#sometimes I go afk and don't recall what I was doing
gray-soul · 8 months
What your Valorant main says about you in my perspective after playing Valorant for some time (and as a Cypher main):
Brimstone - Oh I can trust you with everything, Daddy Brim for the win. You either have a ton of lineups for that molly which land and you often clutch or if you're a new Brim enjoyer you die inside as your lineups don't land and the enemy gets the win. You're either very responsible, or just like how much of a meme he is. I like ya.
Viper - You're either a mean egirl, or just some guy that swears he only plays her because he can't smoke. We all know you're just here for her hotness, which I can't argue with. I don't recall many bad Vipers, and as I play as her sometimes you're a solid person.
Omen - oh come on who doesn't main Omen. He is a solid character that has a good kit, good background and is overall fun. You're either an edgy kid that tps instead of walking or you're actually just a chill m8. Please if you play in low elo learn how to smoke, it is painful to see some of these smokes fr. No Agos, I will not main him just because he looks cool. Also some of you that play as Omen are actual sweethearts that smoke me if I ping, and I appreciate you for that.
Killjoy - You're either fun, or you instalock and then tell me the most obvious fact about placing trips. If you instalock KJ and then force me to fill, well you're rude. Don't do that. I used to main KJ and please for the love of God change that turret position sometimes. Sometimes maining KJ is a phase, other times it's a lifestyle. Get off tiktok while you're chilling in backsite and maybe sometimes get off B on ascent. Everyone knows the KJ setup on B ascent and it's boring af /j. Overall you're chill, unless you get on my nerves with using your alarm bot on flank when there's already my trip there.
Cypher - You have good taste my friend. Even though it pains me when you don't have any setups, or when you place a bad trip on flank. Just kneel, and get that damn trip at the right hight. But overall you're fun if you know anything about using his utility, but you're making me cringe if you don't use the damn utility at all. Trip flank well, use that damn camera flash, and don't play like a duelist.
Sova - You probably played CS before switchinf to Valorant. You're most of the time a chill person, sometimes you steal avaragejohnas's lineups, sometimes you make your own. I love teaming up with a Sova and destroying people. You're cool, but the disrespect I feel when you kill me with a shockdart is agonising
Sage - Unpopular opinion, I don't like bad Sage mains. Specifically battle Sages. Oh for heaven's sake IF I PLACED A TRIP ON FLANK DON'T WASTE THE DAMN WALL TO COVER IT! This should be common sense! Your wall has so much potential bro! Or when you revive someone just to waste your ult at the end of the round, or when you only heal yourself. But. If you're a good Sage, I bow and kneel to you. Because you are a mountain.
Phoenix - Flash me again and I will find and punch your ass.
Jett - You're dead.
Reyna - A lot of times I have more kills than you, and yet you're calling me bad fr. You go mid and don't do entry then die giving the enemy a number advantage orrr you're afk. There was only one Reyna main that was fun to play with and it was an 11 year old boy.
Raze - eghem: "MY TRIPSS NOOOOOO" I yell after a Raze nade destroys my trip. I like my team Raze, because you're chill, probably love movement characters and have a good music taste, but the enemy Raze always makes me dead inside.
Breach - Oh you're cool I like you. Basically the same reaction as with Brim mains. You're a solid part of the team.
Skye - Flash me again and I will kill you part 2. You're either a great source of info, or you're a troller. You're alright ^-^
Yoru - You either troll or pop off. Flash me again and I'll kill you part 3
Astra - Never seen a bad Astra main. You're probably having the time of your life playing this forsaken game. You're smiling after basically getting match mvp and drinking tea. You're a great person.
Kay/O - flash me again and I'll slay you part 4, I love a good Kay/O main, and sometimes I wish I was you. Kay/O is hot.
Chamber - You're popping off too hard, and Riot next patch will nerf you. Or you're a child, or a simp.
Neon - Please stop only buying a judge just so you'll have funky clips. 90% of the time it doesn't work. Other then that you're a very chill person.
Fade - Emo girl or an Emo boy. You're very chill, miss your lineups if you even have them and basically chill.
Harbor - You.... exist? Wow. Yeah Harbor can be hard, and if you master him, congrats! But I do have a lot of clips where I destroy Harbors...
Gekko - Let's be Honest you would die and will die for your silly animals. Wingman stole your heart.
Deadlock - Instalock her and I'll laugh in your face. I'm sorry but she's imo one of the worst Sentinels. Please choose a better character... please.
Anyway, this was made in a /j manner. Don't come after me if you feel insulted. This is all for fun and you should play who you want to play ^-^.
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churchsplayground · 2 years
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An updated version of this, I felt it might be a bit misleading putting Knight on there in their original form so I changed it to their current one. They're all in lizard gremlin mode now, peets for everyone!
There's a break here for me just explaining some things on it and about them, mainly just info-dumping. I didn't want the post to get too long. Read if you wanna I don't mind 💖
Disclaimer: They're a system, Read this with that in mind.
These are all the symbiotes that are currently (active) within the Knight symbiote.
Everyone listed can front if they want, But the most common ones to front are Church (usually always fronting) and Knight (always a Co-front). Knight front's when Church is sleeping as to avoid Glaive kicking everyone to the back and doing what he wants. Even the times when Glaive does front Knight will quietly watch and throw him out of front if needed. (Yes they can kick each other out of front, but it doesn't always work if they're really determined. If no one is fronting it's fuckin a free game.)
Glaive gets a bit reckless and wild and no one needs that little gremlin committing a crime.
Ruse is rare to front and only does so when Knight or Church are able to watch him. He's not allowed to front alone thanks to Patrick. But, weeeee really don't talk about that 🎶
Knight is very hesitant to leave Ruse with people, but sorta tunes in and out when with Edan because Edan has had a few jobs working with young children, and ya know' he's pretty sure she's not gonna do nothin' to hurt him. He has major anxiety tho so, not happening.
A note about the 'yrs' thing under their stuff is just I guess their age in a human equivalent??
It doesn't always match up to their actual age such a Ruse. The first age, like 2 years old/3 years old, Is was just when they formed.
An example is Ruse, Ruse was the first one to break off of Orig. So he's about the same age as their body, Knight and Church were a year later so they're only 2 years old. Glaive is the most recent one to form and is about 1/2 a year old. (Should be noted Glaive isn't from Orig. he's from Church, Orig. was basically gone after Church and Knight)
Anyway yeah, Ruse may be the oldest in that sense but he's absolutely a child compared to everyone else.
A note on "Last bit of Orig." under Ruse's info. This means, well, he has every memory that Orig had but usually blocks it out until someone says something that triggers him to remember things. He'll often go on small tangents talking about things no one else recalls. A prime example of this is every time someone asks his name he usually goes off like:
"Oh, that's easy! My names Knight, I was named after the chess piece, you know my siblings they--"
Proceeds stop talking and dead stare into space for a solid minute.
"Huh? Oh, Hiya! My name? My names Ruse! Dunno why!"
He does this with various topics at seemingly random times. No one has any idea what he's talking about and just assumes he's having a 'moment' again, Ruse isn't always there sometimes. The dude's been through a lot I don't blame him for going Afk mentally sometimes.
Double triple note on Ruse's height it says [4'6"] that's his actual height in their inner world. He however cannot make his host smaller so he defaults to 5'2" which he finds odd suddenly being taller.
Anyway yeah thank youuuuu bye bye till next post 🤣
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