#the Evil Dragon that got FOUND by a wandering child and just kinda went ''oh that's my daughter i think?''
ratcandy · 2 years
i am not immune to parental/familial dynamics between a villain/antagonist and a small child that just will not leave them alone
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hazecat-blog · 7 years
Pathfinder Adventures P.2
Here’s part 2 or our second session of pathfinder with a party of 9!
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Again, this summary was created by one of our party members and edited by me to include other details. Enjoy!
The second session of the new Pathfinder game was today. It mostly consisted of us wasting time partying in inappropriate places, but eventually, we stumbled across some enemy activity.
So, it started at breakfast the next day. Most of the party (except for June, the sorcerer, and Noggin the floating skull and his valet) were eating at the Iron Dragon because it was free and (for the Snarrot crew) better than shipboard accommodations.
During breakfast, they overheard a young couple talking about how their son had claimed to see a goblin in his closet, but when they checked, nothing was there. Phoof (the tree) was quick to push her way into the conversation. "I'm great with kids! I can help him!"
Now, Altei (the Ninja) went with Phoof everywhere, since they were best friends, and Ash (the kitsune magus) seemed determined to stick to Phoof like glue. Val (the sea witch) followed Ash everywhere, and Kaito (the kitsune barbarian) followed her around when he had nothing better to do. Elisi (the monk), and Zakhar (the alchemist) also had nothing better to do.
The parents were unsure at the wisdom of such a huge group of people parading into their frightened child's room but weren't willing to tell the heroes of Sandpoint to go away. So, they headed across town to their home.
On the way, they ran into June (the half-orc) and Noggin's valet accompanied by several other orphans that Noggin had decided to train to be his thieves' guild. Not having truly introduced each other yet the group talked with June along the way.
Phoof: "What's in the box?" June: "My Uncle" Phoof: "Your Uncle's a box?" June: "No, he's in the box" Phoof: "So your Uncle's really small?" Ash: "Maybe he's a brownie?" *the party argued about what's in the box until the valet opened it and a floating, jewelled skull came out* Noggin: "Greetings!" Ash: "Shiny!" Phoof: "I remember you!"
The party also ran into various grateful townsfolk, one of whom gave them each a baguette as thanks for 'saving the city from the goblins'. Noggin tried to get them to feed the bread to his orphans... Kaito took the bait, wielding his bread as if it was a rapier and lunging at the child's face. The child laughed and slipped a donut onto the end of it. Phoof shared part of hers since Altei had already eaten half of it.
Once they arrived, the parents finally got up the courage not to let them all go inside. So a few went up to check on the kid (I think it was Phoof, Val, and Elisi?) while the rest hung around outside looking for any sign of goblin incursion.
However, just as they went inside, there was a scream, and the three ran upstairs to find the father mortally wounded, the family dog eviscerated, and suspicious gobbling noises coming from the closet. Phoof immediately went to work healing the father so that he wouldn't die, while Elisi threw open the closet and brutally murdered the goblin she found inside, stunning him with the first punch and finishing him off with a second.
Further investigation determined that the goblin had likely snuck in through the chimney, and had hollowed out a hidey-hole in the back of the closet, behind a secret panel. The boy and the father were both badly hurt, but Zakhar and Phoof managed to save their lives and the boy's foot, which was partially eaten.
Still, the parents were far from grateful. "I guess these so-called heroes didn't do such a good job getting rid of the goblins after all!" The mom said. Elisi shot back with. "Well, maybe you should've listened to your child better."
Since the guard was willing to do the grunt work of searching door to door for more signs of hidden goblins, the party wandered off for another lazy day of doing not much of anything.
A bunch of the party ended up at the Happy Pillbug, a supposedly-always-closed store which the Snarrot crew suspected of being a front for a drug dealer. Altei got them inside and managed to guess the extremely insecure challenge-and-response password, so the proprietor offered to sell them his wares, although he wouldn't tell them what they were.
"Name what you wish, or name your price range, and I will pick for you."
Kaito hadn't gone inside and decided instead to sneak around to the back where the store had a large garden growing a variety of plants.
Kaito: "I'll nibble on a few to see what they do." GM: "Without even knowing what they are?" Kaito: "Well, I know a bit about nature. Let me check... 17?" GM: "You see Belladonna, Hemlock..." Kaito: "Ooooh, not the sort of drugs we were thinking of, then."
Fortunately, those inside also managed to figure out that the dealer was selling poison in time to avoid embarrassing themselves horribly. I think Altei ended up buying a few doses?
