#ss headcannons
quanblovk · 1 year
Susie and Meta Knight's relationship is suprisingly good after she redeems herself. They have little problems talking to each other, as long as no one mentions the incident. Of course there's still a few awkwardnesses but hey, their relationship is stable enough! Meta Knight tolerates her (using like is abit too much) and Susie kinda regrets going too far with the villainness role on him. They both manage to a find a middle ground that remains for a limited amount of time. That's more than enough.
Meanwhile, Dark Meta Knight is beating the shit out of ParaSusie and making her life a living nightmare!
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snowlyx · 2 months
Mika’s Story Prologue pg 3
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This is a fan comic following an altered version of Sonic Forces.
Early access to pages are available on my Ko-Fi
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
I headcanon trans SS Link and that he's a bit of a nerd, saw that one about all the books and the carvings being artistic studies and such
I also headcanon that he's not only sarcastic and a bit of a trickster but sometimes an ass even if it's while he's doing something kind
Double layered action speak if you will
oh cool!
Nerdy ss link beloved
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Platonic Patton Hc’s
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You’re his kid now. He’s the dad friend, and it’s, simply, how it is.
Patton will coddle you. All he wants is to talk, hug, and snuggle with you.
Patton will bake with you and will often surprise you with food. He is also always checking to make sure you’ve been eating and drinking. Patton isn’t concerned with what you’ve eaten just that you have and that you’ve eaten plenty.
Give him stuffed animals. He’ll love them. Patton will become less clingy in the long run having something to snuggle when he can’t with you. Whatever you give him he cherishes with all his being.
Patton has and will make more friendship bracelets. You have to wear it or it’ll make him feel unwanted. Just do it. Wear it as an anklet if you have to, but just wear it.
You and Patton will be having a lot of tea parties and movie nights. You’ll scrapbook and play pattoncake.
He always has random pieces of candy he is sharing, and he’ll be ecstatic if you gave him some candy you have bought.
Patton also carries a first-aid kit for accidents because he also tends to be clumsy and needs band-aids from time to time. However Patton will panic and coddle if you get hurt.
He WILL fight you with love if you insult yourself.
Patton is always offering help even when he is busy or if you don’t need help.
He gets so excited and happy when you make puns. So make puns when he’s upset. Give him dad-jokes. Give him jokes. 
Patton loves when you laugh or smile. It makes him feel proud if he is the reason you are. I mean, he loves all of you, but his favorite thing is making you smile and laugh.
Please compliment him. He may not show it but Patton is sensitive and self-conscious. Show him you love him. He needs to know you love him back as much as he loves you.
He really enjoys playing video games and board games with you and the other sides.
Obviously he calls you kiddo, but other nicknames are Sunflower (because your’re so bright and beautiful/handsome) and Buttercup (because you’re so sweet and cute).
Patton is always there for you no matter what. He will be your best friend forever.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year
mcytageregivemecomfort -> sstrawberrywaferss
🍓 ✎ Welcome To Strawberry Wafers!
⤿ This is a system run age regression blog! ⤿ We do a few different Request!【Moodboards ‣ Headcannons ‣ Stim Headcannons ‣ Drabbles】 ⤿ Feel Free to Reqest so long as reqs are open (or if your a raffle winner!) ⤿ Please rember to check out my DNI!
🍨✏ The Blog Rules are simple! ↬ No NSFW ask! They will be deleted! This blog is strictly SFW! ↬ If your sending in an ask for a cc; please specify which character! If within 5 hours of any of us seeing the ask (i will post when I've seen it!) it hasn't been specified; we will default to our favorite version of the character! ↬ No syscourse on this blog please! ↬ If it isn't healthy in cannon; we wont do it. ↬ Remember to specifiy if you want the character to be a Regressor or Caregiver!
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🍥✐ Now onto the Tags! ♡Under The Cut♡
Mother Bird on the Way! 🍬 Grians Posts A herd of bunnies is called a FLUFFLE!! 🍬 Buns Post Copper Golem Bab.. Woa 🍬 Fwhips Post⁶ Regression Vlogger!! 🍬 Jared Post Tiny Prince(ss) 🍬 Cams Post
small boy smaller brain 🍬 Beeps post Moonlight Glimmer 🍬 Nyx’s Post
That’s Funky! 🍬 Lunars Post
silly boy mode 🍬 wilburs post
This is going on the Fridge 🍰 Request Acceptes Oh nono you can't put that in your mouth 🍰 Request Denied Preschool Worksheet 🍰 Important Post Arts and Crafts 🍰 Moodboards Let me read to you 🍰 Drabbles To Infinity... 🍰 Headcannons ...and Beyond! 🍰 Stim Headcannons Who Gave them a Moster 🍰 Mods Chatting Have some candy! 🍰 Promos
Strawberry shortcake! 🍰 Agere Positivity
Precious Little Bean! 🍰 Pet Regression
Could you repeat that? 🍰 Needs more information
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russeliarat · 2 years
Hylia and Demise
Releasing these all at once for you! Trying to build up the Masterlist quickly so there’s more content for you all. If you have something in particular you want me to do, my ask box is always open. 
