#that she plays Jane's daughter at some point on the mentalist doesn't she
huh. well. that was quite the ride indeed. Spoilers for The Mentalist season 4 finale below, as well as mild spoilers for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. lol
I did in fact enjoy it while it lasted, seeing Jane being unhinged will always be a delight.
Seeing Lisbon in a church was oddly soothing, and the ensuing Jisbon shenanigans were lovely.
Was something of a surprise to see the lady from Superman and Lois, but her character was cool. Very fun. Pretty. Hot. Curious. I keep making AoS comparisons (which is high praise, for the record) but she kinda gives season 2 Ward vibes /pos. Again, iykyk.
Love love love having the whole team in on the plan, that's always a fun time. Unfortunately things felt a bit rushed, probably a side effect of having been pampered by the double-episode finale last season. Everything just happened kinda fast in this one, not as much push and pull or obstacles and whatnot. Not that I particularly mind, it was a fun experience the whole way through and that's what I'm looking for.
As always, very excited to keep watching and see where the next season takes us.
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mercedesssssss · 10 months
1x19 of the mentalist: through a jisbon shippers eyes
I just rewatched this episode and WOW I have thoughts!!!!!
This episode is centered around a homicide of a producer, the movie he was producing, and the family of the producer (his wife and daughter).
Throughout the episode though (towards the end half) Jane and Lisbon actually get a couple... intimate and, what feel, intentional? scenes. So let's discuss.
The first scene I really want to talk about is the scene where Jane and Lisbon go to talk to the producers wife after they questioned her daughter. During their conversation, the wife brings up this point while talking about her daughter "We all make mistakes, but we have the power to give ourselves a second chance." This, as a viewer of the show as a whole and not just looking at this quote at surface level, is VERY on the nose about Jane, at least in my opinion. He obviously feels that, although he doesn't necessarily think he deserves a second chance, but he resonates with what she says at least in some way. I think the show capitalizes on that and what that second chance could mean for him when they intentionally show Jane look to Lisbon directly after that quote.
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Then the next part of this scene.... YALL KNOW THE PART.
Basically, Lisbon is talking to the wife about how they aren't going to charge her daughter and how she is on the way home, and the wife very clearly shows her thanks to Lisbon, and we see Lisbon smile and seemingly happily accept her thanks & explain how they are lenient when it comes to juvenile cases.
And then we just see the camera focus on Jane. We see the camera focus on Jane just staring and smiling at Lisbon with such a fondness and a softness that we rarely see/have seen with him, at this point in the show at least.
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Him looking at her like that... just WOW. It means so much to me in terms of their relationship and how it is something MORE than just coworkers, and ESPECIALLY more after that second chance line.
The thing that REALLY drives this point home though is what happens AFTER the fact. It's when Lisbon and the wife look back to Jane and he immediately hides the smile he just had on his face.
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THATS the important part. THATS what shows that it really meant something. He wouldn't feel the need to hide it if it was nothing. You don't hide something that means nothing. He let his mask slip. He let himself be actually happy in that moment.
Looking at Lisbon.
BECAUSE of Lisbon.
SHE means something to him.
The next scene I want to talk about is the scene by the coffee machine. This scene is just so damn cute and it means so much to me. It's after Jane talks to the daughter again and he wants to talk to Lisbon about what he wants to do to solve the case. So he walks up to where she's at making her coffee...
And he just stands there.
He just stands there, glancing at her every couple of seconds, and she does the same, and they both just have these little smiles on their faces until Lisbon is finally like "What are you thinking?" and it's just so DAMN CUTE AND FLIRTY FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. LITERALLY JUST BECAUSE.
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It's just so incredibly wholesome and soft and I don't really know exactly WHAT it means but it MEANS something, and the fact this happened (not directly after but hopefully yall are understanding my train of thought, but like it happens afterwards in the same episode) after the previous scene I just talked about just makes it feel important to me. I feel like we see a sliver more of that happiness but specifically in the way I talked about before. & also, we know he likes to mess with her (exhibit a, the frog in the pilot) and I think that's become a joy of his and I think that plays a part here too, him messing with her just because. Its just so wholesome and innocent, and I love it.
To recap and try to gather and organize my thoughts, I think this scene further pushes along the narrative the scene I previously talked about showed, in my opinion ofc, which is the thought of a second chance for Jane, WITH Lisbon in mind (obviously when I say this I don't mean in a "they could've gotten together alot sooner" way, but in a "this is the first time we've really talked about a second chance & made Lisbon a part of that equation for him" way), it just is in a very subtle and sweet way. This scene at surface level has nothing to do with the second chance scene, but it carries over that same softness for seemingly no reason (except #tome its the reason im saying).
It's not meant to make them take a step or anything, but to just SHOW that there IS something there at all, to show that there are stairs there that potential steps could be taken on (hopefully you get my metaphor).
Now the last scene I want to talk about isn't even a jisbon scene but I feel like it's so important in terms of Jane and his journey and how that affects his feelings towards himself and, in turn, towards Lisbon or anyone else, or even just happiness.
It's the conversation between Jane and the wife. The wife talks about how happiness is something that is so hard to find, and that when you do, you need to hold onto it. For Jane, he associates this with his family and that happiness he lost, and you can see it all over his face.
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He is still so deep in his self hatred, his guilt, his mourning. He is truly still at the end of the day, just sad and not ready to allow himself to be truly happy. He can't be. And it's totally understandable.
He is at the beginning of his journey of healing at this point (and obviously revenge too but thats a WHOLE other conversation) and this conversation was so important to show that despite any subconscious feelings or suppressed brief moments of happiness, that second chance is not in actuality something that is obtainable for him right now.
He's not ready.
And that's okay.
But I think this episode shows it's not an impossibility. And it's shows a glimpse into what a second chance could look like for him.
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