#souther water tribe
mah-o-daryaa · 3 months
ATLA Headcanons: Nations Edition
Water Tribes:
Despite the might of the Fire Navy during the war, around 1000-500 BG (Before Genocide), the Water Tribes were known for producing the best sailors and navigators around the world.
The NWT (Northern Water Tribe) traditions greatly emphasized the Moon Spirit, Tui, whereas the SWT (Southern Water Tribe) traditions preferred the Ocean Spirit, La.
Water Tribesmen were known for being innovative, the greatest example being Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, who invented modern airships and submarines. The first pair of sunglasses, for example, were invented by a Water Tribe immigrant in Republic City. It was an innovation from snow goggles, which were worn frequently in the NWT capital, Agna Qel'a, to prevent snow blindness, and later by Sokka and the Mechanist during the Black Sun invasion in 100 AG (After Genocide).
The people of the Water Tribes were known for migrating to various lands to sustain their population. The first great example was Northerners migrating to the South Pole, circa 4000 BG, followed by the Foggy Swamp, Yokoya (present-day Kyoshi Island), and even had a small Fire Nation diaspora (who were all exiled by Firelord Sozin and later Azulon during the Hundred Years War).
Similar to the stereotype of Fire Nationals being obsessed with honour, common Water Tribe stereotypes included being present-moment oriented (going with the flow), being family-oriented, laziness and never being on time, and (unfortunately) living a hedonistic lifestyle, such as alcoholism and doing the "thing". It didn't help that actual examples existed in the form of Avatar Kuruk.
Earth Kingdom:
The Earth Kingdom was often mistaken for a group of nations rather than a single nation. It didn't help that the various provinces were very dissimilar to one another in language, architecture, customs, and (in the case of Omashu) governmental affairs.
The Earth Kingdom consisted of various diasporas from the other nations, including (but not limited to) Fire Nation colonists in the FN colonies (and later the United Republic of Nations), the Northern Air Temple and surrounding locations, and the aformentioned Water Tribe immigrants in the southeastern Earth Kingdom, the most prominent being the Foggy Swamp tribe, Kyoshi Island, and even the Si Wong Desert.
Common stereotypes for the Earth Kingdom as a whole were rare due to the sheer size and diversity of the nation. For individual nations, Ba Sing Se was seen as complacent and corrupt, Gaoling was opulent but arrogant, whereas Omashu was basically that weird kid nobody wanted to associate with. The sandbenders were seen as rogue criminals, and the swampbenders were mistaken for polar waterbenders.
Related to the above, diaspora groups were given common stereotypes related to their homeland; for example, Kyoshi Islanders were mistaken for Water Tribesmen, the Fire Nation colonists were stereotyped similarly to their countrymen back home, etc.
The Earth Kingdom had a long history of stonework and masonry due to the power of earthbenders. The Northern Air Temple, for example, was built mostly by earthbenders, and stone and marble statues were often built as gifts to foreign diplomats and the crowning of royalty in other nations.
Fire Nation:
The Fire Nation was known for its traditional dances for hundreds of years before dancing was forbidden by Firelord Sozin during the Hundred Year War. During the modern era, the greatest dancers were notably from the Fire Nation, relearning their pre-war culture.
The Fire Nation were also known for glassmaking and metalwork due to their control over fire. These were often sent as gifts or means of trade.
During Firelord Zuko's rule, efforts were made to preserve pre-war Fire Nation traditions including singing, dancing, and dragons.
Pre-centralized Fire Nation had many regional dialects that varied by clan; some examples include the Keohso, the Saowon speaking the Ma'inka dialect, and the Sei'naka speaking the Southern dialect of FN language. Later on, the dialect spoken in the FN capital city was made the official language of the Fire Nation.
Similarly to the Water Tribes, the Fire Nation was known for being innovative and technologically advanced, to the point where Fn engineers were often brought to other nations to improve infrastructure. After the Hundred Years War came to an end, Sokka worked with several such engineers to invent new technology introduced in Republic City.
Air Nomads:
Each Air Temple has its own regional dialect with loanwords from their closest nation. Avatar Yangchen, for example, spoke with the Western dialect, with loanwords from the Fire Nation syntax, whereas Avatar Aang spoke the Southern dialect, with loanwards from the Southern Water Tribe. The Northern and Eastern dialects included Earth Kingdom syntax.
The Air Nomads were known for their traditional songs. Before the war, Air Nomad singers and Fire Nation dancers and musicians often travelled together to performances around the world.
The notion that all Air Nomads were airbenders was actually Fire Nation propaganda. However, Air Nomads who were born airbenders were sent to the Air Temples to train under the monks and nuns while nonbenders were left with other families, hence the misconception.
Every year, male Air Nomads from the Northern and Southern Air Temples travel to the Eastern and Western Air Temples to meet female Air Nomads there. Yes, that's how Air Nomads are born.
Similar to the Water Tribes, the Air Nomads often travelled around various nations, forming diasporas around the world, most commonly in the Earth Kingdom. People forgot about that because of (again) Fire Nation propaganda.
Each Avatar wears an item of clothing that separates him or her from their fellow countrymen (technically canon). Kuruk has his polar bear-dog headress, Kyoshi is pretty self-explanatory, Roku has Sozin's headpiece, Aang immediately stands out too as an Air Nomad, and Korra has a pretty recognizable physicality.
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witchzoe · 2 years
Did The Fire Nation Actually Lose The War?
Well one would assume yes.
At the end of the show Team Avatar defeats the Fire Nation by defeating Fire Lord Ozai and crowning Zuko as the new Fire Lord. Any further details of the Fire Nation defeat are explored through the various comics, with the main topic being the decolonisation of the Fire Nation colonies of the Earth Kingdom.
But if you take a look at how the comics ultimately resolve this issue, it becomes clear that actually the Fire Nation kind of won the 100 Year War.
But didn't the Fire Nation had to decolonise after the war?
Kind of. In the comic "The Promise" it is revealed that the oldest Fire Nation colonies actually become independent and later form the United Republic of Nations. This is because Zuko and Aang decide, that the Fire Nation people and Earth Kingdom people had become too intertwined to belong to either the Earth Kingdom or the Fire Nation.
