#sorry i don't have visuals for this.. i definitely still want to draw the avery picture
resetting37 · 10 months
World building Wednesday: Academia in Evelow
This week I want to talk about higher education in Evelow ! There's the standard grade levels stuff (elementary, high schools, etc.) but I want to talk about colleges, that's more interesting lol
of course college isn't necessary for Evelonians, but because Evelow is such a hot pot of history, art, and science, there's lots of opportunities to learn more.
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map of Evelow for reference. Ignore the landmarks outside the city.
There are two community colleges, one for the east village and one for the west village. If you don't live in one of these villages and you don't want to commute, there are online courses available. They're sister schools so they're just called east village and west village community colleges (evcc and wvcc).
Since many of my ocs live in the east village, some of them are currently enrolled. Heidi is taking some general courses and may or may not transfer to university, but she also thinks university is kind of a scam, so she's indecisive.
Advik is also taking art classes there. Which, speaking of art classes...
There's an art school in the golden district. (You can't see the tiny font, but it's at the top of the map) The Golden district is already a major hub for the arts, so no wonder they'd have the art school there. Music, theater, etc. is all found here.
Also, no. Advik did not want to live in the golden district. Which is why he doesn't want to go to the "bigger fancier" art school.
There's one university, but it's rather large and includes graduate programs. University of Evelow, what a title. It's located downtown, but they have a satellite campus in the East Village, which is where Avery currently goes for her masters degree in history. (I had an accompanying picture for this in mind, but I don't have time to start that today, so we may see it later this week lol)
With this in mind I just wanted to make a collection of all of my ocs currently in school:
As mentioned, Heidi is at EVCC for communication and Advik for fine arts
Avery is at Uni (I really don't want to call it UE..) for masters in History. The academics have had conflicts with the scholars (those are two different things, yes, i can explain) and since Avery has worked in the temple, she is at a crossroads
Echo is pursuing their doctorates in genetics. Just because their clone has the degree doesn't mean Echo is automatically entitled to it. Clone laws only get you so far, you have to earn some things lol
Ian is at Uni for communication. (Heidi rolls her eyes)
Celeste takes a class or so at the university for funsies. She's not intending on majoring in anything, she just likes learning about the world.
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