Content under the cut for your convenience!
Long ago, a Demon Tribe’s god named Demise emerged from a black hole, somehow possessing the power to be able to escape its gravitational pull, and made his home a blank canvas planet. Born from the destruction a black hole brought in at its singularity, Demise was a chaotic, spiteful, and somewhat destructive celestial being. His isolation from others in the aeons he spent searching for a planet to reside on led him to being a terrible leader of the demons he formed from the planet’s soil and clay. But it was his home and he and the other demons were content in ruling with malice.
Until the Three Golden Goddesses found the planet and wiped most of his tribe from existence. In a state of panic at the destruction the much more powerful deities brought, he sealed his most loyal worshipper’s spirit in his sword, his High Priest, Ghirahim, and hid himself and the weapon away from the Trio until the day came to take back what was rightfully his.
There he watched as the goddesses created a world he couldn’t, seemingly from the strands holding the universe together itself, and gifted a powerful relic known as the Triforce to the mortals they formed. It granted them one wish should they possess all three pieces; Wisdom, Courage, and Power. He knew that once the Three left, he could resurrect his fallen tribe and kill the fragile mortals residing on his planet, but knew it would wipe out most of his beloved troops. Instead, he would give up his immortal form and take the Triforce for himself to wish his world back. But one thing stood in his way - a little saint named Hylia.
Hylia was supposed to protect the Triforce and it seemed she had a very strong sense of right and wrong, good and evil. If Demise wanted the relic, he would need to incapacitate Hylia, and the only way he could do it was with the powers of his immortal form. But he never factored in that he would be greatly outnumbered by the mortals worshipping her, thinking they would hide and wait for their saint to protect them.
From there, the War of Gods came to fruition, where for centuries upon centuries, Demise and his reincarnations would fight Hylia’s and her chosen symbol of peace. When Demise first fought the saint, she had raised human to the skies and debilitated him, imprisoning him in a stone tablet in the ground for hundreds of years with her sword. But her powers waned when she gave up her immortal body after realizing that she must create a mortal lineage to protect the Triforce if her plan fails and she was defeated. In her absence, she left a new protector, Cia, and became a mortal vessel for her spirit, raising the first hero to protect her and use the legendary sword. Because of this, Demise broke free of his tablet and not once, but thrice. He fought the hero each time, until his death, where he uttered a curse for a never-ending cycle of war and hatred among both sides until one won or the planet shattered.
Many times Demise reincarnated as a force of evil and malice, corrupting innocents into power-hungry, corrupt sorcerers, or as a Gerudo king known as Ganondorf, a competent, kind king, corrupted by his past life’s curse. Ever since, Hylia and Demise’s reincarnations - as well as the Chosen Hero’s - fought over who would get to rule the planet both were handed.
Originally, Hylia and Demise had been equally worshipped as the Saint of Light and Protection, and the God of Darkness and Danger respectively. When a bad event occurred, Demise would be thanked for the learning experience one would get out of it, and Hylia for the protection it brought. However, when Demise attacked mortals, they saw him as dangerous to worship, and Hylia became recognised as a goddess in his stead. From then on, she was seen as the Mother of Skyloft/Hyrule, a protector of all and guider of life. Over centuries, Hylia became recognised as the only worshippable god in the established pantheon in many races due to lost knowledge, a disconnect from long ago history, and the changes that came with Hyrule’s culture.
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cyyfics · 8 months
I LOVED your Simon headcannons!!! Could I request gender neutral reader giving Simon a Blowjob? I just generally imagine him all whiny and needy. Like he gets an involuntary erection and the reader helps him out <33
Accidents Happen
Pairing: !Simon Petrikov x GN! reader
C! Warning(s): NSFW!, blowjobs, overstimulation, hair pulling, something else idk how to describe??? Like ur like idk, sort of spit/saliva kink, gagging, throat fucking sort of, sort of choking tbh
Synopsis: you and your best friend Simon were just lounging around on the couch on a hot summers day, who knew it would end like this?
Pronoun stuff: ur genitals aren’t mentioned like at all except for maybe one line and it’s pretty gender neutral
Note: ur the one being more dominant and harsh to him in this story, just letting u guys know Cus like ik some ppl don’t like top! readers ???
Also sorry for the Wattpad words ����
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Your day started out like normal, you were simply lying in bed with your leg draped off the side lazily; that was until you got a knock on your door. Planning to stay lazy, you stayed in bed for a little longer not planning to get up. ‘If it’s really that important, they’ll find a way to get to me..’ you thought to yourself as you neglected the person at the door.
“Y/n!” You perked up as you heard your name being called, the sound of a familiar voice ringing through your head “shit, it’s Simon!” You scrambled to get up from your cozy bed to go help him at the door. Your footsteps were heard from outside the house at how fast you were running down the hallway, Simon stared at your front door with a bead of sweat upon his eyebrow as he heard you coming.