Now one has to keep in mind, that these colonies belonged to the Earth Kingdom originally before the war. So this decision actually means the Earth Kingdom lost a not insignificant chunk of their country, especially because the colonies are portrayed as quite industrious and wealthy in the comics.
Meanwhile the Fire Nation gained a new allied nation. A lot of the Fire Nation colonists are aligned with the Fire Nation, and this sentiment would therefore also be found in the United Republic of Nations, especially because Fire Nation colonists made up the higher strata of their society.
What about reparations?
Well, the comics don't actually mention reparations. But what we get in the comic "North and South" is the Southern Water Tribe asking the Fire Nation for funds for expanding their economy. Which to me heavily implies that in canon the Fire Nation never actually had to pay reparations, because otherwise the Souther Water Tribe had probably demanded reparations, instead of asking for funds.
This is especially interesting, because investments in poorer, less industrialised nations (like the Southern Water Tribe) can be utilized by richer and more industrialised nations (like the Fire Nation) as another form of imperialism. Either by tying specific requirements, e.g. favourable trade agreements or specific economic policies, to the funds or by using these investments to acquire a lot of economic influence in the nation.
This also means that the Fire Nation economy isn't burdened by paying reparations
Didn't the Fire Nation also suffer under the war?
In comparison to the other nations not really. The Air Nomads got wiped out, the Southern Water Tribe suffered from a cultural genocide, the Northern Water Tribe suffered under the Siege of the North and large swath of the Earth Kingdom were destroyed and its people displaced.
In contrast to that, the Fire Nation didn't even really suffer any civilian casualties or damage to their industrial base. The only attack on the Fire Nation mainland was the Day of the Black Sun, which failed and because the Fire Nation was forewarned didn't result in any civilian casualties. The Fire Nation only really lost soldiers to the war.
But Zuko is Fire Lord now!
Zuko would have become the Fire Lord even if Ozai wouldn't have been defeated, he was the next in line anyway.
And it is nice that he reforms the Fire Nation, but that is not really relevant if we discuss who won the war.
He may have reduced the size of the navy and the army, but it was out of his own volition, not because of some stipulations of a peace treaty. And why wouldn't he? The war is over. The Fire Nation is on good terms with the Southern Water Tribe, the Kyoshi Warriors, who work for Zuko on multiple occasions, and on neutral terms with the Earth Kingdom under King Kuei.
So what is the Score?
The Fire Nation ultimately came out of the war and the peace process with:
A new allied nation in the United Republic of Nations.
Economic influence in the Southern Water Tribe.
Good Relationships with the Southern Water Tribe and the Kyoshi Warriors.
an undamaged industrial base and an economy unburdened by reparations.
losses were mostly limited to military members, with almost no civilian casualties.
Weakened rival nations due to the heavy losses they suffered, which also include a lot of civilian losses.
Wars have been fought for less and have been considered won by achieving less. So in conclusion, if you consider the comics as canon, the Fire Nation came out of the 100 year war as a clear winner. Especially if one considers how much the other nations suffered in the war.
Did the other nations gain anything from the peace process at all?
Yes. They got to live and now have the security that the Fire Nation won't burn them all to the ground. Or at least some of the nations got this security.
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How does world diplomacy even work in Zutara headcanons btw? I mean you’ve got the Avatar refusing to speak to the Firelord because the Firelord is with the girl that the Avatar is in love with. In some headcanons, he actively tries to STOP their marriage. You’ve got the Firelord ditching his responsibilities to go hang out with the Southern Water tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. The Firelord seems predominantly occupied with restoring the relationship between the South at the expense of the rest of the world. And Sokka, Toph, Suki, and Iroh are far more preoccupied in getting Zutara together than they are in world affairs. Surprised the 100 year war hasn’t broke out yet again.
Even if we are VERY generous and assume Katara's break up with Aang was totally mutual and amicable and she only got together with Zuko much later, or even that they never dated at all, and thus there's no conflict with Aang, and that Zuko is doing EVERYTHING right as Fire Lord, meaning both his nation and the others are happy with his political decisions.
His nation is still very racist. It is still filled with people who not only supported, but PARTICIPATED in genocide - genocide against Katara's tribe.
If he marries her, there will be outrage. There'll be riots. Possibly a civil war even, with people trying to stage a coup. And even if Zuko and Katara win, it'd still be A LOT to deal with, lots of risks taken, and, yes, innocents getting killed. Obviously it would not be their fault that people are intolerant, but the point still stands that Zuko marrying a foreigner would lead to several politcal complications.
Not to mention, Katara is the daughter of the Souther Water Tribe's chieftain. Her children could very easily have claim to it. This could lead to anxieties that Zuko is trying to take over the whole world like the previous Fire Lords, only he is doing it through political schemes and marriages that are meant to benefit his interests instead of open hostility and war.
That's why I always find it RIDICULOUS when Zutarians try to claim Katara would totally be in the highest position in the list of potential brides once it was time for Zuko to get married and have heirs. My guy, she's not on the list. At all.
If Zuko were to ever marry a foreigner - and that's a BIG if that would still likely have serious consequences - it likely be someone like Toph. From the Earth Kingdom, that was likely seen as more "civilized" than the air-nomads and water tribes. Noble, rich, and influential but not royal.
But chances are, if Zuko and Mai were to break up, the safest option would still be for him to marry someone of the Fire Nation. His children would probably need to do the same, or at least just the heir. Once it's time for one of his grandkids to rise to the throne, and all the imperialism is a thing of the past since most of the people involved in it are dead, THEN it'd be safe for a Fire Lord to marry someone of a different nation.
Too bad most Zutarians are too focused on empty Water/Fire, Sun/Moon "symbolism" to actually do something interesting and have Zuko and Katara decide to be apart for the greater good, or be together in secret, or come up with some insane but brilliant tactics to deal with the inevitable backlash to their union. It has to be a forced "They get married and everyone is happy about it because it will magically fix all the years of war and racism."
