#tbh i thought the answer was Saeko's perfume or something lol
cryingcow · 2 years
Nanba, Adachi, & Saeko - Get Back to Sleep [RGGO] - Ch. 3-4, Epilogue
Part 1 / Part 2
Previously: With Saeko joining Ichiban’s Besties(TM) , Nanba finds himself unable to sleep for reasons unknown. Adachi brings him to a cabaret club to learn how to hang with the ladies, but it doesn’t work. After Saeko confronts them and says she wants to help, Nanba leaves to wee and ends up passing out in the back of some shady people’s truck and getting unknowingly kidnapped, much to the dismay of his friends.
Note: Everything written “ l i k e  t h i s ” is said in English. (” B e a u t i f u l  E y e s ” and all that jazz lmao)
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Saeko: “. . . . . . Huh? Nan-chan?”
Adachi: “. . . Eh?! Nanba? Ce-Certainly not . . . where on earth is that guy . . .”
{The truck drives past Adachi and Saeko.}
Saeko: “. . . ! Adachi-san! The truck bed! I spotted Nan-chan just now . . . !”
Adachi: “What did you say?! Nanba is on that truck?! Oi! Stop that truck!! There’s someone on the bed—”
???: “Oi! Hold it!!”
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Large Punk: “. . . You did a hell of a job earlier. So I brought some friends to return the favor.”
Adachi: “These are the guys who tried to pick you up a while ago . . . ! This is bad timing!”
Saeko: “You guys! Let’s postpone this confrontation! It’s not important right now!”
Large Punk: “Heh, to do this later . . . I don’t think we’ll give you that much consideration! You’ll regret going against me!!!!”
{Adachi and Saeko kick their butts.}
Large Punk: “Even with this . . . we can’t win . . .”
{The punks collapse.}
Adachi: “Haa . . . haa . . . damn it . . . getting in the way.”
Saeko: “The truck with Nan-chan on it . . . we can’t see it anymore . . . Well, when they notice him they’ll drop him off safely . . .”
Adachi: “. . . No, that’s not always the case. Let’s look for a taxi and chase them.”
Saeko: “. . . Eh?”
Adachi: “The drivers of that truck . . . I’m concerned because they don’t look like civilians . . .��
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Suspicious Man A: “Oi, let’s go quickly. Or those who are waiting at the wharf will turn numb.”
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Adachi: “I’m worried about the ambiguous way he said that . . . Perhaps the mover is hiding that he’s involved in some sort of black trade.”
Saeko: “Then . . . if they realize Nan-chan is in the back . . .”
Adachi: “. . . He might be killed depending on what they trade.”
Saeko: “Killed?! That’s dreadful . . . we have to help him quick . . . !”
Adachi: “Yeah . . . but we can’t hail a taxi at all . . . is it because it’s midnight . . . ? Fuck . . .”
Saeko: “. . . . . .”
{Saeko slips away for a moment.}
Saeko: “Adachi-san! Let’s travel with this!”
Adachi: “Eh? Is that . . . a rental bicycle?”
Saeko: “Yup! There are many stoplights on the way to the wharf, but with this e-bike we can traverse the back alleys . . . If we’re having a hard time hailing a taxi, this should be faster!”
Adachi: “. . . . . . I see. That may be true. Alright, let’s go quickly!”
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Adachi: “Haa . . . haa . . . that bastard e-bike . . . running out of battery on the way . . .”
Saeko: “Haa . . . haa . . . my legs are already at their limit . . . b . . . but . . . we managed to get to the wharf. The truck that took Nan-chan . . . th-there! Over there!”
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Suspicious Man A: “Sorry to have kept you waiting.  . . . Come on, get the goods out.”
Suspicious Foreigner: “. . . Yeah. Here’s what is requested.”
Suspicious Man A: “A refrigerator, a brush case, and a bed . . . ? Will you show me what’s inside?”
Suspicious Foreigner: “Yeah . . . of course. Each one is just like this . . .”
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Adachi: “What the hell . . . a pistol is hidden in the furniture . . . they’re handgun smugglers . . . !”
Saeko: “To think they were such bad guys . . . wouldn’t it be bad if Nan-chan was caught on the bed?!”
Adachi: “. . . Yeah. It seems Nanba is still on the bed, and if he stays there he’ll seriously be killed . . . But we can’t get near to the truck . . . their line of sight is too great for us to sneak up . . . If they spot us, they’ll use the guns, and we won’t be able to get close . . . We can’t get near without being discovered . . . but what should we do then . . . ?”
Saeko: “. . . Adachi-san. Under that truck . . . isn’t that a manhole?”
Adachi: “. . . ! It is a manhole! That means if we go through the sewers . . .”
Saeko: “. . . Let’s go, Adachi-san! We have to get there before Nan-chan is found and killed!”
Adachi: “No, but Sa-chan, if you went through the sewers wouldn’t your clothes get ruined?”
Saeko: “That doesn’t matter! Nan-chan’s in a pinch!”
