be alright with her. She pocketed the scroll and opened the window as wide as she possibly could. She swung her foot over the windowsill and twirled her finger to summon an abomination on the side of the building. The cold night air embraced the witch as she lowered herself onto the purple muck before commanding it in a whisper to lower her to the ground.
“Hey, Mittens!”
Amity started at the sound of her siblings that she almost fell over.
“Sneaking out of your room, that is so unlike you. What’s the occasion? Can we come?”
Amity scoffed, “It’s none of your business. I just need to get away from Mom for a bit.”
“Exactly why we want to come,” Emira replied. “She’s kinda been in a tizzy ever since she came home today. Do you know what that’s about?”
Amity sighed in frustration. “Fine, you can come. I’ll explain to you guys on the way, can you guys just keep it quiet!”
“As a mouse.” Emira winked at her sister, pinching her fingers together.
“Though,” Edric interjected, “Do you know how we can probably get down?”
Emira scoffed at him before twirling her finger in the air, drawing a circle and summoning butterfly wings for the both of them. Edric wanted to complain, but as long as he got out of the house in one piece, he didn’t mind. Amity waved them on to get going as they jumped out of the window from their own room and they all maneuvered past the other open windows in an attempt to remain hidden.
They could practically hear the doors to Amity’s room swinging open as they went down and some unintelligible shouting. That didn’t matter to them now. They left it all behind them as they raced on towards the Bonesbourough Library.
Luz sat on the stoop in front of the library as she waited for Amity to arrive. Leaving the Owl House was much easier than she expected once she woke up from Amity’s messages. Eda had left a note on the kitchen table saying that she had gone out to get something at the Night Market, though something in her gut told her that it might be a lie. Whatever she was doing, she just hoped that her mentor would be safe. Luckily the pain in her side that was still burning when she got up had subsided and ended up feeling like a small bruise compared to what was there before. She still couldn’t help but wince whenever she moved that side of her body. If she knew any healing glyphs, then she definitely would have used them on her way here. She thought maybe if she were to work with Viney the next time they met in a lab next time, maybe she could inspect what healing project they would be working on and copy a healing glyph that might appear there. Though, that would be a lot harder than it looked and almost as impossible as the plant glyph. A challenge like that won’t stop her, though.
She looked out into the night and reminisced on the first night that she stood here. That night really showed Luz a different side of Amity. Before, she saw her as a bully who feels like she has to be on top of everything. Even then, she wanted to reach out to her to at least try and be her friend. But, with Edric and Emira in the picture, she saw that she had bullies of her own to deal with. Luz could only imagine what kind of antics could go on at home and she worried over her.
“Hey, Luz!”
She didn’t expect to hear the sound of the twins approaching her, let alone see them right in her face. She toppled over right as she saw them and just laid there for a moment before processing what even happened.
“Heyyyy, guyyys. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Luz sat up cross-legged and tucked her fist under her chin as she looked at the twins; her cheeks flush from embarrassment. She tried desperately to hide the pain that she still felt, but to no avail. Amity pushed through her siblings and offered the human a hand.
“Yeah, they weren’t supposed to be here.” Amity picked Luz off of the ground and noted the smell of fresh detergent overlaid with something sweet and flowery. She remembered that Luz noted before, a flower called Lavender back on Earth was one of her favorite scents. Her mind was getting off topic, she had to focus. “They asked to come because they also wanted to get away from Mom for a bit.”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen her that pissed off before, and after hearing what Mittens, here, did, I completely understand.” Emira shot a cocky grin at her little sister, “Never thought you’d have the guts.”
“Whoa, whoa wait. What happened?” Luz’s head was spinning. Everything was happening so quickly that she didn’t know what to think or how to process all this new information.
Amity sighed. “Look, let’s just get inside and I’ll explain everything.”
She gestured over to their siblings. Edric walked over and produced a piece of parchment similar to the one that they had when they were with Luz the last time. He held it up to the lock and they all watched as the parchment turned to embers and ashes before them. The lock contorted before doubling and tripling in size, inviting the teenagers into the library. He gave Amity a nudge before saying “Looks like you’re one of us now, Mittens.”
Amity’s brow furrowed as she watched her brother strut inside the enormous keyhole followed by her sister as her dark green braid trailed behind her. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Luz with a small, reassuring smile on her face. She couldn’t help but return the gesture as her shoulders relaxed and her heart lifted out of her chest. She took in a deep breath as she ran her fingers through her brown roots and took her hair tie off, leaving her hair to fall out of the half-ponytail that she almost always kept it in. It felt freeing for her, almost in a symbolic sort of way. She took the hand of the human who she noticed also had her face red in her cheeks as she looked entranced at the sight of the new Amity. She couldn’t help but giggle a little bit before cocking her head towards the door.