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atla-genderbender · 2 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: "Himekawa" and "Kayuu"
As I mentioned previously, the concept behind "ATLA Gender Bender" is to swap the genders of the main cast, and to only swap the genders of adult characters when it enhances the story. Unlike Ursa and Ozai, I don't think the story is enhanced by swapping the genders of Hakoda and Kya. Due to her untimely death, little is known about Kya's personality and history. In the TV series, Hakoda is a pretty simple character, though he is given more focus in the comics. In ATLA, the Water Tribe is arguably the lowest of the four nations in terms of gender equality index. If Hakoda was a woman and Kya was a man, it is likely that Hakoda would have been inside the home when the Southern Raiders invaded. Instead of Kya, female Hakoda would have suffered a noble death at the hands of Yon Rha. Since the position of "chief" is elected in the Southern Water Tribe, male Kya could have become the chief in Hakoda's stead. This seems to be a realistic scenario if the genders of Hakoda and Kya were reversed, but it does not interest me that much. For these reasons, I would rather leave Hakoda and Kya's genders unchanged.
Still, I wanted to try a rough sketch of male Kya and female Hakoda, just for fun. In Hakoda's case, I think it would be interesting if female Hakoda was a rare example of a female chieftain. In designing her, I was inspired by the description of a "powerful woman chief" of the subarctic Kaska (see: books.google.com/books?id=iBIS…). I was unable to find a physical description of this woman chief, so I also referred to information about the Greenlandic Inuit. This culture was selected due to its similarities to Southern Water Tribe culture with respect to gender. Both cultures display a clear division of labor between men and women, yet transgender persons could be found in both cultures (see: avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Souther…). Indigenous Arctic cultures also had a degree of flexibility in the gender role of women, who would be taught to hunt and perform masculine activities to ensure the survival of the community. This seems to also be the case for the Southern Water Tribe, given the non-bender warrior woman "Lirin" and Katara's reaction to the more rigid gender roles of the Northern Water Tribe. I gave female Hakoda a masculine, but not totally masculine, style to match the description of female huntresses of the Greenlandic Inuit. These huntresses were not restricted to the typical gender roles of Inuit women, as they were trained to hunt by their fathers. They are described as girls who "behaved and dressed like men", and it might be appropriate to describe them as "transgender" (see: monoskop.org/images/3/34/Mead_…). However, here I did not intend for female Hakoda to be transgender, but to be like the female chiefs "Running Eagle" and Bíawacheeitchish (see: "Men as women, women as men : changing gender in Native American cultures" by Sabine Lang). Her appearance is also a little inspired by the woman chief shown in the Great Divide. Her hair is meant to suggest that at some point in her past, she wore "hair loopies". Her hairstyle is also inspired by the adjacent culture of Kyoshi Island, where woman warriors like Suki cut their hair short and tie it in a wolf's tail.
With Hakoda reimagined as a female chief, I think her relationship to "Sanaaq" might be similar to that of Toph's relationship to Lin. "Sanaaq" would be an aspiring female warrior who endeavors to live up to her warrior mother's legacy.
Hakoda's name is actually Japanese in origin, where he is named after the Hakkoda Mountains. As such, a potential name for his female counterpart could be "Himekawa", the name of a Japanese river.
Since the men of the Southern Water Tribe were all trained as warriors, male Kya wears a warrior's wolf tail like the other men of the tribe. Would he be an impressive warrior or an unimpressive warrior? I'm not sure. Either way, the idea is that he is still the one found in the home, who sacrifices himself when the Southern Raiders invade. In real life, Inuit clothing was styled differently for men and women, where men's reached to the middle of the thigh, while women's reached below the knees (see: books.google.com/books?id=dQcW…). This generally seems to be the case for Southern Water Tribe men and women. However, the comics "North and South" show Thod and Gilak wearing clothes that extend past the knee (see: avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Thod?fi…). This is why I chose to also give male Kya clothing that extends past his knee. It is also supposed to be something that he might wear while inside the home, rather than fighting a battle. I think a good name for him would be "Kayuu", an Aleut name meaning "his strength" (see page 66 of "Ancient Aleut Personal Names": library.alaska.gov/hist/hist_d…)
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inkylotus · 9 months
Katara: Six years ago, you lead a raid on my village, and killed my mother.  Prepare to die. Captain: You got the wrong person! Zuko: You are the captain of the Southern Raiders. Captain: Honest! I was just the first mate.  I wasn’t promoted until Yon Rah retired, two years after he killed her mom.  He’s the one you want. Katara: Oh... Our mistake. Sorry of interrupting whatever... [Katara looks around the deck which is covered in landing craft and weapons.]  Just what was I interrupting? Captain: We are preparing to deliver gift baskets to the Souther Water Tribes. Isn’t that right men? Men: [all shout in agreement] Katara: That’s nice of you.  Remember to stay warm it gets very cold down here.  
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 months
Its not going to be easy for obvious reasons but I do like the sound of Zuko's water bender bf teaching a class on the theory of water bender or just the general culture of the water tribe. Someone probably literally asks if the water tribes live under the water the same way someone in the souther tribe asks if everything is on fire in the fire nation.
The waterbender:
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aziantearz · 2 years
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My art piece I contributed for the @zkbigbang and wonderful fic The Brightest Shade of Sun
[ID: Prince Zuko with his hair tied up in a bun donning the Fire Nation emblem, in Fire Nation winter clothes and cape, Katar is next to him in her Souther Water Tribe winter clothes. Both are looking up to the sky where the Northern lights event is taking place. Zuko is in awe. Katara is indifferent to him but keeps a calm face as they both enjoy the beautiful aurora lights dancing in the sky. They are standing gin front of the tent and surrounded by the snow wall of the Souther water tribes. /END ID]
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multi-musemenagerie · 9 months
I've been reading Avatar Legends and brainstorming for a campaign while at the same time playing Star Wars Jedi: Suvivor and thinking about the parallels between Order 66 and the Air Nomad Genocide and I realized that it makes no sense that there are 0 air benders.
