#state microbe
miamierre · 10 months
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mossiestpiglet · 1 year
Chauncey’s reaction to the Act of Grace thing makes a whole lot more sense when you really look at how Stede is so thoroughly the villain in his story. Stede abandoned his own family to become a pirate (you know, stealing and killing). Then Stede gruesomely murders his brother, takes other officers hostage, and teams up with the most violent pirate in the world. Chauncey finally has him, has a confession, is about to get revenge if not closure, and Stede gets away with it because he stole a plant from some fishermen. Chauncey’s brothers murder is washed away, it doesn’t matter anymore, because Stede stole a plant.
On top of that, Chauncey is having to deal with the fact that the institution he’s given his life for, that his brother died in, doesn’t give two shits about them. His fellow officers, his king, none of them care that this man killed his brother. The king only cares about his war, the officers only care about eliminating pirates and pleasing their superiors. The second Blackbeard opens his mouth, Chauncey doesn’t matter, and Blackbeard follows Stede now apparently. Nigel’s death no longer matters, it’s not even a factor in any of this, and I think that’s what sends Chauncey so over the edge. I don’t necessarily think that it was always just about killing him, because there’s so much pageantry to the whole thing. The signed confession, all the other officers, three naval vessels, etc. it’s all so over the top. He’s making a statement about how wrong what Stede has done is, how he isn’t above the law, and then the law just goes and bends around Stede right in front of him.
Of course he tracks down Stede and pulls him out of bed to try to kill him. He’s drunk and he’s been stewing for a day over the fact that he’s never getting justice for his brother and everything he believed in tossed him aside to kiss pirate ass.
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fixomnia-scribble · 1 year
Scientists are very serious.
This is a post about science. And soup.
Dr. Elinne Becket, a microbiologist from Cal State University, is in the middle of one of those Fridge Experiments that happens to us all - except in this case, she is uniquely placed to unravel the science down to the microbial level.
While cleaning out her fridge, Dr. Becket found that a tub of family-recipe beef vegetable soup had turned bright blue. “Ok I'm outing myself here,” she tweeted, “but there was forgotten beef soup in our fridge we just cleaned it out and it was BLUE?!?!? Wtf contam would make it blue??? Like BRIGHT blue!!  Even w/ all my years in micro I'm not handling this well.“
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Read on for a breathless and ongoing saga of Soup and Science, and the wonderful international community that is Academic Twitter.
Academic Twitter quickly reminded her of her Responsibilities to Scientific Inquiry. (Cue the chanting from around the world of “CLONE THE SOUP! CLONE THE SOUP!”)
“I can’t believe y’all talked me into going back into the trash.” she tweeted in response, over a photo of a puddle of beautiful Mediterranean-sea blue soup in the trash bin, with bits of veg and noodles arising from the depths.
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Scientists being scientists, Dr. Becket agreed to take a sample and send it to colleagues for cloning and microbial analysis.This involved getting arms-deep into the trash bin of Old Soup. “I’m never forviging @ATinyGreenCell (genomic biologist Sebastian Cocioba) for this.” Dr. Becket tweeted, with a photo of a properly dipped and snipped and VERY blue q-tip in a small clear plastic tub.
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Diving into decomposing soup was not the only hazard. She writes: “My mom (who made the soup for my birthday) came across this thread and now 1) I have to answer for letting her soup spoil and 2) she's worried @ATinyGreenCell will figure out her secret recipe.“
Dr. Becket and Sebastian were able to culture the Blue Goo!
Becket posted a photo of three petri plates of streaked beef bouillon agar at 72 hours incubation, at 37C, room temp and 4C. She writes: “Left the plates where they were for another 2 days, except the 37°C one was brought to RT, which then grew white stuff over the yellow stuff and stinks to high heaven. RT looked the same. 4°C had impressive growth. Restreaked them all onto TECH agar, awaiting results!”
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Sebastian, from his lab, tweeted a photo of three more covered petri dishes, with early results: “Great progress on isolating the glowy microbe from our #BlueSoup! It's so fluorescent the streak is GREEN. Still needs another restreak as it seems there is a straggler but should clear up in the next plate. Exciting!”
Then yesterday, Sebastian tweeted out an updated photo of his plates under daylight and blacklight. “Whatever grew on the #BlueSoup colony plates overnight glows under UV, but only on King's Agar B! That particular media is used to tease out fluorescein expression in pseudomonads. What are the chances that the same cell line expresses fluorescent AND blue pigments?“
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“Looking closer, there definitely is a handful of different microbes showing distinct phenotypes. Could be that the blue producer and the fluorescent microbes are totally different microbes!”
At which point, Professor Cynthia Whitchurch of Norwich, England, responded: “Consistent with P. fluorescens being at least part of the #BlueSoup community. The fluorescence is due to production of the siderophore pyoverdine which is up-regulated when iron availability is limited. P. aeruginosa produced this too but my guess is you have blue Pf.”
And Australian agricultural researcher @WAJWebster helpfully tweeted a petri dish of ALL KINDS of colourful bacterial colonies from white to yellow to orange to stark black, with a cheerful: “You need bact-o--colours? I got you, fam.”
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The best part is that as of today, March 9, 2023, THE BLUE SOUP MYSTERY CONTINUES. WE ARE WATCHING SCIENCE HAPPENING!
A paper is being written. And Dr. Becket’s mum is getting an author credit as the proprietary owner of the #BlueSoup recipe.
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Dr. Becket’s Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/bielleogy
Sebastian Cocioba’s Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/ATinyGreenCell
Fun IFLS story is here: https://www.iflscience.com/microbiologist-investigates-after-her-beef-soup-turned-blue-in-the-freezer-67894?fbclid=IwAR0H27KqVZhzzrosnjzzKkxuKASZ-0L0Lt6hGwCRDJK8xvFbbSlyS4JvwlM
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
In photos of 2023’s World Economic Forum- or Davos as it is commonly called, after the Swiss resort town where it annually occurs- you might not notice the HEPA filters. They’re in the background, unobtrusive and unremarked upon, quietly cleansing the air of viruses and bacteria. You wouldn’t know- not unless you asked- that every attendee was PCR tested before entering the forum, or that in the case of a positive test, access was automatically, electronically, revoked. And if you happened to get a glimpse of the strange blue lights overhead, you could reasonably assume that their glow was simply a modern aesthetic choice, not the calming buzz of cutting edge Far UVC technology- demonstrated to kill microbes in the air.
It’s hard to square this information with the public narrative about COVID, isn’t it? President Biden has called the pandemic “over”. The New York Times recently claimed that “the risk of Covid is similar to that of the flu” in an article about “hold outs” that are annoyingly refusing to accept continual reinfection as their “new normal”. Yet, this week the richest people in the world are taking common sense, easy- but strict- precautions to ensure they don’t catch Covid-19 at Davos.
These common sense, easy precautions include high-quality ventiliation, use of Far UVC-lighting technology, and PCR testing. You’ll also see some masks at Davos, but generally, the testing + air filtration protocol seems to be effective at preventing the kind of super-spreader events most of us are now accustomed to attending.
It seems unlikely to me that a New York Times reporter will follow the super-rich around like David Attenborough on safari, the way one of their employees did when they profiled middle-class maskers last month. I doubt they will write “family members and friends can get a little exasperated by the hyper-concern” about the assembled Prime Ministers, Presidents and CEOs in Switzerland. After all, these are important people. The kind of people who merit high-quality ventilation. The kind of people who deserve accurate tests.
Why is the media so hellbent on portraying simple, scientifically proven measures like high-quality ventilation as ridiculous and unnecessary as hundreds of people continue to die daily here in the US?
Why is the public accepting a “new normal” where we are expected to get infected over and over and over again, at work events with zero precautions, on airplanes with no masks, and at social dinners trying to approximate our 2019 normal?
We deserve better. We deserve to be #DavosSafe as the hashtag going around on twitter puts it. Your children deserve to be treated with the care that world leaders are treating each other. Your family deserves to be protected from the disease which is still- unlike the flu- the third leading cause of death in the US. We don’t deserve to be shoved back into poorly ventilated workplaces while our politicians and press assure us that only crazy people would demand to breathe clean air.
Clean water and clean food are rights we fought for; we have regulatory bodies that ensure we aren’t exposed to pathogens via our water supply nor our food. In 1854, John Snow famously conducted his Broad Street Pump study in London and demonstrated that cholera was water-bourne; however, it took decades for our public policy to catch up with our scientific knowledge.
A public health case study published by the NBCI describes the years that followed:
The first use of chlorine as a disinfectant for water facilities was in 1897 in England. The first use of this method for municipal water facilities in the United States was in Jersey City, New Jersey, and Chicago, Illinois, in 1915. Other cities followed and the use of chlorination as standard treatment for water disinfection rapidly grew. During the 20th century, death rates from waterborne diseases decreased significantly, and although other additional factors contributed to the general improvements in health (such as sanitation, improved quality of life, and nutrition), the improvement of water quality was, without doubt, a major reason.
Forty-three years passed from the initial demonstration that pathogens were being spread via water, and public action and regulation to halt disease.
Can you imagine, in the 1890s, being somebody who argued against cleaning the water?
Can you imagine, in those years of plentiful cholera, calling the people who demanded shit-free water “hold outs”?
One thing COVID realists are accused of is being “doomsayers” and “fearmongers,” so let me share a dose of optimism about the future with you. When we choose- whenever we choose- to get COVID under control, there’s an exciting new world awaiting us. One, not only without constant COVID reinfection, but where our kids can grow up free of colds, flus, RSV, and many other common bugs. And no, contrary to what you may have heard, staying healthy (shockingly enough) is not bad for children!
Once we choose to institute ventilation standards and introduce new technologies like Far UVC lighting- and embrace masking as an easy, kind, and useful tool to control outbreaks- we can bring every nasty airborne pathogen under control the way we did cholera. We didn’t have the science before; now we do. (I mean that quite literally; I can’t recommend enough the linked Wired article cataloguing the long journey to establishing that Covid is, indeed, airborne).
We face a stark choice; down one road, the one with zero infrastructure upgrades, no air quality regulations, and Covid safety only for those who can afford it, you and your family will get Covid this year. You will get Covid next year. You will continue to get Covid over and over and over again, as the health problems - like cardiac damage, viral persistance, and immune system dysfunction- continue to build up. (The billionaires, of course, will not).
