#the car has a froggy like face haha
cybervoider · 4 years
a test post in which i paste a bunch of notes i wrote after watching good omens for the forth time like two weeks ago to see how this works
• you would not believe your eyes, if the antichrist grew up to make Fireflies • my favorite scenes were all the ones with the burning car. idk they just made me laugh for that reason you can't describe • but the "lord heal this bike" is my favorite moment probably just... there are no words • oh and "haster." "-levista." • AND "SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUP" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
• sunglasses demon sad boy.
• he seems like he enjoys general mischief but when it comes down to like... idk very stereotypical evil thingys™ he's not into it. but still bad boy but just... likeable bad boy who mostly likes to inconvenience people because thats funny. probably would've been generally decent if he wasn't gonna die for it. maybe. • "let's ride off into the stars together like lovers haha jk...unless? actually please im begging you"
• angel food cake is like... sweet but also asshole.
• like idk seems to have a bit of a disconnect (and some sort of "above this" complex but all of those loser angles got that) but like, at least he's not as bad as the rest of the creepy skybox cult. he’d probably be so much better without them. otherwise he's a nice southern pansy. • it made me sad the last time i watched it when i realized that only after he literally gets rejected by the presidential speaker for god does he turn to his best friend like... that gives me so many mixed emotions. ugh :(
• their character interactions were my favorite though even if they tried to tear my heart out but jokes on you i dont have a heart >:) • im mad that they didnt hold hands >:( let them hold hands dammit. it's not gay if you say no homo first.
• toad man and chameleon guy are like "lol we don't trust anyone" but are just... always hanging around eachother. • haster is ridiculous he's definitely lost it it's great. his screams. just. there are no words. crazy man. "what's a computer." • sad that ligur has to become a puddle of goo. how do you think froggy is handling it? besides the whole....screaming his head off. • gabriel and michael remind me of my dad and his mom. idk it's just their whole.. demeanor and look. eugh. • gabriels hilarious though like... complete dumbass asshole and it's great. can't even describe it. • dagon's pretty cute ngl. lispy demon. cute lil scales and metal teeth. good. very good. i approve. gimme. • uriels cute too but like...cold asshole. no cute lisp either. dagon's better. • oh and beez. yucky. cute but yucky. looks and sounds like they're just so done with everything all the time i love it. • i can't spell his name but i hate the "can't have war without war" guy like his mouth is always hanging open and his smile is all weird??? yuck. no thanks.
• i want to see the four horsemen drinking tea at that shop. • also death is the best out of the four of them if only just because he was playing some arcade trivia game in the background in a bikers outfit. it's too perfect • i would say pollution looks cool but i care about the environment too much. like fuck off you little shit how dare you ruin that creek??? you bitch. • war has that stupid smiling face all the time like can she ever stop grinning • im hungry now and im blaming it on toothy guy.
• i swear every rewatch my brain keeps flip flopping on whether emo americans dad knew the plan or not and i dont even know why •  emo kid has probably so many issues from being sung lullabies about ruling the world like... i just had my sister play a song about someone's funeral and look where i ended up •  adams cool enough besides the fact that it must be canon that he ends up making some alternate universe of owl city. british owl city. •  i like how he's got that kind of... im not sure how you describe it but he's got this "neutral" expression alot of the time i felt fit the kid who's gonna end everything. •  pepper is great. 90% sure she grows up to be a lesbian queen. you go girl. •  wednesday is... the fourth day of the week. and a little witch. that is all. •  the rest of the them all get some kind of background but apparently according to the narration brian just... exists. •  also i love how it's says "always supportive of adam" when he's the first to doubt him and also just *picks up some sort of wooden thing to knock him out* •  anathema is cool. i loved all her different dresses. gives me big sister vibes. •  did the same actor do both newt and adultery??? •  okay they get to bang literally right after they meet but you can't have dumbass immortals hold hands??? bruh >:(
anyways i enjoyed it        
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