#that relationship didn't work for either of them. they both were in false belief
ronanceisintheair · 8 months
I find it interesting when people say they like Nancy except when she's a girlfriend. Interesting because more often then not people are just upset her top priority isn't a guy or that she won't bend over backwards for a guy(usually steve). It's not actually sn analysis of her character or an understanding of her and what role that plays.
But I think Nancy is one of those characters where you can see her growth/change/development through her romantic relationships with Steve and then with Jonathan. Like we didn't get Jonathan's whole spiel about her conforming and living the "perfect life" for no reason. We didn't get her talking about how Ted and Karen are pretty much in a false, society pleasing, relationship for no reason.
The thing is Nancy is fighting those things. She is navigating and learning, through trial and error and mistakes(we learn from mistakes) that she doesn't have to condemn herself to that fate that she's known probably all along that she didn't want. Just hadn't fully realized she could have.
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menalez · 8 months
while bisexuals who claim to be "ex-gays" are a problem, and contribute to the erasure of natural ssa (both bisexual and homosexual) these people are also. literally involved in homophobic religions that praise them for this behavior and punish them for exhibiting ssa. so I don't understand why these bisexuals (who are being victimized) are to blame for this. heterosexuals impose this behavior on bisexual and homosexual people. homophobic religious freaks don't want any ssa to exist, whether you act on it or not (bc sinful thoughts are as bad as sinful actions to them), which is why they don't call these people bisexual either. they are "ex gays" or "reformed gays." not bisexuals who have come to the light or anything like that. being bisexual is not a preferable thing to these monsters. it is deeply depressing that homophobic heterosexual religious people can strip others of their most basic identities like this, and I don't understand why you think these bisexuals are just having a good time being repressed like this. these aren't bisexuals who ended up in an osa relationship and are claiming to still be "soooo gay" (which is absolutely wrong and stupid), they are no longer allowed to talk about their full identity. a heterosexual woman with 14 kids by age 35 is obviously being subjugated. her telling other women and girls that this is good and what they were "made to do" is wrong, but these ideas didn't spawn in her head from birth, she was groomed to think that, and deserves a certain amount of compassion if we hope to get her out of that situation. please offer compassion to bisexual people too
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think they’re the root of the problem and ofc they’re the symptom of an existing problem and are then used as tools to promote these things. they allow for themselves to be tools to promote conversion therapy, homophobic rhetoric, “corrective” rape, etc. my point, though, wasn’t “look how evil bisexuals are and how they’re the root of all gay ppl’s problems!”, my point was that someone pretending to be gay while FULLY AWARE that they are bi is not equal to someone pretending to be bi while fully aware that they are gay. gay people faking being OSA on top of being SSA, deliberately, are not then used to promote the idea that bisexuals should undergo conversion therapy or pray to satan or w/e to cure themselves of their opposite sex attraction. it’s not used to promote the idea that if bisexuals try with being the same sex enough, maybe they’ll stop being bi and become gay instead. on the other hand, bisexuals who pretended to be gay are absolutely used as prime examples of conversion therapy “working”. they even are the primary people you’ll see in the countless propaganda videos about “ex-gays” and “ex-homosexuals” and “ex-lesbians” etc. the harm done is more than just validating homophobes’ beliefs that homosexuality is a choice.
also tbh yes the ppl who promote conversion therapy rhetoric are to blame for their own actions. even if they’re also victims. if a woman, for example, uses her platform to promote misogynistic rhetoric, no she’s not the root of misogynistic rhetoric nor is she the main problem in the situation but she absolutely is to blame for her own actions ie the promotion of prejudiced ideals.
the claim that “sinful thoughts” are equal to “sinful actions” to religious people is purely false. go watch many of the ex-gays and you’ll see them talk of sometimes “struggling” with same sex attraction but being praised + praising themselves for not acting on it. you’ll see plenty of “ex-gay” movements place emphasis on not acting on SSA more than on reducing the “thoughts” of SSA. religious people absolutely do view acting on one’s same sex attraction as worse than just having thoughts. they say so repeatedly.
so yes, they are victims in their own right, as are gay people who promote this shit. but no, that doesn’t justify them literally promoting conversion therapy and corrective rape and homophobia. i think you missed what my point was tho because you’re arguing things i wasn’t talking about, i was saying pretending to be bi as a gay person does not have equal harm to pretending to be gay as a bi person, not that bi ppl are the root of all evil or something.
