todaytamilnews · 10 months
26 ஆயிரம் ஆசிரியர்களை சேவையில் இணைத்துக்கொள்வதற்கு தீர்மானம்
சிறிலங்காவில் ஆசிரியர் பற்றாக்குறையை நிவர்த்தி செய்ய முறையான வேலைத்திட்டம் முன்னெடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளதாக கல்வியமைச்சர் சுசில் பிரேமஜயந்த தெரிவித்துள்ளார். இதற்காக விரைவில் 26 ஆயிரம் ஆசிரியர்களை சேவையில் இணைத்துக்கொள்வதற்கு அரசாங்கம் தீர்மானித்துள்ளது. இந்தப் பிரச்சினைக்கு தீர்வு முன்வைக்கும் வேலைத்திட்டத்தை எதிர்வரும் வாரங்களில் முன்னெடுப்பதற்கு எதிர்பார்க்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. வடமேல் மாகாணத்தில்…
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susiltweets · 1 year
Susil tweets
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ruttotohtori · 5 months
Eläintarhoissa joudutaan tekemään joskus myös vaikeita päätöksiä, ja yksi niistä realisoitui tänä marraskuun aamuna, kun puistoa asuttaneen vanhan susilauman kolme viimeisintä jäsentä lopetettiin.
Ähtärin eläinpuiston nykyinen susilauma koostui saman pentueen sisaruksista, jotka ehtivät kunnioitettavaan 15 vuoden ikään, sudet elävät Suomen luonnossa harvoin yli kahdeksanvuotiaiksi. Korkea ikä toi susille mukanaan luonnollisia vanhuuden vaivoja, ja siksi niiden vointia ja ikääntymistä seurattiin etenkin viime vuodet erityisen tarkasti.
Ähtärin eläinpuisto aloitti toimintansa 50 vuotta sitten. Sudet kuuluivat puiston heti ensimmäisiin petoeläimiin, ja ovat asuttaneet puistoa siitä lähtien.
-Nyt kun tarha jää tyhjäksi, olemme päättäneet uudistaa ja nykyaikaistaa sitä perinpohjaisesti, koska samankaltaista tilannetta tulee harvoin. Saimme hoitaa ja seurata tätä sisaruslaumaa 15 vuoden ajan, ja tiedämme, miten tärkeitä sudet ovat myös monelle vieraallemme. Vaikka päätös oli vaikea, niin valoa siihen tuo myös tieto siitä, että aikanaan samaan tarhaan voi muuttaa uusi nuori susilauma asuttamaan entistä nykyaikaisempaa tarhaa tutuissa maisemissa.
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karilapio · 2 years
Onneks euroviisut ei ollu Suomessa ku joku kepulainen olis vielä hakenut kaatoluvat Norjan susille
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lvdbbooks · 2 years
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Black Phoenix: Third World Perspective on Contemporary Art and Culture, 2022, Primary Information
108 pages. 8.3 x 11.8 inches. Paperback. Edition of 2500.
Editors: Rasheed Araeen and Mahmood Jamal Managing Editor: Rachel Valinsky Managing Designer: Dan Bourke
1978年から1979年にかけて、Rasheed AraeenとMahmood Jamalによってイギリスで編集・発行された雑誌「Black Phoenix」全3号を1冊にまとめて復刻。「Black Phoenix」は、ビジュアルアート、文学、アクティビズム、そしてそれ以外の分野においても、トランスナショナルな連帯と文化生産に関する重要かつラディカルな文書として今日でも参照されています。
1960年代の解放運動、西洋の帝国主義と(新)植民地主義を解体するためにアフリカ、アジア、ラテンアメリカの国々の間で社会的・政治的な連携と連帯を求めた歴史的なアジア・アフリカ会議(バンドン会議)と三大陸人民連帯会議から10年以上を経て、「Black Phoenix」は第三世界全体で解放の芸術と文化運動の形成を呼びかける声を発しました。「Black Phoenix」は、1970年代後半以降のイギリスにおける反人種主義、反帝国主義の意識の高まりの中心に、ディアスポラや植民地の歴史を位置づけ、その後の10年間に人種、階級、ポストコロニアル理論に関する繊細で複雑な言説を生み出すことになります。「Black Phoenix」は、第三世界と西洋を横断し、人種の二項対立を超えた黒人の地平を提示しました。
This publication is a compilation of all three issues of the journal Black Phoenix published as a single volume. Edited and published by Rasheed Araeen and Mahmood Jamal between 1978 and 1979 in the United Kingdom, Black Phoenix remains a key and radical document of transnational solidarity and cultural production in the visual arts, literature, activism, and beyond.
