#soft levi ackerman
staar5384 · 1 year
Our Secret Moments
levi ackerman x reader
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It was unusual for Captain Levi to end training early. Typically, he would push his cadets until they were almost too weak to stand. Today was different, however, as he approached his Scouts, telling them traning was done today, and then disappearing.
Armin stroked his chin, seemingly lost in thought. Everyone was trying to figure out what on earth possessed Captain Levi to end training so abruptly. That's when Armin had an idea.
Eren shook the blond gently, "Hey, Armin, you still in there?"
He nodded, looking at his group of friends. "I think the Captain ended training to go see Y/N."
Jean snorted and crossed his arms, "Sure he did. I'm pretty sure Levi hates them."
"Definitey not. Those two are practically attached at the hip," Eren interjected. It was safe to say if anyone knew how the two veterans interacted, it would be him.
"You've gotta be joking. There's no way that cold bastard would let someone like Y/N around him that much," Connie said in disbelief.
"Eren is the only one who sees how those two are. We gotta trust his judgment."
"Why is it any of our business anyway?" Christa looked at them. "I mean, if you were them, would you want people prying into your business?"
"Because this is the kinda shit we can us against the Captain!" Jean smirked. "He will never treat us like second-rate soldiers ever again!"
Connie and Sasha both nodded in agreement. Eren gave the idea some thought; on the one hand, Christa was right. Whatever was happening between Captain Levi and Y/N was none of their business. On the other though, Jean was also right. If they had some leverage against him, maybe he would start treating them a little better.
"You guys seriously can't be considering this," Christa gave them a small frown. "I know Captain Levi is strict, but we shouldn't invade his privacy like this!"
"I say we just go see what he could be up to," Eren shrugged. "What's the worst that can happen?"
Armin's suspicions were proven right as they found Levi's horse out in the middle of an open field not far from the Scout's base. Across the field, Levi and Y/N were laying in the grass.
"Let's try to get closer and hear what they're saying," Jean whispered as he began to sneak closer to the two. The others quietly followed his lead until they were at the perfect spot to sit and listen.
"You've been overworking yourself Levi," You turned over on your side, tracing lines across Levi's arms. "Don't feel bad about cutting one training short."
Levi sighed, relaxing into your gentle touch, "I just know Erwin has a deadline for when he wants those brats trained, and this break could really hurt my chances of meeting it."
"Well, this was much needed. For both of us," You gave him a smile. "Besides, we don't get much alone time anymore. It's truly a tragedy," You exhaled dramatically.
Levi snickered and rolled his eyes. "You are really something else, aren't you?" He glanced at you, an unusual softness in his eyes.
The cadets watched from afar and were practically stunned to silence. This was nothing like the Levi they knew. He was being.. nice? He was laughing, smiling. It was an extremely strange sight to see.
"Tell you what," Your voice rang through the field, which brought the hidden Scouts back to their mission at hand. "Let's dance," You threw yourself up off the ground.
"Excuse me?" Levi said in disgust. "I am not dancing."
"Oh come on it'll be fun!"
"You know what else is fun?"
"Getting up and dancing with your best friend," You said smuggly.
"No. Laying here and doing nothing sounds way more fun."
You decided to completely ignore Levi's protest and dragged him up off the ground. You pulled Levi against your chest and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"You are absolutely insufferable," Levi scoffed, a blush forming on his face. "How are we going to dance to no music?"
You didn't reply, just started humming softly. He swayed gently as he waited for Levi to give in.
Against Levi's better wishes, he joined you in the gentle sway. Once you knew he was into it, you picked up your pace. Unknown to Levi, you were actually an incredible dancer.
Levi took a glance up at you, and your eyes were fixed on the raven-haired man you held tightly in your arms. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Levi was getting more and more flustered by the second.
You shrugged, tightening your grip on Levi's waist, "You're just nice to look at," You dipped him towards the ground, your hair falling into your eyes.
The two stayed like that for a moment, both unsure of what to do now that they seemed entirely entranced by each other. Levi's heart was pounding as you held him tightly. You felt the same way, taking a glance at Levi's lips every so often. It was an insatiable urge, wanting to kiss your best friend.
On the opposite side of the field, Eren and the gang were extremely invested in this moment. "They're totally gonna kiss," Connie said quietly.
"Oh definitely. I'd be surprised if they didn't," Jean replied, his eyes fixed on the scene in front of him.
Eren was entirely stunned. "I knew the two were close, but I never thought they were in love."
"I think it's so cute!" Sasha was barely able to contain her excitement, her hands flapping back and forth in an attempt to release some of that energy.
You leaned in closer, your lips just barely touching Levi's, "You make it so hard to resist you."
Levi gulped nervously, his body now aching for you to kiss him, "Then stop resisting."
That was all the approval you needed. You crashed your lips together, kissing Levi deeply. Levi returned the kiss, his hands finding their way around your neck.
You stood Levi upright as he carefully pulled away, "I've been waiting to do that for so damn long," You chuckled quietly.
Levi was breathless and his face was a bright shade of red. "I agree," He tried to compose himself.
"I knew it!" Connie yelled, immediately realizing his mistake after.
Levi spun his head toward the group, who was poorly hidden behind a few bushes, "What the hell are you guys doing here?" He started to move towards them.
"Shit, run!" Eren called out as the group scattered in different directions.
Levi growled in annoyance, getting ready to chas after them, but you stopped him, "It's not worth it. Let's leave them be right now, yeah?"
Levi hesitated, but agreed, "I hate those kids," He leaned his head on your chest, taking a deep breath.
You laughed and hugged Levi tightly. There was something so comforting about being able to hold him like this, even given the current circumstances. "Yeah, I hate them too."
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kywaslost · 1 year
Hey there Kai, how are you? Would you write something fluffy including Levi? Like cooking for him the very first time? Or baking (not too sweet cookies) that perfectly go with his fav tea. Have a nice day!
A Small Treat - Levi Ackerman
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A/N: Hi! I’m doing a lot better now, and I’m glad to get back to writing. I’m so sorry this took so long, but I hope it turned out ok. I’m trying to get back into the sway of things.
It was a somewhat easy day at the old Scouting Legion base that had been left to rot so many years ago. Levi’s squad spent the day cleaning and training, and that afternoon left you and the rest of your squad with some down time. Several went out for a walk while others went to rest. Levi finished up on paperwork, and you were left on your own.
You and your squad had worked very hard the past week and you thought that everyone deserved a treat, so you made your way to the kitchen to find something to bake. There wasn’t much, but you found enough ingredients to make a batch or two of cookies. As you gathered everything you needed, you realized the cookies you could make were Levi’s favorite. It was some random fact you remembered from years ago, when you first joined his squad. He had briefly mentioned it, but you somehow remembered.
You were so much more excited now, knowing that you’d be making your captain’s favorite treat to go with his tea. It didn’t take too long for the cookies to bake and cool off, and you then slid them onto a small plate to set out in the kitchen. You set a few aside on a smaller plate, taking them to your captain’s new office.
You knocked on the closed door, awaiting a response. Levi’s calm voice sounded from the other side, and you let yourself in. “I made cookies, captain,” you said with a smile, holding the small plate out to show him your work. “Would you like some? If I remember correctly, you mentioned once that these were your favorite. You said that they went well with your tea.”