Down the other road, we quite simply treat ourselves the way Davos would. We engage with what the science is telling us and we build a safer, better world for our kids. We embrace the lessons this pandemic is teaching us, and let go of things we now know are harming people. We stop clinging desperately to the idea that 2019 will come back if we just get the virus one more time, and we come together to achieve what we’ve been told is impossible: elimination.
The economic elite thrive on our divisiveness and blame casting. They don’t mind that we’re calling each other names, engaging in racial stereotyping, or leaving disabled people to die, so long as we keep their machine running. But we can choose to stop throwing blame at each other, and direct it where it belongs: at the powerful people who’ve left us to suffer, at the politicians who are whipping people into a frenzy over masks instead of over our millions of dead, at the talking heads on TV that work so hard to convince us: you want to get sick. It’s better than being a *weirdo* or a *hold out*.
We needn’t wait 43 years to redirect our energies. France and Belgium have already introduced new air quality standards, and DIY projects to build Corsi-Rosenthal boxes for schools and healthcare settings have popped up around the country. We have the science, we have the technology. All we need now is the political will and the solidarity to truly end the pandemic- the kind of solidarity the super rich always show with one another.
The billionaires at Davos don’t accept continual Covid reinfection. They demand better. It’s time we demand better too.
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afeelgoodblog · 9 months
The Best News of Last Week
🦾 - High-Five for Bionic Hand
1. Houston-area school district announces free breakfast and lunch for students
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Pasadena ISD students will be getting free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-24 school year, per an announcement on the district's social media pages.
The 2023-24 free lunch program is thanks to a Community Eligibility Provision grant the district applied for last year. The CEP, which is distributed by the Department of Agriculture, is specially geared toward providing free meals for low-income students.
2. Dolphin and her baby rescued after being trapped in pond for 2 years
A pair of dolphins that spent nearly two years stuck in a Louisiana pond system are back at sea thanks to the help of several agencies and volunteers.
According to the Audubon Nature Institute, wildlife observers believe the mother dolphin and her baby were pushed into the pond system near Grand Isle, Louisiana, during Hurricane Ida in late August 2021.
3. Studies show that putting solar panels over waterways could boost clean energy and conserve water. The first U.S. pilot project is getting underway in California.
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Some 8,000 miles of federally owned canals snake across the United States, channeling water to replenish crops, fuel hydropower plants and supply drinking water to rural communities. In the future, these narrow waterways could serve an additional role: as hubs of solar energy generation.
4. Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions
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Antonio was born with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a rare genetic condition that causes blisters all over his body and in his eyes. But his skin improved when he joined a clinical trial to test the world’s first topical gene therapy.
The same therapy was applied to his eyes. Antonio, who’s been legally blind for much of his 14 years, can see again.
5. Scientists develop game-changing vaccine against Lyme disease ticks!
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A major step in battling Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne viruses may have been taken as researchers announced they have developed a vaccine against the ticks themselves.
Rather than combatting the effects of the bacteria or microbe that causes Lyme disease, the vaccine targets the microbiota of the tick, according to a paper published in the journal Microbiota on Monday.
6. HIV Transmission Virtually Eliminated in Inner Sydney, Australia
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Sydney may be the first city in the world to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Inner Sydney has reduced new HIV acquisitions by 88%, meaning it may be the first locality in the world to reach the UN target to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030
7. New bionic hand allows amputees to control each finger with unprecedented accuracy
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In a world first, surgeons and engineers have developed a new bionic hand that allows users with arm amputations to effortlessly control each finger as though it was their own body.
Successful testing of the bionic hand has already been conducted on a patient who lost his arm above the elbow.
That's it for this week :)
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juney-blues · 1 month
my incredibly stupid hot take that will piss off any of my followers who work for nasa, is that if we find out for SURE there are no extant lifeforms on any of the other planets in our solar system, we should put some there for funsies, just to see where it goes in like a million years
like if we definitively prove for SURE that there AREN'T bacteriophages on titans subterranean (subtitanium?) oceans? fuck it launch some microbes over there, see how they do. give it some space tardigrades, some phytoplanktons, the works.
like yeah you could make an argument for preserving the universe in its pristine state but also i don't give a shit, we already live in the universe, we are the natural state. i know i'm fully inviting the possibility of reigniting Asteroid Mining Discourse (god what a silly thing that was) but i don't care it'll be funny
if there aren't any lifeforms there that we could potentially harm by introducing new ones that outcompete them, then as far as i'm concerned it's an inert rock, which yes, has the intrinsic value of existing as it does, as a natural curiosity, but which in most cases i don't see having any *more* intrinsic value than "that same natural curiosity but also we put some tiny little guys on there for shits and giggles to see what they do,"
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typhlonectes · 8 months
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Lizards may be protecting people from Lyme disease in the southeastern U.S.
The reptiles make poor hosts for transmitting the infection.
Lyme disease is one of the most devastating tick-borne infections in the United States, affecting more than 300,000 people each year. It's also one of the most mysterious: The creature that spreads it—the black-legged tick—lives throughout the country. Yet the northeastern United States is home to far more cases than anywhere else. Now, researchers have identified an unexpected reason: lizards. Black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis), also known as deer ticks, carry corkscrew-shaped bacteria that cause Lyme disease. The ticks pick up the pathogens—spirochetes that belong to the genus Borrelia—when they suck the blood of animals like mice, deer, and lizards. In the next stage of their life cycle, the ticks may latch onto an unlucky human. But every host transmits the microbes differently. Reptiles are worse transmitters than mammals, so ticks that have lived on reptiles are less likely to make people sick. The north-south divide in Lyme cases is a fairly sharp line right along the border of Virginia and North Carolina. Researchers have hypothesized that disparity in cases stems from ticks feeding on different hosts in the two regions...
Read more: https://www.science.org/content/article/lizards-may-be-protecting-people-lyme-disease-southeastern-united-states
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trickricksblog08 · 3 months
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Say hello to Nathan Wolfe.
American virologist and founder of METABIOTA!
The Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID.
He is the epicenter of the Deep State bio network.
Not only is he the founder of Biden’s Metabiota, he is a WEF member, DoD employee, sat on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance involved in Wuhan, funded by DARPA, Gates Foundation, funded Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project with the Clintons, member of The Edge Foundation collecting microbes and housing animal viruses all over the world, AND Russia have accused him directly of being the key player in creating SARS-CoV-2 from a bat coronavirus he discovered in Ukraine.
💥John McAfee💥
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netegf · 11 months
pairing: ao'nung x reader
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While his chest swelled with pride under the gaze of his father, the new tattoos and cheers of the clan were not enough to convince Ao’nung that birthdays were a good thing.
At the moment, they only meant the pursuit of Na’vi. Questions hanging over their heads about his strength as leader. You, behind the crowd at a more-than-respectful distance, far-away enough that his heartbeat laboured. It felt strange to celebrate a pressure growing.
Tonowari pats a large hand on his muscular shoulder and Ao'nung cracks a pained sideways smile that you know is meant for you. He looks to you once, then flicks his eyes to the shoreline. You know it means – please, let’s go – and maneuver through rock to trail after him.
Years ago, the Metkayina had a practice of aging the tulkun by their teeth. Ao'nung wondered how old he was by that metric. If his teeth saw something in him that resembled the future Olo'eyktan, or if they were slack and unruly like the child he still felt like.
Tired of the thought, he stops to bury his feet in grainy, wet sand and listens to the sounds of the raging Pandoran ocean. Always loud and shameless. A thief of rest and nuisance to the many Metkayina that lived nearby, but never him. It felt good to see wild waters do things he could not – how waves scream and ask for attention.
When the warmth of your body tickles his side like a slow-coming spring, he wraps a strong arm around your waist and engulfs you completely, matching the waves that crack against the beds of weathered rock.
“Listen, you’re really handsome and all.” You tease, peering up to his set jaw and the curly strands of dark hair that frame his pretty face. “But it’s my boyfriend’s birthday - and he’d be really upset if he knew I was with you right now.”
Ao’nung rolls his eyes and flicks you lightly in the forehead. He chews his cheek, gaze cast down in that uneasy way. “I look that different?”
You know he means the tattoos adorning his face. Maybe it was the future they promised. Spiralling patterns and shapes, beautiful and intricate. All of which seemed to be calling a particular attention to his lips that you were more than grateful for.
“I was just being silly.” You say, caressing the sides of his cheeks and leaning forward to give him a soft, salty kiss. He melts into it. Soil snow under the unrelenting sun, no need to protect the roots any longer. “You look like you. Beautiful.”
Ao'nung hums into the crook of your neck before shifting his body down until his head reaches your lap. The tide swipes like a teasing four-fingered hand from the past, wanting to bring something home. With the touch of your skin keeping him safe, for once, Ao’nung rests peacefully feeling like it isn't him.
“Happy birthday, Ao.” You whisper as his eyelids get heavy, surprised to see his body stir, mouth pressing a tender kiss to your knee. His head nuzzles into your hand that combs through his braids.
“Thank you, tanhì.” He murmurs sleepily, chest vibrating the words.
The passage of time was not something he took lightly. Most days, it felt like a thing he couldn’t pinpoint was escaping him. But tonight, it was easier to stomach.
He could lay buried in the sand, heartbeat synchronized with yours, and sleep with the comfort of your body supporting him at all sides like water. Forgive his age and the state of his teeth.
Because if birthdays were anything like your arrival to Awa’atlu, or those microbes that gave the ocean its glowing bioluminescence – then maybe, he could start to understand them as a good thing.
