#strnger things fanfiction
fullmetaldemon · 7 years
Its important to me that people realize...
“During my time in the voltron fandom (starting from day one) I have shipped sheith. Which means that from the first day I have seen the hate and abuse that that sheith shippers have been subjected to. Klancers have been the main abuser and have used every excuse to justify thier actions and I for one find it ridiculus. Also i wanted to clear a few things up.
Ages are not confirmed until it is either in print on offical Volton merch or are blantantly stated in the show. All we were told is that they were Teenagers. Just because some looks a certain age means nothing we all grow differently. Ask any 20 year old girl that gets called twelve. HOWEVER, none of these characters are PREPUBESTENT CHILDREN which is the key factor of pedophilia. Age of Consent is diffent per state, around 16 to 18, so while in your state it may be 18 it is not that way for everybody else.
Lots of antis claim that shieth is abusive because Shiro is older and there MAY be an age gape. So I wanna say ALL SHIPS HAVE THE POTENTAIL TO BE ABUSIVE. No matter how good a couple looks on the outside you have no idea what goes onbehind closed doors. to say the sheith is abusive because of an unconfirmed age gape is ignorate. Klance has just as much potentional to be abusive depending on how it is written.
If you are likely to be triggered by anything it is your resposablity to take care of yourself. Stay out of tags that contain content you are sensative to. Block users that post that content. DO NOT ACTIVILY SEARCH FOR THAT CONTENT SO THAT YOU CAN YELL AT PEOPLE AND THREATEN THEM. You are no ones responcability but your own. I WILL NOT hold your hand when there are plenty of was to avoid sheith shipper ( there is a whole blog dedicted to telling you people you can block). If you have been in circustances where sheith may trigger you I send my condolances but it is not my problem and i will not change for you. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN CONTROL HOW COMFROTABLE YOU ARE ON THE INTERNET.
“you’re like a brother to me” is not the death of sheith. From what we have seen Keith does not have alot of connections to base his feelings on. SO maybe he does only see shiro as a brother ( and if he does that is fine, I’m not gonna kill myself over it) or maybe he has feeling that he cannot explain and goes for a word that for most means that Shiro is Important and a safe person to him.
What ever their relation ship is it is up to the Writers and I’m glad because they wrote this show that I Love and so do many other do to.
The viewers have no say in the show. I have seen so many Antis and Klancers threaten both themseles and other over ships. Have directly bullied the writers and voice actors over ships and all together acting like spoild chidren over things that cannot be changed. This show was prewritten long before the airing and your tweet of “Klance has to become canon or i will literally kill myself***” will literally change nothing. Just watch and enjoy the show that is given to us. Wanna change something? Fanfiction .net and Archiveofourown .org are great webstites to write how YOU want things to go. there is no need and does no good to throw a temper tantrum because all you will accomplish is annoy everyone around you, like a child.
Recently I have seen Klance is dead trending and Lots of post saying “its just a show, it doesnt matter” “I still have fanfiction LOL”. So i wanna know why was it not just a show when I was recieving death threats for Sheith but now that you know your ship will not be canon it is all fiction and doesnt matter. Why do you only develope tolerance and common decentcy once you reliazed you werent gonna get what you want?
Don’t come crying to any sheith shipper about how you are being bullied because they have been through So much worse.
*** You life should never be used as a barganing chip. Your life means so much more to your family and friends then a damn TV showand to say that you are choosing a fiction ship over EVERYBODY that has ever cared about you is the biggest insult I have ever heard. SHOULD YOU EVER DECIDED TO COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE OF A SHIP I WANT YOU TO LOOK THE PERSON YOU CARE FOR THE MOST IN THE EYE AND EXPLAIN TO THEM WHY A FAKE COUPLE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THEN THE YEARS THAT YOU COULD HAVE TOGETHER. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THREATEN A MEANINGLESS SUICIDE WHEN SO MANY HAVE LOST PEOPLE TO THIS EPIDEMIC. YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE.
Fiction is suppost to be an escape, but Antis have turned it into a battle ground. What we ship has no impact on our proffessionl life. No one will give you a premotion because you told a strnger on the internet to kill themselves. So go ahead and send me hate or threats because at the end of the day my ships will not change and once i close my laptop none of you exist anymore. 
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