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primordialhazbin · 26 days
HC: Relationship to Lucifer
While my AUs (especially the Seeking Solutions AU) has the monarchs relationship becoming strained due to her idealistic tendencies, Lilith will not speak ill of Lucifer to anyone in spite of their growing differences. This won't be explored too much in the Monarch Mystery & Mystery Solutions AUs because she was replaced early in Charlie's childhood, so the straining part was negligible at best, and an invitation to debate at worst. (It did set the tone for the impersonator's mishandling of the relationship. It was the perfect pretense for an upcoming separation.)
The love she has for him never once faded, but the exterminations and his dislike for sinners in comparison to her faith in them, drove enough of a wedge between them to make their relationship a difficult medium to navigate. I imagine their differences of opinion are also attributed to their respective senses of pride which blinded them to the fact that they had to work together against the problems in their kingdom. Rather than fighting each other's biases and trying to get the other to see their POV, they should've made room for the other's subjective view of reality first. This is something Lilith has struggled with when she was with Adam too. She didn't make room for him, and I suspect it was the same for him. (Hence the arguments)
It's possible they continued to share a room until their separation. (available only in my Seeking Solutions AU) I do think they tried to patch things up as many times as they could, but they didn't have enough internal resources to stay consistent in their peace.
I don't think there's a villain either of them could & should point towards in their relationship. I think they both owe it to themselves to learn to grow before they can offer that resource to the other person. There's also the aspect of entitlement that can happen in long term relationships where you might find yourself falling in the trap of expecting your other half to completely contain all that you are without introspection. It can happen that you have the false belief that you are already doing everything in your power to hold space for them, so the moment that gets challenged you might feel slighted by their waning loyalty to your inner world. A great degree of humbleness would be the antidote they need in their introspection, which might be hard to attain given how prideful they both are. I don't think it's impossible. But I do think it would be an act of true love if they get there.
The Choirs of Inspiration verse (my main & happy verse!) is the only verse in which they were mature enough to handle their differences with the needed space allocated to each other's worldview. Sure, they might have had their issues with it, but they managed to talk them out, maybe get the counseling they needed to make things work & were humble enough to keep it moving. It's them vs the problems, not one vs the other, which is the best possible course of action for their partnership to continue to thrive. Get'cha a relationship like theirs!
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Honestly, I don't understand what some GA supporters, Gillovny haters and David haters, which I believe are mixed groups, against David and a friendship, albeit at a distance and occasionally with Gillian. At SM, the haters draw him as if he were the same arrogant actor who was portrayed in the 90s, who didn't have a friendly off-screen relationship with Gillian (hello, they are both very introverted and worked 17 hours together. How much could they handle this work overload? (to be continued..)
 Are these followers afraid that GA is getting involved with a "rapist/misogynist", just because his have a relationship with a 27-years-old girl? Why did David write about incest is his last book? Why did he say that he wouldn't like to with Gillian on anything but The X Files? Why was he openly a sex addict? And this arguments being based entirely on facts and gossip from 15/20 /25 years ago?
People draw David as if he were a maniac who can attack Gillian at any time, and that she doesn't know his true nature, so he has a relationship. It's amazing how people make assumptions based on the past things and don't even bother to keep up with what they're doing today. And even worse: they think they can govern your personal lives. I saw it from Gillovnys in the past, and now i see it in these groups.
I read these anons earlier and spent some time thinking about your remarks and the larger implications of certain accusations and DD/GA’s relationship. This response way longer than I intended, but like I said, I spend some time thinking about your comments. And when I say it’s long, I mean it’s long.
Anti’s alleged issues with DD is a combination of things: misogyny, sexism, homophobia, pedophilia, and being friends with an alleged sex trafficker.
David has said some homophobic, misogynistic, and sexist remarks. It’s one of those things that, although a handful of people knew better, his views were “normal” back then. This isn’t to excuse David, but rather, provide context. Because there’s problematic shit and beliefs from 10 and even 5 years ago. The question I ask myself is: has David unpacked these beliefs? Is he learning and growing?
The fact that they have to dig into shit from the 90s to find shit on him says A LOT. Maybe he’s learned to keep those views to himself OR maybe he realized that some of his beliefs were fucked up and left them in the past. I’m not saying that no one can’t be upset about what he said or even dislike him now because of it. However, I don’t think people who genuinely dislike him are sending hate anons to people because they like him.
I really don’t like talking about the pedophilia and him “knowing” he’s friends with a sex trafficker accusations because, even when accusations are proven to be false, someone will believe there's truth to them. It taints a person and that's generally speaking. The reason I’m addressing them now and with you is because I want to be transparent about what’s going on with Antis and my issues with them. I don’t want to be accused of bias or protecting DD because I’m “hiding” the truth.