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Adachi: “It smells . . . ! This is dangerous . . .”
Saeko: “Hurry, Adachi-san! Let’s get below the truck before it’s too late!”
Adachi: “. . . Yeah! Let’s go now!”
Saeko: “Stay safe . . . Nan-chan!”
|The truck that took away Nanba on the bed was actually a truck used by handgun smugglers. Saeko and Adachi came to the wharf to help out Nanba who might be killed when found—and went through the sewers to avoid discovery by the handgun smugglers as they try to get closer to the sleeping Nanba on the truck . . .|
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Suspicious Man A: “Now, shall we start loading the goods on the truck quickly . . . ?”
Nanba: “Ngh . . . stop it, Ichiban . . . that’s not food . . . ngh . . .”
Suspicious Man A and B: “?!”
Suspicious Man A: “Wh-Who’s this glasses guy?! He wasn’t on the truck bed before . . . !”
Suspicious Man B: “. . . He didn’t witness our transaction, did he? What do we do . . . ?”
Suspicious Foreigner: “Risk factors should be eliminated . . . Fortunately this is the wharf. Kill him and make him sink.”
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Nanba: “Zz . . . ? It’s noisy . . . Wh-Who are you guys?!?! Th-That gun . . . is that real?!”
{The foreigner points the gun at Nanba.}
Suspicious Foreigner: “. . .  G o o d  m o r n i n g . And,  g o o d  b y e .”
{The heavy scraping of a manhole cover being opened is heard.}
Suspicious Foreigner: “. . . ? That sound . . .”
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Adachi: “Oraa!”
Saeko: “Haaa!”
{Adachi and Saeko attack the foreigner.}
Suspicious Foreigner: “Goagh!”
{The foreigner collapses.}
Nanba: “Saeko?! Adachi-san?!”
Adachi: “Phew . . . looks like we managed to make it on time.”
Saeko: “You may not be able to drink in the situation yet, but we’ll explain it later! Let’s knock them down first!”
Suspicious Man A: “Guh, the smell . . . who are you guys . . . are you the homeless companions of the glasses guy?!”
Saeko: “Who’s homeless?! I just came through the sewer!”
Nanba: “. . . !”
{Nanba runs over to Saeko.}
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Saeko: “. . . Oh no! This guy’s still able to move?!”
Suspicious Foreigner: “This . . .  f u c k i n g  b i t c h !”
{The foreigner rushes at Saeko.}
Saeko: “Kyaa!”
Nanba: “I won’t let you!!”
{Nanba gets in front of Saeko and hits the foreigner.}
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Nanba: “Guh . . .”
Suspicious Foreigner: “Ogough . . .”
{The foreigner collapses again.}
Saeko: “Nan-chan . . .”
Adachi: “Are you alright?! Saeko! Nanba!”
Nanba: “. . . . . . What the hell happened, you two? You’re moving groggily.  Saeko is covered in muddy water, your white clothes are ruined, and your hair, which is always orderly, is messed up . . . Adachi-san too, the jeans are soaked . . . you smells so bad, like sweat all over your body . . .”
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Suspicious Man A: “Oi, you! They attacked your companion! Kill them!”
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Suspicious Foreigner’s Companions: “Uooooh!”
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Nanba: “Both of you . . . you went through quite the hard time to help me.”
Saeko: “. . . What. You’re not about to say we should leave the rest to you and run away, are you?”
Nanba: “Heh, I won’t say that. If I think about it, there’s no way I can do this alone . . . ! Adachi-san! Saeko! They’re coming . . . brace yourselves and give it your all!”
Saeko: “Yup! Leave it to us, Nan-chan!”
Adachi: “Yeah! Let’s push forward as many times as we like!”
{Nanba, Adachi, and Saeko kick all the smugglers’ butts until they collapse.}
Nanba: “Haa . . . haa . . . is this all of them . . . ?”
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Suspicious Man B: “Aaaaah!!!!”
Nanba: “?!”
{Someone hits the last smuggler before he can lay hands on Nanba.}
Suspicious Man B: “. . . goagh . . . !”
{The last smuggler collapses.}
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Saeko: “Haa . . . haa . . . that’s all of them . . .”
Adachi: “Heh . . . don’t let your guard down . . . Nanba . . .”
Nanba: “. . . . . . My bad. You saved me.”
Adachi: “Heh, I don’t mind . . . but I’m smelly . . . and my pants feel unpleasant, I should take a bath soon . . .”
Nanba: “. . . Yeah by the way, the odor and the dirt . . . how the hell did that happen??”
Adachi: “The sweat is from riding an e-bike to the wharf, and after that we went through the sewers . . .”
Nanba: “Are you serious . . . Saeko had to endure such a thing.”
Adachi: “Heh, they were both Saeko’s ideas.”
Nanba: “Eh?!”
Saeko: “It’s not that strange . . . is it? So what if you smell really bad, when your friends are in a pinch?”
Nanba: “Is that how it was . . . . . . thank you, both of you.”