Finally, you had opened up the door for him. He was standing there with one of his arms sheepishly rubbing at his elbow, “Simon! What’re you doing here? Not that I mind, but I thought you would’ve texted first..” you crossed your arms and squinted at him. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I was in the area and thought about seeing you.” Simon apologised, the sentence actually sounding pretty sweet to you. “You’re drenched in sweat, did you run here or something?” You chuckled to yourself a little as you looked him up and down.
“No. Just walked. The heat is horrible out there.” Simon huffed and leaned against the wall, you cocked an eyebrow at him “You sure you’re not just exaggerating? I know your body temperature hasn’t been the same since ic-“ Simon cuts you off. He doesn’t wanna hear the name, doesn’t wanna remember any of that. “No. It really is hot out there. I saw a candy girl and she was literally melting!” Simon exclaimed.
You found it kinda cute, but not in a weird way, you told yourself. “You can sit in front of the fan if you want, just turn it on over there.” You pointed towards the fan that was set up in the corner of your living room “..Why do you have a fan out here?” Simon irked at you “..Because it gets hot in the living room? Duh.” You furrowed your eyebrows at him and gave a weird look. “..Right then.” Simon switched the fan on and immediately started to lay down on your couch.
“Oh, and now you’re just stealing my couch. How thoughtful.” You walked over to join him and found that he had left you little room to sit down, “Yes I am actually quite thoughtful- thank you for seeing that prince/ss” Simon chuckled to himself before moving a bit on the couch. “That’s still not leaving me a lot of room, Simon.” You deadpanned at him “Come lay on me then, I don’t mind.” He invited you over to him. It wouldn’t be weird, you told yourself, you and him had cuddled or laid with each other before, it’s what best friends do.
You hesitantly crawled up to him on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder awkwardly. “Isn’t this only gonna make you feel more hot?” You asked him “Probably.” Simon didn’t really care though since he had the fan turned on him. As you laid there on top of him, Simon moved one of his arms to wrap around you- to make sure you don’t suddenly fall off the couch or something, obviously..
The TV was switched on and before long the two of you were watching bad movies and junk. It was like any other day, that’s how it started. The two of you would always just be hanging out doing random things, sometimes it’d be things even like just standing in the same room together. You two just enjoyed each other’s presence. “Oh, this is a boring movie. I preferred the book much better.” Simon giggled into his hand, you couldn’t help smiling and giggling back at him.
Just as the two of you became engulfed in whatever garbage you were watching, you suddenly felt the air in the room go stagnant. Something was off, and you didn’t exactly know what yet. That was until you felt something ‘weird’ and ‘foreign’ pressing up against your lower back, you weren’t sure what it was at first but you got an idea when you moved your hips back a little and felt Simon tense up. You stayed still for a bit, seeing if he was going to say anything, possibly something like ‘Y/n don’t do that that’s my crotch’ or ‘I’m sorry that I’ve accidentally got a boner let’s just ignore it’
He said nothing, and neither did you. But you were ever so curious to find out if he would eventually say something, to confirm your theory you had to test it. You ground your hips back against his front, making the man involuntarily twitch for just a moment. You didn’t miss it, with the way his arm around you tensed up. “Something wrong?” You turned over your shoulder to ask him, looking up at his now slightly flustered face “N-No, why would something be wrong? Nothings wrong.” Simon stammered out.
“Oh, okay then.” You turn your head away to focus back on the TV but just as you do you feel his hand that was holding your side slightly grip you a little tighter, sending this tingling sensation down your body. You still didn’t dare say anything, wondering where this may be leading to. Simon pulled you a little closer to him, you were flush against him, he tried to do it slowly in hopes maybe you wouldn’t notice but you did. “Simon.” You spoke “Hm?” He tried to act as if he had no idea that you knew what he was doing.
“Why did you-“ he cuts you off “Why did I what?” You furrow your eyebrows at him “pull me closer.” You finish “I didn’t do that.” He lies to you, and yet his fingers grasp onto the fabric of your shirt to hold you a little tighter. You roll your eyes at him, simply deciding to mess with him now at this point. You shifted in your place a bit, your ass now rubbing right against his hard on. It’s a little more obvious now what you’re doing, and Simon ends up realising that just as he releases a soft moan.
The sound reaches your ears, making your cheeks flush. You weren’t expecting a moan, nor one this cute. You tease up a little, turning your head to look up at his face- which was already looking down at you with a slight annoyance. Yet, he had the most adorable flustered looking face you’d ever seen. “Y/n!” Simon exclaims “yeeeeesssss?” You draw it out, you weren’t worried about him being upset with you since you knew the man and that he wasn’t actually mad or upset. “Are you doing that on purpose?” He narrows his eyes at you “doing what?” You bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
“You know what.” Simon spits flusteredly, his cheeks a bright red colour. “Do I?” You turn your head back around, moving your hips against him again. “So you are!” Simon squeals in embarrassment “you are doing this on purpose!” Simon huffs “No clue what you’re talking about Simon.” You pretend to yawn “Right. So you aren’t rubbing your butt up against me on purpose?” Simon deadpanned at you “Where would you get such an idea?” You asked him trying not to laugh.
