techniktagebuch · 5 months
Dezember 2023
Vier tage off-grid
Im Juni erfahre ich über Werbung bei Facebook von “Scott’s Pods”, einem Glampingunternehmen im Südwesten Schottlands. Man kann dort “off grid cabins” mieten. Ich buche sofort vier Nächte im Dezember, und erfahre bei der Gelegenheit, dass ich der erste Kunde bin. Diese Empfehlungsalgorithmen von Facebook funktionieren manchmal besser als man so ahnt. 
Seit 2020 wohne ich häufiger mit dem Hund in Glampinghütten, aber “off grid” hat sich noch keine genannt. In diesem Fall bedeutet es: Strom aus einem Quadratmeter Solarzellen, der für LED-Lichter und ein paar andere Kleinigkeiten reicht. Kochen mit einer Gasflasche. Ein Holzofen zum Heizen. Trinkwasser in Flaschen. Regenwasser in Kanistern zum Waschen. Ein Kompostklo. Ich bin im Dezember der einzige Gast, und, soweit ich das überblicke, ist dort nie besonders viel los. Ich bin seit Eröffnung im Juni der erste, der länger als zwei Nächte bleibt. Vielleicht ist die Anzahl der Leute, die “off grid” leben möchten, doch geringer als man glaubt. Oder die meisten Leute würden gern irgendwann wieder einmal duschen.
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Außerdem werben meine Vermieter mit der Abwesenheit von Internet. Es gibt kein Wifi, und äußerst mangelhaften Handyempfang. Draußen flackert das Netz an manchen Ecken herum und man kann kurz den Wetterbericht anschauen. Aber drinnen kommt fast gar nichts an. Ich schreibe eine Nachricht an Kathrin, lege das Handy zehn Minuten oben auf das Regal, und dann ist sie angekommen. Es fühlt sich an wie Telegrafieren. Ich habe das Chromebook dabei, aber da es nur Apps enthält, die das Internet brauchen, ist es ein nutzloses Stück Plastik und bleibt im Rucksack. 
Digitaler Entzug fällt mir sehr leicht. Es gibt also kein Internet, sagt mein Gehirn, also muss ich was anderes tun. Wir schlafen sehr viel, mein Gehirn und ich. Wir laufen sehr viel rum, mein Hund und ich. Und ich lese Bücher, auf dem Handy, aber vor allem Papierbücher, die in der Hütte herumliegen. Nach anderthalb Tagen habe ich einen Krimi durch, der immerhin vierhundert Seiten lang ist. Nach drei Tagen einen zweiten. Zu Testzwecken lese ich danach ein völliges anderes Genre, was mit Liebe und Kindern und Tod und Erwachsensein, und auch das geht einfach so weg, wie eine Tüte Gummibären. Ich habe seit sicher zehn Jahren keine Bücher mehr auf Papier gelesen, und seit ebensovielen Jahren nicht mehr zwei Bücher in drei Tagen. Die Bücher sind okay, aber nicht mal besonders gut. Es fühlt sich so an, als würden Routinen, die seit langem im Hinterkopf abgelegt waren, wieder aktiv werden. “Einfach alles weglesen, so wie damals.”
Ich will keinesfalls behaupten, dass Bücherlesen, so am Stück, irgendwie besser ist als den ganzen Tag online sein. Aber es ist jedenfalls anders. Es fühlt sich anders an. Es erfordert eine andere Art Konzentration, andere motorische Fähigkeiten (umblättern!), und es führt zu anderen Gedanken. In meinem Fall denke ich vier Tage lang praktisch gar nicht über Astronomie oder Teleskope oder Universität nach, oder über die ganzen anderen Dinge, die ansonsten meinen Alltag kontrollieren. Stattdessen habe ich beim nächtlichen Hundespaziergang im sehr dunklen Wald alle möglichen Gedanken über grausame Verbrechen. War dann aber doch nur ein Hase. Oder ein Fuchs. Wie gesagt, nicht besser oder schlechter, aber eindeutig anders.
Bis vor einigen Jahren zog ich mich jeden Winter für ein paar Nächte in die Berge zurück, alleine im Zelt, und zwar in eine Gegend ohne Handymasten. Statt im Internet zu sein, lag ich lange Nächte im Zelt, hörte dem Wind zu, und las Bücher  auf dem Handy, so ähnlich wie jetzt auch. Ich betrachtete das damals als eine Art Aufräumen im Kopf, ein Neustarten. In Wahrheit ist es wohl einfach eine andere Art, den Kopf zu konfigurieren, ein Umschalten. Es wäre schön, wenn ich in der Lage wäre, beides gleichzeitig zu tun, ohne in eine internetlose Gegend fahren zu müssen, aber offenbar bin ich dafür nicht diszipliniert genug. Ich glaube, es liegt daran, dass sich das Internet unter meinen Augen verändert, das Buch aber nicht. Veränderung ist automatisch interessanter für meinen Kopf, ich sage mir wohl, “das Buch kann ich auch später noch lesen”. Aber wie denn, wenn es immer Internet gibt. Mein Versuch, zu Hause gleich weiterzulesen, ist jedenfalls erst einmal gescheitert.