Saeko: “Fufu, don’t say it so stiffly. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Nanba: “. . . . . . Yeah. That’s right.”
Adachi: “But, Nanba. Why were you on that truck?”
Nanba: “How do I say it . . . the sofa on the bed certainly seemed comfortable and I just fell asleep . . .”
Adachi: “. . . . . . What. Only an insomniac could sleep in a place like that.”
Saeko: “Fufu, that’s for sure.”
Nanba: “It couldn’t be helped . . . because my sleepiness was at its limit.”
{The sound of sirens fill the air.}
Nanba: “. . . Police?”
Adachi: “Yeah. We called them.”
Saeko: “. . . I’m tired. Let’s talk to the police immediately and get back to the room.”
Nanba: “. . . . . . Right.”
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Nanba: (Haa . . . I’m exhausted. I got into trouble because of sleep deprivation . . .)
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Taxi Driver: “. . . Customer? Are you alright there?”
Nanba: “Hm? Yeah . . . have we arrived already? Saeko? Adachi-san? The cab fare . . .”
Saeko: “Zz . . .”
Adachi: “Ngh . . .”
Nanba: “. . . What? Did they fall asleep?”
Nanba: (. . . Well, they both came for me at the wharf by bicycle. They would be tired . . . Saeko whose always pristine clothes and hair are in tatters for me . . .)
Nanba: “Hey . . . will you help me carry them up to the room without waking them up? . . . Thank you. Both of you.”
Taxi Driver: “. . . . . . um . . . may I have the fare?”
Nanba: “Ah, sorry! Wait, I’ll bring you some money!”
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Nanba: “Uguh . . . huff . . . . . . phew, finally done. Adachi-san is too heavy . . .”
Nanba: (Saeko is right next to me . . . I suppose I won’t be able to sleep tonight either. Haa . . . what is the reason why I can’t sleep . . .)
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Nanba: “Zz . . .”
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Saeko: “Ah, sorry Nan-chan. Did I wake you up?”
Nanba: “Wake me up . . . . . . . . . no way, I fell asleep?!”
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Adachi: “Yeah, soundly. You could sleep even next to Saeko, so it seems the problem is solved.”
Saeko: “Right. Thank goodness, Nan-chan!”
Nanba: “. . . The problem is solved . . . but how . . .”
Saeko: “Fufu, does it matter? If Nan-chan can sleep, that’s it on that.”
Adachi: “Heh, you sure look awfully happy~ Saeko.”
Saeko: “Of course I am! We’re friends! And it was also my fault . . .”
Nanba: “Yeah . . . . . . is that so. I feel like I understand it now.”
Saeko: “Eh?”
Adachi: “. . . What did you figure out, Nanba?”
Nanba: “That’s why I couldn’t sleep . . .”
Adachi: “Ooh, what’s the cause after all?”
Nanba: “. . . It’s my vigilance. It’s because I didn’t trust Saeko.”
Saeko: “Because you didn’t trust me?”
Nanba: “. . . I’ve been homeless all this time, right? For the homeless, nighttime is a dangerous time—it’s dark and I could be attacked by anyone, so I was scared and couldn’t sleep, only sleeping in the daytime. Being scared of the night is engraved in my body.”
Adachi: “. . . I see.”
Saeko: “Homeless hunting is a thing, so it certainly is scary at night . . .”
Nanba: “The reason I’ve been sleeping at night lately is the sense of security from a decent house, and those staying with me—Kasuga and Adachi-san are honest friends to the homeless and are close to them.”
Adachi: “. . . Can’t deny that, as a result of our meddling.”
Nanba: “However, Saeko is a girl and cute, she doesn’t look like a homeless friend . . . therefore I was anxious that there was an outsider in my bed, my unexpected vigilance made it impossible to trust you—so I was so nervous I couldn’t sleep . . .”
Saeko: “. . . It can’t be helped. We just met. But since you managed to sleep, does that mean you could trust me now?”
Nanba: “. . . Yeah. Riding a bicycle to the wharf . . . getting dirty in the sewers and smelling terrible . . . Seeing Saeko who went that far trying to help me, I finally got rid of my apprehension.  . . . Thank you, Sa-chan. And Adachi-san . . . thanks to you, I slept soundly.”
Saeko: “Fufu, that’s a relief.”
Adachi: “Right. Now, let’s start preparing for the part-time job.”
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Nanba: “Aah . . . part-time job? . . . Hey, we still have a little more time before the part-time job, right?”
Saeko: “Well . . . about an hour . . .”
Nanba: “. . . Then I’ll go back to bed again. Wake me up when it’s time . . . good night~.”
{Nanba lies back down in the bed.}
Saeko: “Ah, but Nan-chan. Everyone should talk before we go to the part-time job . . .”
Nanba: “. . . snore . . . snore . . .”
Adachi: “He’s already asleep! You wouldn’t think he was afflicted by insomnia up until yesterday . . .”
Saeko: “. . . Fufu, but he has a happy sleeping face.”
Part 1 / Part 2
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