#so thet don't know about the history and stuff of liyue
chquine · 3 years
Memory Lane
So I um... Lost ideas on how to do day 30 which was sketching so I moved on to day 31, which is this one. XD Day 29 is here. After this I'll work on my OCxKaeya fic and then maybe go back to my Pyro AgentxElectro Cicin thing. XD
The usual disclaimer applies.
After regaining your bearings and trying out the waypoint at Guyun, you found that the furthest it could teleport you at was the Stone Gate.
"Might as well stop for some tea," you muttered.
"Yes that was a challenging ordeal."
Your hand automatically went to your sword; prepared to fight back, but remembered that you now had the company of one Osial. He chuckled at your sudden alertness.
"Apologies. I did not mean to startle you."
"I'm not used to travelling with others," you offered sheepishly. Still convinced that he was a powerful adeptus, and knowing that there were dire consequences awaiting those who refused them, you agreed to enter into a contract with him. In exchange for bringing him to Mondstadt and showing him around, he would not bring you harm. Once you had brought him to all of the noteworthy sights in Mondstadt, the contract will end. You had mentally gone through the itinerary and surmised that, at the least, the contract would last for two months.
"Well allow me to commiserate. It has been a considerable amount of time since I last journeyed with others." He gazed up to the towering mountains on both sides of the makeshift outpost separating Liyue from Mondstadt. "Well then, shall we have tea?"
"Oh um... Yes."
"No need to be so stiff," Osial gently said. "It feels less like an adventure and more like a chore if you treat and address me with such distance."
"I thought adeptus were..." you paused, searching for the appropriate word, "rigid when it came to things like these."
"For some, that is the case. However, I find that tedious and conventional."
In your mind, contracts were tedious and conventional but that was Liyue's way of living. Their Archon, despite his retirement, was the embodiment of contracts and the people embodied that. Perhaps you were a bit too naïve in thinking that way? The more you gave it some thought, the more you felt that agreeing to enter into a contract with this adeptus was a good thing.
The two of you sat on one of the bamboo benches as a kind old man gave you some tea.
"Pardon me, sir." Osial cordially greeted the old man. "But could Sal Terrae possibly be close by?"
"Ah yes. You can see it if you climb high enough." The old man glanced at him from head to toe. "Is this your first time here, young man?"
"Yes. I'm quite excited. I'm leaving Liyue for the first time."
"Ah. That's good," the old man smiled cordially. "It's always good to explore other places. Especially if you have some youth left in you."
The two made small talk before eventually Osial walked to the table with a sliced sunsettia to accompany his tea.
"Sal Terrae?"
He nodded and smiled. "Once home to the God of Salt, Havria and her subjects."
He met your eyes and they seemed like still waters: unperturbed and unmoving. "The Archon war was a difficult time. Gods fought against each other for a seat at the heavens. If one were as small as Havria, death was at all times within arm's reach." Osial sipped his tea silently and you followed his example, hissing when you burnt your tongue. He glanced at you, smiled sympathetically, and offered a slice of sunsettia.
You sucked on the juicy fruit and while it only alleviated the numbing pain for a time, you appreciated its sweetnees. "So she's a dead god?"
"Like many others, yes. It was survival of the fittest, you see. Havria did not have what was needed to survive at the time. That is not to say that she paled in comparison to others when it came to lingering desires."
A bitter tang hit your tongue as you unconsciously gnawed on the fruit's rind. You brought the tea to your lips and gently blew on it. Osial was also silent, gazing searchingly at his reflection on the tea. You wondered what he was looking for and decided to drop the formality:
"Were you one of the strong uh... Gods? Adeptus?"
Osial's face broke into a grin. "Yes I am. Things have changed quite a lot since I was last awake, so I cannot be sure if my power is still sufficient at this time."
"With the way you tossed those Ruin Guards like they were nothing, I really can't say it's not sufficient."
"You give me too much credit, my dear adventurer," he chuckled. "I can only wield a fraction of what I used to be able to control. Perhaps that is for the best."
You recall the overwhelming sensation that gripped you back at Guyun. It was milder now, but thinking about how this was only part of his actual power was frightening.
"Worry not. I will abide by the contract," Osial finished his tea and finished the rest of the sunsettia slices before you could blink. "And I am quite enjoying myself."
His eyes met yours again. You drowned in the fathomless depths of his eyes, but strangely, it did not feel like a bad thing.
"Well then I hope you're ready to take a good look at Mondstadt. I have quite a bit planned."
Osial chuckled. "I look forward to it."
Part 2 to my first Osialxreader oneshot which (shameless plug) can be found here. XD
Thanks for reading!
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