#tbh she's kind of a repurposed version of a character from an au i was working on. probably obvious which one if you've known me for a whil
isayoldbean · 4 months
my other alt! when they announced the new data center i was debating whether or not i should be a character there, and then they announced one of the servers would be called maduin and my ff6 obsessed self couldn't just Not have a character there. and then one of my friends came to me and asked if i'd be interested in going in half with them on getting an fc house on the new server for workshop sub tax evasion purposes and i was like oh hell yeah. so for those two reasons i had to come up with another idea for an alt
remembering that i had originally planned on making an au ra before being foiled by only having access to base arr races, i decided to try my hand at making the au ra i most likely Would have made if i had been allowed to make one from the beginning. it turned out to be hard because i was trying to make a character for a game i know almost everything about with the idea that it was supposed to be a character made when i knew nothing about it. after a while, this is who i wound up with!
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this is the first picture i ever took of her, in all her dripless sprout glory
anyway, this is hikari! she was originally supposed to have a different surname but i created her literally as soon as the new servers went live on reset day and i was too tired to remember what it was so now she's hikari mistdweller. it is what it is
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i'm still working on her overall backstory because i learn more about her the longer i play but she's still in arr, but more or less her deal is that she was raised in a small village near the ruby sea. her parents were really shitty and emotionally abusive and she was basically their unfavorite child. then one day in her early teens, her sister died in an accident, and her family blamed her for it and got her kicked out of the village.
she kind of wandered for a while just doing her best to survive, clawing her own existence out of the dirt as best she could. eventually she heard tales of adventurers earning fortunes and glory in eorzea, and decided that she was going to go become really successful and cool and famous and make everyone in her town regret kicking her out.
as she got closer to eorzea she started hearing tales of raubahn aldynn's unlikely rise to syndicate member and flame general and decided to make for ul'dah to attempt to follow in his footsteps. and that is where the beginning of arr picks up, more or less
she's kind of uptight and serious and emotionally repressed but she is learning how to human better, slowly but surely. she is a perfectionist and a workaholic. she likes to bite people. she's a little feral. she can't cook and is perfectly happy eating tree bark if she can't scrounge up anything else. she was voted most likely to say 'what do you mean you're being murdered. they can't do that. that's illegal' in a crisis. she likes gemstones and mining and smithing her own weapons and armor. she thinks of herself as a weapon first and a person never. she's so determined to prove to everyone, herself most of all, that she's deserving of love and attention and respect, that she will give and give and give of herself until she is completely empty and then do it some more. she's a self loathing closeted gay but not in a homophobic way which shouldn't even be possible, and yet. she's a poor little meow meow. and she may or may not have autism.
even though she's still in arr i know two things without a doubt about what lies in store for her in future expacs:
in stormblood she returns to the ruby sea, eager to return to her hometown to show everybody that she's hot shit now and don't they feel bad for kicking her out... only to find that at some point between when she was exiled and when she returned, the garleans completely razed the town to the ground. there's nobody left. she will never have her catharsis
her skin/scale color combination kind of reminds me of wedgewood jasperware china, so in shb her sin eater form would be some sort of porcelain construct looking creature with kintsugi ribboned through damaged areas
anyway this is my sadgirl lesbian lizard that i like to put in the torture nexus i hope you enjoy her
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