#sonic prime is epik
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"Liquid soundwaves pour from my eyes
My heart cries out to you, in desperation"
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Now, Nine had options...technically. but he would rather chew and swallow a car tire than go back to New Yoke. and Grim held some fresh scars and tainted memories which scratched it out of the question as well. So the best next option was go with Sonic' never wavering offer and staying at Tails' workshop in the fabled Green Hill Zone. Well maybe there was a secret third way, but for that Nine would have to start from scratch, and after all that's happened combined with his lack of knowledge on the world he currently found himself in, it would be too much a of a complicated task to carry out. So begrudgingly, he stays as a permanent guest at the workshop with Tails.
Speaking solely in the terms of the workshop itself, first feew weeks in there feelt off, extremely so. The uncanny familiarity of a place he never actually been to was sending Nine into a constant state of Deja vi and second guessing. He knew exactly where to reach and which cabinet to open when looking for a tool he was never even the one to sort in such a spot. Without thinking he typed in passwords that let him through on devices and save files which didn't belong to him. Not to mention being jumped and sent into fight or flight everytime he was reminded he was not alone in the building, and that this was not his lab.
Instead of the cold and depressing color palette of metal and poisionous green neon, the main building block of this place was wood, golden and real wood, which was more often than not draped in the same warm and bright sunlight that leveld with the flaring color of the computer screens and making them blend in, less noticable an eyestraining.
The ambience was something Nine later decided he liked. Not quite of the droning emptiness filling the Grim or the never ending screech and rumble of traffic and machinery back in New Yoke, but he wouldn't exactly say it was something in between either. There was noise yes, but it was so sporadic and... natural that to Nine, it felt like anything but. It was peaceful. Calm. A light, fresh and alien feeling draped over the suffocating yet familiar blueprint of the only place he ever felt safe in.
He could learn to call this place home in a feew months.
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Heyyyy welcome.to my little hole in the wall where I talk about one guy 90% of the time. Hope you enjoy your stay, and now that I've actually made something of each I've sort of sorted it into tags mainly for my own current and future convenience
Miles nine prower / Sonic Prime- I talk about this guy. A lot.
Silly brainworms -my thoughts and essays about specific things (Nine), not my random talking posts, those are untagged so one has the grace of seeing them only when they're made!!
Me does arts / littold doold / actually finished doodl - pretty self explanatory, I draw sometimes, but please don't look anything from before May 2023. Though I don't know why I felt the need to sort them into three separate categories
Me when I finish writing - Im bad at getting stories in my head to words so this is for the feew drabbles I actually finish and feel confident enough to post here
Shoelace the snake - my Sonicsona I drew and kinda got actually attached to
>Now onto the AUs!!!
Prime bros / The same but different - Nine didn't die alone and miserable in the void, instead he lives in Green hills alongside the other foxes, trust me bro!!! Also pretty much everyone is welcome to make posts into the prime bros tag!! I'd love more people making the sillies interact since the show refused to give it to us
Dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery- self indulgent set of crossovers I created based on an old UT AU I was obsessed with at 13. This a blanket tag for two more AUs I've made which is one; Running from a nightmare - Nightmare!Sans has been set loose in Sonic's world by Eggy and he causes psychological problems and two; The Three Of Them - in which Nine Night and Nimona hang out because I love them and think they'd have an epik dynamic
Prime arcane - another self indulgent crossover exept this time I'm mashing a tragedy show and its "for kids" version and putting Nine through the horrors Jinx went through, I need to actually make more stuff for this dggdhdh
>And there's probably more, I'll definitely edit this later
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