Levi glanced up at you from his paperwork and you could have sworn he was smiling. “Thank you, Y/N, this is very kind of you.”
His words caused you to blush. “You’re welcome captain. I hope you like them.”
You placed down the small plate of the baked goods, then turned to leave him be.
When dinner rolled around, Levi’s squad gathered for a ‘family’ dinner around the table. Your seat was next to Levi’s, and the captain seemed to be in a brighter mood. As everyone began to eat Levi quietly said your name.
“Yes, sir?” you responded, glancing at him as you plopped a baked potato onto your plate.
“Thank you for the cookies.” You fully looked at the man beside you, and you saw him smiling widely. “They were delicious, and really made my day. Thank you.”
You never expected Levi to say such a thing, but it made you smile brightly and laugh. “You’re welcome captain. I’m glad you liked them.”
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elmundodeflor · 7 months
No me queda nada, sólo el recuerdo.
Quizás, es por eso que dejo que la imaginación revolotee. Que mis manos te pinten, como si de un cuadro se tratara. 
Nunca pudimos sacarnos una foto. Plasmar, casi inmortal, todo lo tangible de aquello que no nos decíamos. Pero rebusco entre los cajones. Allí, en lo profundo del alma. Hago lugar, saco las cajas polvorientas. Y aunque las palabras no resbalan, ni salen a borbotones de entre las sombras, te encuentro.
Puedo sentirte, acá conmigo. Dicen que a veces la mente bloquea las memorias que aún desgarran para mitigar el dolor. Que nos engañamos, al menos por un ratito, para que los agujeros negros no nos consuman.
Yo nunca supe engañarme, Hanji. Creo que vos podés verlo más claro que nadie. Te reías de mi hablar crudo, y me susurrabas al oído, y limabas mis asperezas— tal vez, con el afán de hacerme parecer más suave. Hacerme pensar que este corazón viejo y cansado tenía un espacio pequeño dentro del tuyo.
No me arrepiento, igualmente. De las palabras que callamos, o de no tener fotos tuyas, o de nunca haber sido digno de tu amor. Las fotos envejecen, se destiñen bajo el arrullo del tiempo. Pero yo puedo moldearte bajo mis palmas, casi como si te conociera de memoria. Si cierro los ojos, puedo bordear tus recovecos, llenarte de color.
Es que eso eras, Hanji. Una explosión del color más vivo y vibrante. El brillo de los fuegos artificiales, el neón del atardecer. Eras tu melena alocada en el viento, encrespada como el vaivén de las olas. Los lunares que salpicaban tu barbilla; casi constelaciones lejanas, inconexas. 
A la noche, cuando las luces se apagan, tu imagen se me aparece de entre los rincones. Al principio dolía, un dolor tan demoledor que calaba hasta los huesos. Ahora, creo que duele menos. O que aprendí a vivir con el dolor. Como cuando aceptamos que la luna tiene cráteres, huecos, oscuridad incluso bajo la luz.
Quizás, es porque cuando te veo, te veo sonriendo. No hay rastros de guerra, ni de pérdida, ni de lo poco que nos quedó de humanidad. Vestís de blanco, con coronas de "no-me-olvides" en el pelo. El sol te acaricia, igual de suave que como yo hubiese querido hacerlo. Y me decís: "suficiente, Levi". "Ya pasó, Levi".
Y entonces te creo.
Me siento con vos, y permito que la eternidad flote entre nosotros. Te preparo un té con mis mejores hierbas, observo atento cómo el rubor te arde en la piel. Me digo que ya no importan; el dolor que demuele, los secretos bajo llave, las fotos arrugadas, o las que no pudimos conservar.
Si cierro los ojos, puedo delimitar tus facciones. Las líneas rectas de tu nariz, el arco de tus pestañas. Puedo inhalar el calor de tu cuerpo, hablarle a las estrellas.
Y hay semanas, o meses, en los que quisiera volver atrás, gritarte que no te vayas, que sin vos el mundo es una imagen en blanco y negro. Pero, ¿sabés, Hanji? Hoy, que puedo grabarte en acuarelas, entiendo que con eso me basta.
Por eso, te hago un lugar en mi mesa, y en todas las grietas del alma. Limpio la casa para recibirte, desempolvo las cajas. Ya no hago preguntas, aún convencido de que no tengo las respuestas. Dejo que tu voz cante, y entreteja en mil paisajes las maravillas que siempre supiste tararear. Te escucho, como un niño desbordado de ilusión. Y en mi alocado desvelo, te guardo conmigo; en cada parpadeo, en cada amanecer, en cada latido.
Porque estás ahí, todavía. Lo sé, Hanji. Un día, los velos del olvido van a llevarme a mí también. Las galaxias van a tragarme, como polvo de estrellas, y voy a tener todo el aire en el espacio para pensar en cada madrugada en la que fallé.
Pero no me arrepiento. De nada. Qué extraño, ¿no? Si pudiera, te juro, lo haría casi todo de nuevo, así tal cual fue. Las heridas que nos vendamos, el reír a carcajadas, haber sido cómplices en cada pedacito de vida. No lo cambiaría. Y menos aún, si es que pudieran asegurarme que voy a cruzarme con tu sonrisa otra vez. Como cuando me susurrabas al oído. Como cuando mis sueños te pintan.
Entonces me duermo, incluso estando despierto. Cierro los ojos, y mi mente me arrastra hasta ese lugar en donde todo está en pausa— un claro en el bosque, la casa que construimos. Me contás, como siempre, que Erwin está más tranquilo. Que mi mamá te adora. Que Eren y Sasha no paran de pelearse.
Y sonrío. De esas sonrisas que sólo vos podías arrancarme. El té se nos enfría, el sol se derrite tras la ventana. Pero estás ahí, Hanji. Estás ahí, aunque no pueda tocarte nunca más.
Me acuerdo, todavía, de esa vez en la que vimos la luna. Era primavera, y los chicos entrenaban cerca del arroyo. Te pregunté, por qué no brillaba igual que al caer la noche; “¿no debería brillar más ahora, con la luz del día?”, dije. Te relamiste los labios, como siempre que ibas a salpicarme con historias, y respondiste, claro y sencillo: “algunas cosas necesitan de oscuridad para ser descubiertas.”
¿Será por eso que te siento adentro mío, enlazada a cada exhalación? ¿Que nuestro escondite en el bosque es una rendija de cielo, donde nada quema ni lastima? ¿Será que me estoy escurriendo, y en mi afán obsesivo me aferro a tu amor? ¿Que en el vacío que dejaste, sólo hay espacio para sembrar estrellas?
Quizás haya perdido la cordura, Hanji. No lo sé. Pero empiezo a pensar que te transformaste en luna. En cuarto creciente. Con cráteres y todo. Que tu destello rasga hasta las penumbras más negras. Es un faro de esperanza que guía las mareas. “Suficiente, Levi”, repetís, casi como un arrullo de cuna, con tus manos en mi pelo y tu boca en la mía. Y entonces te aprieto, bien fuerte contra mi pecho. Y dejo que llenes las grietas, y las cajas, y que tiñas de color cada foto que no tenemos.
“Estoy bien, Levi”, me asegurás. “Vamos a volver a vernos.”
Y entonces, porque nunca supe hacer otra cosa, o porque ya no me queda nada, te creo.
