softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly learning TSP
Software prototypes are used to make a representation or simulation of the final software product, this model by the development team is used to verify the design and confirm that the design has the specified characteristics raised
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To be able to develop such a product, a plan is required. Throughout a software project, a project plan must always be included, which indicates how it is estimated that the development of said project will behave. In this case an iteration plan is used that involves planning the work to be performed during an iteration and therefore individual work is assigned to the development team members. also called tasks, which must be performed for product development.
The iteration plan must include the estimated time in the decomposed tasks and the total available time of the entire work team, it is suggested and expected whenever the available time easily exceeds that necessary for the current iteration.
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One of the main tasks that an iteration plan must have when developing a software product is the specification of software requirements, known as SRS, which is used to provide a complete description of the software product to be developed, including its purpose. their business processes, their characteristics, etc.
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In a TSP project, it is expected that there will be 3 iterations of the product to be developed, such 3 iterations must have their respective software requirement specifications.
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oldestsoul · 8 months
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dorsalblog · 18 days
Questo mese Dorsal ha scelto di parlarvi di Casa del Materasso, uno dei negozi specializzati nel bedding più storici di Bergamo che si contraddistingue per un’attenzione sartoriale verso la sua clientela, frutto della lunga esperienza sul campo e dell’alta conoscenza nel settore.
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Aperto dal 1957, si tratta di un negozio di famiglia gestito da Roberto Mazzoleni e dalla moglie Raffaella insieme alla figlia Paola e ai due dipendenti Davide e Stefano.
Il clima che si respira è quello di una grande famiglia in cui, appena il cliente entra, è accolto e accompagnato alla scelta del miglior sistema letto valutando le caratteristiche di ciascuna persona. 
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“Mio papà iniziò l’attività artigianale come tappezziere realizzando materassi in lana e crine - ha spiegato Roberto - un lavoro artigianale eseguito da una squadra di sarte. Da allora fino ad oggi ci siamo alternati in famiglia in questo lavoro, ed ora questa è la generazione in attività sempre negli storici locali”. Una bella storia di famiglia e imprenditorialità. 
“Il nostro è il negozio di materassi più storico di Bergamo - ha specificato -, chi viene da noi può contare su questo nostro mezzo secolo di esperienza e conoscenza nei sistemi letto. Il fatto che mio padre fosse un artigiano, ci ha permesso di avere delle conoscenze specializzate anche sulla parte della produzione del materasso che arricchiscono il nostro bagaglio e rendono il lavoro attento ad ogni aspetto. D’altra parte anche il nostro attuale lavoro di vendita di materassi e reti letto è un lavoro sartoriale, fatto su misura di ogni cliente”. 
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Con Dorsal la collaborazione è iniziata molto tempo fa. “Trattiamo i prodotti Dorsal dal 1985 - ha spiegato Roberto -. La collaborazione è sempre stata ottima, perché Dorsal è un’azienda affidabile e con essa, negli anni c’è  stato un proficuo scambio di idee. Una collaborazione “a ping -pong” di cui andiamo fieri e per la quale ringraziamo la famiglia Moretti che ha saputo ascoltare anche i nostri consigli”.  
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Un negozio storico ma capace di rinnovarsi. Infatti, recentemente è stato introdotto nello show-room il nuovo DEP, Dorsal Experience Point, ovvero un corner dedicato ai prodotti Dorsal dove provare tutto il comfort di reti, materassi e guanciali e scoprire le qualità del marchio made in Italy, l’unico ad essere stato scelto e consigliato dall’AIFI (Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia) per ergonomia e attenzione alla salute delle persone. 
“Il nuovo allestimento è molto piacevole, fresco - ha commentato - si possono provare diversi modelli di materassi, reti letto, guanciali e Letti tessili. Ogni cliente viene consigliato nello scegliere il proprio sistema letto ideale in base a caratteristiche individuali e desideri". 
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“Ma il materasso Dorsal che personalmente amo di più - ha aggiunto - è il Suite 360 con rivestimento FT22 e topper in softcare, per una sensazione completa di comfort a 360°”.
