#the amount of side eye that manifested in my body when j reported the foster actually said 'unnecessary vaccines' like ok sure
foundorfollowed · 11 months
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bramble is very sure crimes were committed against him at his first vet visit but i watched him hoover up the churu that they squirted on the table during his exam so i'm pretty sure he's just being dramatic.
for the good news he's been vet certified a healthy little boy with a Weird Head, so that's good. for the 'we figured' news he's had zero vet care beyond a kittenhood fiv test, neutering, and a one year rabies shot. so we have distemper, this year's rabies, heartworm, and a preventative flea and tick dose to do. they also want to retest for fiv since that can give a false positive if done too close to infection. and all this is. expensive. but we figured it would be as soon as his foster mentioned "unnecessary vaccines" so.
in great news we really loved the clinic and the doctor we met with which is a relief. the one thing that really upset us about moving was leaving our old vet
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