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levi's the type to throw around comments that sound kinda mean, but the minute he sees that you're actually upset by them, he softens and gets all flustered, getting more than a little upset with himself for not being able to tell that you weren't in the right headspace for that type of rhetoric just because he's usually so good at reading your moods
if you're the type that needs space afterwards, he'll give you space. otherwise, he'll sit you down, get you a cup of tea, and hold you close. while he'd never say anything overly antagonizing (especially if it feeds into any of your insecurities), he'd gently plant a kiss on the top of your head as he pulls you in, mumbling, "sorry, love. shouldn't have said it like that. can i try again?"
he'd never really get defensive or pull out the "i'm just grumpy" or "you're overreacting" card. communication—particularly with you—was important to him, so he's more than willing to work with you to bridge any gaps in it
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moo-blogging · 1 month
No thoughts tonight but being close to Levi during a particularly difficult time.
It never got easy to come back from a mission with bodies of people you spent years training with. You and Levi drown yourselves into the work of tying loose ends, paperworks and funerals.
It had been days since you last slept together on the same bed. After all the reports had been sent to Erwin's office, you found Levi sitting on the bed, fully dressed. Your body was sore and your bones were heavy with fatigue and guilt. You tried your very best to be professional during the funerals but the heartbroken stares from hollow eyes of the victims' families screamed "why you? Why not our child?!"
You walked toward your side of the bed, stripping as you go. You pulled one of Levi's clothes from the pile of unfolded clothes and threw it over your head. You stole a glance at Levi, but he did not move a muscle. Signed, you climbed onto the bed and pulled the blanket over your head. You turned your back toward Levi, holding yourself close.
Silence rang so loud between you. You thought for a moment. Carefully, you reach your hand behind your back and tugged at Levi's clothes. Levi was still. And then, you heard him signed. You felt bed shifted under his weight as he stood and undressed himself. He slid under the covers with his back turned toward you.
Your fingers idly touching his bareback, feeling weak warmth from him in days. Levi shifted, and his fingers interlaced with yours. Your palm is warm against his, fingers entwined carefully as if to not scare either one away.
You stayed that way for a while. You couldn't sleep. You knew he was the same too.
Then, Levi turned. And you turned too. Your bodies came together so easily, like two halves of the Yin and Yang. Levi's arms wrapped around your body like that was the only thing he was born to do; and your face fitted perfectly at the crook of his neck and collarbones as you rested your hand on Levi's chest.
You both exhaled in relief. Levi tightened and loosened his arms around you as if he was making sure you were still here with him. You rubbed your hand on Levi's chest and neck, assuring him you never left.
You planted a small kiss on his skin, promising to stay with him for life. Levi removed your hair from your face, and you finally locked eyes.
You saw a tear rolled down his cheek, and you lifted your face and kissed his lips.
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pennylanewrites · 2 months
teacher’s aide (levi ackerman)
warnings: m!masturbation, voyerism, alcohol, smoking, age gap (15 years), me pushing my smitten!levi agenda
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levi ackerman was an esteemed and recognised sociology professor. stern, strict and to the point in all of his lectures. most of his classes kept quiet, trying to take notes while he talked fast and went through powerpoint slides like it was the morning paper.
you had been working hard for that teacher’s aide position for two years, when you finally got the acceptance email. it was no secret on campus that professor ackerman’s assistants worked closely to him and got accepted in prestigious firms right after college, with his recommendation of course.
it was also no secret that professor ackerman was incredibly good-looking. his veiny arms and broad shoulders made up for his short height and the way his raven hair fell over his rectangular seeing glasses was so…
“y/n.” his stern voice shook you out of your thoughts. crap. the whole auditorium was staring at you. “the papers.” was all he said before going back to his laptop. you looked down at your hands, realising you were holding the class’s tests for more than you should. you cleared your throat and went through the auditorium, leaving a stack of papers in front of each student. as you walked down, your eye caught his.
levi noticed everything. he noticed how today you were wearing lipgloss instead of your usual lipstick, he noticed the rip in your tights that went down the back of your leg, your new platform loafers and the beads of sweat on your forehead. levi ackerman was not the kind of man that would catch feelings for a student, but you were so…good.
yes, at first he thought you were very attractive, and maybe that’s why he always rejected your aide application. but he also got to know you better every time you replied to one of his questions. you were the only student brave enough to raise their hand, and he appreciated that. sooner than later, you stayed back every day after class to clean up the mess of loose papers and pens, and before he knew it he was smitten.
maybe it was the way you brushed against him to clean the board and shut the projector, a timid apology escaping your lips, or the way you weren’t afraid to challenge him in a theoretical conversation about archaic philosophy during class.
or maybe…shit, how long have i been staring? levi looked away and cleared his throat when he noticed you trying to contain your smile.
class was over and you were going through your usual routine, marking left over questionnaires from the last lecture as he went through tomorrow’s one.
“sir, i’m wondering about…” you rolled your chair across the auditorium’s stage, holding onto his desk to stop the chair, “this one.” you pointed at a question on the paper.
levi was not one to lose his temper, but he was finding it very hard to contain himself when your knee was touching his and your perfume could reach his brain through his nose.
“well, this-this one…” he trailed off, watched you push your hair off your neck, leaving the bare skin on sight for him. god, he could eat you right then and there.
levi had never been more thankful for his phone to ring in his life. the vice dean’s name flashed on the screen, and you leaned back to allow him to get the device.
“i have to go…meeting…come by my office tonight, okay?” he scrambled to get his things and ran off, leaving you in the empty auditorium.
you let your head fall on your pillow, groaning with despair. he hates me. he can’t even talk to me.
you had seen him earlier with petra, his old t.a who graduated last year. he was laughing, for fuck’s sake. he was laughing and buying her coffee in the campus coffee house, and they were sitting over a book and…
“ugh! what is she even doing here?” you threw your pillow on the floor, but it hit you back in the face.
“oh my god, shut up!” your roommate kept hitting you with the pillow, until you grabbed it. “enough, y/n, please.”
“mikasa, do you think they’re dating?” you sat up on the bed, looking at the girl across you. “be honest, i can take it.”
“i think you’re sick. there’s something seriously wrong with you.” she scrunched her nose up in disgust.
“he’s so…”
“he’s mature because he’s old.” your roommate kindly reminded you of your age difference. “get over him, please. even if he liked you, he’s your teacher. i doubt he would put his job in danger.”
your eyes lit up, an excited smile covering your earlier gloom.
“you think he likes me?”
“that’s not what i said. where are you going?”
you only grinned before grabbing your bag and barging out of the dorm room. your shoes squeezed against the polished floors as you made your way to the teachers’ wing, and to the third door to your left, your favourite wooden door in the world.
with a sigh, you lifted your fist to knock, but something made you freeze. you looked around to make sure no one was in the corridor, before pushing your ear against the door.
shit, shit, shit, shit
he was moaning. fucking moaning, in his office, when he had specifically told you to visit him. you thought of the possibility of him having a girl in there, even petra, but no one else could be heard. everything right in your head was telling you to turn around and leave, but your hand was on the doorknob, and you were slowly twisting it.
just one look. one look and i’ll-
your eyes grew wide at the sight. a half empty bottle of bourbon sat next to an empty glass, a cigarette was slowly burning on the ashtray, the first two buttons of his white shirt were undone. god, you could clearly see his nipples through the fabric. the desk obscured your vision, but you could see his hand moving up and down, up and down, up-
“fu-fuuuck.” his voice strained, his head fell back and you were wet a creep.
you turned around and leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. looking at your reflection on your phone, you made sure pervert wasn’t written across your forehead, and turned back around.
two soft knocks on the door. levi fixed his hair quickly, buttoned his shirt and put the cigarette out.