They got a few other things done that day -- some went to see a play that told the history of the previous temple before it burned down, Phoof went and gathered information about current events in the tavern frequented by the actors and musicians.
I think this was also where they ran into Shalalu the elf, who told them about the surrounding goblin tribes and goblin heroes she'd been hunting for ages. There was a tenuous kind-of-peace between the goblins and the town, which seemed to be fraying, and rumors that all five tribes were working together for some reason. Shalalu was going to go spy on a tribe to the south, and the party considered doing something similar, but the sheriff told them to stay in town to keep morale up and protect from any further attacks, while they waited for reinforcements from the south.
Eventually, they all met up for dinner at the Iron Dragon, got really drunk (or at least the Snarrot crew did), and decided to go party in the graveyard, since it was near the church and they hadn't checked it out yet. Except for Noggin and June, who had been there before, and caught them on the way. They decided to give their midnight graveyard party a more directed objective.
Noggin: "First, we have to rearrange the gravestones to open the crypt door." Kaito: "Oh, clever. How do we know which ones to rearrange?" Noggin: "Just pick any of them, it's magic." Phoof: *begins to move towards a gravestone before getting grabbed by Altei* Everyone else: "Stop! He's obviously lying to you!"
Inside the crypt, June pointed out the chamber where the previous priest's bones had been stolen, and the still-sealed crypt next to it that Noggin wanted them to break into.
Then, skeletons attacked. It was only four of them, though, and they managed to defeat them easily even though Kaito was drunk enough that he forgot he was still wielding a baguette instead of a rapier (light improvised weapon, -4 to hit, 1d4+1 damage, halved because it's made out of bread). He was going to leave it lodged in a skeleton's ribcage but was informed about the 30-second rule which meant it was still good to eat.
Noggin then tried to convince them to break into the sealed crypt, which they discovered was the crypt of an evil necromancer. "Clearly, he's summoning these skeletons! We need to deal with him once and for all."
Altei: *whispering to Phoof* Phoof: "The crypt is magically sealed. If we break the seal, he will escape." Noggin: "Not if we defeat him!" Zakhar: "Do you really want to release this evil and have to fight?" Kaito: "Yeah, kinda."
June convinced them to wait -- he'd go (with Val, I think?) to find the sheriff who they'd met in the crypt a couple nights back, and ask if he knew why the crypt was sealed before they unsealed it and possibly made things worse.
The rest stayed behind to guard the crypt, which they did by setting up camp around Phoof's fireless heat-stone and telling ghost stories until they fell asleep (except for Phoof herself who the group learned didn't sleep).
Ash: "Don't you have a room back at the inn? What do you use the bed for?" Phoof: "The bed is for Altei. Not me. Beds are for jumping on, not sleeping."
June and Val couldn't find the sheriff (suspicious!) but they did find the new priest, who was shocked to hear that the crypt had been violated. Why hadn't the sheriff told him?
At any rate, he told them that the crypt was sealed so that no undead could ever open it, and only a living creature could break the seal, so even if the necromancer was summoning the skeletons, they'd be powerless to release him. He set a proper guard on it nonetheless, and let the slumber-party move on back to the Iron Dragon to get some real sleep.
But it was not to be -- when they arrived, a flustered employee told them that Ameiko was missing! Searching her room, they found a crumpled letter from her brother (who was disowned by their father and banished from the town) to come to the Glassworks workshop at midnight. SUSPICIOUS.
It was morning by the time they reached the glassworks, which was closed up and supposedly abandoned, but then why were the kilns running full blast? They were warned not to break in, since the glassworks' owners' family were wealthy and respected, and they could get in a lot of trouble, so they tried knocking on the doors (no response) and peeking in through the windows (no sign of anyone, although they couldn't see into the main glassworking chamber).
Phoof was about to head off to get permission to enter, but first several of them climbed onto the roof to look down through the skylights. Oh, look! Goblins!
Lots of goblins! And an ogre! Building some weird glass statue in the middle of the room, while smashing everything else to bits!
Altei picked a lock to let most of them enter, and Elisi smashed open a skylight for herself and June. Phoof was about to enter too when Altei stopped her. He warned her of a prophecy an old woman told him about earlier that day, so he didn't want Phoof going inside the building. Phoof agreed to listen to him and ran off with Ash to get the guards instead.
The floor of the long, thin room was covered in broken glass, making it hard to move around for everyone but Elisi. The ogre cast a darkness spell on the end of the room where Altei, Kaito, and Val were entering, but it didn't slow them down much since there was plenty of dim light available from elsewhere in the room. They started slaughtering the goblins methodically, alongside Elisi jumping down from above, while Noggin flew across the room to taunt the goblins with insults.
