#sometimes i wonder how old luke was when he found out that owen's father bought anakin's mother
anghraine · 1 year
I've always been sympathetic to Luke, but the prequels' Skywalker backstory definitely makes me more so.
I've heard people dismiss him for playing with an old toy while complaining about being made to stay on a desert hellworld dominated by slave-owning gangsters, since Leia's a hardened revolutionary at the same time.
I think Luke's dislike of Tatooine is actually entirely legitimate based on the OT alone, given what he likely knows, but then it turns out that the slave-owning gangsters owned Luke's father and grandmother.
Luke doesn't know anything about Padmé and he doesn't have Leia's visions of her, so he has no sense of a legacy from lush Naboo or the apparently prosperous Naberries. His world is Tatooine and the legacy he's intensely conscious of is Anakin's, and Owen and Beru's. And I mean, Owen is Luke's uncle because Owen's father bought Luke's grandmother and freed her to marry her. She was later captured from the farm and tortured to death; Luke would see her memorial on a regular basis as he helps extract moisture on the farm.
He has every right to complain about being stuck on Tatooine—and always did IMO, but after the prequels? Whew.
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