“From this.” He gently moves you off of him a little and shows you the growing erection showing through his pants, from what you could see he already looked pretty big actually. You looked down at him with widened eyes, licking your lips that had suddenly become dry, still trying to tell yourself that you only see this man as a friend. “Christ, Looks painful.” You swore under your breath, feeling suddenly sorry for this poor man.
“It is.” His cock was strained against his tightened pants, begging to be freed. “And you’re telling me, I did that?” Your tone switched up at the end there which told him that you weren’t innocent at all, not that he thought you were. “.. yes, I guess you did!” Simon turned his head away from you in annoyance. You didn’t say a word, only turning over to face him now. Your hand slowly slid down to find its way to his clothed erection, stroking him gently with your fingertips.
“Y-Y/n!” Simon gasped softly as you touched him, your hand brushing up against his aching cock. “Yeah? What’s up, Simon? What’s wrong?” You asked him ‘innocently’ even as your hand kept stroking at his clothed dick “you’re touching my-“ he gulped nervously. “This okay?” You cut him off to ask him “yes.” Simon replied a little quickly. Simon was panting under your touch now, trying to fight his urges as his hips slowly grind themselves up against your hand.
“Get it out for me, please.”
Simon didn’t hesitate as he started to undo his belt, pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. He then unbuttoned his pants, zipped them down, and tugged them down to his thighs. He then slid his underwear down enough to reveal his length “fuck..” you muttered out quietly as you eyed his erection in its full glory. He was actually surprisingly long, and he was curved. “What’re you gonn-“ Simon bit back his words as he felt you suddenly move your head down to kiss at his tip.
Simon loved it, he couldn’t lie. His eyes were watching you with such content and desire, he could watch you sit and kiss his cock all day. (Not really, if you did that he’d probably get super overstimulated and cum all over your lips and face.) You slowly parted your lips, letting your tongue drag along his slit before moving your head and licking a long line down his shaft. “A-ah..” Simon whined out as you started to lick at him, teasing him before you got to the main bit.
In all honesty Simon could’ve came right then and there, because just seeing you like that in a lewd state made his mind start reeling. Simon whined impatiently, covering his mouth with a hand, his hips jerking up against your touch. You took that as a sign and opened your mouth, wrapping your lips around him as you took him down your throat. There was a slight sting as you felt him take up the room down your throat, making it hard for you to breathe at all. You still tried your best though, moving your head up and down along his cock.
Simon couldn’t stop his greedy self, his hips grinding up against your face, one of his hands grabbing at your hair gently. He wasn’t pulling you or anything, only tangling his fingers in your hair as you sucked him dry. Your mouth was filling up with saliva as you took him down your throat, You don’t stop sucking him off though, instead letting a bit of saliva dribble down your chin. Simon was covered in your spit too, a bit of it starting to cover his thighs. It was a hot sight to see actually.
Simon moaned loudly, his hand that was tangled in your hair now grabbing it slightly tighter. You kept going, your tongue resting against the bottom of your mouth as he basically face fucked you. His hips were grinding against your face and his hand in your hair was slightly pushing you down against him too. It wasn’t long before he ended up cumming, hot bitter liquid pooling down your throat.
You had to swallow it, not sure you could even spit it up with the way it naturally sunk down your throat. Simon pulled out slowly, your tongue sticking out a little still covered in a bit of his cum. You put your tongue back into your mouth and swallowed it, the sight was a real pretty thing to see. Simon now felt a bit exhausted, panting as he laid back on the couch. You giggled at his cute mannerisms, before leaning back down and kissing at the head of his dick to overstimulate him.
It was just to tease him though, wanting to see more of his cute faces. Simon clenched his eyes and used a hand over his mouth to muffle a loud moan that had escaped him. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” You gave him mercy and sat up, allowing him to put himself away. “T-That felt really.. good” Simon admitted.
“I liked it too.”
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le0nsprinc3 · 4 months
Leon Kennedy Headcannons (ID/DI)
a/n: kinda got carried away with DI Leon, but i hope y'all enjoy this!! Sorry if it's not up to your standards :(
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ID | Leon has sub tendencies, but he doesn't wanna admit even if you're the one in control. His ego won't let him admit it. He doesn't fully shave but does trim it down from time to time. Considering he's stubborn, you'd have to convince him or somehow get him to submit to you. He'd be somewhat into face slapping (receiving) if he does submit to you. He makes it hella obvious that he likes being choked. And you only found that out when you jokingly told him you'd choke him while riding/fucking him before putting your hand around his neck and then feeling him get hard underneath you. Whenever you give him hand jobs, he'll grunt and curse under his breath. When he gets closer to release, he lets out soft whimpers. Whenever he takes charge, he wants to be called sir rather than daddy. It makes him feel like he has full authority over you(in which he does, of course). He doesn't mind being called daddy, but he really prefers being called sir in bed. He calls you darling, sweet pie, baby when he's the one in charge. He calls you mommy/sir if he's the one submitting
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DI | Like ID, he has sub tendencies, but he admits it. He loves it when he submits to you because that just means you get to do whatever you want to him, and it's thrilling for him. He kinda gets out of his way to tell everyone that he's gonna get fucked in the ass in a not so obvious way, he turns it into dad jokes and thinks it's funny. Yes, he likes getting slapped as well, but like is an understatement for him. He'll ask you to do it even if he's the one in charge. He does fully shave sometimes just because he thinks it's looks prettier when you have your hand around it. He always wants to look pretty for you. He'd go to an extent to tie a bow around his body(with the help of Claire if he wants it around his biceps). He's into choking, but he'd rather have your hand covering his nose and mouth instead. That doesn't stop him from wanting to be choked by you. He personally prefers your pleasure over his, but if you gave him a hand job, he groans, but he lets out some whimpers in between. When he's about to release, he's straight up whimpering and whining. Daddy for him all the way. He thinks it's cute, the way you whine for him, the way you beg for his cock. He thinks it's adorable. Sir is fine to him, but it doesn't really give him much satisfaction. He'd call you prince(ss), baby, darling when he's dominating. He calls you ma'am/sir if he's submitting to you
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starblizzard247 · 5 months
When a princess of Hyrule is born, their first name is automatically Zelda, however their middle name will be unique to them. When either a) they ascend the throne or b) there are no other living female members of the Hyrulean royal family, they will take on Zelda as their name. Otherwise they will be known by their middle name.