“come in.” you entered the room and he looked at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
“long day?” you pointed at the bottle, smiling softly. he chuckled and motioned for you to sit down. “i can come back some other…” you trailed off when he took another glass out, filling it halfway and pushing it towards you.
you fidgeted with a ring on your finger, unsure of what to do.
“i shouldn’t…”
“i won’t tell if you won’t.” he filled his own glass and raised it to you, before taking a sip. you smiled softly, taking a sip of the drink. it burned coming down, just like his gray stare on you did.
“i have the tests marked. that question i was wondering about earlier,” you took the stack of papers out of your bag, leaving them in front of the man.
“yeah, i looked it up. it’s actually-”
“i figured it out.” you cut him off. he raised an eyebrow and put his glasses on, looking down at the marked paper, and the right answer which you had wrote down in red ink.
“you did.” he agreed and looked at you through strands of his raven hair. “good girl.”
you froze. you could feel your whole face turning an ugly shade of red. a million disgusting thoughts ran through your head as he walked around the desk to sit on the chair across from yours. his muscles flexed as he reached over the desk to get the ashtray and his drink. you took a big sip of the drink, trying to convince yourself the sexual tension was just in your head.
fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck.
“what?” he shook you out of your thoughts. he knew you were staring at him.
“nothing. i’ve never seen you like this.” you admitted, still sipping your drink.
“like what?”
like you don’t have a stick up your ass.
“relaxed.” you opted for the nice comment.
“i’m far from relaxed, trust me.” you watched as he placed a cigarette between his wet lips, lighting it with a white lighter.
“those are bad luck.” you took the lighter in your hand, fidgeting with it.
“huh. maybe that’s why my life’s shit.” he chuckled, taking a drag of the cigarette.
“come on…” your eyes fell on a book on his desk.
masculine domination, pierre bourdieu. you grinned, taking it in your hands to inspect the front page.
“take it. it’s for my doctorate students, but i think you-”
“i’ve read it.” you closed it and put it back on the pile.
“of course you have. you’re a smart girl, you know?”
he was praising you. and he was filling your glass again. when did you even finish the first?
“are you trying to get me drunk, sir?”
“i think you’re capable of controlling yourself.”
“don’t be so sure.” you mumbled, staring at your feet.
“what was that?”
“nothing!” you shook it off with a smile, but he had heard you just fine.
god, you wanted him so bad. as the hours went by, and the bottle came to its’ end, you became more and more impatient. you were scared of what you would do honestly, if one more drop of alcohol entered your system. but, were you crazy to think he wanted this too? why would he pour you a drink, and ask you all these questions, and make you laugh with stupid jokes if he-
“what are you thinking about?” he shook you out of your thoughts. you showed him the clock on the wall.
“that i should get going. some teacher thought it would be a good idea to have an 8 am class.” you grinned. you reached your hand out to return him his lighter, but you dropped it instead.
“that’s one lousy teacher.” he chuckled, kneeling on the floor to get the lighter. you waited for him to get up, so you could too, but he wouldn’t move. still kneeling, he came closer to you, his hands hesitantly moving to rest on the sides of your thighs.
internally, you were screaming. but not a single breath came out of your mouth as you watched him. he sighed and finally locked eyes with you.
“i’m not crazy, am i?”
“wh-what?” your voice came out as a whisper. pathetic.
“to think there’s something, right? here. there’s something here and i-”
“don’t.” he squeezed your thighs and you swore your heart would jump out your chest sooner or later. he straightened his back and got up, pulling you with him. “don’t call me sir.”
you let him seat you on top of his desk, you let him spread your legs and stand between them. he pushed your hair behind your ear and inched closer. his breath against your neck made you shiver, and a soft kiss forced a small gasp out of your mouth.
your hands trembled as you placed them around his neck, and his breath staggered when you played with the strands of hair that fell on his undercut.
“please kiss me.” he swore his knees would give when he heard your voice, so soft, so sweet. you were as needy for him as he was for you.
his strong hands met your face, his silver ring cooled your burning cheek. you closed your eyes, and his lips finally met yours. it was careful at first, both of you scared the other would change their mind. but all it took was you pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt, and he lost his mind. his hands slipped down to your waist and you arched your back to get closer to him, if that was even possible. your mouth trailed to his jaw, leaving sloppy kisses all the way down his neck. a playful bite made him gasp. you chuckled.
“stop. you’ll drive me crazy.” he squeezed your hip.
“good.” you grinned and leaned in to kiss him again, but his hand in your hair held you back.
“you have to go…” he managed between soft kisses down your chest, at least as far as your shirt allowed, “or i won’t be able to stop.” he held your hands, and kissed them both, maintaining eye contact with you.
“then don’t stop.” you whined, but your grin turned into a frown when he pulled you off the desk and fixed your skirt. “levi-”
“save something for later, right?”
his promise of a later was enough. you left him to clean up and walked out the door with a sheepish smile and a whispered goodnight.
your phone buzzed on your way back to the dorms, and you stopped in your tracks when you saw the name on the screen.
professor ackerman: wear that green dress tomorrow.
you raised an eyebrow.
just the dress.
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flametrashira · 8 months
Gentle domming post war levi? 👀
yes oh my god yes
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(Smiley Levi because he gives me cute aggression and there are no post war Levi gifs.)
All he Needs
Content guidance: NSFW. Sub Pot War Levi x Soft Dom F!Reader. Mentions of scars and old injuries. Levi approximately in his 40s. Good boy and pretty boy used as petnames. Creampie.
“Ohh… fuck…” Levi sucks in a breath, hands twisting the bed sheet as you graze your teeth over the mound of his hip bone.
His hips have always been so sensitive, kissing them a surefire way to get him hard. Years ago they would have lifted off the bed toward you but old injuries limit his mobility. Now he can only lie there, the muscles in his lower belly twitching and fluttering, panting breaths shivering as you lavish his body with kisses. 
God, this man. His body, his heart. He's been through and suffered so damn much he can barely take the tenderness you give him. 
You kiss a trail from his hip to the curve of his waist, worshiping every scarred inch of him with your lips.
“You’re so beautiful, Levi.”
"Ohh!" He gasps and squirms as your tongue follows the ridges of his ribcage to circle around his nipple. "Oh, fuh-uh-uh-ck."
He's so receptive to your touch; this battle-scarred, certified tough guy who falls apart at just a feathery caress. Pleasuring him is addictive and rewarding in itself. 
Your core clenches as he throws an arm over his eyes and moans while you suck his nipple. "That feel good?"
"Yeah~" He opens his mouth to speak again, but all that escapes is a breathless, choked groan.
When he's really turned on like this he blushes all the way down to his navel and his toes curl. It's such a beautiful sight.
He has never been one for vanity, but you know sometimes the old wounds bother him. Not just because his legs can't hold him for more than a few steps or the constant ache in his mended bones. But also because the face that looks back at him in the mirror– with its scars and cloudy white eye, the gray hair, the creases– sometimes startles him. So you let him know as often as you can that you're fucking crazy about him.