This man in Hollywood accused David of being sexually inappropriate with a minor who later became his wife. Apparently, this happened in David’s trailer during the original run of the X-Files and was well known on set. This revelation occurred during the Me Too era, like when accusations were hot and took just about everyone accused of impropriety down. For reference, Harvey Weinstein, a powerful producer with more money and influence, was taken down. Louis CK, well respected before his victims came out. Pre Me Too: Bill Cosby. Aziz Ansari. Hell, even some of the faces of the movement were taken down.
So, this Hollywood dude claimed on twitter that David was touching on a minor while at work and EVERYONE on set knew, but somehow this story never caught on. Virtually no media outlets picked this up. And this accusation is worse than the Aziz accusation and he was torn to shreds as his career took a hit. But David can be accused of this horrendous thing and no one reacts to it??? Apparently, he must have better lawyers than Harvey, Louis, etc because the rumors never even took flight. AND, I believe the thread is still up too. Not even crazed right wingers or pizza gate fanatics were interested in this story. However, since David is involved with a significantly younger woman this means that that rumor is true. 
The thing is: there’s implications to this accusation that the antis didn’t think of and they got mad at me and others about it.
They said that Gillian hated David, didn't talk to him, and ignored him as much as she could because she knew about all of this. So, I asked, “If she knew David was a predator, why did she keep working with him? If you argue it was due to contract reasons, why did she work with him on IWTB and Seasons 10 and 11? Why didn’t she report him?”
Me and others were accused of holding women accountable for mens’ actions. But that still doesn’t answer the question, right? If Gillian hated David because he’s a predator, why did she still work with him? Her “hate” was supposed to be “proof” that he was morally corrupt. Since Gillian “hated” David, we’re supposed to hate David.
Another layer: David’s friends with a guy who allegedly is a sex trafficker, which to Antis mean that David knows and is okay with this. They’re friends, how could he not know???
This is important to note because they switch between Gillian knowing David is a “predator” and not knowing depending on the argument. So, when they swore up and down that she hated him, Gillian “knew.” Now that Gillian and David confirmed they are friends in some capacity, “just because she’s friends with him doesn’t mean she knows everything about him.”
Interesting, right?
They used examples of Harvey Weinstein and Ted Bundy to prove how someone can hide despicable acts after swearing up and down Gillian KNEW, which is why they weren’t friends. And, if you’re thinking...well what about David’s friend who allegedly is a sex trafficker, wouldn’t the same logic apply to him?
There are a million excuses and justifications when you apply their logic to Gillian, but they never give David the benefit of the doubt. They never critically examine any information they’re given if it paints David in a bad light. Then they put their heads in the sand if this info implicates Gillian. And the sad part is that I can go on a longer rant tearing their accusations apart.
There isn’t any consistency from Antis. I’d respect them if they’d dropped Gillian because she’s friends with the “predator” they hate. But no, their stance and justification changes so she's always in a good light.
You see how low they're willing to stoop to justify their hate. They aren’t content with disliking David, they need others to hate him too. They're too invested to admit they were wrong because then they’d have to face how foolish they looked hating David on the behalf of Gillian who doesn’t hate him at all. All that energy and hate for nothing.
Lastly, I genuinely do believe Antis are afraid that David and Gillian may be fucking or, at least, that casual fans will come to that conclusion. Think about it: who reacts like this to two people, who many thought hated each other, essentially announcing they are friends?
These are two adults with (an) adult kid(s). And they could literally become grandparents at any time. lol. These are two people who have known each other for damn near 30 years and Antis think they know David and Gillian better than they know each other.
But a simple photo got them rattled because they HAVE TO admit Gillian’s friends with David. She inadvertently put them in a corner and the only way out of it is to admit something they mocked others for believing. Their other options would fall into Gillovny thinking: they're fucking or dating.
And that’s what they’re really upset about.
They were left with options that fell into Gillovny thinking and had to choose the lesser of the evils. And they can’t say David and Gillian aren’t friends without looking delusional. Especially when they don’t have their handy dandy convenient excuses of “promo” for the x files or a charity. lol. Especially when they took a personal photo together and posted it online.
And I guess that’s the beauty of the picture: you’re only left with three options. Because, if you take friendship off the table, there is no other way to explain why David was there that doesn’t suggest them being intimately acquainted with each other.
I’ll say this: Antis don’t care about facts if the facts can’t be used as ammunition to shit on someone even if they have to distort it.
Now I know this is long and I’ve discussed things you didn’t intend, but I guess I needed this rant. LOL. Some Gillovnies and David fans may be upset that I discussed those topics, but most of the people on my blog either already heard about this OR have read me discuss it before.
Either way, Antis are hypocrites and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
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