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i missed my boy :') reblogs/tags are so appreciated! 🪐
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elonomhblog · 13 days
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the effect of what (and how) you eat
okay, this is a big topic. and so this is a long post. i'm going to be going over the effect of what you eat and why it's important to think about what foods you are consuming. don't worry! i do my research-- at the end of the post will be a few resources, and i'll show where i've gotten my information.
lots of dietary advice is available over the internet, but often the people absorbing the information do not understand the why. knowing where your information is coming from,, and not believing everything you read online is key to actually maintaining a good, healthy diet.
let's start with this: like everything in this age, food is a double-edged sword. overconsumption and underconsumption can both kill you. what you eat; how you eat--it can help or hinder whatever your goals may be.
here's the effect/s: the connection between diet and mental health is profound. while we’ve long understood that diet plays a crucial role in overall health, emerging research in the field of nutritional psychiatry sheds light on how what we eat directly impacts our emotional well-being and mental state.
the brain-gut connection: the gut is closely linked to the brain. trillions of living microbes in our gut have essential functions, including synthesizing neurotransmitters. these neurotransmitters send chemical messages to the brain, regulating sleep, pain, appetite, mood, and emotions.
to improve your gut health, here's what you can do:
by eating a varied diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, essential nutrients are provided which feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut. high fibre foods promote gut health by supporting good bacteria.
fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are rich in probiotics—live beneficial bacteria that boost gut health. kombucha (a fermented tea) is another option.
avoiding reducing processed foods can reduce the diversity of good bacteria in your gut. when i say processed foods, i'm referring to ultra-processed foods, for example, fried foods and frozen meals. they may be easy and cheap, but they include preservatives, artificial colouring, chemical flavouring and texturing agents. all of which our bodies are not made to consume. it's ignorant to tell you to avoid processed foods at all costs. that's not realistic, and a horrible mindset. instead, you should manage your intake. enjoy treats every now and then and don't punish yourself for it.
hydration is key to a healthy gut. water supports digestion and nutrient absorption.
stress management, eating well and exercise can also help your gut microbiome's health.
by having a healthy gut microbiome, you are helping your body to have lower chronic inflammation, have regular bowel movements and more effectively absorb nutrients. therefore, you will have a stronger immune system, have clearer skin and support your digestion and metabolism.
why eating protein matters: proteins are made of amino acids, which serve as the fundamental building blocks for various structures in our bodies. these amino acids are essential for forming enzymes, hormones, tissues, and DNA. protein is vital in maintaining and building muscle mass. when activities like strength training and physical exercise are engaged in, protein helps build and repair the muscles.
hemoglobin, a protein in our red blood cells, transports oxygen from our lungs to other tissues. without adequate protein, oxygen delivery would be compromised. antibodies, which defend against infections, are made of proteins. a well-functioning immune system relies on sufficient protein intake. collagen, a protein, maintains the integrity of our skin, hair, and nails. adequate protein supports healthy skin elasticity and wound healing.
the recommended dietary intake for protein relies on factors such as age, weight, height, gender, activity and overall health. remember that individual needs can vary, so consulting with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian is advisable to determine your specific protein requirements.
many diets exist that cut out entire macronutrients (keto for example) but that is not the way. each macronutrient has great importance in helping the body function.
carbohydrates are the body's (including the brain) preferred energy source. they enable muscle contraction during exercise and even at rest. carbs maintain body temperature, support heart function, and aid digestion.
the keto diet comes from the belief that when carbohydrates are not providing energy (are not being consumed), the body will use reserved energy stored in lipids (fat). while this is true, this diet is not maintainable-- it throws the body out of whack, storing more energy to maintain homeostasis.
fats provide energy and are essential for hormone production. they contribute to cell growth, brain health and vitamin absorption.
our brain is composed of ~60% fat. fats are essential for neurotransmitter production, affecting mood, cognition, and hormonal signalling. cholesterol, often associated with heart health, is a precursor for steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone). without adequate cholesterol, our body cannot produce these essential hormones.
effects of diet on mood: firstly, going long periods without eating can cause a drop in blood sugar levels, leading to tiredness and irritability. secondly, consuming excessive amounts of food can make you feel tired and lethargic.
choosing the right carbohydrates can help maintain blood sugar levels. our brain primarily runs on glucose (obtained from carbohydrate-rich foods). you can opt for slow-release carbohydrates to maintain steady energy levels. slow-release carbohydrates (a.k.a low GI food) provide a more sustained and gradual release of energy compared to other carbohydrates. examples include fruits, vegetables, whole grains (grainy bread, brown rice, oats) and sweet potatoes. high GI foods rapidly spike blood sugar levels due to their quick digestion and absorption.
going too long without eating can lead to low blood sugar levels, resulting in irritability and fatigue. overeating to discomfort can also leave you feeling tired and lethargic. consistent, moderate-sized meals help maintain stable blood sugar levels and promote an even mood.
i know, overeating is an issue that one cannot simply 'turn off'. it's important to know the psychology, and if you struggle with it--please talk to a health professional.
here is what i can tell you about overeating:
overeating is typically a learned behaviour and habit. certain foods are associated with pleasure and reward. when enticing food is encountered, we engage in eating behaviour and immediately experience pleasure. this reinforces the habit, making it challenging to change.
overeating may be serving as a coping mechanism for emotions. when feelings of sadness, disappointment, frustration, or even joy arise, someone may turn to food. emotional eating provides temporary relief, reinforcing the behaviour.
the first delicious bite triggers pleasure, satiates our appetite, and improves our emotional state. our memory associates this reward process with eating, leading us to continually seek that pleasure. this is due to immediate reward.
people with eating disorders may disregard their health, body, body image and lifestyle goals. they use food as a way to punish themselves and gain control over their life. restrictive eating disorders can lead to 'binging behaviour'. bingeing serves as a way to numb emotions. anxiety, stress, and depression can trigger binge behaviours. consuming certain foods or substances (like junk food or alcohol) releases dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. this chemical rush can lead to physical addiction, reinforcing bingeing. a culture (unfortunately which is abundant in the world today) that emphasizes consumption as a measure of worth can contribute to bingeing. messages about thinness, drinking, and material possessions can drive these behaviours.
i hate that i am having to say this but alcoholism is bad. and caffeine addiction is bad. in no way is harming your health aesthetic or 'a vibe'.
limiting caffeine and alcohol can also improve mood. again, i'd like to stress that there is never going to be one perfect diet, and allowing yourself to enjoy whatever food you like is perfectly fine- as long as you are doing so in moderation.
everything is a balance.
resources/further reading, to end: Fat Requirements For Optimal Hormonal Health - Clean HealthHow Dietary Fat Benefits Hormones - Women's International Pharmacy (womensinternational.com) The truth about fats: the good, the bad, and the in-between - Harvard HealthDietary fats | healthdirectMacronutrients: Definition, importance, and food sources (medicalnewstoday.com)Know Your Macros-Why Macronutrients Are Key to Healthy Eating | Cedars-SinaiWhy the Proper Balance of Macronutrients is Vital for Good Health - Functional Diagnostic Nutrition What Is Protein & Why Do You Need It? (eatingwell.com)Protein: Why Your Body Needs It (webmd.com)Protein | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthBinge-Eating Disorder (Compulsive Overeating) | Psychology Today AustraliaThe Psychology Behind Binge-Watching | PsychregBingeing: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It (greatist.com) Understanding Overeating: The Psychology Behind It - Listen-HardWhy stress causes people to overeat - Harvard HealthThe Truth About Overeating | Psychology TodaySlow-release carbs list (medicalnewstoday.com)Why understanding carbs (and how to count them) matters | Diabetes UK Food and your mood - Better Health ChannelHow food can affect your mood | Nutrition AustraliaStress-related stomach pain: When to see a doctor - UChicago MedicineWhat Is Gut Health? A Comprehensive Guide to Digestive Wellness | U.S. News (usnews.com)Why Gut Health Matters More Than You Think | Well.Org Probiotics: What They Are, Benefits & Side Effects (clevelandclinic.org)Probiotics: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (nih.gov)What should I eat for a healthy gut? - BBC FoodLet’s Eat: How Diet Influences the Brain (brainfacts.org)
i know the fact that the resources are one big block may be annoying, but i don't have the commitment to in text reference lmao. hours of research and writing for a blog post, yes, but in text referencing is just too far.
i hope you learnt something
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hausbabylon · 10 months
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word count: 6,994
A/N: Hey! I received an anonymous request, but I accidentally deleted the draft where I directly responded it. The request said pretty much what says in the synopsis. Thanks to whoever sent it, made me happy <3! I hope you like it.
A/N II: Also, it’s 3:27 AM and I wrote this half asleep whilst listening Red TV three times in a row.
Warnings: Unspecified legal age gap (Natasha is older), mention of guns, manipulation, intrafamiliar abuse, trust issues.
Natasha Romanoff struggled with trust issues due to past relationships. Her fear of being hurt overshadowed any chance to open herself up to the possibility of a relationship. That was, of course, until she met you.
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Hydra was a group of evil masterminds with a mission to take over the world, employing advanced technology and weapons to achieve said objective.
It hurt you too much to even think about the fact that you were part of it all, for ever since you were incredibly young, you were the victim of experiments and ruthless training to basically turn you into another of their deadly weapons.
You were just a little one, desperate to get your adoptive father's approval, and deep down, you still were, despite the fact that you were a young adult now. However, no matter how hard you tried, he always seemed disappointed in you, and you were willing to do anything to make him proud.
That's what you thought, of course, until you couldn't take it anymore. So much spilled blood, uncountable innocent lives lost, all in the name of greed and evil. You switched sides, and betrayed the organization you once called home.
You didn't know how many hours you spent hiding in one of the lockers from the Hydra facility that was attacked by the Avengers, while you listened to the tragedy happen outside this cold little compartment. You were supposed to be the main counter-attacker, and you were expected to kill at least one of them in order for the others to back off for a few months.
However, it was too much. As you fought them, the dilemma you found yourself in was too much to bear; you wanted to make your adoptive father proud, but you also wanted them to win because you repudiated every aspect that made up the twisted organization which you were unfortunately a part of.
So, as you walked down the corridors to attack one of them, you simply stopped dead in your tracks and went to hide instead. Until you heard nothing, only a silence that was somehow deafening, while intrigue kept eating you out - had good won over evil again?
When you kicked the door of the locker so you could get out, the first sight you encountered was the Black Widow, who got startled when she saw you and immediately pointed a gun at you. Your first instinct was to raise your arms.
Your face was streaked with tears, for you had sobbed desperately, fearing what your father would do when he found out you had failed this mission, but you were also drowning in shame for your actions.
And you didn't need to say anything, Natasha knew everything as soon as she saw you in that disconsolate and defeated state. You didn't want to do any of this, you desperately wanted to be good.
The Avengers welcomed you with open arms, and as you stood beside them, fighting for what was right, you finally felt you were part of a family, where your efforts were seen and appreciated, something you never felt with Hydra.
"I know these brutal injuries are a little bit of a scratch for you, but..."
