#the Clarke or Marcus choice poor Abby this was definitely what puts her on the edge and later leads to the drug addiction to quiet the guil
plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S3 E3
quarantine diaries: june 25 2020
season 3 episode 3: “Ye Who Enter Here”
based on this title imma just assume that this episode is gonna be hell aka Dante’s inferno
this dynamic between lexa and clarke is very beauty and the beast vibez with how clarke is give lexa ‘i wont see you’
“I can do both (hate lexa and herself) ” clarke said. We love a multi-tasker
“I want your people to become my people” ..”join me” Is lexa proposing a political marriage with clarke????
wow clarke used bellamy’s “kill me” line
clarke also said “Go float yourself”....let these kids say FUCK
Ice queen!! love matriarchy!
Yesssss Lexa you kick that guy off the ledge. this is what i like to see but also that could have really killed one of your people down below 
chill kane its just a med kit. but also watch they need a med kit but kane is like noooo 
i still dont like this relationship between bellamy and this girl bc who is she??  the writers really didnt put any effort into making me like her. Did you tell her how you injured your leg bellamy? Did you tell her that you got it trying to save clarke??
“There was no room at the inn” did pike just quote the Bible??
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but also this reminded me of this office scene
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look at the prince his fancy new clothes. lol when hes said “what you really want” my mind immediately when to spice girls
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Humpy dumpy sat on a wall. side note How did bellamy sense that Octavia was sitting up there like people dont naturally turn back toward the door they just went threw but i guess bellamy can just sense octavia’s vibez
aww look at bellamy being a supportive brother to octavia
Echo???? damn is my bellamy and echo ship still on??
Who is this assassin?? Highkey dramatic with that unwrapping of his weapons.
waht? Raven can crack the code now? since when? since fucking when?
Ugh again with this girl. its not like i dont ship her and bellamy cuz it looks like she makes bellamy happy but wtf the writers didnt build up the relationship at all so it just feels false to me
While on the topic of boos what ever happened to millers boyfriend?? Like they talked about it and now...what where is he?
i find it kinda funny how this grounder assassin has like primal weapons but has this kinda modern, cheap ass watch that you can buy at target or one that you would get at mcdonald’s. it could have been such a meme if the assassin pulled out this relic instead
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lowkey this grounder marketplace looks like star wars land in disneyland
Free food?! and kane gives her a patch but what good is that patch?? 
“Its up to the people.” we love a democracy except when majority of the population are idiots aka everyone on the ark
"aden is ready” so like do these people just base the next leader’s  readiness to rule on if they’re good enough fighters?? I guess that makes sense considering how majority of the population seem to be warriors. Lexa also mentioned something about a conclave..wtf is a conclave? 
look at lexa defending clarke against this baldy. damn she’s simping hard for clarke and its so obvious and yet baldy just suggested that she kill clarke.
also i cant help but laugh at the fact that when people finally meet wannheda they just see clarke. and ok sure she may do some badass stuff but come on dont tell me she doesnt look like a cinnamon roll
wait so what does bellamy’s girlfriend actually do? like is she an engineer or what??
yikes more neck deaths
“I’m not leaving my blade” neither would i octavia. also im curious on whether the grounders added the drawing of the gun when the space people came down with their guns because it seems like the space people are the only ones with guns that they would interact with (bc of the grounder lore surrounding guns and that they didnt seem buddy buddy with the mountain men)
ok clarke you pull that knife on lexa. but look at the intense eye contact damn. also that was such a dramatic knife drop. i gotta say that the background music during this was definitely a choice
also clarke can you please remove these ugly ass red hair extensions?
13th clan. huh? i dont like this. mostly because i dont like the world building and i just prefer bellamy and the rest of the spacers doing ‘whatever the hell they want’
ngl i thought that singer was clarke for a second. And i was like woah clarke can really sing?! but atlas it wasnt her. you know this made me think of all the other shows where they have that one musical episode...oh god i hope they do a musical scene later in the show. i would die happy. also did lexa really just hire a singer for this event?? 
How long is this assassin prepping like he’s been doing this seen the beginning of the episode?? who is his father, mother, brother, kin?? 
“how many floors”..”All of them” bitch if this mission were up to me everyone would be dead. but luckily its up to bellamy who always come thru
“Bear our mark.” when abby told kane that he should be chancellor it was more like i dont want to be marked so you should do it. jk also that’s not an honor that is a branding. and dont hate me but MARK-us because marcus kane. lol i dont care if you hate me that joke was for me. 
