#the 'polilez' comment is so hilarious as its evident that the majority of osa women on here do not have any critical thinking skills
casstr8 · 3 months
It's very interesting to me how the most influential radfems on here are the least bit radical themselves. Not being able to admit that heterosexuality is relative to patriarchy and fetishized at best is not compatible with radical feminism in the slightest. Not being able to use the correct terms and words because they scare you is also not compatible with radical feminism. Invoking homophobia to defend OSA nonsense is also not compatible to radical feminism.
Romance cannot be had with males. Males do not "love" women as women to them are just holes. We are viewed as inanimate objects that were made to be fucked by males, to all males. OSA women who willingly participate in this are putting themselves in a harmful situation and it is not compatible wit radical feminism.
OSA women will throw around homophobia and lesphobia to defend their inability to go their whole life without laying with a male. Radical feminism is not a place to coddle your delusions. Lesbians are not required to become therapists and shelters for delusional OSA women.
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