“Let’s go.”
Edalyn Clawthorne was never past ending someone’s life when it came to extreme measures, but the absolute raw energy of her rage was only let out this much once before, when Lilith kidnapped Luz, threatening her life just to get her to join the Emperor’s Coven. Really to get petrified, but Lilith didn’t know that at the time. She didn’t need to hear all of what Luz needed to say to understand exactly what was going on. Whoever this Almade was, he was a liar and a manipulator. She was used to those kinds of people, to scamming others out of their snails and other people attempting to scam her. But this was a different breed. He wanted something from her kid to the point of almost beating her to death. And he had the gall. No. He had the audacity to lie to her and try to pass off as a decent unassuming professor. She wanted answers, but that didn’t matter to her. What was first and foremost on her plate was to see this man’s head on a pike.
The Owl Lady wandered the streets of Bonesbourough, through the back alleys as to not arouse suspicion of the Emperor’s Coven guards that lined the majority of the populated streets ever since the failed petrification. They only really seemed to be focused on finding her, or her beast form, rather, than actually keeping the peace. It was almost like a twisted version of those nomads who once served as Animal Control, except when those guys were there to actually do their jobs and protect the lives of others when called. These guys are only focused, seemingly, on putting her down. They were bastards, the lot of them. All part of a system so hell bent on controlling others. Part of a system so hell bent on controlling her.
She scaled a nearby trellis on the side of the alleyway and used it to lift herself up to the rooftop overlooking the small city. She could almost see the skull of the Titan overlooking the library. She took in a deep breath. It had been so long since she had done anything like this. It was too risky to use Owlbert, her staff, to fly over the rooftops. So, she had to be careful as she hopped from rooftop to rooftop, only using her staff to fly over particularly large gaps whenever the guards weren’t looking in her general direction.
She went around the perimeter in search of the man like a tiger circling her prey. Each rooftop she landed on, she made sure to remain vigilant. She was sure she saw a shadowy figure looming over in the distance on top of the library. She blinked again to make sure she wasn’t just seeing things and it disappeared. She didn’t care if she was just seeing things or not. She was only focused on what was in front of her. She tapped her staff on the ground and Owlbert woke up cooing in her ear. The owl palisman remained groggy, but understood what needed to be done as his eyes glowed a bright yellow. Eda swung her leg over the staff and it launched her across the entire length of the city. The guards nearby took note of the loud sound that came from where she launched and rushed over to investigate.
The Owl Lady swooped in and perched herself on top of one of the library’s spires, jerking her head back and forth as she searched for her target. She made sure to keep her feet firm against the rough deep green shingles as she avoided the moonlight that reflected off of the round stained glass window.
“Funny, that I find you here.”
Eda whipped around and swung her staff at Almade, who flinched before he got the wind knocked out of him and was sent flying into one of the flatter parts of the roof with a loud crack. He groaned in pain as he struggled to lift himself up.
“Funny, indeed! I was just going to say the same thing about you.”
The man laughed as he got up, ignoring the pain rushing through him and the blood that poured out of his mouth.
“What are you even doing here anyway? Are you here to find your child and scold her for leaving the house when she’s been clearly injured? Are you going to punish her? Lock her up in some infernal dungeon in the depths of that wretched house of yours?”
“Ha! You are clearly projecting something. But no, I would never do that to my Luz. You were the one that almost killed her, so I did the most logical thing a mother should do. I’ve come here for your head.”
Almade’s hand dripped with blood as he slammed it firmly on the ground. A golden light radiated from him as the brick and concrete cracked and crumbled, forming a large, stony abomination.
“Then come and take it.”
Luz felt a rumble outside of the library. Did the Boiling Isles ever have thunderstorms? Earthquakes? She didn’t know, but whatever it was, her legs started to go numb. She wasn’t sure if it was because her injury had been spread throughout more than just her side or if what’s outside scared her that much. Her heart raced as she went over to Amity’s side.
“Do you know what’s happening out there?”
Amity shivered as she gripped on the human’s arm as tightly as she could.
“I have no idea.”
“So, what happened between you and your mom?”