More than a decade after the liberation movements of the 1960s and the historic Bandung and Tricontinental Conferences, which called for social and political alignment and solidarity among the nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America in order to dismantle Western imperialism and (neo)colonialism, Black Phoenix issued a rallying cry for the formation of a liberatory arts and culture movement throughout the Third World. International in scope, Black Phoenix positioned diasporic and colonial histories at the center of an evolving anti-racist and anti-imperialist consciousness in late 1970s Britain and beyond—one that would yield complex and nuanced discourses of race, class, and postcolonial theory in the decade that followed. Black Phoenix proposed a horizon for Blackness that transcended racial binaries, across the Third World and the West.
Contributors include art critics, scholars, artists, poets, and writers, including Rasheed Araeen (Pakistan) and Mahmood Jamal (Pakistan), Guy Brett (United Kingdom), Kenneth Coutts-Smith (United Kingdom), Ariel Dorfman (Chile), Eduardo Galeano (Uruguay), N. Kilele (Tanzania), Babatunde Lawal (Nigeria), David Medalla (Philippines), Ayyub Malik (Pakistan), Susil Siriwardena (Sri Lanka), and Chris Wanjala (Kenya).
Rasheed Araeen is a Karachi-born, London-based artist, activist, writer, editor, and curator. Aareen founded the critical journals Black Phoenix, Third Text, and Third Text Asia, and took on activist roles with the Black Panthers and Artists for Democracy. His work has been exhibited widely, including, most recently, at the Pulitzer Arts Foundation, Chicago; BALTIC Centre of Contemporary Art, Gateshead; MAMCO, Geneva; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Tate Britain, London; the 2017 Venice Biennale; and Documenta 14, Athens/Kassel, among others.
Mahmood Jamal was born in Lucknow, India, and moved to Britain from Pakistan in 1967. He published several books of poetry, including Sugar Coated Pill (2007), and translated the Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi (2009) and Faiz: Fifty Poems (2013), among other titles. In 1983, he co-formed the all-Asian Retake Film and Video Collective production company, and initiated Epicflow Films in 1989. Jamal worked as an independent producer and writer; produced several documentary series, including Islamic Conversations; was a lead writer on Britain’s first Asian soap, Family Pride (1991–92), and wrote and produced Turning World (1996) for Channel4 television. He died in London in December 2020.