More so than ever, in fact. 
Levi’s charm has always been a sort of haunted, poetic beauty, but now that the fighting’s done, he’s older, fuller, somehow even more handsome than before. And yes, he’s scarred outside and in, but scars are as much about healing as they are reminders of wounds. He’s safe. For the first time in his life he’s comfortable. He’s happy and so, so loved. And he knows it. He knows you worship the damn ground he walks on.
You reach down and swipe your thumb through the slick pre-cum leaking from his cock. "I wish you could see yourself right now, Levi. You're so damn pretty."
Trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses back down his abdomen, you hold his gaze. A guttural groan escapes him as you lick the v-shaped line sloping down his hips. 
His throat flexes around his desperate gasps as he puts his head back against the pillow. “… please…I wanna cum…”
"Of course, darling. Just tell me how you want me to do it. Should I fuck you, or do you want me to suck your pretty cock?"
Giving him the choice buys you more time to keep on teasing him. You know it'll be a while before he decides between your pussy or your mouth; both drive him wild. Gone are the days where he could go for multiple rounds– Levi comes once, and he comes hard.
He groans as you kiss your way back up his belly and his chest, your lips caressing the softer edges of his body, no longer defined by battle and hardship. You worship every scar, every soft curve, every inch. 
"So, so beautiful," you assure him as your trail of kisses leads you to his throat. Lapping at his Adam's apple earns you a deep, desperate groan which vibrates against your tongue. "So what'll it be, baby boy?"
His eyes snap open at that and he lets out a breathy whimper before clawing back enough composure to answer. "God, fuck me… please…"
"There you go, all you needed to do was ask."
He's trembling as you straddle his narrow hips, caging his face with your arms as you lean forward and kiss him. The kiss is slow, deep, letting him know just how precious he is to you. And it leaves him breathless, his ears nearly scarlet as he gazes up at you with lust-drunk, half-lidded eyes.
What little movement he has with his hips is spent trying to brush his dick against you, desperate for any kind of stimulation. You don’t make him wait long, hesitating only to kiss the sharp line of his jaw before you angle your hips to take just the very tip of him.
“Oh god, fuck fffuck…” Levi hisses, throwing back his head to expose more of his throat to your lips. “You feel so good… so good… more… please…”
You lower yourself a little more, taking him a little deeper. You’re so turned on there’s no resistance, your pussy soaked without him laying a single finger on you. “Do you feel how wet I am?”
“Mmhhh… yeah…”
“That’s how much you turn me on.” You start to ride him slowly, barely moving your hips, keeping your body pressed to his, just how he likes it. No space between you, as close as you can possibly be. “You gonna make me cum, huh? Do you want me to cum all over your cock?”
“Yeah,” he growls, slipping his right hand between your bodies to stroke your swollen clit with his remaining fingers. He chokes out a cry as your pussy responds to his touch, clenching around his cock. He’s always been good with his fingers, and losing a couple hasn’t changed that. He still has two, and that’s all he needs.
The pleasure in your core tightens as he skillfully gets you off, your teeth grazing his lower lip as your pleasure builds in sync. You breathe the same air, hot and heavy, filled with your gasps and moans.
“You’re… so… good, Levi.” 
“Shit…” His cock throbs inside you as you praise him. “Not gonna last…” he gasps, screwing his eyes shut as his fingers curl around yours. “Gonna… cum…”
“Me too. Let me feel you cum, pretty boy.” 
That’s all it takes.
He snaps his jaw shut, growling through his teeth as his cock pulses inside you. “Fuckfuckfuckfuuuuckk… oh fuck, baby.” His fingers squeeze yours with ferocious intensity, a remnant of that preternatural Ackerman strength. The sinews in his neck strain as he grinds out, “I’m cumming, I’m c-umm-ing… fuuucck…”
You’re right behind him, your pussy milking his cock as throbbing pleasure rocks through you. He crushes his lips to yours, his muffled cries humming in your throat; his kiss sloppy and feral before he pulls back and just breathes you in. You ride the waves of your orgasms together, his forehead pressed to yours, his fingers stroking the back of your hand.
His growls turn to hiccups of laughter as he comes back down to earth, pulling you down to his lips once more where he kisses you gently between smiles. “Thank you.”
“Was that good?”
“It was incredible. You’re incredible.” He releases a shaking breath. “Fuck.”
“Let me get you cleaned up, yeah?”
He nods, pursing his lips to push out a breath. “Yeah…”
As much as he loves to fuck you, he adores what comes after; the comfort and security of your consideration, the warmth of the washcloth on his cock and thighs, the gentle kisses you place on his cheeks as you hold him, stroking his hair as he lays his head on your chest and your breaths fall in sync. 
 It’s all he could ever ask for, and everything he never thought to. He’s safe, adored, and happy. With you. 
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
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pair : levi x fem!reader
warning(s) : pregnant sex, pregnancy (obviously), fingering, a lil vanilla, breeding, cream-pie, squirting, a lil degradation, humiliation , takes place during the paradis vs. marley/paradis invading marley arc
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levi skillfully scribbles his signature on another report before grabbing the corner of the paper to set it in his finished pile of work to work on the next one. he's been working nonstop all day. and the day before that, and the day before that. overall, he's just been working hard lately, but not on purpose.
for some reason, his work pile has doubled and he has no time to breathe and sit back. no time to play with your hair. no time for you at all. i guess it's expected, after all paradis has just recently basically invaded marley so there's much to report on.
he feels frustrated, though. you're currently 6 months pregnant, and the only times he can really see you is when he passes by you in the hallway, at meetings, or at bedtime when you are basically half-asleep, body tired from all the heavy stress the baby puts on you.
not only are you emotional due to all of the pregnancy hormones, but you've also been having to take time off from your duty as a soldier/captain, which hit hard because it made you feel useless. and not only that, you can't even really see levi any of these days. he imagines how miserable you must feel.
suddenly, the door to his office is creaked open, followed by soft pats of feet walking towards him. he turns his head around to look at the intruder, only to be met by the relieving sight of you. he raises his eyebrow in confusion, "...it's really late, aren't you tired? you should go to bed." he urges, a little concerned. you're wearing nothing but a flimsy white nightgown and slippers. you have a light brown cloak draped over your shoulders for comfort. if he looked close enough, he could see the outline of your body underneath. the slippers are a little smaller than your feet, so he assumes they are his. how cute, he thinks.
you don't respond to any of his words. you waddle over to him, and when you finally reach him, you lean down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. "i miss you, i can't go to bed without you lev'." you pout, eyes full yearning and love. he sighs, today he'll let you off for not going to bed on time. "i know. i miss you too." he replies, hand taking yours so he can place a chaste kiss on the back of your hand.