"But it worries you when I go on missions that involve more than big men fighting me," Natasha finished the sentence before you could, a huge grin plastered from ear to ear.
You just chuckled, as you carefully worked to heal those terrible wounds on her face, product of a more complex mission than usual.
"Come on! Who knows if that creature that hurt you might give you some disease from the outer-space microbes it had in its claws. It could get infected and you could start a new pandemic, you know?" You half-joked.ñ
Natasha let out a loud laugh, that could be perhaps be heard all over facility.
"Well, look on the bright side, maybe I'll get to be the one to name it," she chuckled, and she flinched subsequently, her wounds hurt due to her smiling-facial expression.
"Silly!" You playfully nudged her shoulder with your fist, as you kept smiling enormously. "Jokes aside, please promise me you'll keep those wounds clean. You'll apply this," you showed her a small container of antiseptic soap, "And after that, you must apply this as well," you showed her a spray of alcohol.
She never told you this at first, but she appreciated enormously that you cared for her in this way, and that, on top of that, you were always willing to look after her as if she wasn't used to risking her life in all sorts of places.
The older woman nodded and laughed a little. "Of course, I'll make sure to clean the wounds and apply those, it's not too bad really. Don't worry yourself, okay?" She smiled kindly and warmly at you.
"Perfect... I'll let you off, then," you replied, with a grin. "Go get some rest, and I'll see you again when..." you paused. "I'll see you again," you affirmed this time.
You didn't know when you would see her again.
You had a very simple mission, so simple that you didn't need to go out and take risks as you normally did. You just needed to find information, leak some documents, hack into certain bases, and you could do it all from the comfort of the Avengers Tower. You were almost done when Natasha returned from her mission with the rest of the Avengers, and you insisted in helping her with all those wounds she had in her face, which again, were not something new for any of you, but still... you hated to see her even in the slightest discomfort. And just like on the other times, she refused to receive your help, but eventually gave in.
Outside of coincidences like these and the missions you had together, you didn't convive with her. And you missed her more than you could admit.
It was a strange feeling. You both got along well... excellent, to tell the truth, and you liked each other's company. However, that was no different than your relationship with the other Avengers, even so, Natasha Romanoff was the only one whose presence you longed more than usual whenever you were apart.
"Sure, I'll see you again," she nodded, as she rose from the seat she was in, and patted your shoulder affectionately.
This was always the way goodbyes were, and you couldn't lie, it hurt a little bit to realize that you didn't have a relationship with her outside of work. That was to be expected, many years of knowing her teammates didn't compare to a couple of months of knowing you, but you had to start somewhere, right?
That day, Natasha did as you told her and rested in her room of the Tower, and you, on the other hand, returned to the solitude of your apartment, watched a few episodes of your favorite series and waited to be summoned again on another occasion.
Said occasion was about a week later, and amidst the catastrophe that ensued, the taste of victory for having done well never ceased to leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.
It was even better than the others, since it was a mission against the organization you had unwillingly dedicated your life to serving. And this time, you were on the right side.
Your eyes watered a little. And Natasha didn't say it at first either, but she was the first to notice it because she used to watch you more than she would like to admit.
"Oh, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked you, turning to you with a concerned expression on her face. "Don't tell me you regretted joining us, because I'm going to hit you," she joked, and there you realized that was a habit of hers, for the purpose of lightening the mood.
And she succeeded, because you laughed, "Quite the opposite. I'm so happy to find myself on this side and to be able to make up even a little bit for all the bad I did," you confessed.
She let out a little 'Awww' and proceeded to hug you.
It felt like... like home. And maybe your home wasn't the kindest to you, so it was more like you found a new place where you could feel warm and comfortable.
It felt like a shelter from the world's harshness, and that you were at last somewhere you belonged. The embrace was gentle and firm at the same time, somehow it was a combination that could go well altogether, and it was as if every little thing that had ever hurt you was washed away by the love in that hug.
She stayed that way for as long as you needed. And later, at the Avengers Tower, everyone asked you if you were all right, and when they made sure you were calmer, they left to their respective rooms, but not before giving you words of affirmation telling you how valuable you were and what a priceless job you had done on the mission.
And after that little moment of closeness you had with Natasha, two days passed when you saw her again.
You were not specifically summoned for a mission, rather, Tony Stark needed your help to develop a new artificial intelligence prototype that would assist Peter Parker. The only difference was that Tony wanted her to ask him about his feelings and get concerned for his well-being, almost like a therapist or a mother would.
There had been maybe four or five opportunities where you had the pleasure of demonstrating your mental abilities, which were numerous.
Of course at Hydra they weren't going to raise you to be physically astute, they needed to train you mentally as well, and sure as hell they did. Because, maybe it would take Tony Stark more than four or five tasks to trust someone, but you completed them so efficiently, that very little was enough for him to be impressed and take you into consideration for this field as well.
About seven hours had passed, where you were discussing and employing the famous "trial and error", when Natasha came to interrupt. Tony wasn't too happy about it, but you were delighted.
"It turned out like shit," she concluded. She had a little dirt on her suit and her face was scarred with small injuries, but these weren't man-made, they were more like falls. "The target had already left the base by the time we got there, and took everything. All we did was kill the guards for nothing, no objective."
Tony took a deep breath, leaning back in his seat. For him, if there was anything worse than interruptions, it was interruptions for bad news.
"That's the third time in a row they've had us looking like idiots playing Tag," he snorted. "We'll figure out what to do. We did what we could."
Natasha was not at all pleased with his answer, as she wanted an immediate solution, and for her, the worst thing that could happen was to fail in something as simple as attacking a Hydra base.
"That's it?" She exclaimed, and at Tony's lack of response, she let out a groan and with giant strides, she left the room.
You ran after her, caring very little if she yelled at you to leave her alone. You wanted to at least make an attempt to be there for her.
"Nat!" You called out to her. "Nat, come on!"
She stopped, and turned to look at you, "What do you want?"
Now thar you were close to her, you noticed how fresh the small wounds on her face looked, and you would soon set out to help her with that, but the support she needed the most was the emotional kind.
"There's this place near Willow Lake," you laughed at her mild surprise. "I know, it's a bit far from here, but we can grab a bite to eat, take a walk down to the lake afterwards... you don't have to talk if you don't want to, I just want to offer you this little method of escape that has helped me in my darkest days."
There was no power on earth that would make her turn down such an offer, not only because this would be the first time she would be spending time with you outside of missions and work, but because it really sounded like a plan that would help her tremendously in all that stress she was going through.
After Natasha took a shower and changed, she went to find you in the room where you were working with Tony, who gave you a grateful smile before you left.
The drive there was long, and neither of you said much more than small talk, but it was extremely comfortable at the same time, with Taylor Swift's music playing on the car's speakers.
With this alone, she seemed more relaxed as she remained in the passenger seat. It was clear that the unsuccessful mission was eating her mind, but by having a moment to think about it, she gradually lightened up. She was very grateful that you gave her space and didn't try to distract her.
As soon as you guys got out of the car, the first thing you could feel was how pure the air was in that area, and how uncrowded it was compared to the noisy city. With that alone, Natasha understood why you brought her there, it was a peaceful and perfect place to think.
"Do you like it?" You asked, and if the redhead hadn't been too invested taking in her surroundings, she would have noticed that you were in turn, completely dumbfounded watching her..
"I love it," she nodded, with a huge smile, and proceeded to close her eyes and take a deep breath to enjoy the air.
When you entered the small cafe, you ordered a panini and a soda, and encouraged Natasha to order whatever she wanted, it would be your treat. Neither of you had eaten and it was already four in the afternoon, so you couldn't wait for the food to arrive.
You didn't ask her anything about it, and you didn't bring the subject up, you just waited patiently for her to speak first. And she did so about five minutes after she ordered.
"I feel better already," she said. "Maybe Tony's approach wasn't the best, but he's right, we'll find a way, in the meantime, we did what we could."
You smiled.
"We'll find a way to come out of this victoriously. Believe me when I tell you that they no longer have any threats and all they have left is to run. We'll find a way to corner them," you encouraged her, almost sensing firsthand how frustrated she might have felt earlier.
She nodded in agreement, "We have to come up with a plan," she replied. "I've already given a lot of thought to it, and I think right now, what I want to do is enjoy this moment with you, because, you do realize this is our first outing together?"
You did realize, and you couldn't begin to express how much you looked forward to this moment. While the conversations during missions or at the Tower were enough for you to grow fond of each other, there was always work involved.
"You're right. I wouldn't have wanted to wait this long, but I understand you're busy, and, I wasn't sure if you were in the mood to go out during your rest time."
She chuckled at the comment, "Oh, no! I like going out. And look, maybe I am busy, but you might just be worth dropping everything for... you know, once in a while!"
You reacted with a small and subtle giggle, feeling even more charmed and flattered by her.
"I must say, it's an honor to potentially be worth dropping everything for, even once in a while," you responded lightheartedly.
The food arrived just in time, and you both exchanged a look of acknowledgement at how good it looked.
"Well, bon appétit," she smiled, and didn't wait five seconds to start devouring her lunch.
You both ate in silence, very focused on enjoying the food as it was already too late after the regular lunch hour. You were starving.
When you finished your meal, you talked about banal topics to get to know each other better, such as favorite books, movies and series, hobbies, the music you enjoyed the most and whether you preferred summer or winter. It was a nice chat, where you both found a lot of common ground and were introduced to new possibilities, because let's say you left that restaurant with at least twenty songs to listen to, ten books to read and five movies and series to check out.
It was until you left the restaurant and walked to the lake that the conversation deepened. She asked you about your past, and although you didn't spill those details so easily, you ended up telling her even more than your closest friends knew. Natasha was just that kind of person.
And when Natasha shared her story with you, that was the most painful, deepest and perhaps most precious aspect that you shared — that intrinsic feeling that impelled you to abandon all evil sown in your hearts.
You were so immersed in conversation, that it seemed like in five minutes the sky went dark when in reality it had been about three hours straight.
From then on, whenever your free times coincided, you made the most of it. You made it a regular part of your lives, would always make plans for upcoming meet-ups and, naturally, your relationship slowly started to grow and deepen over time as a result.