Yes they genocided the temples and I'm sure they hunted down any known air nomads. However, prior to the genocide the nomads didn't live in the temples 100% of the time. They were nomadic. They traveled. Air nomads would go down to other villages to help with issues, travel to spiritual hot spots and sanctuaries. Also sometimes they left nomad culture and got married and had families in other nations. Some even got kicked out for being assholes.
You're telling me the fire nation hunted every single one of them down? Not a single airbender was lucky enough or smart enough to successfully go into hiding?
I call bullshit
Also don't even get me started on Bender genetics. I could write a whole essay on that and it makes it even less possible for the air benders to be completely wiped out, same for the water benders in the souther water tribe as well.
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graciegra · 2 years
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LOK + Scenery [White]
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miss-pan-ac · 2 years
ATLA Fanfic on AO3
So I'm looking for this fanfic on ao3 where Aang released a plague when the iceberg cracked open and Zuko is hunting him down, not to bring him to the fire nation, but to stop him from spreading that plague. I think it might've been like a zombie version of pentapox (bc ig that's real in the story). One of the first victims was one of Zuko's own crew members if I recall correctly. Please help, I've been looking for days :(.
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beifonne · 4 years
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Katara in Tarot Card ‘Temperance’ 
UPRIGHT: balance, moderation, patience, purpose
REVERSED: imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment
Medium: oil on canvas, minimally edited for color correction, border painted digitally.
💙click for better res💙
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stxrrdust · 4 years
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Okay so I'm not good at digital art buuut I tried dis
Ib @bisexuallsokka 's post
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sokkaloveblog · 4 years
someone just told me sokka is a fuckboy... like are we watching the same show or?
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popsunner · 4 years
Y’all- y’all send me prompts about Sokka, Zuko and Aang getting into shit I can’t promise I’ll get to them all but-
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singswan-springswan · 4 years
Mai: that’s it, we’re through! I’m breaking up with you, you slime-headed traitor!
Zuko: you can’t break up with me you incompetent peasant, we’re married!
Mai: fine, then I’m getting a divorce! And I’m taking Izumi with me!
Aang: um, what’s going on?
Izumi: the monopoly game took a little bit longer than Dad anticipated. They’ve refused to leave until a winner is crowned.
Katara: when exactly did you start?
Izumi: uh, I lost track a couple of days ago.
Sokka: popcorn, anyone?
Izumi: ooh,
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Zuko x female reader series: Part Six
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After leaving the firenation you and Zuko track the avatar down, break into a fire nation prison and you get into a fist fight with Sokka...but your fun summer aside, It all comes down the agni kai between Zuko and Azula. Although you’re only there for support you end up doing more harm than good for Zuko...
Part One here
Part Two here
Part Three here
Part Four here
Part Five here
Tagged: @taeeemin​ @creation-magician​ @kaylove12​
The first meeting
After leaving the fire nation you’d found the avatar pretty easily and now it was just the matter of convincing him not to attack you that was the problem. Zuko rehearsed his speech to an audience of you and a frog you’d befriended and you and said frog glanced at one another not convinced as Zuko finished his speech. Zuko saw you expression and groaned “this is stupid! I’ve dragged us out here for no reason, they’re not going to let us stay”. You shook your head “no they will it just depends on what you say! Come on we can get this right! Try again but this time maybe don’t seem so...teriffied?”. Zuko sighed but tried again.
Zuko wouldn’t let you come with him the first time he approached them incase they reacted badly and you agreed only because one fire bender was less intimidating and punchable then two fire benders. Despite all your rehearsal the inital meeting didn’t go well but Zuko eventually managed to get the gang to agree to your presence. He only had to risk getting attacked by them and then save their lives from an assasin, almost dying in the process, but he came back beaming to tell you the gang was expecting you. Zuko led you to their camp and the gang came into view, each and every one of them staring at you. You stared back, putting names to faces and Zuko stopped infront of Aang. “Aang, erm everyone this is y/n, she’s a firebender so she can help teach you aswell”. Aang smiled at you hesitantly but the two water siblings huffed and the earthbender just frowned. “Nice to meet you, cool airbison” you said in greeting and Aang couldn’t resist a smile “thanks his name’s Appa!”. “He’s glorious” you grinned “can i stroke him?”. In reply Appa licked you and you made a noise of disgust and suprise. Aang laughed “that means he likes you! He must smell Zuko on you”. You exchanged a raised eyebrow with Zuko but smiled back at Aang “great I made a friend already!”. The water tribe girl, Katara according to Zuko, made a noise and rolled her eyes walking away. Her brother and the earth bender stared at you but seemed equally curious as they were angry at you, which for a first day you took as a win.
The gang’s reaction to you and Zuko
Straight away you could tell the gang was confused how you and Zuko worked. You knew Zuko had mentioned you were dating but still the gang all seemed shocked at the concept. The Zuko they knew was so different to the one you knew and even though Zuko was never one for PDA even watching him be casually sweet and attentive to you was like seeing a completely different person from the angry man they first met. The day after you arrived Aang started his firebending training and Zuko asked you to help. You were more than happy to but soon realised something was wrong with Zuko. He trired showing Aang the forms but he didn’t have any fire. You basically ended up demonstrating everything to Aang while Zuko got more and more stressed that he couldn’t do it. Aware Zuko didn’t perform well under pressure you told Zuko you should break away from the training session to give him and Aang time to bond. You’d barely been back at camp 10 minutes when Zuko and Aang came into view on their way back to camp, training apparently abandonned. Aang reached you first and explained Zuko still couldn’t fire bend. You looked up the hill to where Zuko was slowly sulking his way back to camp and frowned, he looked sad, his body language defeated, head slumped. You weren’t having this and without a word to the gang marched over to Zuko.
The gang’s POV
The gang watched super confused, and partially fearing for your safety due to the look on Zuko’s face, as you marched over to Zuko. You reached him and they all held their breath. They couldn’t hear what you said but whatever it was made Zuko more upset, he exploded, gesturing wildly to where him and Aang had been training and they all recognised that temper. What they hadn’t seen though was someone control it. You touched Zuko’s hand and his whole body seemed to deflate. You gripped his hand and stared speaking to him calmly with a small smile on your face. Zuko sighed but smiled too and you hugged him tightly. They were all shocked when Zuko sunk into you and wrapped his arms around you burying his head in your neck. You seperated and said something making Zuko smile and took his hand leading him back to the camp. Sokka raised an eyebrow but Katara rolled her eyes “so he’s kind to his girlfriend, big deal he still tried to kill us”.