L’attenzione alla clientela, come detto, non manca. “Spesso effettuiamo un sopralluogo a casa dei clienti per capire - ha spiegato - su quale supporto e materasso dormono. In queste occasioni ci rendiamo conto che spesso le persone non sono correttamente supportate nell’acquisto del materasso e della rete letto, magari perché l’acquisto non viene fatto in un negozio specializzato come il nostro, e ciò spesso fa scegliere prodotti errati che compromettono la qualità del sonno delle persone. Invece per noi, la salute e il benessere dei clienti vengono prima di ogni altra cosa e ci teniamo che loro si affidino alla nostra esperienza ed ai nostri consigli”.
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Queste peculiarità rendono il negozio Casa del Materasso un vero punto di riferimento nel bedding a Bergamo e in tutta la Lombardia, scelto ogni anno da tantissimi clienti (anche grazie al "passaparola") per le caratteristiche di affidabilità, qualità dei prodotti e specializzazione. 
La famiglia Moretti e tutto lo staff Dorsal si congratulano per questa lunga collaborazione che prosegue nel tempo con Casa del Materasso Bergamo e fanno ai titolari ii loro complimenti per aver accolto con entusiasmo la realizzazione del nuovo DEP Dorsal che rende lo showroom ancora più accogliente e piacevole. Con l’occasione, augurano a tutto il team un buon lavoro nel segno dell’eccellenza. 
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Il negozio è aperto dal lunedì al sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00. Il lunedì il negozio è aperto dalle 15.00 alle 19.00 (chiuso la mattina, ma aperto su appuntamento). 
Il negozio si trova in Via S. Bernardino, 76 a Bergamo - Rondò Largo Tironi. Tel. 035 239132 
Per maggiori info www.casadelmaterassobergamo.it
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sexy-sea-basss · 5 months
10, 13, 15 and 25 💚
Hellooo Jim,
I listened to this episode a few days ago! i try to keep up with it as episodes come out! I’m going to answer like Alie did in the podcast, without cutting or trimming, just whatever comes out.
Ask game based on Ologies Podcast AMA episode
10. Holidays, which are great and which need to go?
Uhh. I don’t really know what holidays there really are besides like thanksgiving, christmas, new years. The US has a few patriotic holidays that i truly don’t care for, so get rid of those (but i still want the paid days off). Thanksgiving— the idea of getting together and eating is fun. The history behind it, get rid of it. trash it. Keep Thanksgiving idea, throw away the history, celebrate the Native American Culture instead.
13. What is a book that you’ve read over and over?
specifically talking about books, not fics-
I’m not a big fan of rereading cause i know what’s coming up, and i get impatient haha I’ve reread Fourth Wing, and Iron Flame just because i felt like i missed a bunch of details. Ooh actually now that i’m typing this, Sierra Simone’s Priest series is one i can read over and over again. Currently, audiobooking Saint at work. MM, slowburn, forbidden love. A gay monk-in-training wearing a chastity cage as “punishment” but it’s actually for kink as he tries to leave his party life behind him (especially his ex) but it all comes back to bite him in the dic- butt. in the butt. Anyways, yes! that series is one that i can re-read (and im slowly working on rereading).
15 What’s your go to type of music if you’re looking for an energy boost?
It honestly depends on the mood and what i’m doing. Let’s say i have to do schoolwork, and it’s late at night, I’ll go with like some Dutch Techno, or techno in general. Sometimes i’ll go with hispanic bangers. Pepas- Farruko is my ultimate hype song or some Bizarrap.