Amity stopped for a second. She never even thought about telling her that the fact that she was in love with the human was the reason that her mother went ballistic. That and telling her off wasn’t exactly the best idea either. She felt a chill run up her spine as she gathered how to even tell Luz what happened. Would she even tell her that she even had a crush on her? No, she can’t tell her that just yet. As much as she wanted to, now is the absolute worst time to tell her. She’s already processing a lot already.
“The long and short of it is my mother got after me for something and I ended up snapping at her.”
“Wait what? You yelled at your own mother?!”
“Tch, yeah. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t kill me right away after that happened considering how Ed and Em described her rampage.”
“I could only imagine.”
“But I wouldn’t know. She kept me under a sleep spell afterwards and locked me in my room.” Amity clenched Luz’s arm a little bit tighter. Tears started to well up in her eyes. “I don’t even want to know what she had planned for me after that.”
To Amity’s surprise, she was enveloped in the warmest hug that she ever experienced. Her heart began to race as she processed for a moment what was happening.
“You’re safe now. That’s all you need to know.”
Tears streaked down Amity’s cheeks as she buried her face into the human’s shoulder. It took everything that she had not to impulsively kiss her. She wrapped her arms tight around Luz.
“Okay, ow ow ow, that’s my bad rib.”
“Oh,” Amity pulled away from her. Her face felt even hotter than before that she was sure that her tears would have evaporated. “Sorry, that’s my bad.”
“Hey, love birds!” Edric called out, “We’re gonna look around and find something to do! Good luck!”
“We’re not-!” Amity growled. “Just go!”
“Alright alright, we should leave them alone.” Emira chided her brother. “See ya around, cuties!”
Amity’s face couldn’t be redder than it was right now, but she didn’t know if it was due to the embarrassment or how angry she was at the twins. Good thing she didn’t tell them about her crush on Luz either or they would have picked on her a lot harder than they already did. Though, it did make her wonder if she was being that obvious.
“Whaaat was that about?”
“NOTHING!” Amity said that louder than she intended and cleared her throat. “It’s-it’s nothing.” She let out a sigh.
“So what happened after you got out?” Amity asked. “You said that your day wasn’t that great either.”
“Yeah, Almade kinda went crazy. He chased me around with a treelike abomination of all things. It nearly killed me.”
Amity’s eyes widened. “Come again?”
“You know, treelike! Like he took the dirt and roots of a tree and it made an abomination like GRRAWRRRR!”
“No-no I know what you mean by that, but are you sure that it was an abomination and not just plant magic?”
“Well, it had eyes and it followed commands and everything. I saw Almade using nonverbal commands to control it and he was somehow using glyphs against me. Ones that I haven’t even seen before. They seemed to be made of some cardstock or something stiff because I know all my glyphs were either ruined or smudged in my bag. Probably not the best idea, to be completely fair. I should have a better way to carry those next time.”
“Were his glyphs gilded?”
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
“We’ve got a book to read!”
Eda slammed an ice glyph on top of the abomination’s head. The creature groaned as its head was being engulfed by the crystallized water. It jerked around trying to throw the older witch off of her balance. She jumped off and slammed the brunt end of her staff into the monster’s head, shattering it to bits. The abomination fell over and crumpled into a pile of rubble and dust. She was surprised at how heavily enforced the building was if it could make an abomination of that size.
“So what’s your deal anyway? You infiltrate Hexside and pose as a teacher. You wait until my Luz is alone and you just up and attack her? Don’t ya think that’s rushing the game a little bit?”
“It doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that the job gets done, then I’ll be free from my own control. Luz is using you, Edalyn.”
“Yeah! To help learn magic, and even then she goes to school anyway. Kid wouldn’t even hurt a fly unless I or anybody else she loved was in danger.” She snorted.
“That’s not what I’m getting at. She’s using you as a proxy, trying to become a better witch so that she could have the human world invade The Boiling Isles. Why else would she run into such a lowly criminal and ask for help?”
Eda slammed her staff into his neck at such a speed that he was sure that she could have broken it with that blow if it weren’t for his manacle.
“Don’t you ever talk about my child like that!” The Owl Lady hissed, “It’s one thing to even try to kill her or – whatever you were going to do – but, it’s another thing to even try to gaslight me into thinking a stupid lie like that!”
She slapped a fire glyph on his stomach and jumped to the side as his tunic burst into flames. Almade writhed around in agony as he ripped and tossed his tunic off of him, revealing all the other burn marks and grafts adorning his body. He looked at Eda with a pure rage before falling over, his illusion passing through the roof of the library.
Eda cursed under her breath as she summoned her scroll to call the house. She let it ring for a moment before Lilith picked up.
