#sometimes what you need when you're struggling to write a particular story is an interlude in a new pov... thank you for prompting this
sionisjaune · 6 months
🎁 I am, as you know, the biggest cneu fan... 👀 but if you're not in the mood for that i'll honestly love anything with nico or jenson in it to bits!! You write them so well after all Anyways happy holidays to one of my favourite authors <3 I've been saving your latest fic as a treat for the break so I prommy I'm getting to it very soon!
🎁mutuals get ficlets for the holidays!🎁
After smoking the rest of Jenson’s pre-rolls with his feet on Jenson’s lap, Nico peels himself off the sofa and follows Jenson to his bedroom at the back of the flat. Jenson watches him strip to his boxer briefs, throw his clothing in a pile in the corner, and flop on top of the sheets. He wiggles on the bed, twisting his spine like a cat, with a half-lidded expression that’s almost seductive. He’s just stoned. Jenson leaves his clothes on and climbs onto the bed after him. 
“Cheetah print?” says Nico, flicking his fingers lazily at the pillow shams lying against the headboard. “God, you’re so tacky.” 
“Never had any complaints,” says Jenson. Nico is sprawled across the exact center of the bed, somehow managing to consume all of the space on Jenson’s California king. It’s been a while since Nico last slept over. Usually it’s just spilling out of the back of a cab in the early hours of the morning, stumbling through the door of Jenson’s flat, and passing out on top of the sheets. Nico’s been occupied lately, though, with his racing driver. That anxious, possessive one that Jenson met in London. 
Nico hums, sliding the outside of his thigh against Jenson’s, hooking a finger in the neck of his shirt and tugging him closer. 
“You haven’t hit on me yet today,” says Nico, silkily. 
“I’ve been on my best behaviour,” says Jenson. He can feel himself grinning. Against his better judgement, he allows Nico to pull him closer. 
“I like you better misbehaving,” Nico purrs. His hips are about an inch away from Jenson’s dick, and he’s hardly wearing anything, just his lithely muscled body and the soft tousle of his hair. His cheeks are pinker than usual—not that Jenson spends much time admiring him in the daylight—and the skin under his eyes is flat and opaque. Jenson’s used to seeing blue veins and dripping mascara and flecks of glitter on his cheeks. 
Jenson curls over him, feeling rather like he’s shielding Nico from the world outside his bed. “Oh yeah?” he says. 
Nico nods, eyes dark and pupils wobbly, and employs the hand in Jenson’s collar to pull him down for a sudden kiss. Jenson feels momentarily like he’s being swallowed by the cloud of Nico’s hair and the heat of his body. Dry lips meet his mouth and a warm leg hooks around his calf. But just as quickly, Nico’s mouth is gone and he’s rolling away, hiding his face in the pillow. Jenson finds he's able to admit to himself that the print is a bit silly now that Nico's blonde hair is spilling across it. It looks like the kind of pillow a heartbroken teenage girl would bury her head in and cry into. 
“What the fuck was that?” says Jenson, blinking. Nico’s face is still turned the other way. Jenson tamps down on the urge to trace the smooth line of his naked back. “You weren’t actually going to fuck me, were you?”
Nico’s head shifts in the pillow. “I was going to try,” he says, muffled. 
“Bloody hell,” says Jenson. “You never want to fuck me.” 
“Still don’t, apparently,” says Nico. “God. This fucking pillow.” Jenson watches him wrestle it out from under his head and lob it violently at the wall. It nearly hits a lamp and lands in a sad heap on the floor. “My life is over,” says Nico. 
Jenson collects himself, ordering his blown-wide brain. He and Nico don’t fuck. Nico fucks everyone but him, including closeted racing drivers. Nico is his best friend, probably, and Jenson hasn’t seen him properly in months, and now Nico tries to kiss him and bails out at the last second. 
“It’s that guy, isn’t it,” says Jenson. He shifts on top of the sheets, pushing himself up to a sit. “You’ve been spending less time in London since I met him.” The muscles in Nico’s back twitch. 
“Fuck you,” says Nico, depleted. “Did you know I haven’t fucked anyone but him in months? And he’s away half the time anyway, so mostly I’m just alone, but I’d rather be alone than fuck anyone else.” He uncurls and rolls towards Jenson, still awfully feline, his arms tucked towards his chest. “And did you know that he’s faster than me too?” Nico blows out a frustrated breath. “And he, fuck, wants me to be sober when I’m with him, and—” 
Jenson arranges his head on the remaining pillow, facing Nico. The amount of separation between their bodies is almost platonic. “You know I would never ask that of you,” he says, trying to make it into a joke. 
“That’s why I like you,” says Nico. He untucks his head from the chest and opens his eyes, red-rimmed and shaky. “We’re going to do a fucking mountain of coke tomorrow, okay?” 
Jenson reaches forwards to brush a lock of hair out of Nico’s eyes. “Whatever Britney wants,” he says. 
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