Honestly, sometimes it���s classical music, or like indie. It just depends on the mood. I’m lying in bed, exhausted from work, and to get the energy to type this i’m listening to softcars by yeule, something lowkey and mellow. (10/10 recommend)
25 If you were a mythical creature what would you be?
If i was a mythical creature id be a kraken 🐙 (is this surprising? shouldn’t be haha) or Oni. Oni are a type of yōkai (demon) in japanese folklore. They’re known for superhuman strength and have been associated with having powers such as thunder and lightning. They’re portrayed as having one or more horns growing out of their heads, massive teeth and occasionally a third eye in the center of the forehead. in trying to find a picture of an oni, i came across this article that reads:
Recently, there have been some excellent stories about oni, depicting them as creatures who only want a bit of company.
and, like, that’s so me. i want it be an Oni cause it sounds fun, they cool, get to cause chaos (my favorite thing to do) and i also love japanese culture. Picture below
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elfagito · 8 months
dare i say.. i miss when hermitshipping was obscure and "taboo" enough that the tag was 80 percent softcare porn. it's so much harder to find softcore porn of these middle aged minecrafters nowadays
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audiofuzz · 8 months
HNAF (Hot New Album Fridays): Electronic Pop | Yeule - ‘softcars’
7/10 - VERY GOOD Yeule’s, singer-songwriter-producer, new album softcars is an electric mix of electronic pop, R&B and 90s rock. Yeule dazzles with her enigmatic and dynamic style. Softcars is a testament of strength from this 25-year-old that does all of this by herself. Having been inspired by Grimes and taking it to new levels with sprawling production and excellence in songwriting. Softcars is ingenious album by an exciting and inspiring new artist. Check out “dazies” below: Read the full article
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chrisryanspeaks · 8 months
HNAF (Hot New Album Fridays): Electronic Pop | Yeule - ‘softcars’
7/10 - VERY GOOD Yeule’s, singer-songwriter-producer, new album softcars is an electric mix of electronic pop, R&B and 90s rock. Yeule dazzles with her enigmatic and dynamic style. Softcars is a testament of strength from this 25-year-old that does all of this by herself. Having been inspired by Grimes and taking it to new levels with sprawling production and excellence in songwriting. Softcars is ingenious album by an exciting and inspiring new artist. Check out “dazies” below: Read the full article
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fiyatinedir · 1 year
A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları
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A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları arayışı içindeyseniz doğru yerdesiniz. Sizler için güncel A101 Islak Mendil fiyat bilgisine ulaştık ve mağazalardan aldığımız fiyat doğrultusunda bu yazımızı paylaştık. Ülkemizde birçok ürün pandemi nedeniyle zamlandı. Islak Mendillerde güncel zamlardan etkilendi. Peki Güncel ve Zamlı A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatı ne kadar olacak ? Bu yazımızda güncel A101 Islak Mendil fiyat bilgisi yer almaktadır. A101 Islak Mendil fiyatı güncel ve doğru olarak A101 mağazalarından öğrenilmiştir.
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A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları
A101 Islak MendilFiyatlarıBaby Turco Softcare Islak Havlu 4x70 Adet Fiyatı49,50 TLMendiva Islak Havlu 101'li Fiyatı19,00 TLMendiva Islak Havlu 56'lı Fiyatı10,90 TLMendiva Islak Havlu Hindistan Cevizi Kokulu 3x60 Fiyatı34,00 TLMendiva Islak Havlu Badem Sütü Kokulu 3x60 Fiyatı34,00 TLMendiva Islak Havlu Aloe Vera Kokulu 3x60 Fiyatı34,00 TLActivex Yenidoğan 56 Adet Islak Mendil Fiyatı13,50 TLA101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları
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A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatı ile İlgili Sıkça Sorulan Sorular:
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soffio ıslak mendil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adVYJWahYRw&ab_channel=UniBaby Migros Islak Mendil Fiyatları Baby Me Bebek Bezi Fiyatları A101 Ayakkabı Fiyatları A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları A101 Sosis Fiyatları - A101 Cheesecake Fiyatları - A101 Soğan Halkası Fiyatları - A101 Tuvalet Kağıdı Fiyatları - A101 Çamaşır Makinesi Fiyatları - A101 Islak Mendil Fiyatları - A101 Tavuk Fiyatları - A101 Zula Altını Fiyatları Yazımızda paylaştığımız gibi güncel A101 Ürün Fiyatları listemize bu kategorimizden ulaşabilir ve bilgi alabilirsiniz. Market alışverişlerinden önce fiyat araştırması yapmayı seviyor ve gerekli görüyorsanız Fiyatı Nedir sitemiz tamda sizler için hizmet vermektedir. Güncel Market fiyatlarını ve detaylarını sizlerle paylaşmaktadır. A101 ürünlerinin güncel fiyatlarına ulaştığınız gibi diğer marketlerinde güncel ürün fiyatlarına ulaşabilirsiniz. Eklenmesini istediğiniz fiyat listesi olursa bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Read the full article
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softcareinfotech · 1 year
You can earn more from your business by integrating the Government services API into your official website.If you wish to expand your business, you can provide services using the Government services API. Softcare Infotech has become a trusted API provider company in the country developing customized API to meet your business needs
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #10
This week we have been working with concepts, techniques and forms of verifications and validations, including their differences and their objectives, this is how we arrived at a verification and validation plan (also known as IVV plan) as well as the list of activities that are needed to meet these goals. Also, speaking of objectives, these are manifested in the document of the goals, which, in which, must be set in a way that explicitly tells you how it is measured, and consequently, intuit what are the activities or ways to get there. to the target during the development of the project or in this case, during the development of iteration 3.