The ogre didn't move to engage, however. Instead, he ran to the other end of the room and started summoning something. Seeing that, June jumped down and tried to magic-missle him to disrupt it, but some unseen force (spell resistance) dissipated the attack before it could strike. FOOSH! A gush of fire washed out of the furnace, burning Kaito, as a large fire elemental emerged and punched him, burning him more but failing to set him on fire.
Not able to attack the ogre directly, June started casting protection from fire on Kaito and Val, as Elisi and Altei moved across the room towards the ogre. The ogre -- who'd captured Noggin and was holding the tiny floating skull clenched in one club like fist -- moved to meet them halfway, meeting Elisi alone because she was so much faster in the broken glass, and pummeling her badly.
Kaito shifted targets and risked hurting himself on the glass to charge across the room and join the attack on the ogre. Altei also finally caught up, turning invisible and stabbing at the ogre with a poisoned blade, but the ogre stayed focused on the monk, and reduced Elisi to a single hit point! But the monk was brave, and continued her assault, hoping that one more flurry of blows would drop the ogre at last...
It didn't.
Meanwhile, Zakhar, who'd spent the whole combat opening doors and running down hallways to get around to the other side of the giant room for an ill-advised flanking operation, finally arrived, and finished off the ogre with a firebomb -- defeated, the ogre turned to gas and started slowly trying to escape. The bomb also finished off the last goblin, so the fight was over, right?
Not quite. The elemental was still being annoying since its summoner was just gaseous, not dead. And it wouldn't die! Val, who'd spent the whole fight drinking healing potion after healing potion to stay ahead of the incoming damage, finally lost her nerve and ran for it.
Then Zakhar threw another bomb at the gas, which finished it off for good, and dispelled the summoned elemental.
Kaito and Elisi tried to scrape the molten glass off the 'statue', which they'd been able to see was actually a bunch of glass poured over and over a man -- Ameiko's father! Unfortunately, the inner foot or so of glass was already hardened, and the man was very, very dead.
They still had the rest of the building to search for signs of what was really going on, but at that point Phoof and Ash returned with the guard, just in time to see Val come running out of the building while on fire (June had given her fire resistance earlier) and throw herself to the ground in order to put the fire out. -- As you may have guessed, the Ogre Magi was not part of the original level-1 module. x.x Tom added it for some extra challenge. Then decided not to use a cone of cold to kill the entire party when we were all trapped in a small enclosed area since we'd been expecting an ordinary ogre.
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lighdramons · 7 years
Tamersona Week Prompt 2: Memorable Evolutions
I’m putting a readmore just because this got kinda long. Also, the reference for Newt's name was Aliens.
Newt’s first two evolutions happened pretty close together. We met in March and she hit rookie by April and by May she hit champion.
Within a couple weeks of Newt appearing, reports began of strange sightings locally. I wasn’t really allowed out very far, but I could go to the local park on my own. So I packed a bag with a flashlight and some snacks and me and Newt set off on an adventure. And we soon ran into trouble; I laugh now looking back on it, but we ran into three otamamon and something was not right. They just had the aura about them and it wasn’t good. Newt leapt out to protect me but she wasn’t strong enough against three rookies. So I ran in there with the intention to grab her, but she began to glow before I got there and a red dinosaur now stood between me and the otamamon. Guilmon was this forms name and she kicked ass. The only problem now was there were three eggs where the Digimon once were. I grabbed one and Newt grabbed the other two, and I had an idea of where to store em. There was a bomb shelter in the woods in the park and so we kinda broke in and hid them in there. This would become our secret base in the future!
Anyways, flash forward a couple more weeks and I had a camping trip coming up. And if there’s one thing you should know, it’s that I’m not to be trusted on camping trips. Mainly because I’m the resident pyromaniac and I also may have a tendency to lead people out into the woods in the middle of the night because I got bored and exploring is fun! I did not do any leading people into the woods this time, just me and Newt because she sensed something big. It was well past midnight when we finally managed to sneak out (because I swear the adults just have a sixth sense for when you try to sneak out). Once we hit the trees, I let Newt out of my device. She led the way as we made our way through the woods with only a flashlight. We hit a clearing and there stood a giant blue beetle, Kabuterimon. This thing was freaking huge, but we had to take this thing down. Newt was shooting pyrosphere’s at it but they were doing nothing. It launched a ball of electricity at her and she got hit. And I remember staring helplessly at her because I couldn’t do anything. I wanted to help but I wasn’t strong enough to. It was firing up another attack and my hand started glowing. I instinctively put it against my digivice and Newt began to glow and evolve. A large black dragon now stood where she was and the two digimon took to the sky. I saw sparks flying in the air as the two battled it out. Newt was holding her own against the bug!