(Aleks Scholz)
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beam-jammer · 10 months
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🌞 Renewable energy sources 🌞 Reduces electricity bills 🌞 Diverse applications 🌞 Low maintenance costs 🌞 Technology development
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tomjonesau · 10 months
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gosolar-gogreen · 1 year
Commercial Solar Panel Installation | Go Green with Renewable Energy 
Discover the benefits of commercial solar panel installation for your business. Go green with renewable energy and reduce your carbon footprint. Find reliable and cost-effective solar panel solutions for your commercial property. Contact us for a free consultation. 
The process of commercial solar panel installation begins with a thorough assessment of the commercial property's energy needs and solar potential. This typically involves a site evaluation to determine the optimal location and orientation for the solar panels, taking into consideration factors such as available roof space, shading, and sun exposure. 
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Once the site evaluation is complete, a customised solar energy system is designed to meet the specific energy requirements of the commercial property. This includes determining the number of solar panels needed, their placement, and the type of solar panels to be used. Commercial solar panels are typically larger and more efficient than residential panels, as they are designed to generate higher levels of electricity to meet the higher energy demands of commercial properties. 
Commercial solar panel installation is typically carried out by professional solar installation companies with expertise in designing and installing large-scale solar power systems. These companies ensure that the installation is done safely and in compliance with local building codes and regulations. They also provide ongoing maintenance and monitoring services to ensure the optimal performance of the solar panels over their lifespan, which can be 25 years or more. 
There are several benefits to commercial solar panel installation. One of the primary benefits is cost savings. Solar energy can significantly reduce electricity bills for commercial properties, as the electricity generated from solar panels can offset or even eliminate the need to purchase electricity from the grid. Additionally, commercial properties may be eligible for various incentives, rebates, and tax credits for installing solar panels, which can further reduce the upfront costs of installation and increase the return on investment. 
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Business sustainability means running a business without bringing potential harm to the environment, economy, and society, and this approach to running operations has to be set to work for the long term.
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When I’m camping with the vehicle fridge, I take my @gorichsolar Mega 100 Watt Briefcase Portable Solar Charging Kit to keep my refrigerator, vehicle battery and other electronics going over the weekend with zero issues and couldn’t ask for a better panel. If you’re considering a brief case style solar panel, rigid panel for the ground or roof rack, a flexible solar panel to move and secure where you want it or for power stations, they’ve got it. I’m looking to buy one of their power stations and 100-200W rigid panel to mount on my @spidernodrillroofrack roof rack as upgrades to my camping, off-roading and bug out capabilities in addition to power outages from blackouts from summer heat, winds or natural disasters. #gorichsolar #richsolar #solar #solarenergy #solarpower #gogreen #solarpanel #solarpanels #offgrid #offgridliving #selfreliance #briefcasesolarpanel #offgridsolar #offroading #camping #campinglife #4runner #4runnernation #bushcraftandprepping #spidernodrillroofrack https://www.instagram.com/p/Cos5ySvPXH9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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parking lot roofed with solar panels by ophis https://flic.kr/p/2opDmKY
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Schau dir "Produkttester Review Deutsch Sunnybag® SUNBOOSTER Modelle 14W 21W 28W im Vergleich" auf YouTube an
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futurride · 2 years
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picurneeds · 2 days
📹 Our Solar Power Kit: Your Essential Companion for Outdoor Adventures! 🌞⚡️
🌞 With Our Solar Power Kit, You're Always Powered Up and Ready to go, No Matter where Your Adventures take You! 🌄
💥 Featuring a Solar Panel for Eco-Friendly Charging, A Powerful Torch for Illumination, USB Ports for Device Charging,💡
✅ And Compatibility with Both Micro USB and Type-C Cables, It's The Ultimate Outdoor Companion. Stay Connected,🔦
🔥 Stay Illuminated, and Stay Powered with Our Solar Power Kit. Adventure Awaits! 🎇
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Say goodbye to high electricity bills and Hello to long-term savings with solar energy. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint, but you'll also be making a smart financial decision.
Get60% Subsidy
Don't miss out on this opportunity to go green and save money. Choose Power Tech Energy Solutions and start enjoying the benefits of solar power today.
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tomjonesau · 11 months
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deeppostprincess · 12 days
Installation of solar panels in Germany
Installing solar panels in Germany involves a structured process to ensure compliance with regulations, safety standards, and best practices, reflecting the country's commitment to renewable energy and sustainability. Here's a detailed overview of how solar panels are typically installed in Germany:
Site Assessment and Planning: The process begins with a thorough assessment of the installation site. Factors such as roof orientation, tilt angle, shading, structural integrity, and local regulations are carefully evaluated to determine the feasibility and optimal configuration of the solar PV system. Site surveys may involve using tools like solar pathfinders or satellite imagery to assess solar exposure.
