#thank you for requesting nana baby <333 also i've never had americano with chai before!!! putting that on my to-try list :O
134340am · 2 years
heheh Yuna I love seeing you wholeheartedly embrace your coffeeshop era <333
& my order is one iced americano with one pump of chai syrup & our beloved kirishima kiss kiss
there's a commotion outside the agency.
you're not sure what it is, and why there's a huge flock of people waiting around—if it was a fight, red riot would've come out of his office and broken it up already; and if it was a bunch of adoring fans, security would take care of it.
so why is there a massive crowd gathering outside in the sweltering summer heat, on a random afternoon in the week? and why are the agency staff—sidekicks, marketing, the support team, and holy shit, is that Dynamight himself also making a beeline for the crowd outside?
you'd love to head out and investigate as well, maybe get in a quick walk around the block to stretch your legs, but you sit back down in front of your laptop. the agency can only afford to hire one receptionist for now, and that's you, which means you won't be leaving your seat any time soon.
you sulk from behind your desk as the agency staff slowly trickle back in, toting large cups of what looked like iced coffee and sweet tea. dynamight saunters back in behind a group of ladies from public relations, an americano in hand and a latte in another. you catch sight of a familiar face gracing the cup sleeves—spiky hair, stunning abs, and a smile so bright it could rival the sun. it's red riot.
holy shit, did someone order a red riot-themed coffee truck?
"it was denki's idea." a familiar voice rang out from behind you. "said he wanted to congratulate me for jumping up the ranks."
you turn to see kirishima, hair still dripping wet from his post-patrol shower. you struggle to keep your eyes on his face, and not on the water droplets that pool in his collarbones and trickle down past the hem of his shirt.
"oh, right— congratulations on number five, red riot!" you squeak, nails digging into your jeans. "well deserved, sir!"
he thanks you with a shy laugh. "i'll keep doing my best." kirishima's eyes trail over to your desk, noting the lack of an iced coffee on it. "do you not like coffee? last i heard, the truck serves tea as well."
"oh, i can't leave my seat."
"it'll only take a while, c'mon!"
"the line looks pretty long, though," you say with a wince. "but really, i'm fine! i'll take a look at the truck after work."
"hmmm, denki said it'll only be here till four, though." kirishima frowns. then he breaks into a smile, the change in facial expression happening so fast you nearly missed it. "wait here."
and he's gone, jogging off to where the truck was. you watch with equal parts embarrassment and honour as the crowd parts for him, your heart roaring in your chest. that must've been the longest conversation you've ever had with your boss in the past few months you've been working here—and now he's jogging back to you with an armful of four, no, five different drinks with a bright smile gracing his face.
well, that's it. this is hands down the highlight of your career.
"i wasn't sure what you liked, but it was my fault for not asking before i left—so i got a bit of everything," he explains, setting the drinks down on your desk carefully. "this is iced tea, this is iced mocha, this is, uh, oat milk latte, and this is just hot green tea. i can get you a honey stick if you want. and this is an iced americano with some chai in it."
kirishima concludes his ramble with a deep breath, looking immeasurably proud of himself for remembering everything.
"thank you so much, red riot. you really didn't have to." you can feel heat flaring up to your ears as you speak, a foreign twist settling in your stomach. "i'll take the americano."
"aw, don't call me red riot. just kirishima is fine," he replies with yet another smile, and there it is again—the strange fluttering in your tummy that makes its way up to your chest.
"thank you, kirishima." you test out the sound of his name on your tongue. you like it, you think. you'd like to say it more often.
kirishima picks up the mocha and crushes half of it in a single sip. "no problem!" he chirps with a grin. "anything for you."
send me your drink order + a character for a short little drabble!  
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