#that's why w*rd is hydra worked so well in aos
swashbucklery · 11 months
Also I made it through the first ten minutes of Secret Invasion and then got so angry at the MCU that I had to go cuddle my dog for a while. Sorry hot Maria Hill I tried. Prickly MCU feelings below the cut.
(Also the more the world turns the more the idea of “present day” without acknowledging the COVID pandemic becomes more and more dissonant in media in general, and I thought this about Secret Invasion and then I remembered that “present day” in the MCU is actually I think 2026 because of the shitty math they did for the Snap and I had to go cuddle my dog some more.)
(And then I thought about how nice it was that nobody could retcon that Tony Fucking Stark cured COVID because he’s For Sure Canonically Dead and that helped a little.)
(Wait no because the dumb baby math means he COULD have cured COVID because Endgame takes place in 2023 doesn’t it I hate it hereeeeeee)
But it’s a treasure and a gift of a trope because it relies on the viewer knowing the characters. The fun of it, the joy of it, is being able to know the characters well enough that when there’s a shift in facial expression or a choice that doesn’t feel quite right, I the viewer can guess along! The reward of being able to see the twist coming because you know these people, the satisfaction of yelling at the screen don’t listen she’s evil because you the viewer have information that the other characters don’t.
And I want to like this SO MUCH but I’m sitting here like. What depth of knowledge do I have about the inner life of Famous Actor Playing White Man In Suit Number Six. Whose motivations have been a clear and consistent thread between films such that I can follow along in that way. How can that tension and joy possibly be earned in a production where actors are only given single scenes at a time to avoid ~spoiling twists.
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jennawynn · 7 years
AoS 1x8 “The Well”
More Hermione/Jemma... Hermione straight up erased her parents' memory of her while Jemma refuses to call her parents after the alien ship and her illness just so they don’t worry. No letting others worry about them.
“Wouldn’t mind getting my human hands on Thor. He’s so dreamy.” “Sure he’s handsome, but--” “No, he’s dreamy.” -May
Big burly guys crying over a tree. Love it.
Skye: “Yay internet, she said sarcastically.” Why does that amuse me so much?
“With lots of bones. Let’s see what we can dig up. See what I did there?” Seriously, this show used to push so many of my happy buttons. What happened that made me dislike it so much that I quit watching?
Don't be suspicious. Don’t be suspicious... walking down the street with a giant Asgardian staff hanging out of the bag...
Full physical because his PTSD was triggered. Of course also he’s angry bc berserker staff, but. 
As much as I preemptively hate Ward (and to be honest, his hypermasculine tough guy act was never my fave anyway) his freakout about being sedated is exactly how I would play my paladin in that situation. He says he won’t be sedated because nobody else can stop the ‘juiced freaks’ even if it’s bad for him. My paladin has a lot of mental issues relating to self-worth, martyrdom, and suicidal ideation... as in she wants to die saving someone else. She wants to trade her life for someone better. I think the difference, to this point anyway, is that Ward thinks he’s superior. I don’t like seeing parallels between Ward and a character I’ve loved for two years. Interesting that he had to be a berserker for me to see it when she’s a burning ball of rage herself.
“You ok?” “I’m working it out.” “You’re punching things. The last thing you need is to punch things. Let me help you.” -May Hey, I see that foreshadowing. I mean... only because I’ve seen it already, but still. lol
Wow... Ward actually admitting he’s been compromised? Seriously Phil? “You telling me this means I can trust you.” ?? Hey, I’m really upset and I think I might be a danger. “Awesome! Go beat this guy up for answers!”
“How long do you think he’s been on our planet?” “A thousand years. Maybe more. If we could cut him open a little bit, get some tissue samples, maybe some bodily fluids, we could find out.” Simmons “Or you could just ask him, weirdo.” -Skye
“Do you know Thor?” Phil, that’s racist. Not all Asgardians know all other Asgardians.
At sfirst I kinda want to know if they resolve Ward’s anger or if it can be used to explain why he goes dark... but then I remember he was a Hydra plant from the beginning, right?
Phil, you gotta at least buy a guy dinner before you start sticking your hand deep in his... chest cavity.
Bet this one prompted a shit-ton of Sk**w*rd hurt/comfort fics.
May is a fucking badass. I think you can say that almost every episode... and those you can’t should be fixed.
“How? How did you hold all three?” “Because I see it every day.”  It’s like May’s character design was based around “still waters run deep”... and also super ninja secret agent.
Oh man.... I totally erased May and Ward from my memory. 
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