Zuko and Aang’s went on a fieldtrip to re-learn firebending and when they returned the gang all watched amazed as Zuko animatedly told you details of what had happened. None of them had ever seen the boy smile let alone talk so happily, it was odd. You smiled at Zuko brightly and after he’d told you everything he seated hismelf beside you an arm around you. You leant into him, tracing his hand around you, and Zuko grinned at whatever you were saying. "Is anyone actually buying this?" Katara asked watching and Sokka frowned "what the fire duo?". Katara nodded and Aang shrugged "they seem pretty happy maybe Zuko was always tring to kill us because y/n wasn’t with him". Katara scoffed as Sokka nodded like that was a plausible excuse for trying to kill them.
The first fight
Your first argument with the gang was with Sokka and unsuprisingly it was about food. The daily rations had just been split 6 ways and there wasn’t much of it, something the ever perceptive Toph noticed. "That’s it for food?" she asked when Sokka passed her a bowl and he sighed "yes there’s not much to go around now there’s 6 of us". You were sat nearby and thought the tone Sokka used was very pointed but didn’t comment.  Aang frowned "so we'll get more food, no big deal". "I mean it kind of is a big deal" Sokka sighed "it was hard enough the four of us and now there’s six of us...”. “I needed a firebending teacher Sokka you know that” Aaang shrugged and Sokka rolled his eyes. “Yes and I get letting Zuko in to teach you but do we really need to be responsible for every run away from the firenation?" Sokka asked talking about you. "First it’s his girlfriend but what next? His whole extended family? His gardener? This is hard enough as it is without Zuko’s girl tagging along". "Zuko’s girl? Tagging along?" you asked loudly and Sokka jumped seeing you’d heard. “You think that’s what I did?” you smirked "I was no use to Zuko during the escape, I didn’t help him get here or anything?”. “I didn’t say that” Sokka started but you cut him off “and we brought food too so i’m not the reason food’s short, you’re the one who eats like a horse. I’m just as much an asset as Zuko". Sokka raised an eyebrow "really because he’s a fire bending prince". "And i’m a fire bending navy expert, what can you do?". Sokka blushed "well i....". "Water tribe right?” you said not giving him the chance to repeat himself “but you can’t water bend can you?" you asked smirking as the boy glared "i can still fight" Sokka cried. "Really prove it, fight me" you grinned. Sokka frowned "i’m not going to do that". "Why because i’ll beat you?". "I’m a warrior of the souther water tribe" Sokka argued and you rolled your eyes "big deal i’ve been sparring with Azula Mai and Ty lee since I was 7, have you ever played fire knives with Azula? I don’t think so, you’ll be easy". Sokka glared and you knew you’d triggered him. "Okay no bending" Sokka said and you nodded "sure and no weapons, that includes boomerangs". "Guys are you sure..." Katara started but Toph shushed her “shut up Katara I want to feel Sokka get his ass kicked”. You and Sokka stood feet away from each other and Sokka smirked looking past you to Zuko "don’t worry i won’t hurt her too much" he said cockily and your anger peaked. You were going to teach this water tribesmann who was useless.
_ _ _
The fight over, you and Sokka sat beside one another on the floor. Sokka held an icepack to his head for the swelling, it was the only injury you’d given him Katara couldn’t heal, while you inspected the red mark from where Sokka bit you when you had him in a headlock. "I’m sorry about that" Sokka blushed "i don’t usually bite, it’s not noble for a warrior to do". "Any victory is a victory no matter the means...even if you lost" you replied. Sokka frowned but you smirked at him to let him know you were joking and Sokka laughed. "I let you win". You raised an eyebrow and Sokka sighed "okay maybe i didn’t but there’s no shame in losing to a better opponent". You grinned "friends?" And Sokka nodded "friends".
Zuko and Katara’s POV
Zuko and katara watched you two confused. You’d gone from arguing, to physically attacking one another to now laughing like old friends. "Is she...does y/n always fight people?" Katara asked hesitantly. Zuko shrugged "usually not physically but yeah she does that, does your brother usually bite people?". Katara shook her head "nope just your girlfriend". "I don’t know if i should be offended or pleased?" Zuko frowned.
The prison break
True to your promise, after you fight you and Sokka became fast friends mainly because you had the same reckless energy and it was utter chaos when you two were brainstorming ideas. Zuko was kind of jealous at first but you reassured him he’d always be your best friend even if he was your boyfriend and Zuko didn’t mind as much. Sokka didn’t object to you coming with him to rescue his dad and considering you actually knew where the prison was considered you a pretty important asset.
You were meant to stay on the ship during the prison break but that idea went to pot as soon as the steam made the ship useless. So you entered the prison with Zuko and Sokka and soon enough Zuko got caught. You managed to get the job guarding his cell though so could keep an eye on him when there was an announcement important guests had arrived. Your plan to escape was soon so you ditched your guard uniform and headed to your meeting point when you came across one said important visitor who spotted you straight away.
