#suffer through constant chest infections because you're so stressed it's killing you and being treated like an inconvenience
david-watts ยท 5 months
there used to be this programme on sbs years back where it looked at whether certain homeopathic/natural/cultural medicine had actual benefits or not and I'm sure that programme did really good things in terms of legitimising genuine alternative treatments that have helped many people but what I mostly remember it doing was making my grandmother go 'see you don't need to be on medicine' and then not even allowing me to do the alternative medicine either. which was great
#it was at that point where there was so much fear about the opioid crisis and people being on too much medication#and that was incredibly Worrying to me.#mostly because I was starting to develop chronic pain and was going through a lot of health problems#mostly to do with y'know not being given medicine when I should've been#like undiagnosed asthma absolutely fucking me over all the time. and not being allowed to get dxed because 'you'll grow out of it'#what I mention in the post body was especially around my insomnia and having dogshit lungs#so like. 'you can do that instead of being addicted to your melatonin'#which can I just say. that's not only a wild thing to say to someone knowing what melatonin IS#but she wasn't even using addiction correctly. she meant 'daily medication' was 'addiction'. which it is not#and like yeah I'm aware I have some issues around medication and what's considered 'normal' around needing it#that's what happens when you grow up around people who do take daily medications and have disabilities#but like. I was genuinely in need of more than what I was getting medically and that whole 'you don't need ANY medicine and if you do#it has to be one of those on the television' rhetoric really did not help that#and also in regards to that trend of programmes where they tried to reduce the amount of medications people were on#I think that came down to having actual issues that can't be fixed with simple lifestyle changes#especially exercise when exercising makes things worse#and being expected to just fucking Suffer. suffer through constant asthma attacks because your m*ther decided she deserved it more than you#actually happened! like christ alive get your own script#suffer through dangerously high heart rates because you're just unfit#suffer through constant chest infections because you're so stressed it's killing you and being treated like an inconvenience#suffer through crippling insomnia because your brain is wired to exist at a different time than you're expected to live at#oh yeah. nearly fucking die because 'you don't need a doctor'. the longer it's been the more convinced I am that I nearly did die#which is. so fucking cool man. dying from a mystery illness that you thought was swine flu because it felt like that but worse?
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