“Oh my Titan, Edalyn! I was so worried for you!”
“Can it, sis! Have you checked to see if Luz was alright?”
“Uhhh, I was actually about to call you about that.”
“About what?”
“Luz left to see Amity at the library, apparently she was having a bad day as well and she wanted to comfort her.”
Eda sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Luz, what would I do without you and your big, dumb heart? Luckily, I’m at the library right now. I’ll call you and tell you if anything happens.”
“Just be careful. He could be anywhere.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, he just tricked me with an illusion! Cheap bastard took advantage of my rage.”
“Well, I could have told you that.”
“Buzz off.”
Eda hung up the scroll and looked down to find a bunch of Emperor’s Coven guards surrounding the area. This wasn’t looking too good at all.
Amity remembered only being in the forbidden section of the library once or twice when she was locked in before, mainly due to her curiosity, but also because she really didn’t have much else to do. The Emperor’s Coven deemed these books banned from every other resident of the Isles to read aside from the ones that were the highest up the ladder in the Coven like Lilith or the infamous Kikimora. She was actually surprised that they kept all of their criminal files in here of everybody they sent into the Conformitorium, even the ones that were thrown in there for childish or mundane reasons. It really didn’t take a lot at all to get thrown in there on the Isles. She remembered Luz told her once that she and King got thrown in there just by ignoring the “Don’t Step on the Grass” sign and called the attention of a guard. It was actually pretty funny how easily you could set them off like that, considering how harmless the guards themselves are. Though, one book in particular always stood out to her, but she never did take note of the author before now. It was a recent edition after all. It arrived just shortly after King’s whole book publishing fiasco.
It was a book bound in purple leather and a black cloth stretched around the spine. The edges of the pages and the engravings in the leather were all lined with gold leaf and the headband was as intricately sewn as possible. The writing on the spine read “The Scrying of the Soul by Robert Almade”.
Just seeing the author’s name now made Amity’s stomach turn. Of course he would write and bind a book this beautiful and this horrifying all at the same time. Although it may be worth it to check out, it wasn’t what she was looking for. She searched through the various files as Luz went to pick it up. Amity pulled out a file that read “Almade” and flipped it open. She cringed at the various pictures that were laid out in front of her and brushed them aside, but kept the ones in view of various glyphs that he either carved out on the walls or drew in his own blood. A mug shot taken of him revealed that there were no grafts or burn marks of any kind. He looked pale and famished. The color and fullness had been taken away from his cheeks and the look on his face read remorse. Not anger. Not sadness. Remorse. Almost as if he was apologizing to someone for the actions he did, his eyes begging for him not to be punished. Amity remembered wearing the same look on multiple occasions whenever her mother would scold her for whatever arbitrary reason and sometimes even dragging her father into it. Most times, he would remain reluctant to join in, but he wouldn’t dare upset her. It was almost like she scared her more than he was allowed to care about his own daughter. Amity skimmed through some of the headlines and pointed out one that stood out to her.
“Oh wow! That is dark! Gimme!” Luz said, making little grabby hands.
Amity stifled a laugh.
Quit being cute, you goofball. Someday, I swear it’ll kill me.
She continued reading. “Robert Almade, aged 24, as of last night had destroyed his own home. Witnesses say that Almade emerged from the wreckage with multiple cards adorning his body, all with gilded runes that nobody else has seen the likes of before.”
“That must be the glyphs!” Luz butted in. She thought about it for a moment. She always thought that she was the one to rediscover glyphs after many in the isles had rendered it a lost art due to how the evolution of bile sacs in a witch’s body made it useless. There must be a reason that Almade was using them because he could use magic like any normal witch by summoning abominations. Was this limited somehow?
“Luz, uhhh, there’s more to this.” Amity told her. “After he rose, he carved another one of these runes on his palm and grabbed the body of his father with it. There was a glowing light and then nothing left. Zeil collapsed on the ground, seemingly dead. The witness walked closer before seeing the body reanimate itself with a purple glaze overshadowing its eyes. They called this creature a Husk. It then stared directly at the witness before he darted off in the opposite direction. They ended up calling this person a ‘Soulomancer’. Almade was apprehended not long after and taken to the Conformitorium, scheduled for a burning.” Amity shuddered as she read that last sentence.
Luz looked at the date of the article. “Uhh, Amity, this article was dated 3 weeks ago. This is insanely recent.”
She flipped the page to find another article. “Oh, Dios Mio.”