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444names · 2 years
the entire article about the napoleon dynamite movie + the whole dovahzul dictionary
Aaments Aariffeal Ablefring Acksom Adjecagin Agiad Agims Agnind Ahmilays Aired Airibuffer Alligh Allostes Alothed Anderfor Arast Asated Ation Awitered Bashormes Beleft Bendattring Berch Bermthime Bessfing Biallog Bituracks Bodurd Borapping Bounne Brahms Breeth Briguse Brind Brinstor Brole Brosterot Brounap Budery Capows Caral Carothered Chall Chated Cheyz Chrouracts Churchu'um Clith Clivenest Clocan Clubby Clusturah Cogand Coleake Combe Comen Comicy Commought Complas Conamed Conaviever Conikind Conymands Cookip Cootmad Corvate Cosested Cours Covakt Covicts Criduct Criennin Crigedle Currit'llo Cusler Daall Deady Debrony Defrit Delerose Delove Devestailet Disban Dissibuffe Dit'll Ditioname Dorelylif Dovul Draang Drept Dreuth Driirend Ductiong Duh's Dynamork Ebere Enesely Entele Ephyper Erawail Essit Expead Expethrist Faagrattelp Faance Faaran Fahzally Faider Fainax Faingot Fallont Faries Fasted Fastual Fategin Feasan Feishoffing Feres Fiesetty Fiike Fiinger Filen Filly Fiver Flean Fledisch Fodurd Fonaally Foolownslaw Formed Foundearsh Fouten Fraingent Friese Frintact Froundie Fulerful Funing Funte Galvicaten Geing Giestarc Glejen Golants Gracte Grages Grany Gratemy Gration Guallokun Gutalts Haing Hampaasking Hanceine Hanchal Heatioul Hence Herch Hertaas Hilmsper Hinerbor Hofinindes Hokunimme Homery Horiverille Hornapt Horoll Horther Hought Hurealip Idubby Ificelly Infullom Innaado Isham Ition's Jectral Jerss Jummus Juntent Juregic Keing Khang Kinduche' Kloork Kounic Kralts Krend Krial Kribune Kricillew Kright Krild Kring Kroin Krunterced Kulang Kynmaast Lafawrion Lahve Laight Laker Lankidero Larfule Lealably Ledre Leentan Lembece Lient Ligation Liikest Lisit Liter Liver Loaday Lokun Losturn Luched Lummate Mageommet Mahrieven Malses Marts Matudirk Mawik Med's Menta Mersed Mersetuarn Mersomental Minin Misle Mitoll Moboodyna Monfutormeb Motban Motiatitted Muchar Muleous Mulls Murch Musidn's Mustorge Muzaaz Nahkriese Namedial Naten Necepat Nectial Nerage Ningured Nisiverch Nissin Noborepiden Noril Nuzaak Ofarents Oforrose Oniew Onting Oppopurrif Oprok Oraterverah Overve Paccence Packs Pager Pagoleet Pareaticand Parmy Parre Pated Peadenter Peding Pedrovair Peled Peogaare's Plaad Planc Plaration's Ploar Popect Porisse Portaary Pragedind Prellok Presic Presich Prided Prien Prighter Prithy Pronax Pronfund Pronservak Proquirk Prower Pusightned Putagral Qahmarind Qotaldly Quishilmse Quitar Ractlembad Raind Raity Ravon Reacce Reack Realen Rearch Reatt Recon Reeth Refevoken Regaaz Reigan Rempary Rends Renter Rentereh Resting Roaralemit Rokaas Rotifer Rultudin Ruvot Sadovene Sarce Saveleak Saveres Savers Savichaph's Scome Scomentele Sconaard Scraares Scriallark Scurah Seate Shaiste Shalmsfil Shicen Sholz Shook Siteettet Smont Snownlov Sostern Sourent Soutsearmal Spaaz Spagre Spiders Spows Spreas Spredges Stale Stame Stelent Stince Stinnicscon Stivatity Stoll Stond Strilare Su'reary Suchary Suicongrad Suise Suloca Sundight Sunds Suntionift Susides Susill Sworm Swortinds Swoutatet Takodges Tally Talvulider Theind Thement Thends Thestereer Thigiin Thomp Thriishold Thston Thuftendiad Timally Tioner Tivahlotese Tobodesmand Tonpolenat Tonth Trege Tries Trigh Trunall Trunk Unbre Unreadsh Unres Unwar Uplaimitch Uplanest Uppecto Ushowiil Vaand Vahse Viess Viesservut Vionto Viseld Voding Voducters Voinu Voldestion Votin Vukther Wahdraing Weely Weivaak Wenemahmi Whemotbay Whenethrke Whets Whisn't Whoureendom Whowsuomme Wilimpol Wilmsed Wined Wirecte Wittleacept Wornal Worrayeate Yeombahrica Yought Zofiter Zolong Zunitinda
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torssi · 4 days
Danes se v techno vracajo elementi acida izpred tridesetih let, ko je acid glasba definirala smernice za razvoj post-hipijevske, P.L.U.R. svobodomiselne revolucije generacije X in Y, ki jo se danes imenujemo pod skupnim imenom #RAVE. Veverice, kot smo se radi poimenovali pobesnele skokice na plesiscih po vsem svetu, obleceni v zivahne barve, oprijetih elasticnih materialov, da se je pot sproti susil smo bili glasni podporniki LGBT+ in ostalih pravic vseh źivih bitij po svetu. Berlinska miljonska zabava na ulicah imenovana #loveparade pa je seveda zgodba zase in kapo dol legendarnemu #drmotte in njegovi organizaciji #ravetheplanet za ozivitev dogodka sicer pod drugimi imeni, a glavno je sporocilo.