You swore inwardly but tried to offer a friendly smile incase she was in a forgiving mood "hey Mai...". A knife was embedded in the wall next to you and you nodded "okay okay, before we start trying to kill each other any chance you'll accept my apology, realise me and Zuko didn’t mean to hurt you and let me go?". Mai sent a knife for you and you used your bending to only just knock it off course. "Fine i guess violence is the answer" and launched into an attack. You didn’t want to hurt Mai so mainly avoided her attacks in an effort to tire her so you could then take her out carefully. The best way to do that was to make her lose focus. You’d been told your best weapon in a fight was your mouth, you could make people angry and lose concentration easily and so tried to use some of that now on Mai. "Also just to clarify i’m not fighting you because of Zuko, i mean two girls fighting over a guy is so gross and demeaning i’m fighting you because you’re trying to stab me! Alright? Okay good, just wanted to make that clarification". "Stop talking!" Mai cried and you smirked, it was working. You carried on talking nonesense, apologising for that time at school you’d accidentally fell on her in gym, that time at the dinner party you’d knocked her drink over, that time when you were eight and called her knives dumb etc, until finally Mai’s anger peaked but it didn’t make her an easier opponent, the anger seemed to fuel her. Mai threw a knife and before you could move it landed in your arm. The pain was red hot and more intense that any burn or hit you’d been inflicted before. Angry and barely thinking you retaliated. You yanked the knife out of your arm and sent it right back at her. Mai hadn’t been expecting that and neither had you. It cut her hand and you stared "Mai i’m sorry...". "Stop apologising" she cried trying to attack you again “fight!”. “I don’t want to fight you” you cried and Mai glared “well i’m not letting you go, this doesn’t end until me or you can’t get back up”. You winced “I hate to disagree with you but no”. You shot a wave of fire at her knocking her back against the door of a cell. “Sorry” you winced and kicked her in the chest. She tumbled into the room and you slammed the door shut. Mai beat her fists against the door in rage and you grimanced opening the eye hole. "Mai i’m sorry but I’m not fighting you so this way I don’t have to, i hope you can understand that and some day we can maybe be friends again" and then rushed away. Your escape was still in motion and you had serious time to make up for. You ran down a tunnel and shot out into the sunlight of the main yard. You spotted Zuko and Sokka and worked your way through the crowd to them. You reached Zuko and the others and were panting hard "Mai’s here...very angry...we need to go". Zuko nodded gripping your hand "yep that seems wise, let’s go!". “The barge is this way” Suki cried and you all took off running again.  
You’d finally reached the barge with minimal trouble when the pain in your arm flared and you held it awkwardly trying to ease the pain. Zuko spotted the blood on your arm and frowned “Y/n!”. "It’s fine" you smiled seeing his worry and he shook his head ripping a piece of fabric off his shirt “No it’s not, here”. He wrapped it around your arm tightly "i’m sorry we'll get you back to Katara soon" and squeezed your hand. You smiled and Zuko looked at you for a few more seconds before he had to turn away to help Sokka. Mai wasn’t the only one in the prison, Azula and Ty lee were here too of course. You watched the fight from the barge, furious you couldn’t join in but your arm was making you feel faint so you knew fighting was not an option for you. Azula and Ty lee appeared to be winning but thanks to Mai you got away. You cheered for Mai as she attacked the guards, taking out multiple men at once and Zuko looked at you confused “y/n she just stabbed you”. “But she saved us Zuko” you smiled “my apology worked...that or she just wants to kill us herself...no it’s hopefully the first one!” and then you prompty fainted from blood loss.
_ _ _
When you came round you were back at camp, arm healed courtsey of Katara, Zuko asleep at the foot of your sleeping bag. You sat up carefully not wanting to wake him but Sokka didn’t get the memo. “Y/n” he yelled seeing you and rushed over. Zuko jolted awake and stopped Sokka from touching you “don’t she could still be sore!”. “I’m fine Zuko” you smirked but still he pushed Sokka away from you so he could hug you first. “You worried me when you fainted...I had no idea your arm was that bad...i’m so sorry”. “Don’t be” you smiled “i’m fine aren’t i? and we got Sokka’s dad! and Mai might have forgiven us! All in all it was a good trip”. “Only you could think you almost dying was a success”. “Almost” you said pointedly “almost dying Zuko”. Zuko rolled his eyes and kissed you making Sokka groan “ugh I think I’ll take my hug later...” and left you and Zuko alone.  
The campsite
Azula soon found your hiding place in the western air temple forcing you to move to a camping ground and there was a limited number of tents. Katara was trying to sort out the sleeping arrangements but she miscalculated.  "And y/n you can share my tent" Katara announced, her long and careful explanation finished and you and Zuko exchanged a look. "That’s sweet Katara but i’m fine bunking with Zuko". You’d barely finished your sentance when Sokka spluttered in suprise. "But you can’t do that" Sokka cried and you raised an eyebrow "why not?". "Because you’re dating" he cried but you and Zuko shrugged "and?". “And? well it’s...it’s against the rules! I’m not allowed to share with Suki, tell them Katara!" he cried pushing his sister forwards who frowned awkwardly. "Well we’re older than you" you shrugged and Zuko nodded "and smarter". "Plus we’re engaged" you pointed out and everyone’s eyes widenned "what?". "Is she lying?" Aang asked Zuko shook his head "i mean no...just i didn’t actually ask her my father did it for me but yes, technically speaking we are engaged". You nodded to Sokka "are you and Suki engaged?". "Well no..." he blushed. "Then that’s why you can’t share a tent" you retorted and pulled Zuko’s arm as you went into the tent "night guys". Zuko followed you as Sokka called out protests and Katara just sighed "leave them alone Sokka". Sokka stared mouth wide-open before an idea formed in his head and he started towards Suki’s tent. "Go to your own tent Sokka!" Katara called and Sokka cursed "ow come on!".