And then I heard voices and saw a flashlight coming, and I hid as best as I could. As they got closer I realized they weren’t anyone from camp, so I was safe for that, but like I had no clue who these people were coming towards me. That’s when I heard one of them say that they had to take down two rogue digimon. The person held out a device similar to mine and a rabbit came out and that rabbit became a larger metal coated rabbit and it flew up towards the arial battle. I bit my lip because I knew I had to come out or Newt would get hurt. “Stop! Don’t hurt my partner. You can’t hurt her.” The guy with the device just stared at me at first, probably confused at why me, a smol child was out in the woods and with a digimon. He called his partner off temporarily though. This guy in his 20s now has to deal with this whiny 12 year old in the woods in the middle of the night. I’m sure he was happy.
After a quick explanation, he helped me finish off the kabuterimon and he taught me how to send the digieggs back to the digital world. He was part of a group of older people (mainly in their 20s and 30s) who dealt with stray digimon that came to our world. And I guess this is how I got roped into the “saving the world” business. More to come on this later.
I know, not the greatest stories, but that’s how she evolved. You want a fun story though? Don’t mix alcohol and Digimon. So one weekend at college, we’re all sitting around, playing video games, drinking some beer, and well, all my college friends know about Newt so she is normally out with us while we’re hanging out. She normally wouldn’t touch alcohol when we were drinking, mainly because she saw the shit that it made us do sometimes. And, due to something I’ll talk about in a minute, she didn’t want to risk something bad happening. But for some reason she decided to try some and you’d think a dinosaur would have a better tolerance, but no. We started doing jager bombs and next thing you know, we were all outside, she evolved into Devidramon and we were all drunk riding a dragon across campus and by riding I mean she could barely fucking fly because of what she drank…and we may have lit one of the buildings on fire in the process…I mean, no one was in it, and the joke was always that I’d be the one to burn down that building…I mean, nobody traced the fire back to us, but yeah…It was a fun night though because we flew away and I have no clue where we ended up. She devolved back to Guilmon and I put her in the digivice and we wandered until we found a wawa and got some food. And then we had to figure out how to get back to campus because where the fuck were we.
As for ultimate, well, that wasn’t until almost a year later. And nothing really special here. She just evolved during a fight where we needed a little more power. It wasn’t really memorable or special. Though, I guess what was more memorable was the time she dark digivolved to ultimate. I should note, Newt doesn’t have a special dark evolution like some do, more so it’s the attitude and out of controlness. I mean, I think any digimon can be good or bad, and appearance shouldn’t effect if it’s good or bad. I mean, most people assume her as devidramon is bad but she just a big sweetheart in that form.
It was my junior year of college. There was a guy I liked and he did like me in some form. We flirted a lot my sophomore year, summer happened, we came back in the fall and well, we still flirted. He knew about Newt because as I said earlier, most of my college friends know about her. I was planning to ask him out because he was taking too long to ask me, but one night he slapped me and kicked me to the ground and I got scared. And it’s not Newt’s fault, but she reacted negatively to this and I don’t know why but next thing I knew she was cyberdramon and had him pinned to the ground. But this wasn’t Newt. I could feel something different. I pulled myself to my feet and tried to pull her off, but she slapped me away. She slashed at him and he screamed and I screamed her name and was crying and threw myself at her. She was gonna fucking kill him if I couldn’t get her under control and even if he did fucking hurt me, he didn’t deserve this. But I finally managed to get through to her and she went back to normal and devolved.
Part of me feels like he deserved it, part of me doesn’t. But we don’t really talk much anymore and he really doesn’t like Newt around.
Back to the earlier discussion of appearance, it’s really important when it comes to Newt���s mega. She kinds evolves into Megidramon and most people freak when they see it. I see her as a beautiful dragon baby but most don’t agree with that. I don’t really have a story with this one, other than she didn’t evolve until I was in like 10th grade? Something like that. Nothing really exciting. We were in the Digital World doing something and it happened during a fight. Honestly, its been more entertaining watching other people’s reactions to her being a Megidramon since “oh no, its evil!” and its like, nah, she’s just a big cuddle monster.
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