Some middle name headcannons (I haven’t figured out names for all of them yet):
Skyward Sword - Zelda Hyrule, since she’s the first
Ocarina of Time - Zelda Lyra Hyrule aka Sheik, since they use a lyre and bc OoT heavily features music
Wind Waker - Zelda Tetra Hyrule, nuff said (also I think her mom never got around to telling her her actual first name, which is why she doesn’t find out until in-game)
Spirit Tracks - Zelda Anima Hyrule, since “anima” means spirit in Latin (6 years of Latin coming in handy :D)
Twilight Princess - Zelda Tenebra Hyrule, since “tenebris” means darkness in Latin
Link Between Worlds - Zelda Hilda Hyrule, bc *parallels* (Hilda’s full name is Hilda Zelda Lorule coincidentally)
Hyrule Warriors - Zelda Atalanta Hyrule, after the Greek mythological figure Atalanta (because Atalanta has myths around running and in HW you run around maps a lot but also bc they’re both bad*ss)
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom - Zelda Diantha Hyrule, since according to the Internet, “Diantha” means divine flower in Greek, which fits with her Silent Princess motif
Diantha’s Mother - Zelda Aquila Hyrule, since “aquila” means eagle in Latin, which is why she and Urbosa call Diantha “Little Bird”
10,000 years before Breath of the Wild - Zelda Mirae Hyrule, since “mirae” means future in Korean (bc obviously I’m gonna flaunt being bilingual from childhood), which goes with the futuristic Sheikah tech that originated from that time period (side note: I headcannon she’s Sonia’s granddaughter and she worked with the Sheikah to recreate Zonai tech after seeing malice beginning to leak out of dehydrated Ganondorf)
Sonia - Zelda Sonia Hyrule, self-explanatory (side note: I like to think that Hyrule fell into ruin sometime after the end of more traditional Zelda games and Sonia and Rauru reestablished the kingdom, and this new Hyrule is the one from BotW and TotK)
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bunniekittiee · 7 months
Ahh alright so im sorry about anon’s request! It was late asf where I’m at and in my half asleep state I accidentally posted my barely started work of Smoke and I deleted it, but i ss the request, so I will just input it on here. So sorry about that, that was my fault.
Can you write a headcannons where reader gets kidnapped and Smoke goes to rescue his s/o?
Smoke x Fem. Reader
He was not sure how it happened, but his worst nightmare came to life.
Tensions were high with the Tengu clan, and Bi-Han was slaughtering quite a bit of their clan left and right.
However, they invaded the Arctika and created the worst chaos imaginable.
Tomas was worried about his s/o. He wanted her to be safe and sound, and he was almost sure that she was safe where she was at.
But he thought wrong.
When he went to find her, he saw that it was ransacked with blood smeared on the floor and she was gone.
His heart dropped and he ripped the place apart.
Kuai Liang had to interfere to get him to explain why he was on the verge of an anxiety attack.
Once Tomas explained, Kuai Liang immediately jumps into action and goes to Bi-Han.
Bi-Han may not have a love life himself, but he knows that his brothers have their own. Even if he doesn’t exactly approve of it.
So when Kuai Liang tells Bi-Han about Tomas’ lover being captured, Bi-Han is ready to invade.
As much as he may tell Tomas cruel things, he knows that if they were not able to get her back, he would not be able to be the warrior he is.
So it is crucial to save his lover.
At least, that’s how Bi-Han reasons it in his head. He doesn’t want to admit out loud that he doesn’t want to see Tomas really torn over losing his significant other.
Tomas is definitely losing his mind knowing that their rival clan has her, and they can do anything to her.
Tomas can’t sleep, he can’t eat, he can’t do anything else but work a plan inside of his head on how he was going to murder anyone who hurt her.
Although he was the sweetheart and kindest out of the brothers, he would not have any mercy for those who kidnapped his s/o. They took away the most important person to him.
That was something he would never forgive.