You started to appreciate the little details that shaped Natasha, from her stunning smile to her sweet laugh, from her thoughtful glances to her kind words. It was like a flame had been lit inside of you, eventually growing into a roaring blaze that could not be tamed. You were slowly and deeply falling in love with her, there was no denying it anymore.
"Nat, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do, but you leave me no choice," you said, as soon as you pulled a +4 card as a last resource. Your only cards remaining were two red ones and of course you would decide said color as the next.
Natasha let out a gasp of surprise, and shook her head.
"How could you?" She exclaimed, and with much indignation, took the four cards.
"I choose red," you stated, very indifferent to her reaction.
She checked the cards she had taken, and the red card she placed, was one that would prevent you from your turn, and then, she placed a red one with a number on it.
With a victorious smile, you shouted "UNO" as you placed the second to last card you had left. And to your bad luck, Natasha didn't have one of the same color, but she did have a blue one with the same number.
"Excuse me, you were saying?" She replied, in a mocking tone.
It was your turn to gasp in surprise.
"Natalia, you monster!" You exclaimed. "My devious scheme has been disrupted, and I have been bested. I expected this from everyone, but you?" You said in an over-dramatic tone, placing your hands on your chest, as if you had been stabbed.
You two were cross-legged playing UNO on Natasha's bed, having watched a couple of movies and ordered food. You had been playing for maybe an hour and a half now, and this last round was no different than the previous ones, since you were always looking for ways to trick and betray each other in this little game. Until, Natasha finally won.
"Ahhh! This was a tough one!" You commented, collecting the cards from the pile and sorting them. As you were doing this, you noticed something under Natasha's leg, sticking out slightly. "But of course, it was honest play, wasn't it? It would be a shame if you cheated."
She snorted, "Yes, honesty first and foremost, I agree," she acted innocent. You did your best to hold your laughter.
"Hey, since you're closer, would you mind getting up and handing me my phone?" You pointed to your phone, which was charging in her bedside table.
"You get up, lazy!" She teased, making you gasp in surprise.
"Well, I may be lazy, but I'm no cheater!" You exclaimed, pointing to the card under her leg.
"Oh, whaaaaat?! How did this even get here?!" She said, making her voice a little higher pitched and feigning surprise.
You couldn't help it and laughed loudly.
"Oh, come on, Nat!" You answered. "We're resuming this game, now!"
Luckily, you caught on to her trick before you rearranged the cards, and you hadn't yet touched hers and yours.
"Give me that card," you ordered her, and at that, she didn't let you have it and kept moving the card just out of your reach.
You suddenly realized you've leaned forward to try and grab at the card, and you accidentally ended up on top of her, with her lying on her back underneath you.
The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the two of you exchanging a few shy looks and smiles, acknowledging the position you were in, feeling a little nervous and uncertain about it.
The pounding of your heart was racing a million beats per second, its rhythm matching the rapid pace of your thoughts. Your cheeks flushed with warmth whilst you embraced the profound effect she had on you.
And after a while, you summoned all your courage and made the first move. You leaned in, closing the distance between you and Natasha. In that intimate moment, your lips gently met hers, softly and tenderly.
However, the thrill of the moment was replaced with confusion and disappointment when Natasha pulled away.
"I can't," her words hung in the air.
You reluctantly drew back, giving her the space she needed, and you searched her eyes, longing to find the reason behind her hesitance, but all you could see was a glimpse of regret and shame.
It was as if she carried a secret, a secret that prevented her from fully embracing the moment, despite the chemistry you thought there was between you both. Or maybe you got lost in translation, maybe she simply didn’t share your feelings.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, your voice breaking. "I didn't mean to overstep. I misunderstood."
"Please, just go," Natasha's expression remained resolute.
Her words felt like a cold-hearted stab in your chest, leaving you at a loss for what to say or do. Nevertheless, you decided to respect her boundaries, honoring her wish to be left alone.
With a heavy heart, you nodded, gathering your things. Subsequently, you whispered another "I’m sorry" as you started to walk away.
The taste of that stolen kiss lingered on your lips for a long time, as a reminder of the brief, tantalizing ephemeral glance of something that could have been.
In the meantime, you only hoped that someday, the circumstances would align, allowing both of you to talk it out and move on.
That happened when you were contacted for another mission. With the help of the advanced technology and scientific knowledge that the Tower counted with, everyone contributed to analyze the data collected.
Each member expressed their concerns, ideas and proposals for the next step to take. Natasha, in particular, treated you with incredible disdain and professionalism, leaving everyone around you surprised. It was as if she created a barrier between you both, as if she barely recognized your presence now. There was no trace of shame or shyness on her face, unlike you, who struggled to even hold eye contact with her.
Finally, the meeting concluded. As the team prepared to disperse, the opportunity to talk to Natasha presented itself. The others began to head out, leaving the two of you alone in the room. This was the moment you had been waiting for.
"Nat, can we talk?" You gently drew her attention as she evaluated the information presented in the screens.
She turned to look at you, and then nodded. It was a small gesture, but it gave you the reassurance you needed to proceed.
"I… just want to apologize," you began. "For what happened before, for misunderstanding and crossing a line that should’ve never been. I never meant to make you uncomfortable."
Her gaze softened, and she sighed, "It's not entirely your fault," she reassured you. "I should have been clearer. It's just… I have a lot of conflicts in my mind, it’s complicated."
You nodded, understanding that there was more to her story than you were told, "I want you to know that I treasure our connection, whatever it may be," you confessed, your sincerity present in every single world. "And if there's anything you're willing to share, I'm here to listen."
There was a brief pause as Natasha contemplated her response, but as the minutes passed, she felt more and more comfortable with sharing her past experiences with relationships, and how they caused her to struggle with trust issues.
"Nat, I’m going to be honest, I can't erase the mistakes of others, but I swear to you, I'm not here for just a fleeting encounter. And I’m willing to earn your trust, if you give me the opportunity."
"It's hard for me to believe that," she admitted. "But at the same time, there's something about you that makes me want to give you that opportunity, despite my reservations. It’s complicated, as I said."
In that precious moment, your feelings swirled together - joy, relief, and gratitude. You had been given a chance, an opportunity to show Natasha that your love for her could prevail over the scars of the past.
Ever since, every date you planned with her was a thoughtful gesture, meticulously adapted to her preferences as you were eager to give your best to create cherished memories. From intimate dinners at her favorite restaurants to adventurous outings exploring new places, your attention to the small details that made her happy did not go unnoticed, because she appreciated the genuine effort you put into making her feel seen and loved. She also appreciated that you never pressed her for more than she was ready to give.
You provided a safe space where she could open up at her own pace. Naturally, time went on, and Natasha began to let her guard down in your presence.
Until, one —ironically— rainy night, your phone buzzed discreetly. You glanced down and read the words from your adoptive father, that were capable of disturbing your peace within seconds…
"I hope our deal still stands, and that you didn't actually move to the Avengers' side."
Unbeknownst to you, Natasha could perfectly read the message, her expression shifting from serenity to one of concern and anger. In an instant, the world seemed to hold its breath.
Time slowed as Natasha's eyes found yours, and the depth of her pain and distrust pierced through every fiber of your being. The delicate thread of trust that had been formed between you threatened to break under the weight of betrayal.
"What is this, (Y/N)?" She asked as her voice trembled. "Have you been playing both sides all along?!"
Before you could even respond, Natasha's eyes glazed over and she proceeded to rise abruptly from her seat to leave the restaurant where you were having dinner. Little did you care and you placed a hundred dollar bill that would cover both of your consumption plus a generous tip.
Afterwards, you ran out of the place to follow her. The first thing you felt was an overwhelming cold and the rain soaking you.
"Nat, please believe me," you pleaded. "I never wanted any of this. My loyalty lies with you and the Avengers."
"Yes, yes. I've heard that story a thousand times, and I didn't like the ending," she replied.
"I don't want to hear you!" She shouted suddenly, startling you. "You expect me to believe your empty words? I thought you were different, but I see now that you're just like everyone… no, you’re worst, way worst."
The rain that drenched you seemed insignificant compared to the icy chill that her words settled within you, making the ache in your chest unbereable.
"No, Nat, please," you begged desperately, your voice being interrupted by occasional sobs. "Let’s get inside and talk, I’ll explain you everything. I love you."
She shuddered as if your words had hurt her even more. The pain in her eyes reflected the storm that ravaged her soul.
"Love? Is that what you call it?" Her voice exuded bitterness as she lashed out, determined to protect herself from further pain. "You have a funny way of showing it. Actions speak louder than empty declarations."
Her words crushed you completely, as the rain mixed with your tears.
As Natasha turned, her silhouette blurred by the rain, you eventually felt too weak to even be standing, and you kneeled in the pavement, feeling your entire body twist in pain and regret.
"Natasha, my love, please don't leave," you sobbed. "Nat… don’t leave,” you whispered this time.
But she was gone, swallowed up by the darkness and the pouring rain. And you were right where she left you drenched and devastated, unable to understand how everything could fall apart so quickly.
Your mission as an infiltrator within the Avengers was the following: to steal a valuable possession and to disrupt their missions, weakening their defenses and providing Hydra a strategic advantage.
You proposed to your adoptive father the tip of the iceberg of your original plan. You told him you would deceive everyone, in order to gain their trust and position yourself as Hydra's eyes within the mighty Avengers' Tower.
However, your true motives remained hidden. Little did he know that you yearned for a chance to redeem yourself from the shadows of your past. You genuinely wanted to make a connection with the Avengers, to join their ranks and fight for the greater good.
At first, you walked a tightrope, subtly sabotaging the Avengers' efforts against Hydra to maintain your adoptive father's trust, so he would not proceed against you or your teammates. But as time went on, you stopped even doing that, and instead, made excuses to prevent suspicion that you didn't align with Hydra's twisted ideals. And that message he sent you during your date with Natasha couldn't have been more inopportune.
Days turned into weeks, and the weight of loneliness suffocated any hint of hope that remained, because as expected, you heard nothing from Natasha, or any of the Avengers for that matter. All those friendships, laughs, trust… shattered into a thousand pieces by a message that didn't represent you at all.
You even began to consider packing your belongings and escape to another country to start from scratch. Your stupid choices held you captive, and the desire to break free consumed you.
In the midst of this overwhelming despair, you received a message from your adoptive father.
"Fine, if that’s how you want to play, then so be it. If you don't bring something valuable to us TODAY, she will suffer. We have her."