"no.. not in that way.." you whisper out. levi looks up at you once more, eyebrows raised in confusion. why is your face so red? are you sick? should he call a doctor? his eyes widen with surprise when you take his hand in yours, guiding it down underneath your short dress to your core. you place his index and middle finger against your panty clad pussy. he can literally feel your heat, throbbing with want.
oh, he thinks. he just realized the two of you have yet to even have sex in almost a month. "oh.. i'm sorry y/n." he pitifully says, scowling at your discomfort. "can we..?" you mutter, eyes tearing up. "i want it - you. really bad." you sniffle.
he softly smiles at your desperation. without another word, he pushes your cotton panties to the side, index finger finding your clit, rubbing soft circles. you moan out the contact, arm coming to support yourself on his chair. "lev'.." you cry when his middle finger finds your pulsating hole, slowly entering. his fingers continue playing with your pussy, not long afterwords does he slide his ring finger in as well.
he's teasing you. his fingers slowly pump in and out of you, dragging them in so deep but not deep enough like usual to rub against that spot. "levi.." you cry out, "stop teasing me. please, i need you." this is your breaking point, tears finally flowing down your cheeks.
he lets out a tch at your whining before he suddenly pulls out his fingers, ignoring your cries of displeasure. he places his hands on your waist to guide you on his lap. "you're so pitiful." he says, hands undoing his belt and fly so he could pull his cock out. he pumps it lightly before guiding it to your sopping pussy, sighing with relief when his tip pushes in your warm embrace.
your back arches with that. his hands pull your hips into him slowly before you're taking all of him. hip to hip, he connects his lips with yours, hand coming up to support the back of your nape. he supposes that since your pregnant n'all, he'll be nice and do all the work for you. what a gentleman.
he pulls away, letting you limp your silly head into his shoulder as he rocks his hips into yours. his ears listen to the sounds of your lewd cunt slosh with every thrust of his. "you're so wet. i've barely done anything. kinda shameful of you." he teases, free hand coming to grip at your thigh.
he feels your adorable baby bump rub against his stomach as he rocks into you, hand traveling upwards from your thigh to your bump to rub soft circles. he smiles with pride, your bump has gotten bigger. that must mean it's healthy right? healthy and well-grown.
"how are you going to be a good mother when your pregnant and so desperate for cock?" he bluntly said. "can't even go without a month of cock so you have to interrupt my work and beg me to touch you." you whine at his words, shoulders lightly shaking as you sob in pleasure. "no.. i'm a good mommy. just missed you."
he picks up his pace suddenly, thrusting his hard cock into your cunt so deeply he's finally giving in to your whines and hitting that spot. "no, you just missed my cock, like a bitch in heat." he hisses, eyes clenching shut when he feels your pussy pulsate around him. you're so sensitive, you're practically sucking him in.
he grunts when he feels his orgasm near. "bet you wanna be bred again." he taunts, "bet you wanna be bred so well, like a bitch, hm?" he questions. it wasn't much of a question, though. he already knew your answer.
like clockwork, you instantly shake your head, mindlessly babbling words of affirmation and pleas. "yesh- i wanna." you mewl, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm hits you when he assaults your sensitive spot so roughly. "of course a whore like you would." he spits out. "can't even make a full sentence because of your stupid mommy brain."
suddenly, he's forcing you to take him as deep as possible as he cums deep inside you, burly hands gripping your hips down. you squeal at the sudden fullness, and before you realize it, you're squirting all over his lap. creating a sloppy mess over his thighs and lower abdomen.
he catches his breath, body stilling as you're limp in his arms. "damn brat." he pants, hand coming to rub soothing circles into your sore back. he places a sweet kiss to your shoulder. he'll remember to set up another office rendezvous again.
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if you like my work, please leave a like and repost with tags :)
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Levi hasn’t had much experience with intimacy. He craves it, but doesn’t know how to ask for it. Which is why you constantly find him slipping beside you, wordless as he seeks out your warmth. You never question him, only hold him.
Levi, who loves that he never has to ask for your touch. You rub his back, his head, the spot between his brows that only relaxes under your fingertips. He loves even more that you take your time, kissing his forehead and cheeks before going for his lips.
Levi could kiss you for hours. It's one of the few things he can truly lose himself in. Honestly, he could just kiss you and be a very happy man, but when you both start aching below the waist he can't help but want more of you.
Levi loves how you both gently peel each other's clothes off. He loves that you run your fingers across his scars and kiss them gently. It makes him feel handsome. He returns the favor for you, kissing all the spots he loves and giving extra attention to any spot he knows you're self conscious off.
Levi, who loves it the most when you take things slow. Your breath hitching every time he presses inside you never gets old. He rolls his hips against you, not fucking to chase a high but to feel you. Eye contact is so incredibly intimate for him, so he looks in your eyes the entire time. His head leaning into your hand every time you brush hair out of his eyes, so you end up just holding his cheek the whole time.
Levi, who half the time enjoys your release more than his own. He loves the look on your face when you cum, how your lip fall open and your eyes crinkle. His name breathless and dripping from your lips is the sweetest sound he's ever heard. He never lasts long after he watches you, his cock throbbing as he fill you.
Levi, who almost (almost) loves the aftercare more. He loves to stay inside you while you hold each other. He loves how warm you are and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. Most of all, he loves how safe he feels with you.
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l3visthighs · 14 days
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Slow dancing in the Captains office 💞
Commission art by @catyypss
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loveackermannn · 8 months
i think a really sweet and subtle detail about levi is that it's very rare when he smiles, but around you, there is an ever-so-slight change in his usual, unmoving expression that anyone (especially erwin) can recognize.
he doesn't necessarily smile, but more, his facial features soften upon seeing you enter a room. his brows don't crease as much and his narrowing gaze relaxes the moment you make eye contact with him – the fondness in the way he looks at you is makes it seem like the rest of the world doesn't exist. his muscles relax almost immediately and his doesn't even realize how clenched his jaw is until he allows himself to let it go loose.
and when erwin teasingly confronts him about the matter, he merely just scoffs, denying any that it was even remotely possible for him to feel any sort of attraction to you.
but deep down, erwin knew all too well.
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☆ — 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @saenora , @youre-ackermine , @lovolee3 , @notgoodforlife , @averysmolbear , @bejewelledd , @leviismybby , @evas-leslas , @roseofdarknessblog @cometlevi , @21aurora , @leviykwim (! ! 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐠𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝💌)
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happybird16 · 1 year
"Mhmm," you murmur, eyes fluttering before falling closed yet again.
Something is softly brushing along the top of your head, smoothing small circles into your scalp through your hair. The touch is featherlight. Warm. Fingers?
Heavy with sleep, your eyes slide open yet again. Your brain feels foggy, limbs heavy with lassitude. You nuzzle into your pillow, the white fabric oddly stiff against your cheek. It's firm too. Wait? Why is it warm?
"W-what?" voice rough from sleep, you move to rise. The hand softly caressing your hair slides down to your neck, the fingers applying light pressure.
"Shh," comes a soft voice, warm fingers sliding up to caress your cheek. "It's fine, it's just me."
"Levi?" As fingers shift to wind through the hair along the back of your head, you twist to meet his silvery gaze. His eyes are heavy lidded, gaze raw with open fondness.
"I fell asleep.." Right in his lap it seems, your nose nuzzled into the crease on his thigh. You spy the book you'd been reading, carefully closed with a bright red book mark poking out from the slightly yellowed pages. It rests on the small coffee table not far from the couch. You don't even remember where you'd left off.
"No shit," Levi huffs softly, petting along the top of your head. "You've been snoring in my lap for an hour."
"I don't snore.." you insist half-heartedly.
"You do," Levi smirks down at you, his thumb sliding along your cheek in a quick swipe. "Sounds like a fucking barn animal. Your heads as heavy as one too."