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are concerned as they watch Tomas pace around, eyes alit with anger as he waited impatiently for the brothers to sketch out a plan to invade.
Was a little argumentative with Bi-Han which had taken the cyromancer aback as Tomas had never argued with Bi-Han.
Kuai Liang has to be the peace maker and eventually they have the plan laid out.
Tomas is ready to spill blood. He cannot stand the thought of her capturers being alive while she suffered.
He knew she was terrified for her life. As strong as she was, he knew that she was scared, and that made him so angry.
He was supposed to be a protector, not a failure.
Bi-Han wonders what is running through Tomas’ head as they trudge their way through the terrains. He sees his eyes have hardened and he’s deep in his thoughts.
Kuai Liang notices the tension around Tomas and feels guilty that they were not there to save her as well.
When they arrive at their destination, Tomas is ready for warfare. They go through the plan and invade quickly.
Tomas slaughters many, interrogating a few in order to find his lover.
He is drenched in blood, his gray eyes now burning with rage and hurt. He wanted his wife back, that is all that is important to him.
The brothers are a little concerned about Tomas’ bloodshed as he was never this rash before.
Ripping apart the village and the Tengu, he was able to find her.
She was bloodied and tied up, bruises sprinkled across her skin with jagged cuts along her body.
Tomas could not help but feel his whole soul being consumed by the fiery anger, one that was much brighter than Kuai Liang’s.
But he kneels down, cutting her restraints with his karambit and he holds her frail body close to his.
He knows he cannot let his guard down and tells himself that he will reunite with her properly when they are safe.
He finds his brothers who are still fighting off more ninjas, and he tells them that he found her.
The Lin Kuei finish the job and destroy the Tengu’s territory, leaving their mark on the clan for good.
Tomas is very fast to get back to the Arctika where he treats her wounds in silence while Bi-Han and Kuai Liang stand there with their words twisted.
They do not know what to say to make Tomas’ worries go away.
Tomas is exhausted, but he wants her to awaken. He had missed her so much, and she was back in his arms.
But she had not woken up since Tomas saved her.
This made him stress more.
Bi-Han eventually spoke up and told him that his wife needed to rest and that she would wake up soon.
Tomas sits next to her in med bay, holding her hand between his own.
In the middle of the night, she awakens and Tomas is immediately on his feet.
He hugs her close to him, feeling his eyes water and his lip quiver slightly as her arms wrapped around him.
“I thought I lost you.” He told her while he laid a kiss on her temple. “I am so sorry that I was not there to save you. It is my duty to protect you, and I failed.”
“Tomas,” she said as she gently grabbed his face. “You did not fail me. I love you, I am so happy to see you again.”
He still felt guilty, but he held her all night long and made sure she felt safe and comfortable.
There were some signs of PTSD from the encounter on her side which did not surprise the ninja, but his heart felt broken.
The guilt ate at him more as he felt that it was his fault she now had to face that burden.
If he was only quicker. If he only knew.
He does everything and anything for his s/o. I mean, he would before the encounter, but now he does everything for her.
Tomas will push back his duties to help her with any emotional distress or physical pain she was feeling.
He felt that this was the least he could do because he did not do his job.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han see the guilt eating at him. They know that it weighs on Tomas heavily.
He is carrying the burden as well.
But he continues to show affection and love her no matter what. He is so in love with his s/o and he is willing to do anything to ease her pain.
“It will be okay, my wisp.” He cooed softly as he rubbed her back while she cried into his shoulder. “I am here now. You are safe with me. I will never let any harm come to you again.”
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millan-the-con · 8 hours
I made an AU/Headcannon about KO, BD, WB, SS, MM and the Stunticons.
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Breakdown is a Stunticon and Knockout never liked it, because of Breakdown's friends (the old Stunticon team and also an OC I created). The reason Knockout doesn't like them is that the Stunticons took Breakdown to be a bad Decepticons. Knockout doesn't have a Decepticon insignia, nor does Breakdown, and the Stunticons made him use an insignia; Starscream and Megatron saw that Breakdown and Knockout failed their missions a lot, so they decided to separate the two. Breakdown started doing missions with DeadEnd and Dragstrip's brother, and Knockout with Starscream and other bots; When Knockout had Wildbreak he swore on his life that Wildbreak would not be a Stunticon, and Breakdown was upset about this, as he himself was a Stunticon and wanted his Sparkling to be one too; After a while the two went on missions together again, and one day they disappeared, Wildbreak was about 6 years old (in human age) when this happened. Knockout and Breakdown knew they could gone at any moment, as the two were in a war, so they chose two bots to take care of Wildbreak if they were gone. Knockout chose Starscream and Breakdown chose Motormaster, which made Knockout frustrated, but it was his partner's choice so he just accepted it. With the disappearance of Knockout and Breakdown, the legacy of Starscream and Motormaster's parents, who didn't like each other very much. They sometimes fought, teased each other, argued, but they were sometimes buddies. When they went to take care of Wildbreak it was a mess because Motormaster didn't want to take care of Wildbreak and Starscream was upset and begged Motormaster to help him. Motormaster only changed his mind after he once found Starscream crying in hiding, as he felt overwhelmed and unable to take care of Wildbreak alone; Starscream and Motormaster started getting closer after Wildbreak, much to Megatron's displeasure, as he was not liking this closeness between the two. They took care of Wildbreak until he was about 7 years old, it seems like a short time, but it was actually a long time; Starscream and Motormaster sneaked around and did things in places where cameras couldn't reach them, as they knew Megatron wouldn't like it. They didn't do anything much, just exchange hugs and compliments.