The message cut through your being like a searing blade, slashing through the delicate fabric of your soul. There was no hiding what you have done, and a life was held hostage, a life intertwined with your own.
As if the threat wasn't enough, he continued…
"Also, if you call the Avengers, we'll know, and she'll die painfully before they even get there. Steal something like I raised you to do. No tricks this time."
You felt the air rushing out from your lungs, as fear gripped your heart mercilessly. The mere thought of your beloved enduring torment struck you with agony, and there was no doubt that you would protect her at all costs.
In the midst of your despair, a plan began to take shape. You would infiltrate into the Avengers' Tower and steal the highly advanced AI system you and Tony initially designed for Peter Parker.
It seemed like the perfect key to Natasha’s safety, and to meet your adoptive father’s demands. Hydra's capabilities would be significantly amplified with it.
Your exile also translated into losing access to everything you used to come and go. In consequence, using your years of training, reflected through skills and expertise, you successfully manipulated the electronic locks and bypassed the intricate security measures.
Finally, you stood before the AI, and with a steady hand, you carefully detached the system, making sure not to leave a trace of your presence. The stolen AI system nestled securely in your possession, and therefore, Natasha would be safe and sound in no time.
You headed to the place you were ordered to, and it was conveniently apart from the city, being a former abandoned factory.
You knew that Natasha was extremely dangerous and strong, therefore you couldn't stop thinking of the position she must have been in so that they managed to get her with no problem.
Once there, you took the suitcase containing AI Karen's chip and made your way towards the meeting point. You noticed that there were about ten guards guarding the area, and one of them checked if you didn't have a weapon.
As soon as the door slightly opened, you kicked it hard and entered the place.
You saw Natasha immobilized with smart handcuffs restraining on her wrists and ankles, but when you ran towards her, you were stopped by the man you most repudiated on the face of this earth.
"Hey, easy," he said mockingly. "Let's talk business."
Your eyes glazed over, as you felt your heart ache at the sight in front of you. There was nothing you wanted more than to hug her and reassure her that you would do everything in your power to save her. But in order to accomplish that, you had to obey what was being asked of you.
"This is what I got," you began after letting out a long sigh. "It is similar to the artificial intelligence that Tony Stark has in his suit, and I participated in its development," you continued. "It has various databases and security protocols that would facilitate the acquisition of classified information, allowing Hydra to infiltrate sensitive networks and manipulate events to suit its agenda. It can also analyze patterns, anticipate trends, and adjust strategies accordingly. It would make an incredible asset for global domination."
After giving him a quick demonstration, your adoptive father smiled wickedly and patted your shoulder.
"Oh, I'm so proud of you," he exclaimed, and perhaps your self of many years ago would have rejoiced at those words, but now that you knew the price you had to pay to hear those words, you realize that they are not worth all the suffering, and never were.
"Let Natasha Romanoff go, father," you commanded with your jaw clenched.
His laughter echoed through the dimly lit factory. His eyes bore into yours, devoid of any warmth or compassion, as he reveled in his victory.
"Let her go," he scoffed, his voice filled with disdain. "Why would I release her when I finally have you exactly where I want you?"
A surge of anger coursed through you, fueling a fire that burned fiercely within your chest.
"No," you declared firmly. "You should know by now that Natasha means more to me than any twisted ideology you spew."
Your adoptive father's eyes burned with fury. In that moment, you realized that your defiance had destroyed his illusion of control.
"After everything I have done for you? Don't you see? This is your purpose, your destiny!" He countered.
"That’s your purpose for me, as your puppet," you corrected. "My purpose is not to spread chaos and destruction. It's to protect the people I love and make amends for the wrongs I've done. And guess what? That’s what I’m doing."
"Ah, so the great (Y/N) has grown soft and weak in the arms of Natasha. I knew allowing emotions into your heart would be your downfall," he sneered, with an air of disappointment. "You were meant to be a weapon in our hands, an asset for the future of this organization," he added.
"… and I would rather be 'soft' in the eyes of Hydra than hardened and devoid of humanity like you," you stated. "I may have been created by Hydra, but I am not defined by them. I choose my own path, and it's one that leads away from your darkness."
He took a deep breath, characteristic of when he already lost his patience. You knew it so well, and it never failed to frighten you.
He stepped closer, his menacing presence closing in around you, "I raised you to be better, so you have one last chance," he hissed, handing you a gun. "You end Natasha Romanoff's life, or I will do it myself. And trust me, my methods are far more agonizing than a quick death."
You trembled, feeling your heart suffocating, your mind finding its way of reminding you of the laughter you shared, the tender moments, the unbreakable bond between you and Natasha. But at the same time, you knew what your adoptive father was capable of, and it filled you with dread.
There were no other options, no escape from the cruel fate that awaited her if you refused. With tears welling in your eyes, you whispered your surrender. "Fine. I'll do it."
When Natasha heard the words escape your trembling lips, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her features contorted in a mixture of shock and heartbreak.
The knot in your stomach tightened, constricting your breath and making it difficult to think clearly. Your palms grew clammy, sweat trickling down your forehead as your heart pounded in your chest.
You cautiously approached Natasha. Every step felt like an eternity, the deafening thud echoing in your ears. When you were close enough, you saw the beads of sweat glistening on her forehead, her muscles straining against the unyielding bonds that sought to confine her. It was a testament to her resilience, her unyielding spirit that refused to be broken.
In the end, this was you, a deadly weapon raised to make these kinds of actions. What was one more kill? Your entire life had been shaped by the manipulations and training of your adoptive father, molding you into a merciless instrument of his will and the will of the company he worked for.
You raised the gun, as the metal felt cold and unforgiving in your sweaty hands. And then, as if guided by an invisible force, your finger began to tighten around the trigger.
You made the last choice, the choice that would determine the path of your future and, ultimately, save both yourself and Natasha. There was no other way out.
With a determination that burned bright within you, you aimed at your objective. So, when your finger curled around the trigger, a deafening shotgun erupted in the room, shattering the suffocating silence.
In that instant, your adoptive father's body crumpled to the ground, unconscious and defeated. His presence, once so menacing and dominant, now lay broken, a mere shadow of the authority he once commanded.
Natasha's body jerked in a sudden startle when she heard the shotgun, and her eyes clenched shut, as if shielding herself from the inevitable horror that awaited her. Every muscle in her body tensed, bracing for the impact, but then, a familiar voice made itself present.
"Open your eyes, darling, it's over," you uttered, your voice trembling with the shock of what had just transpired.
Slowly, Natasha's eyes fluttered open. The room came into focus, and as her gaze fell upon you, the realization of what you did hit her immediately.
You then reached for the small monitor that was in your adoptive father’s pocket and unlocked the restraints that held Natasha captive. She carefully removed the tape on her mouth.
Her eyes glistened with shed tears as she threw herself into your arms, her body trembling against yours. The resentment and doubt she once had towards you seemed to dissolve in that moment whilst she held onto you as if her life depended on it.
"I thought I lost you," she whispered, her voice choked with tears and vulnerability.
You held her tightly, your own emotions spilling all over, "I'm here, Nat. This is me. This has always been me."
Her lips trembled, and she pressed them against yours, and in that single, stolen moment, the world around you ceased to exist. Time stood still as your lips met, fueled by a yearning that transcended mere physical desire. It was a fusion of souls, a merging of two hearts that had endured unimaginable pain and now reveled in the sweet taste of redemption.
"I love you," she whispered between kisses.
"I love you too," you murmured, and how unmatched was the feeling of being able to say it when there was no hint of uncertainty on the other side. "And as long as you allow me, I will do my best to keep showing it to you."
After securing the AI and taking down all the guards that prowled the place, you both emerged from the abandoned factory. Although the scars of the event would forever mark your souls, you knew that you had emerged stronger than ever.
Together, you would forge a new path, rewriting the narratives that had threatened to tear you apart, and embracing the love that had always been destined to bring you back together.
This was the accomplished mission that you both were most proud of. Especially because, in addition to having shared years of experiences, adventures, and everlasting memories, it was only a matter of time before you also shared the "Romanoff" last name.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 5 months
As You Slept...🌘 (Twilight x Miguel O'Hara)
AU Reader Swan x Miguel O'Hara as Edward Cullen
Synopsis: you're technically Bella Swan, or Y/N Swan (the language I use implies female but could be non-binary). He's the brooding and handsome Miguel Cullen in your Bio class at the community college. Snippets of three nights where he watches you while you sleep.
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**gif credits to dinosaurs-tho and gebo4482**
T/W: Voyeurism, stalkerish behavior, sensuality, suggestive content, mention of 🤮 for any emetophobes.
Miguel is so Edward coded. He was literally made for Twilight, idc what anyone says! Probably why I'm so obsessed with him. The moodiness, the protectiveness, actually his whole personality. It's definitely the fangs, too. It's just perfect! Just kind of a drabble with some sensuality and suggestive content. This might be my new brand now. 🧛🏾🖤🍎🍷🐀
"In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there is a small town named Forks. Population: 3120 people."-Stephanie Meyer
You planned to confront him. The impossibly beautiful yet mysterious guy in your Bio class, and demand to know what his problem was. A look of utter disgust shot across his face as he clutched a hand to his mouth, as though he was trying to hold back vomit. You stared back at him dumbfounded. You couldn't figure out what you possibly could have done to offend him when you hadn't said one word to him. His fingers clenched in a fist as he stiffly pushed the microbe samples and equipment towards you as if you had the plague. He looked like he wanted to kill you, his eyes obsidian. 
This went on for days. After the fourth day you couldn't take it anymore. You just wanted the physical science credit on your transcript and to be done with it. The least he could do was half pretend like you weren't so insufferable. You walked in the classroom, florescent lights clashed against the moody blue-green background of Forks hanging in the windows but the laboratory table you two shared was empty. He never showed. 
You glanced at the table in the cafeteria where he and his siblings would sit and it remained empty. The next day, you decided to wait in the parking lot. Miguel's younger, burly brother Emmett was standing nonchalantly in his uncovered Jeep Wrangler as his statuesque, blonde wife Rosalie drove it, with Miguel nowhere to be seen. After a few more days of being a no show, you decided to try and put him out of your mind. 