Permitting and Regulatory Approval: Before installation can commence, permits and regulatory approvals must be obtained. This involves submitting documentation to local authorities, such as building permits, grid connection approvals, and compliance with zoning regulations. Germany has specific regulations governing solar installations, including requirements for grid connection and eligibility for feed-in tariffs.
Equipment Selection: Once the necessary approvals are secured, the next step is to select the appropriate equipment and components for the installation. This includes choosing solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, and other ancillary equipment. In Germany, there's a wide range of options available, including monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, as well as string inverters and microinverters.
Installation: The actual installation of solar panels is carried out by trained professionals or certified installers. They mount the panels on the roof or ground-mounted structures using appropriate mounting systems, ensuring proper alignment and spacing for optimal solar exposure. Wiring and electrical connections are carefully installed, adhering to safety standards and regulations.
Grid Connection: After the solar panels are installed, they need to be connected to the electrical grid. This involves coordination with the local utility company to ensure proper grid connection and compliance with technical requirements. In Germany, solar PV systems may qualify for feed-in tariffs, which require specific metering and monitoring systems to track energy production and feed excess electricity back into the grid.
Commissioning and Testing: Once the installation is complete and the system is connected to the grid, it undergoes commissioning and testing. This includes verifying the functionality of electrical components, testing system output, and conducting safety inspections. Any issues or discrepancies are addressed before finalizing the installation.
Monitoring and Maintenance: After installation, ongoing monitoring and maintenance are crucial to ensure the continued performance and efficiency of the solar PV system. This includes regular inspections, cleaning of the panels to remove dirt and debris, and monitoring system performance to identify any issues or inefficiencies. Periodic maintenance checks help optimize system output and extend the lifespan of the equipment.
Throughout the installation process, it's essential to work with reputable installers who have experience in solar PV installations and are familiar with local regulations and best practices. By following this structured approach and collaborating with qualified professionals, installing solar panels in Germany can be a streamlined and rewarding investment in renewable energy, contributing to the country's transition towards a sustainable energy future.
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arisesolarau · 12 days
Enhance efficiency of solar panel with professional cleaning and maintenance
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In the modern day, Solar panels have been widely used for generating the power supply in their premises. These are extensively helpful for saving more money on utility bills. Regulating the performance level of solar panels is an efficient option for ensuring they deliver their full potential.
Sometimes, the dust, derbies and many others could be reducing its efficiency in capturing the sunlight for generating electricity. Hiring the best solar panel cleaning services is essential for ensuring all panels are thoroughly cleaned.
Best solar panels cleaning:
Normally, the solar panel needs to be cleaned as they are exposed to harsh weather conditions, dust, derbies and many others. Many people need help to clean the panels. Whether you have a larger rooftop solar panel system, it will be quite a difficult situation.
Cleaning the solar panels is not quite the same as cleaning the doors or windows at home. It is essential to seek skilled technicians offering solar panel services. These solar panels are cleaned with specialized techniques to ensure they provide good results.
Solar panels maintained properly:
Solar Panels especially have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years based on the Type of Solar panels. When the solar panels are not maintained properly then it does not deliver the same productivity and efficient output.
Cleaning the solar panels helps to easily enjoy the massive benefits for a longer period of time. These do not produce any kind of hindrance in capturing the solar or even need for replacing them.
Proper cleaning of the dust and debris on the solar panels helps to easily improve efficiency in supporting the power supply. These panels are required to be cleaned with the appropriate materials.
Aesthetic appeal:
Normally, stained, and dirty solar panels would also be affecting the aesthetic look of the house. These could be giving a ragged look to your house. It is best to make proper and regular cleaning of the solar panels.
The surface of the panels needs to be cleaned and shiny automatically, giving the premises aesthetic appeal. Apart from these, the grime and dirt build up on the photovoltaic panels would be reducing the energy production.
Cleaning the solar panels is the better option for maintaining the maximum efficiency even without any hassle. Cleaning solar panels is quite a simple option with appropriate tools and safety measures.
These would be extensively producing the best results for the system, so seeking professional solar panel cleaners would be a great option. Availing the comprehensive solar panel cleaning service is suitable for keeping the solar systems cleaned even in all the weather conditions.
Improve ROI time:
ROI or Return on Investment is the time guaranteed for the solar panels from the installers. Normally, the cost of solar panels is higher but you would be getting better returns for the long term.
Investing in solar panels and properly maintaining them helps to reap the maximum ROI. It is quite common that the dirt and debris on the solar panels affect the way of generate power for your house or business. Cleaning the panels thoroughly would be a great option for getting a prominent solution.
Improve efficiency:
Are you looking to save your money on utility bills by installing solar panels? Many numbers of businesses have achieved greater results by gaining more efficient power-saving options.
Proper cleaning of solar panels plays a major role in maintenance for getting higher efficiency. Save your money by hiring the best solar panel services for the annual maintenance and cleaning of the panels.  
Arise Solar is the leading in offering the range of services completing solar panel systems. Experts are well versed in solar panel cleaning and maintenance to enhance its performance.
Also Read:
Ultimate Things To Notice About Solar Panel Systems Forever
Grab The Top Notch Process Of Getting Solar Panel Maintenance
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