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Maybe I'll do a part 2 focusing more on these two↑ MY FAVORITE CRACKSHIP THAT I CREATED<33
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zealousstuff-idk · 3 months
intro post + rules
ello! ^^ y’all can call me Zenith, I’m nonbinary, 20 and use any pronouns, I plan on using this blog to write fanfic related stuff, and maybe show off some art in the future!
I will mostly be writing for Hazbin Hotel and possibly Helluva Boss atm
Requests: OPEN! Please be as specific as you can so I could have a better idea thinking :] Or just send in general questions, I don’t bite~
reader x character and character x character
female or gender neutral readers, male reader is still an option, but I won’t be as good at it
Angsty situations
Smut/NSFW headcannons
Platonic and Romantic relationships
Anything pregnancy related
any of the following k!nks [p!ss, scat, ageplay, petplay, etc]
Anything with the following characters [These may change in the future, but this is how it is currently] -Valentino, Alastor, Niffty, Angel Dust, Zestial, Mammon, Loona, Verosika, Beezlebub
Here’s a list of characters/ships that I’ll write for, if there’s any characters not listed, don’t be shy and send a request, and I might write it!
Carmilla Carmine
Brokerdoll [Carmilla/Velvette]
MAYBE Guitarspear [Adam/Lute]
*Note, I personally can’t serve justice to Fizzmodeus T-T*
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I love Asmodeus’ design so fuckin much-
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year
Could i get a dsaf regressor Jack headcannons + moodboard???
🍓 He regresses between 6-12.
🍬 He only has one 'reggresion item' but he will fight anyone for it.
🍓 It's a plush blanket. With paw prints on it.
🍬 absolutely loves rice when regressed. Its one of his comfort foods.
🍓 he has reppresed his reggresion before. Especially when dave started showing up. Little guy was scared
🍬 by pure chance did Dave find out he regressed. He did not know what to do. Children were not his expertise.
🍓 Jack really likes to skate while regressed, and often does so around his house!
🍬 He wants nothing to do with parental figures... Is what he tells people
🍓 he secretly wants one. But doesn't have anyone he can trust enough to be his cg though
🍬 The ONE thing he can't do while regressed is cook. He has burnt his foor more than once.
🍓also he does sleep with that blanket like its a stuffie.
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russeliarat · 2 years
The Three Golden Goddesses and Creation Mythos
Trying something new here so if anything goes wrong when it comes to the Masterlist, please let me know! This will be a series of worldbuilding exercises I’m doing to build up a more solid world for my own stories, as well as to help you understand the world of Oath of the Forsaken more!
I do apologise for all of the stuff I will be releasing at once, I want to get a few headcannons out there to fill the Masterlist quickly.
Content under the Cut!
When three local Suns collided, in the wake of destruction, three celestial beings formed. These beings came to be known as Din, Nayru, and Farore. For aeons, they searched the universe for a purpose until they found a planet full of potential to be shaped into their own. However, this planet was inhabited by a Demon Tribe, reigning with malice and dark intent. The Three wiped the chaotic world of the tribe, started the planet anew. Demise, the Demon Tribe’s god, however, was more than angered by this. Planning to take back his world in the future, he embedded the spirit of his High Priest into his sword, hiding both himself and the sword away from the goddesses. This sword would later become Ghirahim.
The goddesses formed the Triforce as their gift to humanity, with the ability to give the holder any wish of their choosing. They decided to place the Triforce in a place which would later become the Kingdom of Hyrule and built their magical defences around the state. They took the energy from dying stars to form an immortal saint and guardian, calling her Hylia. Hylia’s purpose was to protect the Triforce and the people inhabiting Hyrule, forever in a state of neutrality due to her immortal status.
Before leaving to find a new planet in this one’s potential likeness, the Three each broke off a shard of their souls to create beings able to protect the land they formed in their stead. These shards would fall into what would become known as the Eldin, Lanayru, and Faron regions.
From Din’s shard, a volcano formed, so dangerous to those with mortal flesh, it was named Death Mountain.
From Nayru’s shard, Hyrule’s river systems formed, bringing life to the people that would roam the lands.
From Farore’s shard, lush forest formed, rife with magic that could grow whole woodlands in less than three decades.
Each of these areas had a guardian created from the shards, protecting the people who resided there. Their forms were many and often reflected the popular aspects of mythology at the time. Their first forms were mystical dragons, which seemed to be a favourite form for the guardian spirits. They were also said to be oracles, giants, and even the first Great Fairies, known as Great Mothers at the time.