You moved around campsites pretty regularly after that incase Azula found you again and ended up in an old villa Zuko’s family owned. Everything was going fine, you had a beach day, Zuko and Aang got better at firebending, you even managed to drag Zuko to the theatre and then Aang went missing. With Aang gone Zuko figured the only person who could take on his father was his uncle and so you set out to find him. Zuko recruited an old friend to help and you soon found King Bumi and the white lotus who took you to Iroh’s camp site. Bumi told Zuko the tent Iroh was in and you saw Zuko tense and fear covered his face. “Don’t worry” you said patting his arm “your uncle will forgive you, just tell him what you told me and it’ll all be okay”. Zuko nodded but seemed unable to do much else, he looked paralysed. “Can you...can you come with me?” Zuko asked softly and your heart exploded in sympathy. “Of course I will” you nodded hugging him tightly. The others all dispersed and you and Zuko walked arm and arm to the tent. Zuko took a breath before entering and you looked at him “ready?”. He nodded looking at you before fixing his eyes on the tent opening and he stepped inside. You followed a few steps behind and saw Zuko look around before his posture slumped. It took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust but Zuko filled you in on what was happening “we should go he’s asleep”. You frowned knowing Zuko wouldn’t get any rest until this was done. “Why don’t we wait for him to wake up?”. Zuko looked at you before nodding “yeah okay”. You sat crosslegged on the floor beside one another waiting for Iroh to wake up. The hours stretched on and on and you felt sleep trying to take you but you resisted. You kept ahold of Zuko’s hand letting him know you were there with him. You were sure the time felt far worse for him and weren’t going to leave him, even if it was just to sleep. When Iroh did move Zuko jumped and you swallowed. “It’s okay” you assured him and he nodded standing up. Zuko moved forwards and you didn’t follow. This should be between him and his uncle, but when Zuko started to cry your heart did crumple slightly. Just as you were begging Iroh to forgive him already he wrapped Zuko into a tight hug and, also crying, forgave him. Tears fell down your cheeks too as you smiled at the sight of Zuko and his uncle. Iroh noticed you when he opened his eyes and he smiled warmly.  "Y/n get in here" Iroh grinned holding out a hand to you. You blushed “ow are you sure? I mean this is your family moment...I don’t want to intrude”. Iroh scoffed "any girl who visited me in prison and snook me snacks is family in my eyes". You grinned and Zuko frowned "wait you visited my uncle in prison?". You shrugged "not too often about once a week". "How did i not know this?" Zuko asked and you paled "i purposefully didn’t tell you, i wanted you to work out your feelings on your own, i hope you’re not mad". Zuko shook his head "of course i’m not mad now come here". You smiled and stepped forward to join the hug between Zuko and Iroh.
Afterwards you caught Iroh up on everything he’d missed and Zuko explained his idea to have Iroh overthrow Ozai. Even as Zuko said it you got the feeling it wouldn’t happen, you could tell by Iroh’s reaction he had something different in mind. When Iroh said it wasn’t him who should be the new firelord you knew where he was going, you’d already been suspecting Zuko should have more say in how the fire nation was run and Iroh apparently agreed. "Me? Firelord?" Zuko asked "but i can’t...". Sokka, Toph, Katara and Suki just looked to you, now very used to you giving Zuko pep talks and you were on it. "You can" you smiled taking Zuko’s hand "i figured you’d have to do it for a while now and you’ve proven yourself Zuko, you can do this". Zuko stared at you blankly as his uncle joined in, listing the reasons why Zuko would make a good ruler. Zuko gripped your hand tighter as what you were both saying set in. "Okay" he barely whispered "i’ll go see Azula and become..." he swallowed and you smiled "you won’t be facing her alone" you told him and Zuko beamed at you.  
The Agni Kai
Judgement day here you and Zuko returned to the fire nation so he could fight his sister. Katara accompanied you as you figured you’d need a healer no matter who won. You landed in the courtyard and told Appa to fly away in case Azula tried to hurt him. You stood behind Zuko, beside Katara, waiting for the fight of his life. If he won he became firelord, if he didn’t...lets just say there’s no way Azula would let any of you live. The fight began and you stayed out of the way of Azula and Zuko’s duel as much as you could. With the comet fueling their bending it was one of the most intense fights you’d ever witnessed but Zuko was performing well. As Azula started to lose you could see her eyeing her surroundings for a way out and she fixed on you. You were ready for this, back at camp Iroh had warned you about this and given you a crash course in deflecting lightning, you pushed Katara back and readied yourself to deflect your first lightning bolt ever as it hurtled towards you. Zuko yelled out chasing it but was too slow, not that it mattered. You caught it and using the technique Iroh had taught you shot it right back at Azula. It worked and you were thrilled until you realised Zuko had been running towards you and was now right in the path of the deflected bolt. The bolt struck both Zuko and Azula within seconds of one another and sent them both flying back at the force. The smoke cleared and you went cold as you saw Zuko smouldering on the ground. "Zuko" you yelled rushing to him, it had hit him on the shoulder and the wound was badly burnt. "Katara" you called and she rushed over. "Heal him! Please! please!" You pleaded "i didn’t mean to hit him, i didn’t know he was so close". Katara worked and you stared at Zuko’s burn, the burn you’d given him until his breathing evened out and you gasped in relief. "I’m going to go make sure Azula’s okay and bind her" Katara told you and you nodded barely even listening as you cradled Zuko "Zuko are you okay?" you asked "Zuko i’m so sorry!". "Don’t be" he smiled weakly "i should’ve learnt long ago you don’t need me to save you, when did you learn to do that? More secret visits with my uncle". "Maybe" you smiled before frowning at Zuko’s burn that would surely form a scar despite Katara’s help "i can’t believe i did that to you". "Don't' Zuko said moving your gaze to his face "you did it, we did, we won". You nodded smiling and hugged him, carefully, but none the less passionately.
When Zuko was well enough you helped him to stand and walked him to the balcony overlooking all of the firenation. Zuko looked over the city below and you followed his gaze. It was still barely light but dusk was approaching and small lights were lighting up around the city. They news would be spreading as you stood here that Zuko was the new firelord and the war was finally over. You smiled standing beside him "surveying your new kingdom? Looking for a place to build a statue of yourself?". Zuko tutted but smiled. "This doesn’t feel normal" he sighed "this...that i’m...". "Firelord" you smiled "Firelord Zuko". Zuko nodded "it even sounds weird you saying it". You smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist. Zuko didn’t hesitate to wrap his around your shoulder. "It sounds weird now but you’re going to be an amazing Firelord Zuko, you’re kind and smart and actually want to help people! We haven’t had a firelord with that mentality in...well forever! I have total faith in you". Zuko sighed "i’m glad someone does". "Hey" you said tilting his face to yours "remember what i said to you on that ship all that time ago, i never lie about important things. You will be an amazing Firelord Zuko, just you wait and see". Zuko smiled and kissed you softly. You smiled stroking his cheek as you kissed him back. Zuko broke away but pulled you to his chest wrapping his arms around you. You smiled looking out at the city. "With you with me i can’t mess this up too badly right?". You smiled "that’s right, together we can handle this".