Yes bellamy you crash whatever this event is but also how the hell did climb up so fast! 
Are you kidding me echo? that two timing bitch ugh just when i rooting for her and bellamy she pulls this shit. 
the assassin is at Mount weather?! ugh. 
aww look at sinclair giving raven a pep talk
Oooo i called it Gina is dead. but the assassin really when for the abomin and not the neck..interesting choice. Why is this this assassin so much smarter than gina like he knew about that secret compartment and he had the codes also he got a tattoo with the codes. That’s some commitment!
you go sinclair. aww poor raven wabbling as fast as she can with that leg brace.this assassin must not be that good of an assassin if Sinclair can fight him off
Ofc they destroy mount weather. raven and sinclair were yeeted in that explosion
That stare that bellamy gave to Lexa and then that look between bellamy and clarke. ooo the tension is real
Also does bellamy know that this girlfriend just died or??? but i guess thats something that shouldnt be found out via radio
Who did Clarke’s makeup and hair or did she do it herself?? cuz it was definitely a bold choice. also the following image is not to mock clarke its just the most curse makeup image that ive seen and i love to share it with others
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lexa bowing down to clarke...ship???
Is that Emerson??! bitch
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milquetoast-on-acid · 6 years
Red Queen, a reactionary post
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Red Queen, 5x2, comments with pictures and meta with kabby. But mostly Kabby okay. 
Miller is totally Octavia's head of the guard
So like...how do they stick that cog on her head? They got bunker glue? I never cared much for the whole idea of Octavia and Niylah but this episode  is really selling it.
Love that its Dad!Kane who heard his daughter outside and now Abby is convinced that it's Clarke.
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So much tension between these two it's like season 1 Kabby tension except that they've already had sex. This would be a really great time for them to have some angry hate sex. But like after they discover the door is shut.
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Marcus we don’t have chains...but we do have tape. ;)
Everyone of Octavia's original council is not a part of her counsel anymore. With the exception of Indra who is on her way out. It will only be a matter of time before Indra is forced to make a choice.
She should have kept Marcus, Abby and Indra as her council.
"I didn't us all so we could just kill ourselves." Irony at it's finest.
How did I miss Oslaya? Octavia’s got like 50 names. Skairipa, Osylaya, Blodriena I can’t freaking keep them straight. 
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That looks so appetizing.
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I mean look how happy Marcus looks at getting fed. Almost as happy as he looked on the ark. 
"Mind if I join you?" and make it reaaaallyy obvious that you’d rather be somewhere else....
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No I really wasn’t looking at her...
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Honestly I’d rather sit with Abby then Jaha and his creepy adopted son any day.
"Whatever your fighting about, she'll come around." Well I guess everyone knows their a couple...but I guess neither of them  have been subtle about it. I mean Abby jabbed Jaha with a seditive and Marcus refushed to let her die outside.
"Uncle Theo, can I have some more?"  "Here Ethan have mine." Marcus never wanted that slop so any chance he can get to give it away he's going to take it.
"I'm still glad you stopped me from fighting Octavia for this place." They are really pushing redemption really hard for him. First he adopts a kid and now he's all happy Marcus gassed everyone.  Also...he wouldn't be saying that six years later....but it's Jaha maybe he would.
Jackson + Miller is so cute and I love it about a hundred times more than Brian & Miller. Plus it's about time that Jackson had some romance. Or a  plotline that doesn't just consist of "Hey Abby"
Also Abby is a Jackson/Miller shipper and I love it. Even though she's  pretty broken.
"Marcus said you had another headache..." MARCUS - the fact that Marcus and Jackson are on first name basis I love it so much. I can't wait to see more of their friendship and bond over loving Abby. I feel torn on one hand yeah Jackson really shouldn't be talking to Marcus about Abby but on the other hand it's great that he is because someone needs to take care of her because she's breaking and needs help. And she's in that ugly self loathing place.
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Why'd you have to hit my bae?
"Abby opened the door. I wonder would you have done that if he was already safe inside?" maaaaybbe. Love that this show asks the hard questions. She was really uber conflicted about keeping the door shut. And it did extend beyond Marcus. But Marcus really was her main goal. and seeing Abby stab Jaha was everything.
