#sorry just saw james shaw being harassed by an anon and couldn't stop laughing
townofcrosshollow · 1 year
Y'know way before I got involved with IF myself I tried a free trial of a COG game (no idea which) and immediately uninstalled it cause the UI looked like it was designed by an intern in 2005 and I just assumed the actual story would be just as low-effort. Like until I learned what their actual business model was (taking a massive cut from people with actual talent) their entire vibe was so "shitty mobile app developer" that I completely dismissed them. So like. What exactly are writers getting for signing away 75% of their revenue? A shitty coding language that's basically just "Renpy if it couldn't do anything," baby's first UI, and a marketing campaign that consists of an overpaid social media manager writing a tweet? Lmao
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