#so so pretty hyuuu!!
starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 034 - Vampire pt. 4: Anathema
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Summary: Allen and Lavi dig up some graves and begin to realize they've misapprehended the situation.
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ④: Anathema
♦ 138
Krory: Grandfather. Krory: I had already given up. Krory: I am destined to live and die within this castle. Krory: The townspeople hate me, and there is no one willing to be my friend.
♦ 139
Krory: ...It isn't as if any of that is new, of course. sfx: boroh [tears well up and spill over] Krory: W— Krory: What am I weeping for!? sfx: gushi gushi [grumbling and muttering] Krory: My darling Eliade will be with me forever, after all. Krory: Grandfather... Krory: Is this your curse? Krory: To bind me, when I'd always yearned for the outside world and seemed ready to defy your wishes? Krory: Did you make a monster of me?
♦ 140
sfx: DON [the floor suddenly collapses under him] Krory: !? sfx: gogogo [chunks of stone falling all around him] Krory: What's this!?
sfx: gara gara [stones clattering down] sfx: gashih [two hands reach over the edge of a shattered wall and grip tight]
♦ 141
sfx: GABA [Allen and Lavi drag themselves up over the broken edge of the wall] Allen & Lavi: GAHAH
Lavi: D-Damn, we're good...!! Lavi: Thought we were goners. Really thought that was it for us. sfx: zehh haa zehh haa [Lavi panting hard] sfx: kuu itehh [Allen wincing, ouch] Allen: Even from an explosion... Allen: These special coats are really something...
Lavi: Mind if I hurl? Got hit in the gut. sfx: oeeeehh [barfing] sfx: gero gero [gagging]
Allen: ! Allen: Lavi!
Lavi: Ngyeah?
sfx: hyuuu [a view has opened up from their new position; they're looking out over a yard full of rough wooden crosses]
♦ 142
Allen: ...It's a graveyard.
Lavi: Pretty shitty graves. Lavi: Pest in reace.1 Lavi: For pets, maybe?
Allen: ......! Allen: Could this be... where the abducted townsmen are buried?
Lavi: Huh?
Allen: That woman, Eliade, said back there that she was on her way to bury Franz, didn't she? sfx: saku [footstep] Allen: Besides, look...
♦ 143
Allen: There are eight of them. Lavi: Ew.
Allen: That's how many victims the mayor said there've been.
Lavi: Mm? Lavi: Didn't he say there were nine?
Allen: The first one evaporated, though, right...?
sfx: pakin [he pats a cross with his hand and it instantly breaks into pieces] Allen: Ah—
Lavi: Yikes, you broke it!
Allen: Oh no, Allen: but I barely touched it!! Allen, side: I'm so sorry! Allen: ! Allen: Lavi, take a look at this!
Lavi: Hm?
sfx: zah zah [Allen scraping dirt off the grave with his hands]
Allen: Look...!
Lavi: !?
♦ 144
Allen:: There are pentacles rising to the surface! Lavi: The Akuma blood virus.
Allen: Could it be... Allen: that those buried here were Akuma...!? sfx: zah [Lavi squats by another cross] Lavi, side: Ah... Lavi: More pentacles over here. Lavi: Which reminds me: when those flowers ate Franz, Lavi: there were pentacles there too, right...? Lavi: Which means that maybe they...
♦ 145
Allen: ...were consuming an Akuma...!?
Allen & Lavi: ......
Allen: ...Let's dig them up, Lavi.
Lavi, side: Urgh. Lavi: ...Only way to be sure, right?
Allen: We may have been labouring under a great misunderstanding here...
♦ 146
sfx: tsuka tsuka [Eliade walking briskly, chunky heels clicking on the marble floor] Eliade: Those little cockroaches might have survived that. sfx: butsu butsu [muttering to herself] Eliade: I have to tell Lord Arystar right away. Eliade: Let them live? Never. Eliade, small: Especially that pasty brat!!! Eliade: I can't let Arystar escape from this castle!!2
sfx: batan! [she throws open the door to with dramatic force] Eliade: Lord Arystar!
Krory: !
Painting: FELL DOWN
Krory: Eliade?
sfx: uru uru [wibble] Eliade: O-Ooh...
Krory: W-What's the matter?!
Eliade: Men calling themselves "Exorcists" have come to kill you, Lord Arystar... sfx: wa-n [she throws herself into his arms] Eliade: They attacked me...
♦ 147
Eliade: They've burned up the flowers in the central stairway... Eliade: I was so frightened. sfx: samezame [weeping bitterly]
Krory: What!? Krory: Grandfather's precious heirlooms... How dare they...
Eliade: Please fight back, Lord Arystar.
Krory: Eh? Krory: Er... Krory: But if I...
Eliade: But they'll kill us!! Eliade: You are a vampire. Humanity already sees you only as an enemy. sfx: guh [she grabs his head and pulls his face down into the crook of her neck] Eliade: Drink just a little of my blood. You must.
Krory: !!