When the guardians gifted a piece of their power to their respective races, they formed as shining orbs encased in a diamond, of which the wielders could use a small portion of the magic immortals held. The first stone was Nayru’s Love, which would protect the holder from all harm. Then was Din’s Fire, which would create a shockwave of heat that lit everything in the immediate area on fire. And finally, the Farore’s Wind, which could be used to teleport across the region freely. Originally, these spells came from the stones gifted to the races; the Zora Sapphire, the Goron Ruby, and the Kokiri Emerald, however the Great Fairies had to separate the spells from the races once people learned of their properties and became power-hungry. Over time, these stones travelled across Hyrule, disaster after disaster, eventually smoothing into the Goddess Pearls during the time of the Great Flood and Era of Winds. Nayru’s Peal was discovered to the Zora, who passed it onto their patron deity, Jabun, Din’s Pearl washed ashore Dragon Roost Island with the Rito, and Farore’s Pearl remained in the Korok’s possession long before the Great Flood.
In the days before Skyloft, humans worshipped all five major deities; The Golden Three, Hylia, and Demise. Due to geographical locations, Din was seen as the Goddess of Fire, Nayru as the Goddess of Water, and Farore as the Goddess of Nature. Hylia and Demise were opposites which neither’s symbols could exist without the others’. Hylia was the Saint of Light and Protection, with symbols such as the Sun, warmth, and happiness. Demise was the God of Darkness and Danger, associated with the Moon and stars, coldness, and isolation. If something bad were to happen, one was thanked for it happening as a learning experience, and the other for the protection the situation had gained.
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xo-zozo · 13 hours
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⤷ i actually hit 100 a little bit ago but i never did anything for it so we’re doing it now!! tysm for getting me to 100 so fast, i’ve literally only been posting for a few months so it’s a huge honor
⤹ how this is gonna work is there’s gonna be about 80 questions below and you can send me an ask with the number of question that you want me to answer
what’s your favorite tv show of all time?
who’s your favorite music artist (s)?
what’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen
who are your favorite moots?
what’s your biggest pet peeve?
what’s your go to karaoke song?
what’s your favorite color?
what’s the best vacation you took and why?
who was the last person you said i love you to?
who is your idol?
what’s the best compliment you’ve received?
what makes you laugh the most?
what are your current grades?
what did you do for your last birthday?
what is your favorite sleeping position of all time? 
what is the dumbest way you've been hurt? 
what are the three scents you like?
what’s your favorite season?
who’s your favorite disney character?
what’s your favorite disney animated movie?
what’s your favorite halloween costume you’ve worn?
what’s the best gift you’ve ever received
what are you the best at?
what’s your favorite book?
what’s your favorite quote and who is it by?
favortie fictional man?
do you have any pets?
who was your first tumblr moot?
who is the best movie villain?
what’s your favorite restaurant?
where would you like to travel?
how long have you been on tumblr?
are you popular at school?
what’s the most money you’ve ever spent in one day?
do you believe in true love?
who’s your celebrity crush?
who are your favorite youtubers?
what’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up?
what’s your favorite drink?
what’s the craziest thing you’ve done in school?
can you cook?
what books did you read as a child?
whats a celeb you hate?
how many boys bff’s do you have?
what’s your favorite movie?
whos someone you wanna look like?
what’s your favorite subject?
what’s the last song you listened to?
what’s your favorite app?
favorite emoji
what upcoming movie are you most excited for?
what was the last thing you ate?
what’s your spirit animal?
what’s the last text that you sent?
what’s the last text that you received?
what was the last ss that you took?
have you ever had a crush on an animated character?
night or day?
what’s your favorite band?
who’s your least favorite fictional character?
what’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
wheres the craziest place you’ve ever been?
what’s the last thing that you bought?
who’s one person you really want to meet?
what is one talent that you didn’t know that you until recently?
what’s your dream job?
what’s your favorite place to buy clothes?
what games do you play?
who’s a fictional character that you relate to?
do you plan on having kids?
what’s the worst injury you’ve gotten?
where do you sit on a roller coaster?
how big is your friend group?
who is the worse teacher you’ve ever had?
where do you usually do headcannons from?
what’s the reason for your favorite colors?
what’s the worst rule your school has?
what’s your favorite memory?
whats your least favorite memory?
anything else i’m comfortable with answering!
🫧 𓇼 𓏲 *ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚
| tags: @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces / @zoyaaaabear @clarissawealsey-10
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iamumbra195 · 10 months
It's little moments like this where it just sorta hits that Ichigo is sixteen and you can't help but hate ppl like Urahara and Isshin a little bit for putting him in situations like these because he's terrified
The writing of bleach generally makes it easy to forget how young Ichigo and co. are but the SS invasion arc really puts it into perspective how little Ichigo knew and how unprepared he was for the shitshow that would become his life in the span of like two months
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Boy was literally having a panic attack
Also back to what I said on my Headcannon about his sensing ability like see, he was actually really good at sensing before he got his bankai and shiro took over control rather than Old man zangetsu because his shinigami/hollow powers were stronger than his quincy ones and OMz could no longer surpress his power, making it so that Ichigo was drowning in his own power and feeling as if he's being crushed by it because he's not used to it and that hinders his sensing ability
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