"It will stop the next culling of our people." hahahaha Okay Kara Cooper. 
So Abby is in chains with Marcus...she had to have protested. I’d expect nothing less from my Abby. 
Abby says the C word. This is actually something I speculated on before the episode aired and before Abby mentions it. and...that's definitely what happened during the dark year. The blight or The dark year....whatever you want to call it.
And now I can REALLY see why Abby took that downward spiral and now much guilt she must feel for putting them into that situation. Poor girl can't win. Doing what she thinks is right. Telling Jaha about Jake and then having to live with it and him being floated. And having to live with that decision. Then pushing to open that door to save Marcus and the others and now....cannibalism.
Jaha is the boy in the book sitting by the tree and resting.
Wasn't Niyah kind of a doctor? Why is she now a street vendor for wonkru?
How to solve a problem like Octavia and Gaia? My speculation on season 5 was some serious sibling rivialy between Octavia and Gaia. Now it totally has flipped with Gaia completely encouraging this blood thirsty side of Octavia. With Indra 100% regretting pushing the two of them together. Octavia and Gaia are going to be a HUGE bloody force to be reckoned with. I am totally here for Indra being on the outside instead of the inside of her daughters.
Wonkru Population Reduction: Gladiator In this situation that Wonkru have found themselves, population reduction is something that is needed. Gladiatorial matches however feel like their going backwards instead of forward. And now Jaha's method of floating seems way less harsh. My question or speculation is that in 6 years it seems like the Gladiator matches have evolved from 'this is how we solve our problems with criminals' to 'this is entertainment'. 
No longer is the one to survive the match automatically granted freedom. Octavia votes on wheater you live or die. SO even if  you win the match you could still die.
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Headcannon made clear by canon: Kabby are totally into BDSM. 
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That is an insane amount of food. I dare TWO people to eat that much. 
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Also this episode has been brought to you by Marcus Kane’s love affair with a dammned good meal. Look at that face. Look at how much we wants that damned food. 
I also really thought that Abby wasn’t eating because she’s not eating when they are at lunch. Only takes her pills with water and then here she passes on the food. 
"Really? Then why did you try to float me on the ark?” When he told her he’d save her life even if he didn’t love her. She called him on his bullshit. I would have loved for him to respond to that but what could he have said? I’m a different man now. Which is true and she knows that. I feel like the reason why he didn’t respond is that he knows that he has no excuse for what he did. And again he doesn’t see things the way he did before. That whole exchange reminded me of last season when Marcus was trying to talk Bellamy out of going into the acid rain. And Bellamy yells at him that he floated his mom.  Another thing I wanted to point out is I love how much the two of them have gotten to know the other. They both see right through the other.
"I know you've never felt you were apart of the ark." In which case Octavia and Marcus switch places.
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Who is this guy? I know I've seen him somewhere...and is Kara picking her nails? Wow so damned casual while she’s just waiting for people to die outside. 
I love that they have this gorgeous piece playing during the heartfelt Kabby scene. Abby going through withdrawal. Marcus watching Abby with concern and  so much love. My god he loves her so much. I love how he just puts his hand  on her back to calm her down.
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"How did you think I could carry you outside and shut the door? Abby I'm sorry but I'm not that strong." Marcus LOVES YOU SO much. It's so devastating but so beautiful.
Even as broken as Abby is she doesn't regret saving him. And in all honesty I don't know if the other would have surved in that bunker if they hadn't saved the other one.
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WHHHY!? did you have to interrupt their beautiful kiss!? The fact that Abby was  the one intiate it. Damn you!
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knock knock knock! Surprise Bitch it's Blodreina!
"Abby you can't fix me this time." Season 1 parallel, to when Abby saved his life.
Marcus saying the travelers blessing for Jaha! aaaaahhh!
Thelonius Jaha...May we not meet again. Really felt like this whole episode is them trying their best to redeem Jaha. Giving him this kid, saving wonkru and giving Octavia leadership advice. but.... I really have felt like Jaha's story had run out years ago. And that he might have meant to die at the end of season one but he just kept popping back up. And then he influenced Clarke just the way he did to Marcus and that shit was going down bad.
Gaia reallly loves herself some bloodshed.
"Your a healer not a fighter thats why I love you." awwwwwwweee! Their like mini kabby.
Kara is the first winner of the pit and Marcus is the last. BE THE LAST. and Marcus was the last.
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