♦ 148
Eliade: If you do, you can become a powerful vampire...
sfx: zawa zawa [Krory shudders, racked with chills]
Eliade: Just a little, all right? Eliade: Not enough to kill me. Eliade: So that we can live together in this castle forever. Eliade: ...Please?
Townsman, flashback: The vampire! Townsman, flashback: Any closer and we'll put a stake through your heart!
♦ 149
Townsman, flashback: Stay back!! Monster!!
Krory: Eliade is all I have left now, Grandfather...
Child!Krory: Sob, hiccup... sob
sfx: GAFU!! [chomp]
♦ 150
sfx: zah zah zah zah [shovelling] sfx: gakon [thunk]
Allen:...Found it.
sfx: gakon [a crude wooden coffin lies at their feet]
Lavi: Here we go.
sfx: fu— ha— [breathing hard]
Allen: Nothing for it.
Allen & Lavi: ......
♦ 151
Allen & Lavi: Rock, paper, scissors! sfx: bah [they throw their hands; Lavi has rock, Allen scissors]
Lavi, side: Woohoo!
Allen: All right then... sfx: PAM [he claps his hands together in front of his face, a workmanlike prayer]
Lavi, side: Gofrit!3
Allen: Please forgive me!
sfx: paki paki paki [wood groaning, creaking, splitting as Allen pries the lid off] Allen: Huh. It's brittle.
sfx: gii [creak as the lid finally comes up]
♦ 152
Allen: ......
Lavi: The skin has all rotted off. Lavi: It's an Akuma.
♦ 153
Lavi: They're all Akuma... Lavi: When the skin rotted off, the stuff inside started leaking out. sfx: garan [surrounded by open coffins] Lavi, side: It reeks.
Allen: The Baron was attacking Akuma... Allen: If he was only attacking Akuma, then...?
Lavi: We're not vampire-slaying at all. Lavi: Krory's actually...
♦ 154
Allen: La— Allen: Lavi!!
sfx: go [something hits Lavi from behind]
Lavi: !
sfx: BAAN [it's Krory, and he's thrown Lavi into the stone wall]
♦ 155
Krory: ...So it's you two.
Allen: ......
Krory: You've made me angry.
Allen: We aren't here simply to slay a vampire...? Allen: Baron... Allen: Baron Arystar Krory, the vampire, Allen: might actually...
Krory: Die, Exorcists.
Allen: ...be one of ours.
♦ 156
『Lounge』vol. 5
Q. What do you think of Lenalee's peekaboo skirt, Allen?
Allen: Men love miniskirts, but I do sometimes wonder if she's warm enough.
Q. Every Exorcist's uniform has a different design. Are they made to order?
Allen: Correct. The Science Division makes them, but they do ask everyone what they'd like beforehand. In my case, Tim has been getting bigger by the day, so I asked for a hood he can hide in. It was fine when he was tiny, but we'd started to get a lot of strange looks from people on the road. (※ It's actually more to hide Allen's white hair.)
Q. Regarding the author's note on volume 2, what is the name of the cat catching Timcanpy there?
Allen: Ah, yes, isn't it cute? A very cute kitty. [trumpet fanfare] That's Hoshino's beloved pet Koro-chan.
Q. How much chocolate came in on Valentine's day? Who got the most?
Allen: There were 115 of them. I got the most. [grin] Cheers very much.
Ahh, seems we've run out of time, so that's a wrap on the Lounge for now. It's been good to talk to you all. Talk again soon!
Reciting the nembutsu is a little ritual in Japanese Buddhism, generally done in times of stress to ask for strength or composure. You've probably seen a character say "Namu Amida Bu(tsu)" or something similar over a grave elsewhere in anime and manga; it's roughly equivalent in this context to "rest in peace".
Lavi, however, says "Nani Maida Bu", scrambling it like he's repeating something he's heard someone else say and misremembering how it goes. [ ♠ ]
I believe some previous translations had this line as "Arystar mustn't let them escape from the castle", which does make sense in context but is not correct.
The line is アレースタアをこの城から逃がすわけにはいかない Arystar wo kono shiro kara nogasu wake ni wa ikanai. Krory is the object of that sentence, the one who must not be allowed to escape.
Like all Akuma, Eliade knows all about Exorcists and Innocence. She knows exactly what Krory's teeth are, and knows that if the visiting Exorcists realize that he's an Accommodator, they'll take him away from the castle, away from her.
It's very much a mashup of Beauty and the Beast and vampire folklore in the way that Lala and Guzol were a mashup of Koi no Omoni and Parsifal, with the roles similarly rearranged and subverted. Eliade is both a beauty and a beast, both serving him as his attendant and imprisoning him within the castle. He, too, is both the beast who owns the castle and the beauty yearning to escape it. All of it, of course, complicated by love. [ ♠ ]
Similar to #1, instead of gamba(tte) "do your best/go for it", Lavi says gamuba, which doesn't mean anything. Perhaps the explosion scrambled his brains a bit? [ ♠ ]
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