#somebody let me know if they want that. bc it's like the epitome of 'bestie you should perhaps not use that theme just for the aesthetic'
cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
you know I think one problem with like. trying to write a critique for inscryption that most people probably only experienced it through markiplier. much like with pony island.
I feel like most people already knew like half of what was going on and were already invested in the lore and ARG and whatnot, rather than actually experiencing the game itself like a normal person. I think it's also prominent with Inscryption because the game itself is written under the assumption that the average player is already a fan of Daniel Mullins' shtick and is used to it.
And I guess when you're coming at it from there, you're primed not to look into the game from any other angle and miss a lot of the cool things it had going on that it never followed up with. The Scrybes representing the creative process. Their blue and orange morality. A critique of the game industry literally kiling one of its employees for business reasons.
like. you know what happened to luke carder. That literally happened 2 years after the game released:
and it would've been such a biting critique if Inscryption had genuinely leaned into that theme as a cautionary tale! Like holy shit, that'd be one of the most important fucking contributions to the medium of video games as an artform you could make!
But as it stands, Luke's plotline is only really there because the developer wanted to join this game to the Hex, and because there's an ARG. It's obviously not the fault of the dev that this happened. But it feels almost insulting that he came up with a theme this relevant and real and then just. Did not give it the gravity it deserved.
I've heard a similar thing happened with Ace Attorney twitter where half the fandom apparently hasn't played the fucking game. I mean with AA it's more forgivable because it's a visual novel, but it comes from the same desire to just join in the latest fandom without actually engaging with the art it comes from.
idk I just think. maybe people should experience things for themselves instead of getting their opinions from a third party standing over their shoulder. It'd make for more interesting art.
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