#thanks for the tag ewingstan! it didn't tag me properly but i'm pretty sure there's no other blogishdai on tumblr
blogishdaj · 1 year
tagged by @ignis-cain
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Favourite colour: Purple. Sometimes maroon
Currently reading: Chainsaw Man (Manga), and a veryyyy slow reread of Pact.
Last song: bdg's Welcome to the Neighborhood shows up most recently on my Youtube history but I think it just autoplayed. My actual last song is Monster High's Out of the Shadows, which features a bogeyman with the extreme opposite aesthetic of Pact bogeymen lol.
Last movie: Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. It's fantastic and I have fanart of it lined up.
Last series: I'm in the middle of Fate/Zero season 1 as part of a trade with a friend (if I watched Fate Zero ep 1 he'd watch Chainsaw Man ep 1.) Recently finished Chainsaw Man. I guess the Down The Rabbit Hole video essay series counts as a series - I'm in the middle of that since I tend to put video essays in the background while I draw. It's great. The Deep Blue one was terrific and I love how Fredrik speaks about cat cafe drama with the exact same tone as he does Austrian wine poisoning.
Sweet, savoury or spicy: Spicy and savoury supremacy. I really like Korean food.
Craving: Milk tea. Going on a walk in a few hours to go to a really good milk tea place nearby.
Tea or coffee: (Milk) Tea supremacy. I love tea. I enjoy coffee but don't enjoy the caffeine, so tea is generally more bearable, less sweet, more refreshing and also have I mentioned I love it? I put matcha powder in my overnight oats. I spent a good chunk of the early pandemic experimenting with making milk tea at home. In my second year of college did a science project comparing various milk tea shops near campus. I have a whole personal rating system for milk/boba tea to determine quality/authenticity (if they have those metal tea dispensers, custom sugar levels, and lets you choose between tea types like oolong, assam, hokkaido, etc. instead of just flavors like red velvet, taro, oreo, or whatever - good chance they use actual tea and milk instead of powder mixes). My current favorite is Gong Cha's 0% sugar earl grey milk tea. I don't think I've fallen that deeply into tea snobbery but when it comes to milk tea I'm a bit of a... tealitist :^)
Tagging @halizumab @44simsz3 @minitiate @project-catgirlpillar @thetallowman @selfish-wanderer @toastedicarus @unmotivated-cosmere-nerd @john-cherry-the-6th
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