Make love not war! PLUR
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Chemists Image Basic Blocks of Synthetic Polymers - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/chemists-image-basic-blocks-of-synthetic-polymers-technology-org/
Chemists Image Basic Blocks of Synthetic Polymers - Technology Org
Synthetic polymers are everywhere in our society – from nylon and polyester clothing to Teflon cookware and epoxy glue. At the molecular level, these polymers’ molecules are made of long chains of monomer building blocks, the complexity of which increases functionality in many such materials.
Glassware in a chemistry lab, polymer research – illustrative photo. Image credit: Hans Reniers via Unsplash, free license
In particular, copolymers, consisting of different monomers in the same chain, allow for fine-tuning of the material’s properties, said Peng Chen, the Peter J.W. Debye Professor of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S). The monomer sequence plays a critical role in a material’s properties, but scientists have now lacked a method for sequencing synthetic copolymers.
Chen and colleagues have developed CREATS (Coupled REaction Approach Toward Super-resolution imaging), which allows them to image polymerization catalysis reactions at single-monomer resolution and, through fluorescent signaling, to differentiate monomers from one another. Both are important steps in discovering the molecular composition of a synthetic polymer.
They describe the technique and their first discoveries with it in “Optical Sequencing of Single Synthetic Polymers,” published in Nature Chemistry.
Co-lead authors are Rong Ye, Xiangcheng Sun and Xianwen Mao, all former postdoctoral researchers in the Chen group. Co-authors are former Chen group postdoctoral researchers Susil Baral and Chunming Liu, current postdoctoral researcher Felix Alfonso, and Geoffrey Coates, the Tisch University Professor in chemistry and chemical biology (A&S).
“Synthetic polymers are made of monomer units linked together like a string of beads,” Chen said. In the simplest polymers, the monomers are identical, but more complex properties arise when polymers contain monomers of different sorts – called copolymers. The precise arrangement of the monomers in a copolymer plays an important role in its properties, such as stiffness or flexibility.
Sequence plays a role in the properties of natural polymers, too, Chen said. A protein, for example, is made of 20 amino acid monomers arranged in a very specific sequence.
“In a natural polymer, nature has control,” Chen said. “In synthetic polymers, humans are making the arrangements, and the chemists generally don’t have that precise control.”
Sequencing copolymers is so difficult in large part because of heterogeneity in synthetic polymers, Chen said. Individual chains differ in length, composition and sequence, which requires single-polymer sequencing methods that can resolve and identify individual monomers.
Some modern methods allow scientists to control the arrangement of monomers in a chain, Chen said, but only for very short polymers – 10 to 20 monomers long.
Using CREATS, the researchers can determine the sequence of a polymer as it is made, one monomer at a time, by imaging and identifying every single monomer as it is added to the polymer. To make the monomers visible, CREATS couples the polymerization reaction with another reaction that produces fluorescent signals.
“Every monomer that goes in gives off a puff of light,” Chen said. “The light is induced by a laser, and the puff of light has a color. In our case, it’s either green or yellow. By seeing whether it’s yellow or green, we see what monomer goes in.”