2 years later
"Y/n" Zuko groaned as you messed with his hair but he didn’t push you away. You’d been on your longest voyage since you’d been dating and honestly Zuko wouldn’t push you away from him even if you were stabbing him he’d missed you so much. You’d returned this morning after a 6 month naval trip to the water tribe and Zuko had left your side once. He had to leave for a small disaster in one of the colonies and that had killed him but now he was back in his rightful place beside you and that was all that mattered. You were messing with his hair, trying to get his hair free of the crown he’d had to put on to attend his crisis meeting. You were never of a fan of anything restricting Zuko’s hair and finally yanked the clip from his hair and smiled as it fell down in all it’s glory. "There" you said patting his shoulders and Zuko shook his head blowing a piece of hair out of his face. "Y/n you know i can’t have my hair down all the time". "But why not? You’re the Firelord and now is the time for important changes!". Zuko rolled his eyes but smiled "and this is the big change you think i should make?". You nodded "ow yes, you need to look respectable as Firelord and with your hair down you look really really good" you sighed and Zuko smirked. "Well i’m glad you like it but it’s not practical, how would i even wear my crown?" Zuko asked and you frowned before pushing him down so you could reach his head. "Hmmm maybe we could fashion a little stand, or pin some pieces to hold it in place...". "That sounds like a lot of effort" Zuko commented when you gasped "or you could plait it!". "Plait it?" Zuko asked and you nodded. "I saw lots of men with plaits in their hair in the water tribe on my visit, Sokka’s dad has one and it looks very good on a man". Zuko raised an eyebrow "you think Sokka’s dad looks good?". "No...well yes Hakoda is hot but you’re missing the point, let’s do your hair like that!". "No i think we should go back to the Hakoda’s hot part..." Zuko commented but you hushed him and pushed him to sit on the floor as you fiddled with his hair. Zuko sighed but liked the feeling of you playing with his hair so smiled and closed his eyes. You were gentle and your touch soft so Zuko relaxed into you until you abruptly stood up "done!". You showed Zuko himself in the mirror and he smiled "wow it does look good". "I told you" you grinned when the door opened and Sokka walked in. You’d brought him back from your trip as a suprise for Zuko and he’d wasted no time settling into the palace and letting himself into rooms without knocking apparently. "Zuko where do you...." Sokka started before he stopped dead in his tracks seeing Zuko’s hair. He started laughing with glee while crying "water tribe!" multiple times as he pointed at Zuko "you’ve got a water tribe hairstyle!". "Yeah y/n apparently thinks they look good on the men in your tribe" Zuko said raising an eyebrow, still not over your comment about Sokka’s dad, but you weren’t listening. As soon as Sokka heard you could plait hair he’d grabbed you "do mine! do mine!" and shook his hair loose. Zuko watched as you pulled Sokka’s hair into a plait delicately until it looked like his. "Finished" you smiked and Sokka rushed to the mirror before laughing at himself in glee too. You smiled as Sokka grabbed Zuko "we look like twins!". Zuko raised an eyebrow but you saved him the effort of replying "now do mine Sokka!". Sokka complied and you made Zuko watch so he could do it for you when Sokka wasn’t here.
Plaits all finished it was quiet a sight, the three of you sat together with matching hairstyles. You had a games night and then relaxed and chatted. You soon fell asleep against Zuko, your journey and reunion with him tiring you out too much to wait for Sokka to leave, and unbothered Zuko and Sokka carried on chatting.The conversation went quiet and Sokka looked at you "is she asleep?" he whispered and Zuko frowned "y/n?" he called but you didn’t stir "i think so". Sokka smiled "so wanna see the necklace?". Zuko nodded and Sokka went into his pocket pulling out the betrothal necklace Zuko wanted. "I had Piandao help me make it like you wanted" Sokka told him and opened the box. Zuko didn’t want a design exactly like the water tribe one, the fire nation was different and so a different necklace was needed. The one he asked Sokka to make was thinner, with a black cord crisscrossing several times before dipping down where a red stone sat, glimmering in the light. Zuko grinned, it was exactly like he’d imagined it. "Do you think she'll like it?" Sokka asked and Zuko nodded looking down at you "yes". "Well she better or she’s never going to say yes to marrying you". Zuko gulped, that was true but Sokka hit his arm "i was joking, of course she'll say yes, she loves you more than anything, anyone can see that just watching you two together". Zuko smiled down at you asleep against his chest and thought about the proposal he’d prepared. He was going to take you to your favourite restuarant, a tradition you’d still kept up even after he turned into the firelord, and treat you to your favourite foods. Then you’d walk back to the palace through all your favourite spots in the gardens and end up by the turtle duck pond. He’d have your turtleduck come over with the necklace securely attached to his back and Zuko would ask you then and there. "I hope so" he sighed when you moved in your sleep suddenly. "Zuko can we go to bed" you yawned "i’m tired and the light is very bright". Zuko and Sokka froze as you sat up and you frowned "what? Did i drool or something when i was napping?". They both sighed in relief, you hadn’t heard. "Yeah we can go to bed" Zuko nodded and Sokka stood up "i’ll see you guys tomorrow" and sneakily left the box on a table for Zuko. You were oblivious already pulling the covers back to get into bed. Sokka grinned at Zuko and made his way to the door "night y/n" he called and you said a sleepy reply before face diving into the bed. Zuko smirked closing the door and turning the light off before joining you. You sighed sleepily as Zuko snook closer to you and pulled you against him. You shuffled your head getting comfy against him and eventually stopped "goodnight Firelord" you said sleepily and Zuko smirked, he still hadn’t gotten used to it but he liked how it sounded when you said it. "Goodnight y/n" he smiled kissing your head but you were already asleep. "I really hope you say yes" he whispered before resting his head beside yours and going to sleep.
You said yes of course.
So that’s it! I had to get in a comment about Zuko’s hair progression one last time because honestly that was one of the greatest things about the whole series. This was kinda hard to write cus so much happened once Zuko joined the gaang but i tried to split it into parts so hopefully it wasn’t too disjointed 😐
Thank you for all the likes and support it means a lot :)
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