One night, you're sitting on your bed in your bedroom fiddling with a pencil in your mouth, trying to get some homework done while your erratic mother is on speakerphone, pleading with you to come live with her and her new husband in Jacksonville. As soon as you finally get her to let you go, you sigh and feel your eyelids getting heavy. This assignment can wait until tomorrow. You were getting a head start on it anyways. 
--that night-- 
Miguel ran quickly along the forest floor, on his way home from a hunt. His hunger satisfied, temporarily at least. His irises restored to their red color. Suddenly, he remembers you. 
Y/N needs me. 
He makes a detour and leaps into the trees, using your scent as a compass. Being able to cover a vast area alone on foot was one of the few things that kept him sane. To soar above the evergreens and white fog  to perilous heights and be able to access breathtaking views that a normal person could only dream of. It helped him feel alive, as though he was a human again despite his heart that stood still in his chest. This would be the third night he visited you. 
---time jump backwards to the first night---
The first night he visited you was the same day that he first saw you in bio class. He decided to visit your house that night anyway despite his better judgement. He couldn't help it. He felt drawn to you, as though something magnetic had a hold on him. He followed your scent. That was the main thing that attracted him so much to you in the first place. A smell so intoxicating and a spell so strong he dug in his heels, and unfortunately it physically manifested itself as an apparent hatred of you. But he didn't hate you. 
He arrives at your house and glides open the closed window with a cold, strong hand and enters your room without making a sound. He stands in one spot and looks around. There is no light in your room except for the golden string lights adorning the light mossy green walls. It creates a cozy warm glow around its inhabitant: you. 
Your bed is in the middle of the room. You're buried underneath a dark purple comforter, your chest rising and falling as quiet breaths escape you. Miguel just stands there and watches you for a bit. Suddenly, you reposition so you're on your back with your head turned to the side, a vein in your neck exposes itself. Miguel's jaw tenses in an iron grit. It was a lot harder to be near you like this than he originally thought. You stir, and it becomes more apparent that you're having an unpleasant dream. You raise your hand and place it on the pillow next to your head, palm up with your delicate fingers relaxed. You start to squirm as though you're being pushed backwards into the bed. Miguel realizes you're dreaming about him drinking your blood. You're in the exact position he would have you in to do it, too.
Then, in nanoseconds, Miguel senses your awakening and he's already gone by the time your eyelids flutter open in a cold sweat. You could have sworn you saw him standing there in your room. Bold muscles protruding underneath a tight black t-shirt, pitch black eyes on you as you slept. You turn on your lamp only to see nothing there. You scoff and shake your head incredulously as you sit up. That was the first night you dreamt of Miguel Cullen. 
----the second night----
The second night Miguel visited you while you slept was the very next night. His hunger still unresolved and eyes obsidian. He couldn't figure out why he tortured himself like this. You were so frustrating. He couldn't read your thoughts. But maybe that's why you were so enticing to him. You made him feel a certain way nobody else did in the now one hundred years he's existed for. You made him feel alive again because he was forced to get to know you, to study you. Just like any other human suitor would've had to do to in order to woo his lady and capture her heart. He loved the thrill of the chase. He felt a pang of guilt at his actions, though. You were unaware that he was doing this. You had no clue the mysterious angsty stranger from Bio class was watching you sleep every night. He didn't even know if you would want him as much as he wanted you. 
He justified it irrationally. You needed him. You needed his protection. He heard the thoughts going through the minds of the guys at college. Forks was a small town and guys acted like they had never been around a member of the opposite sex before since Y/N moved in. He promised himself he'd shatter the jaw of that fucking Newton kid if he heard him fantasizing about pulling down the straps of your bra ever again. 
As he watches you sleep now, he watches your chest rise and fall. Sometimes he counts the number of seconds in between each one. He does this for hours but it only feels like moments passed to him. He decides to get closer this time. As he leans over you, his eyes scan over you, longingly. The valley of your hips, your soft belly, the way your grey leggings gripped your thighs, your breasts squished together in your purple cami. All he wants to do is touch you now.  He so desperately wished he could hear what you were thinking, see what you were dreaming about.
"You have no idea how precious and important you are to me, yet. Even though you don't know we're sharing this moment together, I know you are in your dreams," He thinks.
As if he could project his thoughts onto you, you were in fact dreaming of you and Miguel together again this time. The scene is outdoors, white with snow. Snowflakes are frosting your eyelashes and his dark messy hair. His strong tan arms are wrapped around your chest. You're holding onto his arms with your hands, your head turned to the side, leaning backwards into him. Your eyes are closed and his eyes are open. His gorgeous face looking at you with desire, the amount of devotion can't be contained in red irises that are peering into your soul.
A song gently plays:
"I was damned by the light coming out of her eyes
She spoke with a voice that disrupted the sky
She said "Walk on over yeah to the bit of shade
I will wrap you in my arms and you'll know you've been saved"
Let me sign, let me sign"🎵
---time jump to the present, the third night---
Miguel arrives in your room. He's much more confident in his ability to maintain his composure this time. His hunger absolved, temporarily at least. A random deer can't compare to the liquid gold that ran through your veins. He planned to see you again in class later the next morning since that first day and re- introduce himself properly..make it up to you when he treated you so poorly. 
He decides to look around your room. He picks up the novel you're reading and scans through it. He picks up the pictures of you with your parents and wonders where they were taken. He smiles at your childhood photos, at the adorable kid you were and wonders what your personality was like back then. He runs his fingers along the trinkets that lined your shelves. Crafts from summer camps long since passed, souvenirs from family vacations. A snow globe from the Phoenix Zoo. He looks through your jewelry, examining the moonstone ring you liked to wear on your index finger on your right hand. He suddenly thinks of his mother's wedding ring and how it would look on your ring finger. One day, you'd be able to wear the evidence of your belonging to him for the whole world to see. He smells your clothes, basking in their scent, imagining you pressed up against him. He looks defeated at your sleeping figure and realizes that holding your clothes simply isn't enough. 
He wants to try something new and he prays it'll work without waking you up. He approaches your bed and gets on it, the bed creaking slightly under his bodyweight. He scoots closer to you, your back still to him. Carefully, he places an arm around you, spooning your body, still using the comforter as a barrier between his arm and yours. He knows his skin is cold enough to wake you. He gently gently lowers his hand towards your cheek, the microscopic hairs on your cheek raising ever so slightly at the cold temperature being emitted off his skin. He lowers it, his knuckles gracing your cheek. You rise for a moment in your sleep and then relax. He smiles with relief. For once, he's not a vampire. Not a killer. He's not just existing passively in a world that changed constantly while he remained chained in place. Now he's finally just a man. A man in bed holding his love. He stays in this position for hours, watching over you. 
The sunlight begins to creep into the open window and Miguel's brown skin begins to sparkle. He curses the morning, hating the thought of needing to be ripped away from you for any amount of time. He remembers you like to drink coffee when you wake up. He uses his inhuman speed to run downstairs and prepare a pot for you, placing your mug and favorite spoon on the counter. The smell of brewing coffee begins to flow upstairs, causing you to stir. Miguel comes back in your room. He takes the hydro flask from your nightstand table, smiling at the worn stickers adorning it and fills it up for you. He leans in, nuzzling his nose in your hair.
I love you I love you I love you. I'll see you very soon, my love. 
Right on queue, your eyelids flutter open but he's already gone again, a cold chill left behind. 
"And so, the lion fell in love with the lamb."
I went through hell to type this all up from scratch a second time after I deleted it on accident 😭😭 it's def not as good at the first version but I hope you enjoy! Miguel Cullen foreva 🧛🏾🖤
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
The discovery could help fight germs that can’t be treated with antibiotics alone. In nature, most bacteria live on the bare minimum. If they experience nutrient deficiency or stress, they shut down their metabolism in a controlled manner and go into a resting state. In this stand-by mode, certain metabolic processes still take place that enable the microbes to perceive their environment and react to stimuli, but growth and division are suspended.
Continue Reading.
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Episode three - Dead men's secrets
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You sit at Charlie's bedside, his small hand in yours.
"Nurse Hatty, could you listen to his chest, I'm sure there is something wrong?" You ask the head nurse. She puts down the sheets in her hands and walks over, picking up a stethoscope. The cold brass makes the boy flinch.
"you may be right. Give me a moment I'll fetch the Doctor." She darted off.
"It's okay Charlie boy, the doctor is coming." You reassure him.
Jack was there swiftly, listening to his chest and checking his pulse and temperature.
"He shouldn't be dying." Jack sighed. You stand and round the bed coming to his side, taking hold of his arm.
"Is there nothing you can do?" You ask. Jack's eyes dart to your hand.
"Here comes Princess Witch Face." Hetty whispered. Your sister came rushing up to you both.
" Doctor, can I see you in the morgue?" Jack followed her pulling you along beside him having scooped your hand into his elbow. The morgue was a sight you had wished you would never see and the smell was just as bad. Belle darted around grabbing up a cloth from one of the bodies.
"The cloth was on his wound and the infection's gone. Look. There."
"The what?" Jack asked.
" The cloth. Had carbolic acid on it. Look, no rot." Belle repeated.
"Right, so...?"
"So, I've done some reading, all night, actually, and there was a chap called "Pasteur"."
"Pasta?" You laugh at the confusion in his voice.
'Pasteur." You repeat the name.
"Like, French pasta?" Jack joked.
"Discovered something called "germs". Microbes. Causes fermentation in wine." Belle explained.
"Right. Except, we're not making wine." You calrify.
"But then, Lister..."
"Who?" Jack interrupted.
"Lister at Edinburgh Royal connected microbes to infection. So, if fermentation and infection are caused by an organic property rather than spontaneous generation or miasma..." Your sister went on.
"Is there a translation of all of this?" Jack looked back at you.
"We can cure infection with carbolic acid." Belle finished
"This might save Charlie." You say with hope.
"The acid we use to treat sewage?" He looked between the two of you.
"Exactly. Look at the cloth line." She pointed to the corpse on the table. Jack looked closely at it, how the infection seemed to have begun to heal before he'd died.
"Hmm. We need to cut him open and see whether your cloth's stopped the rot beneath the skin." He announced.
"Clearly. I've never cut a man before." She states looking at the scalpel he offered.
"You can't hurt him any further." He smirked, handing the scalpel to Belle, "wait, y/n are you okay staying here for this?" He asks. Both Belle and you smile.