The lab is already equipped to measure synthetic polymer properties. Now that they can determine the sequence of an individual polymer, a next step is to combine the two experiments to correlate structure and function, ultimately providing guiding principles for polymer design to achieve certain properties.
“If you know how sequence controls property, you can really think about designing whatever sequence you want to achieve a certain property,” Chen said. “This knowledge presumably can help people tailor their materials for a desired application.”
Source: Cornell University
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circusfans-italia · 1 year
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LE FAVOLE DI SCARABOCCHIO in libreria Da qualche giorno, è finalmente disponibile all'acquisto la nuova fatica di Gianni Giannuzzi, da tutti conosciuto come Scarabocchio.
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Un passato da clown, un presente da artista poliedrico: pittore e scritture soprattutto. E così, dopo il primo libro di poesie UN SORRISO DI VITA, il secondo in cui racconta la sua storia dal titolo SCHIAVI DI UNA PASSIONE, ecco a voi LE FAVOLE DI SCARABOCCHIO, un bel volume dedicato ai più piccini.
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Il volume è acquistabile su diverse piattaforme on line, tra le altre vi segnalo il link per acquistarlo direttamente sulla pagina di Susil Edizioni, l'editore del libro. Per acquistare il libro CLICCATE QUA Per acquistare invece Schiavi di una passione, il primo libro scritto da Gibo CLICCATE QUI Se sei un appassionato di circo anche in formato cartaceo, non dimenticarti di visitare la nostra rubrica PAGINE DI CIRCO ..... per sfogliare lo spettacolo più bello del mondo vi troverai decine di libri dedicati al più grande spettacolo del mondo. Iscriviti ai nostri canali social: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr e Tik Tok E ..... per non perderti neanche una news iscriviti al canale Telegram di Circusfans Italia, per raggiungerlo inquadra il QR Code con il tuo cellulare
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tumsozluk · 1 year
U.S.-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission Celebrates 70th Anniversary in Gala attended by President Wickremesinghe and Ambassador Chung
U.S.-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission Celebrates 70th Anniversary in Gala attended by President Wickremesinghe and Ambassador Chung
November 16, 2022: The President of Sri Lanka, Honorable Ranil Wickremesinghe, Minister of Education Susil Premajayantha, U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Julie Chung, and the U.S.-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission Board of Directors, Executive Director and staff celebrated the 70th anniversary of the launch of the binational Fulbright exchange program between Sri Lanka and the United States at a gala…
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topinfo12 · 2 years
Emami-KISS Balasore Residential School Inaugurated by Hon’ble Odisha CM
Education Brings Biggest Transformation in Life: Naveen Patnaik
Hon’ble Odisha Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik on Monday inaugurated the Balasore branch of The Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) Emami-KISS Residential School through virtual mode. “Today I am very much happy to inaugurate the Emami-KISS. On this occasion I congratulate the people of Balasore, especially the children,” he said at the well-attended event.
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Education is the most powerful medium and brings the biggest transformation in one’s life. The state government has given more importance to education and is transforming the schools under the 5T programme. More than four thousand high schools have been transformed as of today. It has created interest among students, the CM said as he addressed the gathering. He said that KISS has opened its branches in various districts along with KISS-Bhubaneswar. KISS has taken initiative to openfully free residential schools for poor and underprivileged tribal children in 30 districts of Odisha. This would strengthen our initiative to give quality education to all children. He appreciated the joint initiative of Emami and KISS.
Shri Aswini Kumar Patra, Minister, Tourism, Odia Language, Literature & Culture, Excise said KISS Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta has brought transformation in lakhs of poor tribal children through education. It is not a small thing, it is the god-gifted power to Dr. Samanta. Balasore MP Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi said Dr. Samanta has created a ray of light in the lives of lakhs of poor and underprivileged tribal children. He has brought transformation and made them empowered through education. We all the people of Odisha irrespective of our caste, creed and political affiliation should support wholeheartedly to Dr. Samanta for this great initiative.
