#that i think i'm gonna stick with the CDD crowd for the most part.
illnessfaker · 6 months
"plural people" is just...no.
mainly, there are:
"endogenic plurals" who fully embrace the plural framework because that's what best supports their experience (because it was primarily made to support that experience)
people who consider themselves to either a) be "traumagenic" or b) have been diagnosed with or believe themselves to meet the criteria for a complex dissociative disorder (or who otherwise identify themselves along those lines - hi), but who also or primarily identify w/ the plural framework because they see it as supportive of their experiences (or being apart of their experiences)
and then people who have been dx'd with or who believe themselves to meet the criteria for a complex dissociative disorder who do not find the plural framework helpful or applicable to them whatsoever group
like, plural is not necessarily a "neutral" umbrella term like "disabled" might be, especially considering some of the history attached to it and some of the reasons why there's antagonism between some of the above groups. it is a particular experience/way of understanding your own existence, and thusly not all people w/ complex dissociative disorders are plural. but that doesn't mean that complex dissociative disorders somehow aren't at the forefront of sanist/ableist violence against "multiple personalities" whether they identify with plurality or not.
i think language like "plural people" or even "systems" does not do that complexity justice whatsoever in a way i really, really dislike.
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