"I am not squeamish, Jack." Settling yourself on the stool across the room. Jack looked between the two of you.
"The two of you are something else." He sighed. The pair worked easily to open the corpse and peer inside. Curiosity took over you and you walked closer.
"This is how it all works. Somewhere in there is how we think, and feel and love. And die?" You say, Jack looks at you. Belle does not miss the adoration in his eyes.
"It is so much more than plumbing" she pulls his attention back to the job.
"No rot." She says triumphantly.
"Let's test it on Charlie." You suggest.
"No, wait." Jack stops you both. " What these... What did you call them?"
" Microbes." Belle reminds him.
" Right. How do we know they exist?"
"We postulate. Based on the symptomatic presentation..." Belle began to explain.
" Words. Use words." Jack huffed
"We can't see them, but we know they're there." Belle matched his tone.
"So, you want to kill invisible bugs with an acid usually used to treat raw sewage?"
" And your only proof of this, so far, is from some books and this corpse, which can't feel any pain." His words deflated your excitement.
"I've read all about this. Trust me." Belle implored him.
"The boy is dying." You say.
" No, except I don't! But I might, given more time and with further proof, but I just had to teach a procedure that a half-drunken teenage apprentice could do blindfolded."
"Yes. And the shock of an acid burn might kill him even quicker."
" Do you care about him at all?" Belle asked.
" I care very deeply. Find a way of making carbolic acid work without injuring him, then you can use it on Charlie. Until then, the answer is very much "sod off." Jack marched toward the door.
"How dare you speak to me like that?" Belle turned to him.
"I do apologise. Sod off, Milady. And I speak to everyone like this." He went to storm from the room.
He sighed turning back to you.
"I'm sorry." He held his hand towards you and you took it following him into the main corridor.
"She can do it." You say to him.
"If you believe in her, then so do I. Maybe you could help her with it?" He suggests.
"It's too strong. It's still too strong." Belle sighs. She had covered the kitchen table with a number of dead pigs and carbolic acid. You had been watching her for hours as she worked.
"Where is the coconut ice?" Fanny asked looking at the mess
" I think it's under the pig. Could I borrow one of your arms?" Belle spoke absently.
"Of course not. Will you two ever stop with these experiments and look for husbands?" She said annoyed.
"I'm sorry Fanny, my sweet little sister. Take your Mr Smales and your ladies to the ice shop." You say handing your purse across to her.
"Oh, thank you Sister. That is very generous of you." She turned and rushed her friends out.
Happy to be alone Belle went back to her experiments as you watched. After a few more hours the pigs no longer burned so she decided to try it on human skin, pulling her dress up.
"No, you need your legs. Try it on me." You say.
"y/n I can't."
"I'm the eldest, you do as I say." You lift your dress up and put your foot on the chair, revealing the skin above your knee. Holding her breath Belle poured the acid onto your leg. It hurts instantly, burning you. Trying not to scream you rush to the sink and place a cold cloth over the burn. It didn't help you needed more help so you ran outside where an ice bucket was standing. You grab it up into the cloth and rest the ice against your skin. Belle followed you seeing her sister playing with her perfume bottle.
"I have an idea." She says, the two of you rush back to the house. Grabbing another perfume bottle from Fanny's room.
You had left Belle to continue her experiments with the acid and rushed into town to find Jack. You wanted desperately for him to have faith in your sister's work. The sun was beating down on you and your leg stung below the cotton of your bloomers. You had already been to the hospital and been told Jack was out so you were walking the streets searching for him. Hope was leaving you until you spotted him amongst the crowd in the market. Not too far away you see Darius stepping onto an orange box. He announced a chance for a contender to fight against Aputi.
The Doctor turns away, as the large man begins to pursue him. Thinking quickly you rush towards him.
"There you are." You say loudly.
" Lady y/n, Please let me escort you." He takes your hand and places it around his arm.
" Are we going to talk about the enormous man pursuing you?" You ask, glancing back at Aputi.
" Er, no. Let's not."
"And you're hurt. Here, come on." He pulls you into a side alley and drops down in front of you. Without thinking he begins to pull up your dress. The shaky breath that leaves you makes him look up, "Sorry, is this all right?" He asks.
"Right. Belle has had a breakthrough with the acid." You announce
"Clearly. Look, your dress is dissolving." He points to the broken silk of your skirt. "Oh." You press on the wound without thinking, flinching at the pain.
" I don't see how else you'd fix it." You say. With a nod he rolls the material up and uses a salve from his pocket. With two fingers he rubs it on to your skin, it's stings at first but as he rubs the pain lessens. You both look at each other. The intimacy of the moment catching in your throat.
"Belle knows how to stop it burning." You say trying to steady yourself as he raises to his full height.
"She can test it on Charlie when it's ready. I trust you." He whispers before darting away, leaving you flustered.
Belle missed dinner that evening, you made excuses for her feeling unwell; knowing for well she was at the hospital. You hoped little Charlie was doing better with the help of Belle's acid. You had already decided you would visit first thing in the morning. As you sat around the table your father was talking about the payload being stolen, something clicked in your brain.
Part four
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Genetically Modified Bacteria Produce Energy From Wastewater
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E. Coli is one of the most widely studied bacteria studied in academic research.  Though most people probably associate it with food/water borne illness, most strains of E. Coli are completely harmless.  They even occur naturally within your intestines.  Now, scientists at EPFL have engineered a strain of E. Coli that can generate electricity.
The survival of bacteria depends on redox reactions.  Bacteria use these reactions to interconvert chemicals in order to grow and metabolize.  Since bacteria are an inexhaustible natural resource, many bacterial reactions have been industrially implemented, both for creating or consuming chemical substrates.  For instance, you may have heard about researchers discovering bacteria that can break down and metabolize plastic, the benefits of which are obvious.  Some of these bacterial reactions are anabolic, which means that they need to be provided external energy in order to carry it out, but others are catabolic, which means that the reactions actually create energy.  
Some bacteria, such as Shewanella oneidensis, can create electricity as they metabolize.  This could be useful to a number of green applications, such as bioelectricity generation from organic substrates, reductive extracellular synthesis of valuable products such as nanoparticles and polymers, degradation of pollutants for bioremediation, and bioelectronic sensing.  However, electricity producing bacteria such as Shewanella oneidensis tend to be very specific.  They need strict conditions in order to survive, and they only produce electricity in the presence of certain chemicals.  
The method that Shewanella oneidensis uses to generate electricity is called extracellular electron transfer (EET).  This means that the cell uses a pathway of proteins and iron compounds called hemes to transfer an electron out of the cell.  Bacteria have an inner and outer cell membrane, so this pathway spans both of them, along with the periplasmic space between.  In the past, scientists have tried to engineer hardier bacteria such as E. Coli with this electron-generating ability.  It worked… a little bit.  They were only able to create a partial EET pathway, so the amount of electricity generated was fairly small.
Now, the EPFL researchers have managed to create a full pathway and triple the amount of electricity that E. Coli can produce.  "Instead of putting energy into the system to process organic waste, we are producing electricity while processing organic waste at the same time -- hitting two birds with one stone!" says Boghossian, a professor at EPFL. "We even tested our technology directly on wastewater that we collected from Les Brasseurs, a local brewery in Lausanne. The exotic electric microbes weren't even able to survive, whereas our bioengineered electric bacteria were able to flourish exponentially by feeding off this waste."
This development is still in the early stages, but it could have exciting implications both in wastewater processing and beyond.
"Our work is quite timely, as engineered bioelectric microbes are pushing the boundaries in more and more real-world applications" says Mouhib, the lead author of the manuscript. "We have set a new record compared to the previous state-of-the-art, which relied only on a partial pathway, and compared to the microbe that was used in one of the biggest papers recently published in the field. With all the current research efforts in the field, we are excited about the future of bioelectric bacteria, and can't wait for us and others to push this technology into new scales."
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cosmica-galaxy · 5 months
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Finally! The Clock mimic! = + Clock mimics are very rare and are on par of threat levels rivaling TV mimics. + Similar to TV mimics, these mimics also attempt to copy the powers of the units they are copying. However, instead of having the ability to stop time, they move INSANELY fast. This mimic can move in milliseconds to mere seconds depending on distance. For example, if this mimic was on top of a building, it would be able to be at the bottom within a few seconds. Giving it the illusion of time manipulation. + These types of mimics DO NOT have mouths. Instead, they feed through their hands...however. They do not eat organic matter. + Clock mimics don't eat anything, but will devour the very LIFE from their victim through their grasping claws, also known as a "death grip". They are a magical type of mimic that is capable of stealing life from their prey. Leaving behind a completely intact husk of a body that no longer responds to stimulus and behaves in a comatose state. + They don't just drain the lives from living victims either. They are capable of draining life from plants, animals, insects, creatures, and even microbes! + They take the energy they steal from their prey and store it inside of their body. This "soul" energy is converted into a type of sugar over time that feeds the body of the mimic from within. This can sustain the mimic for many months at a time and it can even hibernate if it devours enough energy to last it YEARS. Once it runs low, the mimic begins to hunt again. + How to know when one of these mimics is in the area is to identify if the location is a "dead zone". Look for dead trees and bodies that are completely unharmed, if these ticks have been checked, avoid the area. + This mimic does not drain the life from other mimics nor units. Draining life from another mimic is considered cannibalism to them, The units are never really confronted, even if they pass through a dead zone. For one reason or another, this mimic chooses to avoid the alliance. + This mimic communicates via telepathy. It can include or exclude whomever it wishes to communicate with. + Due to being made up mostly of organic parts, this mimic is unaffected by magnets.
+While some details are obvious to help point out these mimics, you can look for the better hiders by watching which way their clock hands tick. The hands will ALWAYS click counter clockwise. + This mimic is not only capable of incredible speed, but also levitation. + They have their own written language that is non-translated to others outside of their own community. They are fully capable of writing and reading this said language. Translation is difficult. + They have a special use. When a large mimic of this species dies from it's inevitable "death spiral", the head of the fallen mimic can be collected, as the life energy it collected is contained within, even after death. Making them a VERY powerful source of energy to power large machines. This could be why they avoid the alliance. + They are unfamiliar with humans and don't view them as prey, similar to drill and speaker mimics. + Powerful versions of these mimics are able to conjure up familiars of the souls they devoured and can even bend ethereal lightning. + Their young are called "Clicks".
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