#thank you Kara for the metaphor I've found it very useful
I love you guys
I'm gonna tag people because I don't have energy
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman @i-am-a-fan @proxxinlmk @pumpkinspice202 @cats-and-confusion @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @tabsters @professionalwaterbender I know I missed people but no spoons am sorry
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yukiokumura · 3 years
Writers tag game!
Thank you for tagging me @thefoulbeast mwah mwah!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
36 O:
What's your total ao3 word count?
1,292,662 but that's definitely inflated a little bit considering I write a lot of fics with Rynoa. So half of those fics, their word count belong to her!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Both surprised and not surprised by the results:
Sincerely (1682 WOW) A Stranger in Your Shoes (470) Until Next Time (448) Side By Side (375) Forever Yours (288)
Not surprised to see all of Lettersverse there but A Stranger in Your Shoes surprised me! I didn't notice it was that high...
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
It depends! Most of the time, I do. There are times when I don't because either the spoons are not there, or like for one of my fics (and finally, it's time to rest) the fic was written from a very personal place and so I found it hard to figure out what to say beyond the story itself. So I let the comments stand on their own and know that if you commented on it, I love and appreciate you. ♥
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Parasomnia, probably. It's a one shot character study looking at Yukio's traumas and how they affect him. I don't really like angsty endings tbh so even that one barely applies.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
If You Can't Beat 'Em or Three's A Crowd. I think both of those ended very happily and it's hard for me to choose which one is "happier"
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
The only crossovers I've written haven't been published. Though Rynoa and I are working on a Blue Exorcist/Kyou Kara Maou AU. Does that count?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I can remember!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not as much as I used to! Most of it is either soft and making love or rough and tumble monsterfucking. There is no in between.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Lolol not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! Lettersverse is being translated into french by our lovely @junemel-aoex~
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
*blows a kiss to @29rynoah* yeah all the time ♥
What's your all-time favourite ship?
The current hyperfocus is YukiShima.
But real talk it's hard to pick an *all time favorite* because I kind of just go where the hyperfocus takes me. Every time I remember a ship, I fall in love with it again, so it's hard to say if I have an all time favorite.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not ready to give up on them yet...
What are your writing strengths?
Imagery and tying those images to metaphors. I love waxing poetic about a character's current state~
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a lot of crutch words that I lean on (however being one of the big ones.) Other than that, I think I have trouble with pacing. I've been told it's really good, but I can't shake the feeling sometimes! I'm working on improving.
Other than that, finishing a damn project is a really big weakness.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If I don't want the dialogue to be accessible to the reader, I would simply say in narration "He started speaking in another language." or something along those lines. If I want the dialogue to be accessible to the reader, I would state that there was a language change. Such as: "How are you doing?" he said, switching to Spanish.
I find that if I write out the dialogue in another language, I'm setting myself up for people who do know the language to scrutinize. It takes the reader out of the story, gives them something to focus on that I didn't intend for them to focus on. It breaks up the flow of my narrative. So personally, I don't do it.
If you like to do it, though, by all means. I ain't the writing police.
What was the first fandom you wrote fic for?
What's your favourite fic that you've written?
It's hard to decide. Out of the fics Rynoa and I have written together, it's a tie between If You Can't Beat 'Em and Three's A Crowd.
Of the ones I've written on my own? The Turing Test is gradually rising to the top, though that's probably just because of the hyperfocus. ♥
I don't know who's been tagged and who hasn't, so I'm just going to try and tag people from memory.
@29rynoah, @bluewindfall, @uuuuutan, @willowcatkinblossom, @tonguetiedraven, and that's all I can think of right now. If I forgot you, sorry! Feel free to do it and tag me!
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