"Lies," you laugh. Your whole body still feels heavy, limbs distant and hazy along your senses. You yawn, chin pressing into the firm muscle of his thigh. "I'm sorry I feel asleep."
The two of you have been taking turns reading though an old book. A romance, soft and sweet. A surprising choice for such a stern man, though he'd made the excuse that he was inexperienced with reading more flowery vocabulary.
Levi shrugs, "You were exhausted. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow."
Yawning again, you nuzzle your cheek back into his thigh. You're so warm, resting heavily on his lap. Eyes still heavy, the fingers softly petting into your hair threaten to make you drift off again. Your mind already feels hazy.
"Go back to sleep," Levi hums. His gaze seems dark, the fondness in his eyes shadowed by exhaustion. You can see the telling tightness in the corners of his eyes. The slight wrinkle of his brow as he smiles softly down at you. He's tired too.
You're so comfy and warm. Your limbs feels so heavy you don't know if you could move if you wanted to. You don't want to get up but... "Do you want to go to bed?"
"Mhmm," he hums, fingers sliding across your forehead. They smooth though your loose bangs, softly dragging along your forehead to tuck the strands behind your ear. The very tip of your ear buzzes warm even after his fingertips leave. "Not tonight."
He doesn't want to move either. The thought fills your chest with a surge of warmth. "Thought my head was too heavy?"
"Shush," he replies with a small huff, eyes warm.
Eyes threatening to flutter closed, you nuzzle your cheek into his thigh. He smells nice too. He always does. Rich and clean, masculine without the salty tang of sweat. Like soap, standard issue sandalwood, and something rich and uniquely Levi. With a large inhale, you let the smell bathe your already heavy senses.
Eyes barely open, just a tired sliver, you meet his gaze again. With a wide yawn, you eye his slackened posture. The usual ramrod stiffness of his spine has given way to a light slouch, a rare sight. Levi yawns right back in response. "Are you gunna sleep too?"
"If the snoring animal doesn't keep me up," he responds. Your lips twist somewhere between a pout and a frown and Levi smirks down at you again. Fingertips massaging soothing circles into your scalp, his voice is assuredly soft, "I'll try."
"Promise?" You worry about his sleeping habits. He's been doing better lately, especially since you gotten together, but it's obvious he struggles. You aren't exactly sure how much he sleeps, how often he fakes it for your comfort. Maybe this position will work better, perhaps the familiarity of sitting up will help him.
Having your head in his lap, his fingers thoughtlessly playing with your hair, seems to have relaxed him at least.
Levi only hums in response. "Close your eyes." The words are firm yet featherlight, the fingers winding along your scalp applying slightly more pressure. They urge you to twist your head away, your gaze falling from his heavy lidded dark silver, nose pressing into the crease of his thighs again.
Eyes falling closed, bathed in his rich, comforting scent, heavy and encompassed in warmth, Levi pets long smooth lines along the top of your head. Soft, he urges, "Just sleep for me, Love. I'll try. I promise."
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dreamtuna · 5 months
You’re lying next to Levi in bed, the covers pushed back so they’re pooled around your ankles. The cool night air tickles your skin now that it was getting colder. You had tried to pull them up over you but like usual he had demanded this. He’s propped up on his elbow, his other hand wandering up and down your chest. Gentle, teasing. His nails barely graze your skin. He lightly squeezes your breast but his gaze never leaves yours. He loves the way your cheeks flush with warmth, the way your lips part slightly for him, the way the softest gasp leaves you. But he loves your eyes most of all. His thumb plays with your nipple, flicking lightly over it in slow, deliberate motions. You can’t help but push your breasts towards him. Your subconscious demands more.
But just as you’re really getting into it his hand starts to trail away. Fingers ghost down your stomach. It tickles ever so slightly, your body jerking away, punctuated with more soft gasps.
He chuckles.
Oh… You can’t help but freeze at such a beautiful, rare sound. Your breath catches in your throat and you realise you’d do anything to hear it again. He’s always like music to you, but the beautiful melody of his laugh just makes you melt. You must really be blessed because you had been hearing it a lot more recently. Just for you.
Your eyes are locked with his. His scars are barely visible in the shadows his face is hidden in, but his eye twinkles at you. Your core feels like it’s going to erupt. You’ve been shifting your hips towards him without even realising it, only noticing when his firm grasp falls on you and halts your motions. You want him so badly, but he is always so insistent on taking it slow. He’s not used to the world now, the idea of peace strange and unfamiliar to him, but with you he can savour every moment. Only with you.
Your hands reach out to his chin, tilting his head slightly so the light better catches his features. His brows begin to furrow but before he can complain you close the distance and kiss him gently.
You would wait an eternity for his touch as long as you could spend it right beside him like this.
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thinking about levi tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and looking at you with a soft look in his eyes, before mumbling into your ear that you'd see him again soon right before he embarks on an expedition when you're worried
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jjkeremika · 4 months
AoT who are rough when intimate with you (and Hard Claws)
Levi, Mikasa, Eren, Hange, Reiner, Jean
x fem!reader
description: AoT characters who are rough during intimacy… on purpose or accidental… that’s up to their own discretion (and whether or not you believe them)
(AoT who are soft when intimate with you (Soft Paws))
**VERY nsfw**
warning/disclaimer(s): face slapping; face fucking; bruises; orgasm denial; overstimulation; ignores you; ass/pussy spanking; begging
Levi Ackerman (face slapping; face fucking)
The slap across your cheek stings the most, the feeling amplified ten times by the rush of blood to the area and the direct eye contact heating up your body. You touch your hand to your rushing cheek, a light smile shared between you and Levi.
Levi stands bare in front of you tauntingly, proudly, his hand outstretched like it might collide with your face again, as you stoically sit on your knees. “What, baby?” he asks deeply, aggressively, “Still have something to say?”
You share a knowing smirk, whispering, “I think you already know,” and whimpering as he takes a demanding step forward and wraps a fist in your hair. You peer up at Levi with hooded eyes and a barely open mouth with your tongue peeking out.
He groans gutturally, his jaw clenching in sexual frustration as he grabs the base of his eager cock and angles the tip to your lips, letting the beads of bitter precum meet your tastebuds. You eagerly engulf him in your mouth, your slapped cheek stinging from the stretch, and you choke on a giggle as he thrusts his hips in and out, holding your hair and matching his thrusts.
Mikasa Ackerman (leaves bruises, breaks skin)
She’s an Ackerman; the roughness comes with the territory. You know that, you like that, but she is oblivious to her own strength, her fingernails digging into your thighs too deeply and her teeth marking your skin too harshly every time.
You gasp at the sharp pain of her fingernails imbedding into the skin of your thigh, and your eyes close tight and a whimper escapes as her fingers roughly push against your spongy insides. She picks up the speed of her fingers thrusting in and out of you as she salivates at the fluid seeping out of you.
“Ahh, Mikasa!” you shout when she tucks her nose between your legs, harshly bites your inner thigh before lapping gleefully at your stimulated muscles. Mikasa hums in response, digging one hand’s fingernails into your butt cheek and smacking the other.
She kisses and bites from your pussy to your neck, roughly holding your wrists above your head with one hand and tweaking your nipples with the other. You can feel the bruises forming as she runs her fingers up and down the curve of your spine, as she tells you, “Stay still,” massages your ass, and nips at your hips.