It was also learned that usability should not be neglected, although functionality is much more important, this only occupies 60% of a good quality and well-made product, the other percentage makes users fall in love quickly and easily reach these functionalities, then we can say that usability is the first face of our product, for all this, in this iteration we will work exclusively with usability, elevating it as much as we can.
Our plans including iteration plans, goals, activities for said goals, verification and validation, can be found in the respective SoftCare repository.
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salonpiner · 2 years
Adobe incopy 2.0
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InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign - all without overwriting each other's contributions. User Forums Community Guidelines Copyright 2022 Adobe.
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The software enables editors to write, edit, and design documents. While InDesign is used to publish printed material, including newspapers and magazines, InCopy is used for general word processing.
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Collaborate with copywriters and editors. freeload Adobe InCopy 2022 v17.4.0.51 for Win & macOS Pre-Activated Version. Adobe InCopy is a professional word processor made by Adobe Inc. Monitor resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1920 X 1080 recommended), HiDPI display support InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign all without overwriting each other’s contributions.
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Hard disk space: 3.6 GB of available hard-disk space for installation additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices) SSD recommended Save to Cloud command lets you access files on any device Although it does have the look and feel of a typical word processor like Microsoft Word, InCopy 2.0 is specifically designed to interface with Adobe InDesign. DTP Tools History 2.0 plug-in brings the useful History panel known from Photoshop to InDesign, with added and improved features. History 2.0 is a next generation of our very popular plug-in History 1.0. InDesign is the successor to Adobe PageMaker, which Adobe acquired by buying. DTP Tools announces immediate availability of its Adobe InDesign and InCopy plugin History 2.0.
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HiDPI and Retina display support in Windows IndicPlus is an excellent Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy plug-in linguistically engineered for these powerful design and. The Adobe InCopy word processor uses the same formatting engine as InDesign. Color swatch folders for swatch management Footnote enhancements that respect text wrap June 24, 2002-Adobe Systems Incorporated, the leader in network publishing, today announced the immediate availability of Adobe InCopy 2.0 software, a. Simple application of shading to text includes controls for offsets and more By The Professor Adobe Apps, Windows 0 Comments incopy 2020. all without overwriting each other.s contributions. SoftCare Notes Manager improves on the native inline notes feature in Adobe InDesign and InCopy, allowing to filter notes by date and name and displaying. InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign all without overwriting each other's. Collaborate with copywriters and editors. InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign. Size: 887 MB Type: Apps macOS Year: 2022 Version: 17.4 U2B. InDesign 2.0 and InCopy 2.0, GoLive and Acrobat 5.0 for interchange of form. Adobe InCopy 2022 - a program for the professional creation and editing of materials, closely associated with the program Adobe InDesign 2022 to improve the. Adobe InCopy 2022 v17.2.0.20 Multilingual (圆4) | 767.8 Mb InDesign 2.0, GoLive and AlterCast, a serverbased version of Photoshop.
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toruriguxuf · 2 years
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roqoragova · 2 years
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