Luz grabbed at her neck. She was so glad that she wasn’t turned into one of those Husks. She looked down at the book that she carried and noted all the love and detail put into the binding. She was going to find out how to get away from him. She could survive, but she didn’t know how. If she hadn’t been revived by Eda and Lilith, she would have been a goner. But why did it have to be her? Why her of all people? Did he have a grudge against humans or is it all just wanton bloodlust? He seemed to lash out at her more during her lessons with him, so the former is definitely still on the table. She tucked the book under her arm.
“I’m gonna go on ahead and check out this book that he wrote. If there’s anything that could help us out, it’d be in here.” Luz reached her hand out towards Amity. The witch replied with a smile and accepted it.
“Right, let’s head to the hideout.”
Amity’s secret hideout in the library wasn’t too much of a secret anymore, considering Luz as well as her siblings all knew about it. As long as they don’t spill it to anyone, like Ed and Em did to Luz when they met her, then it’ll be alright. She was actually surprised that the librarians themselves didn’t even know about it. Amity pulled on the book that acted as a lever and Luz immediately jumped on one of the bean bags that Amity had recently set up in the room when it came to the two of them actually hanging out in here. The human pulled the book out of her arm and started to read.
The witch smiled as she saw her crush at work, focused on the task at hand. She walked inside before closing the door behind her. She couldn’t help but feel a chill up her spine as she closed it, but paid it no mind.
“This is crazy, Ams!” Luz said as she pointed to a page on the book. “Look, right here says that these symbols are what make up the glyph system on the Isles! He must have really studied this kind of thing hard.”
Amity looked over the human’s shoulder. She was right. The page before her was laid out with a lot of specific shapes, most of them looking like the runes that they used on the Isles today for their native language, Arshoya. That language had almost been lost to their tongue today under Belos’ rule when he started to put the English language under the curriculum at their schools, but for whatever reason, maybe because it was easier, they had them keep the writing system.
“You know, it’s funny.” Luz pointed out. “Your guys’ runes on the Isles look scarily enough like alchemic symbols on Earth.”
“Wait, alca-what now?”
“Alchemy. It was this crazy study of magic or turning lead into gold or something developed back on Earth.”
“Wait a minute, I thought humans can’t perform magic.”
“Well, they can’t now, but I don’t think that’s ever stopped them from at least trying in the past. After all, these symbols exist. Look, this one-” She pointed at a circle with a dot in the middle of it. “-represents the Sun in Alchemy. At least, that’s the only symbol that I know. But it’s the same symbol that is used on my fire glyph.”
As she said that, she produced a card that wasn’t crumpled from her bag and drew her fire glyph just to demonstrate before quickly shoving it back into her pocket, hoping not to accidentally activate it.
“Wait, I don’t understand, that could just be coincidence. You can’t be too sure that our runes could be a shortcut or reference or whatever to design your glyphs.”
“It’s not designing. I’m learning from the island around me, at least and I’ll use whatever reference I’ve got.” She sighed as she stared at the book. The human looked back to Amity’s golden eyes. “And plus, it’s worth a shot.”
The witch could see the soft determination in Luz’s face, one that radiated of her characteristic hopeful outlook on life. Luz, her little light.
Someone knocked on the bookcase and Amity groaned as she got up. This was seriously the last time that Edric and Emira would pick on her in a moment like this. She went to slide the door open.
“You know guys, I am really getting tired of you guys picking on me, so why don’t you mind your own business!”
But it wasn’t her siblings. It wasn’t either of them at all.
Edric and Emira sprinted down the various book shelves as they raced over to the direction of the hideout. Neither of them heard Amity scream that loudly before and they knew that she wasn’t just excited. They leaped down the balcony, summoning illusions to soften their fall. Once they finally reached the hideout, shock spread through both of their faces.
Amity’s body lay on the ground before them, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Luz scrambled backwards with her eyes wide and bloodshot and her mouth agape. Almade’s book was thrown across the room with its pages spread wide open.
“What did you do?” Edric asked softly with a fire behind his voice.
“I-I don’t – I didn’t-.”
“LUZ!” He grabbed the collar of her hoodie as he lifted her up off the ground. Tears trailed down his face. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?”
It wasn’t long before Luz started bursting into tears as well. Looking over to where Amity’s body lied. She was splayed out on the floor with her eyes closed. The human looked over to her to try and find any sign of breathing. Anything at all.
But there was none. Amity was dead.
Tears streamed down Luz’s face and pooled up under her chin. Why did it have to be her? Why didn’t she save her?
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