Remuna MLA Sudhansu Sekhar Parida said, today is a great day for Remuna people. I am grateful to Dr. Samanta and Emami group to open Emami-KISS in Remuna of Balasore district. The poor children of the Balasore district will get quality education free of cost. In his welcome address, Dr. Samanta said, the new residential school has come up on a sprawling eco-friendly and Wi-Fi green campus. The campus has been built in collaboration with the Emami Group. It has entailed an investment of Rs. 50 crore for land and infrastructural development and setting up of mechanized kitchen, a 25-bed hospital, furniture and fixture and other facilities in the 1,20,000 sq.ft built-up area.
The Emami Group has provided Rs.14 Crores and the remaining Rs.36 crores have been provided by KIIT. The Emami-KISS is a fully free residential school like KISS-Bhubaneswar. In the first phase, the school will have the strength of 1200 students from standard-1 to standard-12 and provide quality education to poor and underprivileged children under the CBSE curriculum. Emami-KISS would be an asset of the people of Balasore. K Sudarshan Chakrabarti, Collector and DM proposed the vote of thanks. Among others, Mr. Susil Goenka, representative of the Emami group was also present.
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dailypioneer · 2 years
Debt-ridden Sri Lanka appointed 9 new Cabinet ministers on Friday in an effort to ensure stability until a full Cabinet is formed in the island nation engulfed in the worst economic crisis since its independence.
Former minister Nimal Siripala de Silva representing Sri Lanka Freedom party (SLFP), independent MPs Susil Premajayantha, Wijayadasa Rajapaksha, Tiran Alles were among the new nine ministers sworn-in on Friday by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
Four ministers have already been sworn-in last week.
The cabinet will be limited to 25 members, including the President and the Prime Minister, according to media reports.
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susiltweets · 1 year
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artbookdap · 2 years
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A new facsimile of 'Black Phoenix: Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture' is out now from @primaryinfo⁠ ⁠ Published in three issues between 1978 and 1979, 'Black Phoenix: Journal of Contemporary Art & Culture in the Third World' (the subtitle was changed to 'Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture' for its second and third issues) stands as a key document of its time. More than a decade after ’60s liberation movements and the historic Bandung and Tricontinental Conferences that called for social and political alignment and solidarity to dismantle Western imperialism and (neo)colonialism, 'Black Phoenix' issued a rallying call for the formation of a Third World, liberatory arts and culture movement on the eve of Margaret Thatcher’s election in 1979.⁠ ⁠ Based in the UK, and both international and national in scope, 'Black Phoenix' positioned diasporic and colonial histories at the center of an evolving anti-racist and anti-imperialist consciousness in late 1970s Britain—one that would yield complex and nuanced discourses on race, class and postcolonial theory in England in the decade that followed.⁠ ⁠ A precursor to the British Black Arts Movement that formed in 1982 (which encompassed such cultural practitioners as the Black Audio Film Collective and cultural studies theorist Stuart Hall), 'Black Phoenix' proposed a horizon for Blackness beyond racial binaries, across the Third World and the colonized of the interior in the West. This single-volume facsimile reprint gathers all three issues of the journal, which include contributions by art critics, scholars, artists, poets and writers, including editors Rasheed Araaen and Mahmood Jamal, Guy Brett, Kenneth Coutts-Smith, Ariel Dorfman, Eduardo Galeano, N. Kilele, Babatunde Lawal, David Medalla, Ayyub Malik, Susil Sirivardana and Chris Wanjala.⁠ ⁠ Read more via linkinbio.⁠ ⁠ Cover and interior spreads of "Black Phoenix" courtesy @naokomaeda⁠ ⁠ #BlackPhoenix #RasheedAraeen #MahmoodJamal #PrimaryInformation⁠ @langue_pendue @dan__bourke #facsimile https://www.instagram.com/p/CdYUPqvOUpF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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