Eren Jaeger (orgasm denial)
“E-Er-Eren,” you moan, small tears forming in the corner of your eyes at the burning feeling brewing in your abdomen, “p-please, I… I…”
You tilt your neck and stare pleadingly at Eren, who rests at the foot of the bed with his chin resting in his hands. He smirks, a glinting flame in his eyes as they roam your naked, sweaty, begging body. You move to sit upright, and he abruptly sits up, clicks his tongue admonishingly and points back to the bed with his index finger.
You groan and fall back to the sheets as he starts to slowly crawl over you, gracing your thigh with two very light fingers from the knee to the hip. He tsks, a devilish smirk lighting up his face, “Oh, no, baby… I haven’t said you could move yet.”
Eren catches your hand snaking down to your crotch and his hand quickly snatched out, gripping your wrist tightly and pressing it into the mattress. His smirk drops to a glaring squint, but his eyes sparkle with that same amusement. “I said no touching.”
Hange Zoe (overstimulates/ignores you)
“Ha-Hang-Hange, st-stah!” you cry out, biting into the pillow instead of screaming, Hange’s long fingers and nails poking and prodding inside your vagina and stretching out the muscles to its extent.
Hange rubs their hand up and down your spine, playing with each bony nub between three fingers as they curiously poke and thrive in the spongy, foreign organ. “N’aww, sweetie, it’s okay,” they coo, smiling wide with excitement as they stare intently at the liquid leaking around their fingers, lubricating them further, “you’re doing so well. Almost there.”
You loosely anchor one hand into the mattress and awkwardly push the other out behind you, trying to swipe their fingers away, the feeling becoming too much.
They grabbed your forearm and held it to your back, pressing down firmly to hold you in place as you squirmed away from their thrusting fingers, picking up speed as they lost themselves in the bending of your spine.
Reiner Braun (ass/pussy spanking)
“Fuck, baby, have you learned your lesson yet?” Reiner huffs, his hand painfully colliding with your already red cheeks, his bare and leaky cock inching threateningly close to your tempting and presenting labia.
He wants an answer, some half-gasp hearty moan that drags his dick alongside your meek backwards grip. His sore hand collides with your pussy lips, a wet echo vibrating in all directions, then immediately smacks a wet, white outline onto your pink asscheek. “Did that hurt?” He’s verging more breathless than you. “Do you want me to give you something that does?”
You cry out as his hand connects with the sore nerves two more times, shouting, “Yes, yes, I’ve learnt—I’ll behave! I’ll behave!” in a lag, your brain aching for less time lost to processing the throbbing numbness spiraling out.
Reiner smiles against the thin skin on your back, blindly thrusting his hips and grazing his teeth against your spine as your aching muscles catch the tip.
Jean Kirsten (begging)
Jean wants you to beg for it, wants you to whine and bend by any means necessary to convince him to continue, to touch you again.
The overwhelming heat that builds in his gut as he fucks inside you, watching your eyes squeeze shut as he manhandled your bouncing breasts—he needs to pull out before his vision blurs and he cums prematurely.
He fixates on your crying parted lips and twists your nipple as he stops at the apex, rips away all physical contact and gasps over you. He smirks devilishly and hovers his body over yours, negotiating the threat of falling into you.
“Jean, please,” it’s a breathy plea, but you know it will eventually work, “don’t stop—why are you stopping? I need you.” You held his head between your hands and pushed his nose to your cleavage, his teeth just grazing the red hot nerves. “Please—gah, please, Jean, baby, plea—aHH—”
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synnlyrose · 3 months
Say It
Levi Ackerman 🩶
{T.W ‼️ LevixReader. A bit of SoftDom Levi. Pussy touching, neck kisses. Light Smut, but smut nonetheless, Levi calls reader "my dear". Naughty words. Read at own risk.// .MDNI.)
Kind of edited--kinda not 🤷🏽‍♀️
😁 did I tag it right this time?? Did I miss anything? Feed back is much appreciated! And thank all you for the likes on my writing! ~Syn~
Rough finger pads didn't always equate rough touches. The sensation of Levi's finger tips ghosting up your thigh was enough to make you shiver. It always amazed you how the harsh and blunt Captain could manage to be so gentle with you.
Your pretty innocent eyes fluttered up into his dark ones. Your hand wandering up his forearm, tracing the small tattoo that was placed in the crook of his elbow. His skin was warm and inviting.
Levi's face moved towards your neck, placing his soft lips against the warm clammy skin. Goosebumps followed in their absence. Levi let his fingers roam closer and closer to the hem of your skirt, he swallowed in your ear before he spoke, his voice a low husky whisper.
"Tell me what you want my dear..." He purred so effortlessly in to your earlobe making you bite your lip in a mixture of awed frustration. His hand encased the edge of your skirt as he pulled it up around your waist, using that same hand to part your thighs. "I need to hear you say it, Y/n..."
Levi's voice alone could make you submit but yet you held your ground. Levi could sense the defiance in your actions and it made him chuckle in a titillating manner as he sucked in a sharp breath, bringing his lips back to your ear lobe. Levi was a patient man and had no quarrels with getting you to stop being so bratty no matter how long it took. He knew it only made you needier in the end and gave him all the excuses in the world to tease you, until you broke.
"Y/n..." He exhaled, letting his lips press against your ear, as his fingers delicately dug into your skin. "You know, acting like a brat has never gone in your favor...I don't know why you constantly try to defy me..." He finished, his breath hot and heavy rolling through your ear drums like liquid hot honey. Leaving behind a slight tickling feeling, making your entire body hum to life.
His racy threat had you whimpering as he got the natural reaction out of you and you glanced up from where his fingers rested on your thigh up to his lips, before his eyes.
Levi had a swaggering little smirk on his face, as he brought his free finger up to tap your lips as he spoke, his smirk pulling into a full on toothsome grin.
"I know you're wet, my dear, I can smell your arousal from here..." Levi continued to tease the touch of filth in his voice didn't go unnoticed as a tremor ripped through you adding even more arousal to your core.
"Use your words..." Levi coached again, digging his nails into your skin as he dragged his fingers upwards towards your pelvic area, using two of his fingers to hold your skirt back, two of his digits, swiping lazily across your pulsating clit.
That one little touch of his fingers had your eyes going wide. You watched his wrist, with focused eyes, you watched it move back and forth devastatingly slow as Levi teased you.
There was something about him that was so...aphrodisiacal. Alluring. Addicting. Maybe it was the way he always remained so calm, even when annoyed? Or how unbroken his movements were when he pleased you? Or how handsome his face was when he was buried deep inside of you? He always remained glacial, yet he couldn't fight back the tiny pants and groans that escaped out of him as he pounded into you. His steamy remarks that kept your toes curling and eyes merely focused on his. His voice always cool yet lewd as he coaxed you into watching his cock slide in and out of you.
Stoic but nasty and he always drove you to the brink of sexual madness, nymphomania. He managed to create a insatiable hunger for him and him only. It drove its way so deep into your core, that your stomach tingled at the mere idea of Levi having his way with you.
"Y/n?" That same cool tone pulled you back to reality as another sharp swipe across your clit had you gasp slightly. Your lips trembled as you finally spoke up, "Please, Levi, take me..." the erogenous desperation in your voice made Levi smirk.
And he did just that~
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