#sometimes it makes me a little sad when people dub things that aren't really 'just' romantic
Ghost and Roach being the type of best friends that do things like cuddling, laying on top of each other, going to each other's rooms and sometimes sleeping there, anoying each other constantly, sometimes even (more roach) giving kisses in the cheek and forehead (sometimes as a way to annoy but mostly as affection) and just being extremely close together but all very, platonically (maybe some people think they have a thing going on but no they don't, they are just best friends and have know each other for very long)
And then Soap comes
And kinda starts doing the same thing (after getting closer to Ghost) Roach and Ghost already do
And for sometime everyone is like 'Oh, this is normal, they're close friends too...'
Not Roach tho. Roach clocked those two dumbasses with the 🤨 stare the first time he saw them cuddling.
So one day he comes up to Ghost and is like: 'So you like Soap.'
Ghost: No, I don't???
Roach: 🧐 you cuddle with him.
Ghost: We do the same!
Roach: Yeah but you look stupid while doing it.
Ghost: No, I don't.
Roach: 🧐🤨
Ghost: ...
Ghost: okay maybe I do like him a little but-
Roach: 😏
Ghost: I'll kill you
All I'm saying is that Roach and Ghost are besties and AS THE BEST FRIEND Roach has the job to call the bullshit when he sees it
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etheweirdo · 26 days
Frieren Thoughts (Some spoilers)
Recently completed Frieren, man what an anime. The double hitter of that and dungeon meshi was wild. I really don't think any fantasy story was as interesting to me since LotR, and bam two right back to back that I watched/read. Watched the dub of frieren cause I like her voice in it and it was very good, everyone sounded like they should I felt.
Frieren ended up being this really beautiful story about life, death, and the regrets of never knowing what you had until it's gone. It's obviously more extreme since elves live like hundreds of years if not longer, but I think it honestly makes it so impactful as you (and frieren) realize just how much the little time she had with some people meant. Honestly reminded me a lot of old friends and coworkers that I only knew for like a year or two and how despite that there are a lot of things that changed me in that span of time. This is one of those shows that makes me sad when I hear people say they don't like metaphors for things and just want only literal interpretations of things. I think by using such an exaggeration of the idea it really makes you reflect on it more.
One other thing I actually really like about Frieren is how the characters are all sorta immature in different but real ways. I and a lot of my family can be childish in a lot of ways, but not like in a detrimental way. It's something I don't think I've actually seen in an anime I feel like? Like there are characters that just like act like kids, but like, sometimes adults just will hold childish grudges or act a bit immature. So despite frieren acting really old and wise, she still has some childish qualities that do make her feel real (again, a lot of characters are like this).
I enjoy the pacing of the first like 18 episodes over the last ten, I think when it started doing the tests, the pacing slowed way down. Also man I hate when anime does the thing where it just kinda reiterates the same thing over and over (Test 2 was really bad about this, I think it could've been like 1 or 2 episodes shorter and been basically the same).
But yeah, it was just a really fun watch the whole time. This is really my favorite kind of shows where it's basically episodic, but you can tell that the characters did experience the things that happen and aren't reset after each episode. I think that's why delicious in dungeon/dungeon meshi also got a strangle hold on me.
Anyways, as per usual when I like a show expect some fan art.
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