#telling taryn the one secret he's so ashamed to share GAH
elderwisp · 3 months
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Atlas: So your boss had you work through your break? Bee… 
Taryn: It’s fiiine, I ate my granola bar in between sorting books.
Atlas: You know that isn’t a healthy place to be at, right?
Taryn: Yeah, but it pays decently.
Atlas: Are you like the sole provider of your house…?
Taryn: Oh no! I’m not sure if Kai mentioned it, but our parents are in Selvadorada taking care of my grandma. She’s really sick and well, we made this arrangement. They take care of a majority of rent and Kai and I take care of utilities and the rest. 
Atlas: Ah, I see. I’m sorry to hear about your grandma.
Taryn: I appreciate it. She’s a kind woman, she used to make me champurrado on Christmas and it was the best.
Atlas: That’s really sweet. I’ve always wondered what that tastes like. Growing up, Toni was adamant on us not meeting our grandparents, so we never got to experience anything. Is it just fancy hot chocolate?
Taryn: I mean it has chocolate, but the consistency and flavor is a bit different.
Atlas: Huh… Want to make some later on tonight?
Taryn: Sure! I was actually wondering, you seemed a bit eager to skip out on that party.
Atlas: Do you still feel bad? Don’t! Besides Dan couldn’t even type out a proper response which tells me they’re having a great time… Without me.
Taryn: So you did want to go.
Atlas: No! No. 
Atlas: I didn’t want to see Frances. That’s the honest answer. 
Taryn: OH, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize things were bad.
Atlas: Nah, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to sour the evening. 
Taryn: Atlas, you don’t have to pretend around me. What’s on your mind?
Atlas: Frances and I… We have our differences. Sometimes it feels like the things that matter to me aren’t important to her and that’s fine, I guess.
Taryn: And this is in regards to?
 Atlas: Toni. She feels like I have something to prove. 
Taryn: But you do. 
Atlas: Taryn-
Taryn: And you know you shouldn’t. 
Atlas: But-
Taryn: So the question is, why? 
Atlas: I think it’s the satisfaction of beating an impossible challenge. God, I sound like I’m into being humiliated or something.
Taryn: He isn’t worth it but you already know that. My job also isn’t worth it, I’m aware but people often do things that we know aren’t good for us. As for Frances, she isn’t your enemy, but I think maybe the two of you need to find common ground in how you both communicate. 
Atlas: [ begins to attempt to speak before falling silent again ]
Taryn: What?
Atlas: Nothing, I’m just glad to be here with you. Thank you. [ bewp ] Your glasses keep slipping down your face.
Taryn: I know, I need to get them fixed- Wait, don’t change the subject. You have something to say. 
Atlas: I dunno what you’re talking about. 
Taryn: Atlas the bike-
Atlas: Wha- Fuck! 
Taryn: I- We should head back.
Atlas: Yeah, of course.
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